Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 1103 The decisive moment (two in one)

"I have a way to keep these people alive for a few more decades."

If you keep hesitating, you won't get anything done. If you don't take the first step, you will never know whether it is possible or right.

But once this opportunity is missed, it will really never come back.

So Lin You planned to take action first and take the first step.

If it doesn’t work, the worst possible outcome is to delete the database and run away!

Anyway, he has the highest authority.

At this point, who can force him to do anything he doesn't want to do?

He is even prepared for the decentralization of the virtual world. Even if the worst happens, he will run away.

He upgraded the "bubble system" of the security team, and the entire Xia Jing monitoring system was also recorded when developing [Virtual Xia Jing]. Being an invisible person is really not difficult.

Xiaomeng would sometimes secretly take Sisiqiao's family to Xiajing Street to watch the excitement, and was never discovered by anyone.

Of course, this is the worst option, and the probability of it happening is close to zero.

He just wants to control the situation to prevent it from getting out of control, and he doesn't want to be a dictator. He is 80% sure that his demands will be met.

After all, no one except him has the ability to use this technology, let alone take over the system.

——If you can’t understand it, why should you take it over and copy it?

Just like He Peng now, after hearing Lin You's words, he froze on the spot, with an expression that he didn't understand.

"You just said...decades?" He Peng couldn't believe it.

"Yes, decades." Lin You nodded and confirmed, "At least."

He Peng immediately stood up straight after hearing this, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

He has realized that he may have to hear a heaven-defying technology from Lin You again.

——This is not even an adjective. To extend a few more decades for people who have reached the end of their life span is undoubtedly going against the will of heaven!

But the first question he asked Lin You was not about method, but:

"Can I record the next conversation?"

Lin You shook his head: "I trust you, so let's talk first. If it's inappropriate in the end, just pretend this conversation never happened."

He Peng understood it as soon as he heard it——

If at the end of the discussion, Lin You feels it is inappropriate, then Lin You will deny that the conversation took place, regardless of whether He Peng reports it to the police or not.

And as long as he firmly denies it, let alone no evidence, even if there is evidence, who can do anything to him?

Do we want a virtual world anymore? Do you want hibernation technology anymore? Are there any new technologies in the future?

"Understood." He Peng nodded, took out an unactivated recording pen from his pocket and handed it to Lin You, "Here you go."

"Let's talk somewhere else?"

Lin You looked around and said, "Let's chat in the car. I've finished reading the chip anyway."

"Okay." He Peng took Lin You away from here and returned to his car.

This time even Yue Pengju was kicked out of the car by He Peng.

After closing the car door, He Peng, whose heart had been beating wildly all the way, finally couldn't hold back his excitement:

"Now, tell me more?"

"It's actually very simple." Lin You said straightforwardly without any cover-up, "The patients currently hibernated by [hibernation technology] can be transformed into [digital life], getting rid of the limitations of the physical body, and transferring their thoughts and consciousness to the chip Go up."

"Chip? Graphene chip?!" He Peng was shocked, "But... does that count as still alive? It can only be considered as a copy of the virtual personality, right?"

"Graphene chips are not good." Lin You shook his head, "Graphene chips can only assist hibernation and cannot carry consciousness."

"What can truly carry consciousness is an organic chip that has both carbon-based and bio-based characteristics. I now call it: [consciousness chip]."

"Wait! Wait!" The amount of information was too much, and He Peng needed to react.

"Bio-based organic chips? Organic chips?? Wetware???"

"Also, you just said that people who are currently hibernating can be transformed. In other words, they all use organic chips?"

"In other words, you have successfully developed [consciousness chip]?!"

"How did you develop this kind of thing?!"

——This sounds like the black technology that evil scientists can develop by conducting crazy human experiments, dissecting human brains, and inserting electrodes into the brain, right? ! !

"How was it developed?" Lin You thought about a lot of questions, but he never thought about this.

But this was just a small question, and he immediately gave the answer: "One day I got inspiration while playing a game."

"After I went offline, I went to the laboratory and tried it, and then I succeeded."


He Peng felt something was wrong.

But there was no way to refute it.

