Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 126 Easter Egg: Hotel Continental

Of course, Lin You didn't accept all the easter eggs that the employees wanted to add.

Some things seemed outrageous at first sight, but he rejected them without saying a word.

For example, a girl said excitedly that she wanted a gorgeous meteor shower to appear in the sky every Friday night.

Lin You ruthlessly rejected this request, which is too preposterous!

In the end she only left a shooting star for the girl.

There is also someone who doesn't know what to think, and wants to add a car that can't drive normally, but just jumps forward.

He was also ruthlessly rejected by Lin You. This is a realistic world background!

If you want to add a jumping car with super bouncing ability, and then want to enter the game to have a hip-hop addiction, that's no problem.

But you want a car that hops along? Don't you think you're going too far?

The virtual world of "League of Assassins" is built after adjusting the physical rules based on the real world.

This means that all items that are different from the rules of reality need to be designed and simulated separately. If you build a car that can jump and run like this, who knows how many interaction problems will arise!

So, no!


After watching all kinds of warm, outrageous, imaginative, or hidden XP easter eggs of the employees, Lin You also started to make his own easter eggs.

His easter eggs are very special.

Most of the easter eggs of the employees are simple objects or npcs, and they are not of any scale.

But Lin You's easter egg is not a small project.

He plans to add a hotel in this city, and it's not an ordinary hotel.

This is an exclusive hotel for killers - Hotel Continental!

In his plan, "League of Assassins" is not a purely linear story stand-alone work.

——Otherwise, there is no need to make such a large city, and after the game is released, the city will still be updated at a certain frequency.

Lin You arranged a playground so that casual players could have a place to make friends and play games.

After the serious players cleared the main storyline, Lin You also wanted to find something for them to do.

In the main storyline, during the upgrade process, players will receive a large number of assassination missions from the assassin's stronghold of the "textile factory".

But at the end of the story, the player will destroy this textile factory, and even this organization.

The Continental Hotel was Lin You's plan to replace the textile factory and send players some assassination missions.

——Of course, there won't be too many refreshing tasks, depending on the new interns recruited by Yunmeng Studio.

These tasks will become a place for newcomers to practice.

In addition, it will also become a place for serious game players to meet and communicate.

After Lin You learned about the e-sports events in this world, he also thought about some suitable competition formats. The Continental Hotel may also be used in these events.

Change the architectural model, correct the internal space structure, pull out NPCs from the material library, and set occupations, languages, behavior patterns, and interaction logic.

After being trained in "League of Assassins", Lin You is now very good at doing these things.

But as he was doing it, he suddenly remembered something.

"Xiaomeng, do you want to leave an Easter egg in this world?"

"Oh? Can Xiaomeng do it!" Xiaomeng suddenly appeared next to Lin You, looking at Lin You with surprise on his face, around the pink head, Bling Bling was shining with the special effect of starlight.

"Of course." Lin You ignored those special effects, and reached out to rub Xiaomeng's little head.

Xiaomeng rubbed her head on Lin You's hand obediently, but what she said was not cute at all: "Good! Then Xiaomeng is going to drive in the space carrier!"

Lin You's hand stopped immediately, "Say something reliable!"

Xiaomeng was very obedient and immediately changed her mind: "The dragon that Xiaomeng showed the master that day! How about putting it in?"

Lin You laughed angrily: "This is a game with a realistic theme! It's not impossible to make some supernatural easter eggs, but it must not be too conspicuous, or it will overwhelm the host!"

"Is that so..." Xiaomeng was a little unwilling.

"Think about it." Lin You patiently explained to Xiaomeng, "Everyone is working hard to do tasks, gain experience, practice shooting, and work hard to improve proficiency, just to shoot more powerfully. At this time, suddenly A giant dragon flies into the city and starts to breathe fire, how can players have the heart to play with pitiful little pistols?"

"At that time, the entire reward system and upgrade system of the game will lose its appeal to players. They will not think about doing tasks to get rewards, but only thinking about how to kill the dragon, or ride it and fly around. Stop playing?"

Xiaomeng said aggrievedly: "Okay, Xiaomeng understands, let Xiaomeng think again."

Lin You nodded, then turned around and continued to perfect the Easter eggs for the Continental Hotel.

Xiao Meng followed Lin You step by step, tilting her head and thinking about what to do to come in.

But until Lin You completed the production of the Continental Hotel, Xiao Meng didn't think about what kind of easter egg he would make.

When Lin You was about to pack up and get off work, Xiao Meng finally came over and grabbed the hem of his clothes.

She said weakly: "The little fire dragon that can be hugged will work?"


Lin You is also very helpless, it is a creature like a fire dragon, the symbol is too strong.

It is different from other ghost cats, gnomes, and unicorns. It cannot be integrated into the background of realistic themes at all, and it is very abrupt when it appears.

Seeing Xiaomeng's obsession with fire dragons, he came up with an idea: "Xiaomeng, why don't we make a huge fire-breathing firework dragon?"

"Huge dragon fireworks?" Xiaomeng widened her eyes and thought for a while, then suddenly jumped up with joy, "Okay! The master is the best! Xiaomeng wants to make super big and awesome firework fireworks!"

Seeing Xiaomeng's happy look, Lin You couldn't help being happy too.

It's a rare thing that he didn't drive the employees to get off work, but started to design the firework with Xiaomeng.

Lin You spent more than an hour with Xiaomeng on the big fireworks, and Xiaomeng finally clapped her hands with satisfaction, "It's done! Xiaomeng is so happy!"

Lin You looked at the huge fire-breathing dragon fireworks in the sky, and rubbed Xiaomeng's little head comfortably.

"Okay, let's go home."

When Lin You walked out of Yunmeng Studio, he saw Yue Pengju's surprised eyes.

"What's wrong? What kind of eyes do you have?" Lin You asked strangely.

"It's nothing." Yue Pengju said truthfully, "It's mainly because it's the first time I see you leave work so late."

"?" Lin You gave him a strange look, then took out his phone and looked over.

Xiaomeng has already helped him light up the screen in advance, and the current time is displayed on it:


Is it late?

Lin You raised his head again and looked at the expressionless Yue Pengju. For a while, he couldn't tell whether this was an ordinary statement or he was trying to blame him.

As expected of Yue Pengju who has undergone professional training, he has a serious face, and no one can see through this face what he is thinking.

It's a pity that Lin You doesn't need evidence to do things.

"Let's go! Dayu Hot Pot Restaurant! I'm treating guests today, let's eat Jiugongge!"

Hearing this, Yue Peng raised his eyelids and had a deeper understanding of Lin You's narrow-mindedness.

Because Lin You himself can't eat spicy food, but Yue Pengju can't stand it even more

After Lin You ate a Jiugongge hot pot, he would sweat, runny nose and tears at most.

But if you put it on Yue Pengju, you may have to communicate with the toilet at home.

A typical kill of one thousand enemies results in eight hundred self-damages!

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