Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 195 The City of Evil!

"Quick Chase" is a typical action movie, and its plot can be said to be very simple.

It can even be stated clearly in one sentence——

The retired killer chased after the dog was killed, angrily, and wiped out a powerful gang with hundreds of members.

But no one has stipulated that a successful film must be complex and diverse, and it can be successful if it can achieve the ultimate in a certain aspect!

And "John Wick" takes the violent aesthetics of firearms to a certain extreme.

It was such a simple matter, but the employees only looked at it for a few minutes before looking at the boss Lin You with strange expressions.

It's not their fault, because the beginning of the movie is the scene of the death of the protagonist's wife and the grief-stricken scene.

At the beginning of "League of Assassins", although the girlfriend has cheated, at least she is still pretending.

This time it's okay, I don't even install the new game, just start the game and kill my wife.

Does Lin You feel so much resentment towards those who have wives?

Even Qin Songyun blinked, and glanced at Lin You with a guilty conscience.

Lin You watched the movie seriously, not paying attention to the mental activities of the employees at all.

As the main character, John Wick (Jonh Wick), gets a little warmth from the puppy left by his wife before he died, and there is a tendency to be cured, everyone's mood improves slightly.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a few hooligans sneak in at night in order to steal a car, smashed the protagonist with a stick, and killed the dog left by the protagonist's wife. upwelling.

At the same time, they can't help worrying about the boss's mental health again...

Fortunately, the following plot is normal, basically the protagonist chases all the way, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!

The only setbacks are also small twists and turns, basically fighting back from the beginning, all the way to the end.

The employees are naturally enthusiastic about watching it, especially the male employees. They can't wait to make the game and experience it for themselves.

As for Qin Songyun and Fan Rui, their eyes lit up when they saw "Continental Hotel" and "Killer Gold Coin", and they immediately thought of the Continental Hotel that Lin You placed in "League of Assassins".

After the player has cleared the main storyline of "League of Assassins", a letter will appear in front of him when he logs in to the game again on the second day in the real world.

Open the envelope, and you will see the invitation letter from the Continental Hotel, and the five "killer gold coins" that come with it.

With more and more players clearing the main task, the Continental Hotel and Killer Gold Coins are slowly attracting players' attention.

It turns out that the boss has already laid the groundwork without knowing it!

When the new game is released, there is no doubt that the Continental Hotel will become an important link linking the two games.

Thinking of this, the two of them admired Lin You.

After watching the film, everyone remained silent for a while.

But their reasons for silence are different: some people are still immersed in the atmosphere of the movie, while others are doubting life.

They were thinking, how many times has the technology in the hands of the boss Lin You surpassed the industry?

To be reasonable, with the development tools in their hands, even if they develop several times more plug-ins, it will take at least half a year to make a movie-level movie like Lin You's, right?

You have to do it together!

But how long did Lin You use it? a week? Or two weeks?

The more technically savvy employees are, the more incredible they feel, and the awe of Lin You's technology is even deeper.

Lin You didn't continue to wait, and said directly: "You must have noticed that our new game has many similarities with the previous game "League of Assassins."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But the difference is also very obvious. I believe everyone can realize a thing or two from the tone of the film."

"Yes." Fan Rui nodded and said, ""League of Assassins" has warmer tones, and the overall tone is more positive and sunny. And "John Wick", although it is also a killer and gunfight, but the overall tone is cooler, and it is more positive. Serene and chilling, the overall art styles of the two games are very different."

"The battle mode is also the same." Qin Songyun took over, "The battle mode of "League of Assassins" is more fantasy style, while "John Wick" is obviously more realistic."

"Even..." Qin Songyun thought about the wording, "Even if the protagonist dodges all the bullets in the crowd, it seems a bit outrageous, but compared with the bullet timing and arc shooting in "League of Assassins" , or to be more realistic."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to patch up: "At least it looks like this."

"Hahaha, I know it's outrageous." Lin You laughed without hesitation, "But it doesn't matter, our pursuit is to make the battle as exciting as possible, not as real as possible. After all, our goal is to Let the players have fun, not train soldiers."

Instead of explaining the issue, he started talking about the making of the game.

"Leaving aside the combat, we start with the overall construction of the virtual world."

"The big difference between "John Wick" and "Assassin's League" lies in the time when the story takes place: most of the plots of "Assassin's League" take place on a sunny day, while "John Wick" Quite the contrary, most of the story happens at night."

"Please note that this is not just a change in time. During the day and night, whether it is the atmosphere of the environment, the shape and style of the building, background music, weather changes, character temperament, combat mode, etc., will change. very different."

"It's not easy to make all of this coherent."

"In order to make it easier for everyone to unify the style, I will say a few key words. Let's see if you can get some inspiration from them."

Lin You slowly expressed his thoughts on the game style: "The city that never sleeps, the city of crime, the lone traveler in the dark night."

After saying these three words, he stopped talking, but looked at everyone quietly.

Originally, everyone half-understood Lin You's long passage before—feeling somewhat enlightened, but at the same time a little confused.

But after Lin You uttered these three key words, many people suddenly felt that the clouds and the sun were clear, and inspiration suddenly emerged.

"Since the main body of the story takes place at night, there must be eye-catching buildings at night, and there must be enough shops open at night." Xiaochun immediately thought of the architectural style.

"Buildings during the day can be characterized by different styles, colors, and decorations, but at night, these are easy to blend into the night and be ignored by the player's visual subconscious. And want to build an attractive architectural style , Lighting will become the top priority, and colorful light must be used to make the building eye-catching and eye-catching.”

"The ordinary and boring buildings in the daytime can form a very eye-catching contrast with their bustling and gorgeous lights at night, which will definitely impress the players!"

"Yes, you can also use the arrangement of the task line to guide the players to notice these differences!" Qin Songyun immediately followed, adding to Xiaochun's idea.

"Shops that are open at night..." Fan Rui felt that the inspiration was pouring in continuously, and even vaguely had the prototype of this city that never sleeps in his mind, "casinos, bars, dance halls, disco, baths, hotels, restaurants, parties, museums... "

Lin You nodded appreciatively at Fan Rui.

Fan Rui couldn't hold back his mouth even more when he said it, and continued to talk as soon as his mouth bald: "Nightclub! Gay! Red light district! Kabukicho! Strip club..."

After saying a series of nouns, he suddenly realized something was wrong, and hurriedly stopped.

But the conference room has fallen into a dead silence.

Add an update for the first rudder master book friend tail number 3168 in this book!

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