Didn't Lin You use a similar method to create the original "Curving Gun"?

Now the technical content is just hundreds of times higher, and it is very reasonable to follow the precedent... what the hell! ! !

He Peng's desire to complain was overwhelming.

But he couldn't refute it, so he could only skip the question.

"Have you tried it?"

"No." Lin You said confidently.

"Then how are you sure it's okay?"

Lin You almost wanted to lie and said, "It's okay anyway," but thinking that He Peng was still one of his own, he said frankly, "I gave it half a try."

"Half?" He Peng was even more dizzy.

"Yes." Lin You reminded him, "For those who are terminally ill, hibernation only freezes their illness, but it does not cure it. The diseased areas have not changed. But guess why, they can sleep well after hibernation. , will you never be awakened by pain again?”

He Peng is a smart man. Hearing this, he immediately opened his mouth: "You mean, when they sleep, their consciousness is not in the body, but in... the chip!?"

Lin You nodded first, then shook his head: "Not all, only those patients who feel too much pain will be like this."

"In this case, the lifespan of people who are transformed into digital beings should be more than just a few decades, right? Or, will their lifespan be limited by the lifespan of the chip?"

Lin You shook his head again: "The lifespan of the consciousness chip is not a problem. Just replace it in time before it is damaged."

"The real problem is: not everyone wants to live forever. In addition, allowing all digital life to live forever will also cause serious social problems."

"Even if we limit the number of digital beings to only those who are dying of life and terminal illnesses, their number will increase as time goes by."

"Even if the conversion threshold is further raised and the number of new digital lives is limited, as long as there is only entry but no exit, this trend cannot be changed."

“This means that more and more people and resources will be needed to maintain [digital life] hardware.”

"After becoming digital beings, except for a few people who can still create value for society and find their own new value in the process, the vast majority cannot continue to create value."

"If the input far exceeds the output, then this undertaking will become a burden on society, and it will become an increasingly heavy burden!"

“We need to make [digital life] a blessing and a force for positive social development, rather than a stumbling block that drags civilization down the quagmire.”

"So - unlimited lifespan, absolutely not!"

"Ah..." He Peng was a little unable to answer the question.

In just a few minutes, he had received so many shocks that his reaction became a little slow.

You can't blame him. He just learned about things like [consciousness chip] and [digital life] two minutes ago. It's impossible to think so far so quickly.

Lin You can think so far because he has been thinking about this issue for a long time.

As a result, when discussing this issue, He Peng could only act like a silly goose, being pointed out by Lin You.

I couldn't say anything else except "Yes, yes, you're right."

He could only try to control the main line of the conversation and not deviate: "So, your idea is: transform these people who have made significant contributions to Daxia and are about to reach the end of their lives into digital lives, and in the virtual How many more decades can we live in this world?”

Lin You immediately shook his head.

"First of all: don't just live in a virtual world."

"Have you forgotten? I have been promoting Journey Prosthetics and the [mixed reality city] projects of various tourism bureaus, and you have just completed the mixed reality transformation of the Academy of Sciences and the resort."

"Digital life, in terms of form, is no different from the state after hibernation. They can also live in a mixed reality environment. They can travel in the virtual world and live in modified real places."

"Becoming a digital being will not affect their continued family life - even if it does, it will mostly have a psychological impact."

"Then the second point: it's not 'all'. For this kind of thing, you need to seek your own opinion, and not everyone may be willing to do this."

"Even if someone is willing, I will put the right of [self-cancellation] in the hands of every digital life. This will be the lowest and inalienable basic right owned by every digital life."

He Peng: "..."

"Yes, yes, you are right."

"Don't just say it's right. Think about it too. If you really want to do this, are there any risks that I haven't considered?"

"This..." He Peng was a little confused.

He was engaged in military scientific research, not sociological research, and it was such a sudden and important issue. How could he have any ideas at the moment?

After racking my brains, I can only think of one question: "If these people are transformed into [digital beings], will their pensions continue to be paid?"

"???" Lin You was stunned for a moment.

You ask me this?

Do I look like someone who thinks about money?

"How do I know? You have to ask the pension system formulation department."

