Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 125 Recruitment Criteria

The next morning, despite Zhou Jingzheng's repeated invitations, Lin You went to the factory.

As soon as I arrived at the factory, I saw the factory manager Zhou Jing leading two rows of workers and standing outside the gate to welcome them.

Seeing Lin You getting off the car, the workers standing in two rows immediately applauded rhythmically.

Seeing this situation, Lin You paused on the spot, and almost turned around and ran away.

Zhou Jingzheng ran up enthusiastically and dragged him over.

Lin You bit the bullet and accepted the warm applause from the workers who were two rounds older than him.

Who told Zhou Jingzheng to tell the workers in advance: "Today is the leader's inspection, you must behave well!"

Although Lin You was not used to this kind of welcome, he was very pleased to see that Zhou Jingzheng had changed a lot from ordinary workers.

Although their clothes have not changed, their spirits are obviously different.

After Lin You bought the factory and paid off the debts, on the 1st of the next month, he paid out the wages and subsidies of the previous month in full.

And it was issued according to Lin Youshang's standard.

Immediately afterwards, a carload of materials came in, the assembly line started, and each piece of equipment went down the assembly line.

In recent days, new assembly lines have been assembled continuously, obviously to expand production capacity.

It is worth mentioning that in the whole process, artificial presence is indispensable.

The so-called "unmanned factory" is only in the specific production and assembly process, which is completely completed by machinery and does not require human intervention.

But in other links, workers are still a necessary role, but compared with traditional factories, the number of workers required is greatly reduced.

After all, although the unmanned factory technology is advanced, it is not the outrageous STC standard construction template of the Warhammer world. It is impossible to pour materials into it at one end, and then rush out the host machine at the other end.

The rapid operation of the factory keeps everyone busy.

But this kind of busyness also gave everyone a new start.

If you can rely on your strength and ability to earn money to support your family, who wants to drag a half-dead factory and be a burden?

In just over half a month, their mental outlook has undergone tremendous changes, and they once again hold their heads up high and live with dignity.

After the salary was paid and another week of work was over, the factory entered into a stable operation.

After many years, these workers are finally in the mood to get together again and have a drink.

On the wine table, an old chef said sadly: "It's not easy, after all these years, I finally live like a human being again!"

The table full of workers felt that there were countless things to say in their chests, but they didn't know how to say them.

In the end they just toasted together and drank the wine in silent gulps.

The next day, they put all their efforts into their work again, as if they had returned to 20 years ago, as if they had returned to their youth.

After completing the "factory inspection", Lin You promised everyone that as long as the production target of 1.8 million mainframes is successfully completed this week, everyone will get bonuses!

Amid another round of warm applause, Lin You left the factory.

As soon as he got into the car, he let out a long breath and collapsed on the passenger seat.

"Brother Yue, why don't I go to the studio, let's go home? I feel that the energy that can be allocated to work this day has been completely exhausted."

Yue Pengju has been following Lin You, and has also seen the changes in the factory and the workers with his own eyes, and he admires Lin You very much in his heart.

But she didn't want to turn her head to hear him say such words, and shook her head dumbfounded.

The car drove onto the highway, merged into the traffic flow, and drove towards Yunmeng Studio.


When we arrived at Yunmeng Studio, there were only two "living people" here as usual, and Sister Qiao was talking on the phone about school recruitment.

The studio needs to expand some manpower, but because Lin You is picky and it is not a good season for recruitment, the progress of social recruitment has been relatively slow.

Moreover, Lin You's recruitment is not only based on skills, but also whether a person's concept and quality are in harmony.

A lot of extreme comments posted on the Internet, hatred of men, women, regional discrimination, class discrimination, dislike of the poor and love of the rich, king of juggling, king of fishing... Too many people with strange three views and all kinds of people are all caught by Xiaomeng in the first place. Guan was eliminated directly.

Lin You is very serious about creating a harmonious office environment. Those who have problems with the three views will be cancerous and will only damage the overall environment.

Sister Qiao approved of Lin You's idea, but the previous working environment did not qualify her to be so picky.

Now that she has this condition, she is also very happy.

After all, she is doing personnel and administrative work, and she most hopes for a harmonious and friendly office environment.

So now she is focusing all her energy on school recruitment, planning to recruit a group of potential interns to train.

This is not difficult. After all, Yunmeng is in a hot spot right now. As soon as the autumn recruitment news was released, more than 1,000 applications flooded into the mailbox in just one day.

Many were not even students from Xia Jing!

Many outstanding students from the top 10 universities in Daxia not only sent beautiful resumes, but also self-recommendation letters with thousands of words, expressing their eagerness for Yunmeng, and analyzing how their abilities can be used in their jobs.

Many people even stated directly in the application letter: For this opportunity, they are even willing to give up the opportunity to study abroad or to study in China!

There is no need for Yunmeng to reimburse the transportation expenses, as long as there is an interview invitation, they will immediately drop everything and fly over for the interview at their own expense.

Qiao Nanyu has worked in personnel work for so many years, and has never seen such a grand occasion.

Even when I was working in a top domestic mobile phone manufacturer, I have never seen such an exaggerated thing!

She excitedly told Lin You about the situation, but Lin You told her to calm down: "These are indeed top talents, but our needs are limited, so don't send out a bunch of invitations indiscriminately and delay their affairs."

"I understand." Qiao Nanyu agreed.

After that day, Lin You always saw her immersed in those applications, hoping to pick out the most suitable candidate, and today was no exception.

He greeted Ye Xiaohe, went to his office, and logged into the world of "League of Assassins".

In the virtual world, seeing Lin You appearing, the employees crowded around excitedly.

After thinking all night, they all came up with the idea of ​​the easter egg. As long as Lin You agrees, they can add it to the game.

Their excitement is easy to understand. After all, leaving their own easter eggs in the game is much more exciting than leaving a name in the production list!

They showed Lin You their easter egg ideas one by one.

Most of them can be put directly into the game.

For example, a girl wants to commemorate a black cat that grew up with her, so she wants to put a ghost cat in the game that only appears at midnight.

Lin You agreed without saying a word.

An old man was obsessed with skiing in his spare time because he got off work too early recently, so he wanted to make a JK ski instructor and put it on the ski resort.

And it is very subtle that the temper he set for this JK tutor is very special: she is very gentle when teaching, but if you make the same mistake in a row, she will pull out a wooden stick without warning and hit you on the head !

Lin You glanced at this buddy meaningfully, but didn't say anything, and nodded in agreement readily.

Just looking at the employee's excited face, he felt a little weird in his heart.

I always feel that if I do this a few more times, I can master the XP of all the single brothers in the studio...

I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing...

After all, this should be completely useless information, right?

After all, it's useless for him to master this thing!

Thanks to old friend Stephen Big Z for the reward of 1500 points!

Thank you for your votes!

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