Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 259 Money in sacks!

At least in this map with the most star players, the Red Army did not form a climate, and was the first to be broken up.

The yellow-clothed army of the game platform discussion group and the black-clothed army of the forum alliance only showed some active performance when breaking through the inner circle and blocking other players.

But they were all surrounded and strangled by aboriginal people who appeared unexpectedly during the second shrinking circle.

In the end, there were only three or five scattered players left, which could no longer affect the overall situation of the game.

As one of the only two remaining forces, Xia Yi's "Blue Corps", after completely wiping out the resistance forces of the Metropolitan Bank, is leisurely waiting for the locksmith to open the door of the vault.

In the original game design, the player's 10-member team had to carry very, very abundant weapons and ammunition, break through obstacles and rush to the vault door with a very low error tolerance rate.

Then, within 10 minutes of the lockpicker's busy work, he held his position and resisted waves of bank security and the Metropolitan Police before he could open the vault door and obtain the wealth in the vault.

Then, with the stolen wealth, they broke through the encirclement with difficulty and rushed out.

This is an almost impossible task!

But now, they directly came to a company, and even used tanks to open the way, directly sweeping the enemy.

There is no new force like the police to join.

This leads to a completely different situation now!

They even sat on the ground chatting in a panic while waiting for the lock to be unlocked.

Even though it was only 10 minutes, many people felt that it was extremely difficult to stop suddenly during the fierce competition.

Especially watching the tanks crushing the steps and marbles and rampaging outside the bank gates, running around.

But I failed in boxing guessing, and I couldn't go in to have a good time. I could only watch others cheer, and the feeling was even more difficult!

Time passed by every minute and every second.


"Open!" The lockpicking master shouted and opened the vault.

Everyone who couldn't wait for a long time got up one after another and filed in.

Within reach of the eye, there are stacks of cash stacked neatly, as tall as half a person!

Not far away, it is even more golden...

"That's... gold?!" Xia Yi didn't even have time to think, her legs had already led her over the banknotes, heading straight for the pile of gold!

He swooped directly onto the platform made of waist-high gold bricks, "Don't let anyone stop me! I want to lie down on the golden mountain and sleep!"

"Help me take pictures! Help me video!"


Some people on the other side couldn't bear it anymore, and they cooperated to push down a neatly stacked golden mountain, and they didn't care if they would bend their waists and jump in.

——Anyway, the pain in the game will be transformed into shock, and I am not afraid of being hurt.

The piles of cash that were stared at by everyone a second ago have now been abandoned like shoes.

Everyone can't help but gather around the piles of gold, hold it in their hands and feel the heavy weight and the power of wealth at close range!

"Take a photo together!" Someone shouted to take a photo together.

"Wait a minute! Please give me some time!" another player interrupted, "Let me build a golden pyramid! Let's take a photo with the pyramid!"

"Golden fart! It's a competition! Maybe someone will call in at any time! Hurry up!"

"One, two, three, awesome!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Accompanied by the shutter sound of the camera's continuous shooting at regular intervals, photos entered Xia Yi's album on her personal panel one by one.

However, these photos will not be sent to everyone until the end of the competition.

"Next, everyone put as much money as possible!"

This is not an easy task.

The purpose of building a bank in the virtual world is for players to grab it.

However, it is impossible to release a lot of water. After all, it is still necessary to limit the amount of virtual currency acquired by players.

So similar to banks in reality, a small branch only has hundreds of thousands of cash.

Under normal circumstances, in one's own virtual world, a small bank is just a matter of sacks.

There are more medium-sized banks, but generally there are no more than 10 sacks. If it is more than once, it will be considered lucky.

Just MetBank, obviously different.

Corresponding to its huge difficulty, the treasury is really huge, and even the amount of funds is too much for the players!

——There are so many that it is impossible to move them all at once!

At this time, an "old" rule should be mentioned again-the rule of changing the ownership of items.

Super Tomato once made a novice strategy called "Ten Commandments for Novices", which said that the ownership of the item will be obtained after holding the item for 20 minutes.

Originally, the income from robbing the bank was also within this range.

It's just that players generally report that it's a bit difficult to escape from the Metropolitan Police for 20 minutes with a few sacks of money on their shoulders, and the experience is extremely bad.

So later, the time for changing the ownership of the money obtained from the bank robbery was reduced to 10 minutes.

But even so, the money in the treasury at this moment cannot be evacuated by these hundreds of players.

——Especially in a game that could break out at any time.

Fortunately, as long as the cash belongs to oneself, it can be digitized and turned into a string of numbers on the personal panel.

So the plan is: everyone carries as much cash as possible, holds it for 10 minutes, and turns it into a definite income.

It is guaranteed that even if it is eliminated, it can ensure that several sets of real estate in the metropolis will be included in the account.

Then, if it is a player who wants cash more than the game, continue to collect money.

Those who are willing to continue the competition and fight for a ranking will continue to compete.

The audience looked at the players in the live broadcast, throwing guns and ammunition on the ground one by one, and everyone desperately stuffed money into sacks, which felt very disobedient.

——The sack was "taken" from the convenience store on the way here. Naturally, these details were researched in advance before the competition.

When everyone finished filling the money and sat on the ground in a daze with sacks of cash in their hands, the sense of disobedience became even stronger!

"What are you doing! This is a battlefield!"

"Can you take a look outside? The Orange Army is searching and suppressing, and there are not many remaining players. It will be your turn soon!"

"Can you guys feel a little nervous?"

"Aren't you worried? You didn't get a few points at all, did you? Are you not afraid of being eliminated?!"


But such emotions cannot be conveyed in the game. These players hugged the sacks and even chatted happily about the gold bricks.

"I used to play games in groups, but I didn't expect to be able to get into the Metropolitan Bank. I feel like I'm making a lot of money!"

"Yeah, before the fight starts later, I have to stuff a gold brick into my backpack as a souvenir."

"That makes sense. I'll take one too. Such a big piece must weigh 10 kilograms, right?"

"Estimated to be close!"


As if in response to this ultra-fast-paced game, when the time reached 10 minutes, the sacks deflated and turned into a series of numbers on the panel, the earth shook again.

But what collapsed this time was not the inner circle that was supposed to be its turn, but another "dial-style" collapse!

Even including the core area, all the "singular areas" on the "metropolis map board" began to collapse!

This time, the remaining map of the metropolis was directly divided into 6 neat fan shapes, and——

separated from each other!

If you want to leave the area you are in and go to other areas, you must go to the very center, where the cracks are smaller, as long as you are careful enough, you can still jump over.

But the most central area is the Metropolitan Plaza!

There is no shelter there, and the surroundings are unobstructed. In the past, it was almost equivalent to death!

In this way, the remaining players are almost separated!

——It should have been like this!

But the problem now is that there are helicopters in the Super Tomato team!

They can fly!

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