"But if you ask me for advice, my idea is: from the day a person becomes a [digital life], it should be regarded as the 'end of life', and most of the rights in reality should end together."

"Instead, there should be another set of basic protections for [digital life]."

"But these things need to be done by professionals."

"Any other questions?"

"I feel like there are still many questions, but..." He Peng didn't know what to say.

Every time he said a word, Lin You could reply ten sentences back, which made him look like a fool. It took him a long time to digest it...

"If you can't think of a problem, then you can help me think about it. Should this technology be used? Can it become a force beneficial to social development?"

"Definitely!" Regarding this question, He Peng was much more decisive than Lin You. He didn't even hesitate for a second and gave the answer immediately.

This actually put Lin You in trouble.

"You really don't need to think about it any more?"

"No need." He Peng said firmly.

For someone who has spent half his life studying weapons, this has never been a problem.

"Nuclear weapons can destroy mankind, but nuclear power plants can provide nearly unlimited energy."

"Intercontinental missiles are the most lethal weapons, but they can send satellites to low-Earth orbit. An important reason for the booming development of the aerospace industry at this stage is that the basic accumulation of key technologies has been completed during the war."

"Even weapons that can only cause destruction and killing can be used to defend our country and safeguard peace."

"So, why not?"

"If there are difficulties, overcome them, if there are dangers, prevent them, if there are problems, try to save them! The worst we can do is go slower, standing still is always the worst option!"

At this moment, He Peng showed his military side in front of Lin You.

Be determined and always move forward.

This momentum also infected Lin You.

"Then please report this matter and discuss it."

It is not enough for him to make a decision in this matter, he must get official consent and support.

"No problem, I'll go right away!" He Peng nodded, "But before that, I have a few questions."

"you say."

"Since you have a more advanced consciousness chip, why do you still let everyone study graphene chips?"

Lin You also had prepared an answer to this question:

"Because the consciousness chip is no stronger than the carbon-based chip in terms of absolute computing power, and is even limited by organic matter, its future development space is very limited. It is difficult to reach the sky if it wants to go further."

"But carbon-based chips are different. This is a smooth road to the future. It can not only inherit the research and development experience of silicon-based chips in the past, but also accumulate experience and technology for the next generation of chip research and development."

"This is the right path to the future. Only when this path develops to a certain extent will I release the knowledge of the consciousness chip to provide some new inspiration without interfering with the main development path."

He Peng nodded and accepted the explanation calmly.

I don't think there is anything wrong with Lin You directly planning the development route of Daxia's chip industry.

——Now he has the most advanced chip in the world, and he also came up with the second most advanced technology.

It's not what he said, it's just...

The only outrageous thing is how on earth did he come up with so many cross-generational technologies?

Don't these breakthrough developments that can shock the world usually take more than ten years, or even decades?

Why do you get me here on a monthly basis? !

He Peng opened the car window and called Yue Pengju to come back and drive. He had to rush to report this major, shocking, outrageous, and fatal news.

Before Yue Pengju came back, He Peng asked one last question:

"The consciousness chip won't leak out, will it?"

Lin You has always had a good sense of confidentiality, and He Peng just asked out of habit.

But Lin You's answer almost made him lose his composure——

"It depends on how you define leakage."

"?" He Peng was confused, "What do you mean?"

Lin You scratched his face a little guiltily: "The technology will definitely not be leaked out, but the consciousness chips have indeed gone abroad."


"In some limited edition game warehouses, in order to give players some surprises, I randomly used consciousness chips."

Lin You comforted him: "But don't worry, the confidentiality measures are completely tight. Let alone being cracked, you don't even want to see it."

"And there are no users on America's side."

"" He Peng couldn't help but pointed at Lin You with a trembling hand.

But he couldn't say anything, so in the end he could only say:

"You are too messy!!"

"I know, I know, I'll do it less in the future." Lin You followed suit.

"No! Can't you just use it?!" He Peng couldn't stand it anymore.

How many game consoles does Yunmeng have on the market?

I'm afraid there are more than 10 million units!

A priceless technological treasure, just stuffed into a game warehouse and sold as an ordinary chip?

Just to give players a surprise? ?


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