Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 257: Death Falls from the Sky!

"The real battle has begun!"

Watching Xia Yi's convoy use tanks to open the way, heading straight for the core area, and explaining Ren Jian on the stage, my heart is surging!

Although he was slapped in the face by Xia Yi's team as soon as his prediction of "killing the game" was released, he didn't take it seriously at all.

Isn't it normal for the commentator to be slapped in the face?

In contrast, the game has become full of suspense again, which is the really important thing!

At the junction of the middle circle and the inner circle, the chaotic strangulation has come to an end.

Everyone was stuck five minutes before the hour, stopped fighting early, looked for a hiding place, and survived the earthquake during the shrinking circle.

This group of people hid behind the aboriginal encirclement intercepted at the border. When they saw someone breaking in, allies of the "same color" joined them.

It is a "different color" hostile alliance player, so they take advantage of the fire to rob and block the aborigines at both ends.

Only gradually, there were fewer and fewer players left outside, and more aborigines gathered from the inner side. If it was delayed, even they themselves would be double-teamed.

Otherwise, they would really be reluctant to leave: How easy and enjoyable it is to score points like this!

It can also block all potential enemies here.

It's just that everything has a price, when they were hiding indoors and struggling to resist the earthquake.

A large number of aborigines left their original positions and surrounded them towards their hiding place!

And they know nothing about it.

Until the grenade and Molotov cocktail shattered the glass and fell on their heads, the lazy donkey rolled around in shock and hid to the side.

He stumbled to the window and looked out, only to realize that he was actually surrounded!

Everyone had to withstand the earthquake and mingle with the aborigines when their skills were severely weakened.

When this kind of aiming is basically abolished, when everyone shoots, they all raise their rifles above their heads with both hands when shooting with African buddies, and the hit rate is similar.

To put it bluntly - it's all about luck.

At this time, the advantages of the large number of aborigines came into play!

As we all know, when the probability is the same, the larger the base number, the more hits.

The number of players was not as many as the aborigines, and they were still huddled in the house, with a limited shooting window, and suffered successive battle losses, making them extremely aggrieved!

To make matters worse, the house was on fire!

Similar bad situations happen to multiple player groups at the same time.

The players caught in it are anxious and struggling to find a way to break the game.

The audience outside the game kept laughing, and even sent a barrage to add insult to injury:

"It deserves it hahaha!"

"This is the fate of improper people!"

"Scoring points is not that simple! You can't grasp it!"

"Every gift that fate gives you has already secretly marked the price. /Smile"


At this time, the best state, it should be said that Lin Shun belonged to the professional players league.

The earthquake intensity in the core area was already much lighter than that in the inner circle, and they built their stronghold early.

Although some aborigines appeared and continued to attack their strongholds, under the protection of the solid position, the pressure was not great.

Lin Shun even stood at the window on the second floor, in order to save energy, he didn't even activate the [Assassin's Bloodline] skill.

I can still shoot tentatively while wondering if Splash has been eliminated, and if not eliminated, where is it now?

But during the interval of gunfire, he vaguely felt that he heard something.

He stopped the gun in his hand and listened carefully, but his ears were filled with the sound of gunfire from both sides fighting, mixed with some loud explosions.

However, he concentrated his energy and even activated the [Assassin's Bloodline]. After greatly improving his senses, he finally discerned a distinctive voice among the elongated voices.

The teammates around looked at Lin Shun who stopped suddenly, and they were a little strange, but they soon realized something: "Did you hear any strange sounds?"

Lin Shun was unmoved, he concentrated all his attention to capture the sound, and then took the initiative to turn off the effect of the skill to listen to what the sound looked like at normal speed.

Then he heard a high-speed, continuous sound——


And this voice actually came from above the head!

Subconsciously following the sound and looking up, Lin Shun's expression instantly became terrified, and he shouted at the players outside the window: "Helicopter!!!! Get out of the way!!!"

But it was too late, a heavy gunship had already lowered its altitude from overhead, and the players in the cabin leaned out, crazily dropping high explosives and throwing grenades.

When you're done throwing, light an earthy Molotov cocktail and throw it down.

After throwing the Molotov cocktails, the two players directly approached the machine guns on both sides, and began to shoot mercilessly at the bottom!

Draw a thread of death on the battlefield!

The players on the field were originally hiding behind the bunker comfortably, firing a few shots at the aborigines outside from time to time.

Who would have thought that death would suddenly fall from the sky!

Lin Shun and the other pros tried to fight back.

But most of the rifles in their hands have a range of only five or six hundred meters, and the ground is still shaking to interfere with shooting, and the hit rate is frighteningly low.

Not to mention that the helicopter is still a heavy-duty armed helicopter with excellent bulletproof performance. In addition, the shooters in the cabin are all masters. With their skills fully activated, intercepting bullets is not a problem.

Under the combination of various factors, the players on the ground are pure lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and can only be chased away by the bullets falling from the sky!

What's even worse is that the group of people on the helicopter even specially carried individual bazookas to help the aborigines on the ground attack the team, blasting open the gap in the position!

He also carefully controlled the coverage of his firepower, allowing the aborigines to rush into the stronghold with confidence.

In the blink of an eye, the Green Legion fell into a critical situation that was almost wiped out!

The great situation created by painstaking efforts will be ruined in one day!

Lin Shun tried his best to help snipe the rushing aborigines while carefully avoiding the view of the helicopter.

At the same time, I couldn't help cursing in my heart: "Where the hell did this helicopter come from!"

Where did the helicopter come from?

Only the audience can tell him the answer. They have been looking forward to this scene for a long time!

In the main live broadcast room, the players watched Xia Yi's team attack down layer by layer, and finally rushed into the gang's arsenal and drove out a tank, and they were extremely excited about it.

In the sub-broadcast room, the Super Tomato team was not to be outdone. They didn't go too far north, and soon stopped in front of a building not far from the junction of the core area and the inner circle.

This is synonymous with the strongest force in the metropolis on weekdays - the Metropolitan Police Department!

As we all know, the Metropolitan Police Armament is almost unlimited!

There have been players who were driven into the sky by the police with RPGs.

In the ecology of the metropolis, there are very few things that are refreshed out of thin air, so Super Tomato reasonably speculates: there are armed helicopters and individual bazookas in the Metropolitan Police Station!

What's even better is that the metropolitan police are on strike. Even if they stay behind, they will definitely be much weaker!

The risks are high, but the rewards are huge!

The most important thing is that now not only the metropolitan police are on strike, but it is also rare to take advantage of the game to gather more than 200 players together!

This is a full 20 times the maximum number of players in a team in a normal game!

I missed this opportunity, and I don’t know when I will wait for the next time!

Can this not be a gamble? !

So at the cost of killing a quarter of the team's players, they captured the virtual police station of the metropolis and obtained the real top firepower - a heavy gunship!

Not only that, there is also a convoy led by three police armored vehicles, heading straight for it!

This wave will directly destroy the Green Legion!

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