Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 196 Not revealing* is 16+

Chapter 196

After Fan Rui blurted out, he immediately realized that he seemed to speak too fast.

"Nightlife, Sin City, places like this are indispensable... right?" He tried to find out.

Lin You nodded approvingly, and then asked an irrelevant question: "Fan Rui, you... did your blind date go well?"

Fan Rui participated in blind dates every three days, which is well known to the old employees.

"No..." Fan Rui just said a word, and swallowed the rest of the words, "Not bad, not bad, steady progress."

"That's good, that's good." Lin You nodded.

It's normal that it's not so good, and it's strange that it goes very smoothly.

It's not that being perverted is bad, who doesn't have time to be perverted now? The key is that you can hide it!

The old employees were not surprised, but the new employees stared at Fan Rui curiously, not sure whether they were more disdainful or more admired.

Fan Rui forcibly ignored these gazes, "Boss, how do we deal with the rating of this game?"

As soon as this question came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Maintain 16+ as much as possible." Lin You gave the answer without hesitation.

According to what he thinks in his heart, he also really wants to make a big wave. If he is 18+, he will definitely have a lot of room to play.

But it is precisely because there is too much room for development, it is not very easy to grasp, and it may be accidentally turned into butter in the end.

Butter in virtual reality games is completely different from traditional butter, and you will step on the line if you are not careful.

Like "The Witcher 3", things like shopping in brothels and doing dirty things with real guns and live ammunition are ok on traditional platforms, at most they have a higher rating.

But if you want to do this in a virtual reality game, if you fail, you will usher in an anti-pornography crackdown in the virtual world, which will be directly recorded in the annals of history.

Don't say that your game world is not in China, it's all sophistry!

The real relationship between husband and wife, lifting the restrictions on intimate activities in the virtual world, Lin You is still carefully deliberating, not making up his mind.

Besides, city of sin! Gambler! disco! Dance! drag racing!

Are so many things not enough for players to play? Do you have to be awkward?

"Understood." Fan Rui nodded, "No dew point means 16+ rating, it doesn't matter, strip clubs can operate completely."

"???" Lin You was a little confused, you explained it clearly, and finally understood the striptease without revealing?

"It's up to you!" Lin You waved his hand, "Next is the combat system."

Now that we have decided to let Fan Rui take on this project as much as possible, we should not restrict his performance too much, and always give him sufficient creative freedom and space.

Besides, Lin You was also looking forward to what tricks Fan Rui could come up with...

Anyway, as long as he restricts dead players from taking off their pants, and Fan Rui's design doesn't show off points and doesn't violate the grading regulations, then there should be nothing wrong.

"About the combat system, the framework of "League of Assassins" can be basically used, but the core needs to be changed, [Assassin Bloodline] needs to be deleted and changed to [Combat Sensing], [Arc Shooting] also needs to be deleted and changed to [Gun] Doushu]."

"If [Assassin's bloodline] is deleted, will the improvement in physical fitness brought about by the level increase be reduced?" Someone asked worriedly, "Will the players complain?"

"No need to lower it." Lin You shook his head, "Without [Assassin's Bloodline] activated, the player's physical fitness is less than twice that of a normal person, far from superhuman, and does not affect the overall situation."

"And [combat sensing] mainly relies on the hints of nerve signals, allowing players to have a sharper combat intuition, be able to sense the direction of the crisis, take the lead, and even avoid bullets in advance."

Lin You thought for a while and gave an easy-to-understand example: "You can understand it as the QTE function in virtual reality games."

"Oh oh oh!" The employees suddenly realized and made a series of rooster crows.

"So, what about [Gun Fighting]?" Qin Songyun asked on behalf of everyone, "I saw in the movie, the bullets can't hit him when the main character makes certain movements? What kind of logic is this?"

What logic?

Lin You thought about it. In "John Wick", he just changed some combat performances to make the protagonist's combat more gorgeous and handsome, and he didn't transfer the logic.

But since someone asks, it's okay to talk about it.

"Gun fighting technique is an ability that integrates body technique, spear technique, sword technique, etc. It uses precise movement calculations to launch the attack with the greatest damage at the position with the least damage, and can shoot to any dead corner around you, increasing the power of the bullet. Twenty percent is a shooting technique that can attack and defend at the same time."


After hearing this, the employees were a little confused.

Only Qin Songyun nodded clearly, he had a very familiar feeling.

It's the same as the feeling of throwing the gun at the beginning, this kind of serious nonsense, but it sounds like a reasonable logic, it's not the first time Lin You has done it.

"Then how do we achieve it? The buff effect? ​​Or QTE?"

"No need." Lin You waved his hand, "It's enough to just listen to the meaning. You don't need to follow this standard and do it a little bit. You can understand it as an alternative [dodge] skill."

"[Dodge] skill?"

Everyone immediately felt that this [Gun Fighting] skill was completely out of line.

"Yes, what should we do otherwise? We can't really let players dance while shooting, can we? Or should we dance and add buffs before starting the fight? It's not an ancient African theme."

"There is another key point. If you want to be handsome in gun fighting, the key is to have handsome movements. And to make players feel handsome in movements, the first starting action and the last ending action must be handsome and stylish!"

"As for the actions in the middle, you have to shoot, run, and use the environment. There are too many things that players can't cope with. It's enough to just mean it, and players won't care too much."

"In short..." Fan Rui concluded, "Pose a handsome pose before starting the fight, then rush into the enemy group and kill them randomly, and after the kill, put on a handsome pose on the spot."

"In place!" Lin You praised him.

After Lin You's narration of the essence, and Fan Rui's brief summary of the form of expression, everyone has a relatively clear understanding of the new game's combat mode.

When the development officially starts later, there is also a direction, so I won't be confused anymore.

Qin Songyun raised a new question at this time: "In this case, do we need to do more foreshadowing in "League of Assassins"?"

Lin You nodded, "Yes. In my prediction, when the protagonist of "John Wick" breaks the floor and takes out the buried weapons and gold coins, if there is a save file in "League of Assassins", it will inherit [ Killer gold coins] and the most used gun. If you haven’t played “League of Assassins”, you only have basic gold coins and weapons.”

"Before that, we can design a few tasks in the Continental Hotel in "League of Assassins", revealing some of John Wick's deeds and character design. Not too many, but try to leave some impression on the players .”

"We can release tasks at the right time according to the development progress of the game." Qin Songyun immediately had an idea, "Let the players learn about John Wick's deeds of killing the Quartet. When the game is about to be released, release another one." A mission to let players know about the sudden and unexplained retirement of the legendary killer John Wick."

"Fine, totally fine!"

"So, what about the publicity node? Do you want to prepare in advance?" It was the staff in charge of operations who asked this question.

"You don't need to worry about this, I already have an idea."

Lin You was thinking: Do you want to release a documentary on the growth of dogs first?

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