Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 258 You Are My Idol!

Xia Yi, to a certain extent, coincides with the idea of ​​Super Tomatoes.

So she commanded the tank and did not lead the convoy to the battle between the two sides.

Instead, it went straight to another place that was almost impossible to conquer on weekdays——

Metropolitan Bank!

Yes, Xia Yi's two main goals, one is to grab the tank, and the other is not to win the game, but to successfully rob the Metropolitan Bank!

The game can only be ranked third!

After snatching the tank, everyone screamed excitedly when they heard her plan.

In their view, the tanks are all in hand, and the game has been won.

Instead of rushing to overthrow other players, it would be too boring for everyone to kill each other.

In contrast, how interesting it is for everyone to play a team together and get down to the Metropolitan Bank!

It's just that the core circle is not big. Although it is covered by tall buildings, it is impossible not to notice the sound of machine guns firing, explosives exploding, and continuous gunshots.

A team member took the elevator up to the tall building, took out the binoculars to observe the situation, and sent back a private chat with a little confusion: "I saw that an armed helicopter was attacking the stronghold of the Green Legion, and the aborigines also rushed in on the ground! "


The players on the ground were also full of confusion: "What do you mean? The aborigines drove a helicopter to attack us?"

"Seriously? The aboriginals are so fierce?"

"Isn't the Metropolitan Police on strike?"

"I understand!" Xia Yi suddenly realized: "This is the final that made it more difficult for us! If we hadn't acted first, we might be attacked by the aborigines with helicopters and tanks at the same time!"

"So we actually helped all the players, reducing the pressure by half?" The players around him immediately woke up.


"We are so great!"

"Forget it, let's take down the bank! At worst, just defend in the bank. No matter how fierce their helicopter is, can they still rush into the bank vault?" Xia Yi ordered decisively.

"It makes sense! Come on!"


Outside the arena, the audience watching the live broadcast burst into laughter when they heard their conversation.

When the security guards and staff in the bank saw the tanks approaching from a distance, they were already fully armed, and a wave of bullets hit them.

Some security personnel even rushed out of the bank gate holding a bundle of grenades and charged desperately towards the tank.

It's just that under the pressure of the player's centurion and the machine gun shooter on the tank, as many people come out, as many die!

As many bullets are fired, as many bullets are returned!

And more precise, more deadly!

Xia Yi in the car commanded decently: "Say hello first: the gate of the target bank, reload with one shot!"

120mm fin-stabilized demolition armor-piercing round, automatic loading.

"After aiming, launch directly!"


As soon as Xia Yi finished speaking, the shells had already been fired.

Even under the accelerated sense of [Assassin's Bloodline], the sound speed of the cannonball is more than four times the speed of sound is still impressive, easily penetrated the bank's solid gate, and exploded in the bank hall.

The violent impact caused by the explosion directly blew the gate from the inside, and a huge passageway that could accommodate two cars appeared at the main entrance of the bank.

But the tank did not move in a hurry. A death squad drove a dump truck, climbed up a dozen steps, and rushed into the bank hall in one go.

A violent explosion immediately occurred on the dump truck, and the death squad died suddenly on the spot.

But immediately, the explosives hidden in the car were ignited by the explosion and flames, and a more violent secondary explosion occurred on the dump truck.

Through the big hole at the door, it can be clearly seen that the originally luxuriously decorated lobby of the Metropolitan Bank has been destroyed and dilapidated. Even two of the sturdy stands were broken, and the reinforced concrete was exposed to the air.

The bulletproof glass of the counter is densely cracked.

After the wreckage of the dump truck blocked the sought-after view in the bank, the player finally rushed forward, and the tank slowly moved closer.

The gun barrel has been turned, aiming at the corner of the hall.

At the same time as the player rushed into the hall, a half-person-high hidden seamless door opened in that corner, and a machine gun with a bulletproof plate exposed its muzzle.

It's just that before the shot was fired, the tank artillery, which had been ready to go, fired again!


Unsurprisingly, this firepower point that was explored by the players in the game very early on was directly destroyed!

Another machine gun protruding from a diagonal position was also approached by the prepared players, poured gasoline into the gap between the bulletproof plate and the hole, and ignited it directly!

Wait until the barrel of the tank turns around, and then add another shot to completely eliminate this point of fire.

The tank crushed the already dilapidated marble floor, squeezed away the wrecked dump truck, and smashed the bulletproof glass wall without wasting ammunition.

Facing the narrow corridor leading to the vault, it was a direct shot!

Think no one knows there's someone hiding inside? joke!

After the tank fired, the player immediately rushed forward to clean up the mess and open the way for the tank.

The cooperation is tacit and smooth, and the advancement is overwhelming!

The audience in the live broadcast room enjoyed watching it.

In another live broadcast room, those teams hovering at the junction and sniping other players, the picture is more ugly.

Although the earthquake caused by the shrinking circle has stopped, they can finally exert their full combat effectiveness.

However, the siege of the aborigines has become dense, and there are still a steady stream of aboriginals driving to join this encirclement.

If we were able to take the risk and forcefully break through together not long after shrinking the circle, it is completely hopeless now.

The final choice is to divide the troops into four groups and forcefully break through from four directions at the same time, hoping to hit the big luck and run out a few lucky ones.

The scene became very tragic for a while, with players constantly being knocked down, replenishing their guns, and disappearing into light.

There are too many people in this encirclement, and the bullets are too dense. [Assassin's Bloodline] cannot allow players to avoid all attacks, and even the skill consumes a lot of physical strength, which also increases the burden of breakthrough.

In the end, there will be no one out of ten players who escaped from the siege!

But they are not the worst, the worst is the green team of professional players.

First came the air-drop bombing of heavy armed helicopters, followed by cannon fire, and then the aborigines swarmed up and started massacring.

Some of the scattered Green Army players are still holding on to their strongholds, but more people have already begun to escape from the strongholds they worked so hard to build.

But escaping is easier said than done, Super Tomato and the other nine Orange League players organized by the up master are watching from the outside!

At the high points in every direction, there are people staring with binoculars. As soon as they find a target, they immediately report through the team channel, and the captain will drive someone to intercept it, so as to kill more and kill less.

Even professional players are struggling to survive, let alone ordinary players in the professional player league.

Moreover, the situation of professional players is also very bad. Once their outstanding performance is discovered, a bunch of people will rush over immediately.

While shouting "XXX, you are my idol!"

While shooting at the idol crazily!

Even a gunship will fly over specially to participate in this special fan meeting.

By the way, a whole new chain of 30mm machine gun ammunition is connected, and all of them are poured out to extend cordial greetings to the idol!

In this way, natural disasters and man-made disasters came into battle together, coupled with pure firepower suppression, the Green Clothes Army suffered a devastating blow, almost annihilated the entire army!

Only four or five players were lucky enough, and the players who had observed outside the stronghold escaped with their lives.

The club power on this map——was eliminated!

On the map at this time, there are only the last two player alliances with enough people and strong combat power!

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