Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 281 Willful Development Plan!

After noticing the coincidence of this map, Lin You, who was walking in the direction he was most satisfied with, immediately intervened.

Not only has a special subsidy been set up to provide additional rewards to those who participate in the "Ancient City Infrastructure" project, it will encourage more people to participate.

He also provided strong technical assistance, designed a "city building system" with richer functions and more convenient use, and personally took the time to teach them how to use it.

With this two-pronged approach, the slow progress of the project began to accelerate suddenly.

The original simple project of "moving the ancient buildings recorded in the previous visits into the virtual world" has also been officially transformed into the "ancient city infrastructure" project.

So ancient buildings are reproduced in the virtual world and placed in as beautiful and reasonable positions as possible.

The map can be said to look different every day.

Now, when Lin You came in with the female employees from the leisure game department, the appearance of this map has been turned upside down!

The ancient buildings are scattered scattered, and the scene without aesthetic feeling is long gone forever.

Presented in front of everyone's eyes is a real ancient city—a part of the area...

It is really impossible to build an ancient city from scratch in a month, or to find time to do it after busy research during the day...

Moreover, many buildings did not belong to the same dynasty in the first place, and laymen can put them all together regardless of their care, but these insiders simply can't bear it.

Therefore, the ancient buildings here are divided into many different areas according to the different dynasties.

As a result, in each area, there are some places that are still vacant, or some standard houses are temporarily filled in, so as to make it look less inconsistent.

——But this is a problem that can only be seen from a high place or from a distance.

If you were in it, as Lin You and his staff were doing now, what you could see in front of your eyes was the carefully laid out, almost flawless scenery of the ancient city.

And looking around, there are all kinds of exquisite and gorgeous buildings, or serious and simple buildings, and being in them is like traveling through time and space.

"Boss..." A female employee asked almost groaning, "Will you secretly build an ancient city while making a game?"

Is that human being?

Fortunately, Lin You immediately denied it this time: "Of course not. I didn't do this. It's an extra surprise from an ancient building project I invested in."

Hearing this, everyone immediately let out a long sigh of relief: "That's great."

——Great, the boss is still human!

While showing them the ancient city, Lin You explained to them how it came here.

After learning that all the buildings have real comparisons in reality, they were all amazed, and the eyes of admiring these buildings also carried different meanings.

They knew very well that Lin You brought them here for the next game.

It's just that they are still a little unclear about the connection between these buildings and games.

Lin You was not in a hurry. He took them for a stroll, and after seeing the whole street, he said: "These buildings now use a lot of structures, and the more exquisite and magnificent buildings are, the more complicated they are to construct. .Even if it is reproduced in the virtual world, it takes a lot of energy."

"And the gameplay I want you to make is to simplify this process to the extreme."

Lin You led them to a relatively empty area, where there was only a single stone tower with a height of six floors.

But unlike many well-known ancient pagodas, it has an exquisite octagonal pointed structure.

——This stone tower looks very simple, even a little bare.

But this tower, in reality, has stood in the wind and rain for more than 700 years, and its value is not small at all!

Lin You pointed to the tower and asked: "Imagine, if you don't pursue 100% similarity, but only need one shape, how many structures can this tower be built with at least?"

"Twelve kinds?"

"The internal structure is completely omitted, as long as the appearance is concerned, eight types may be possible?"

"At least six types, right?"

Everyone looked up at the shape of the tower, thinking and discussing.

Lin You shook his head: "It's still too much, what do you guys think, how about one?"


Everyone's first reaction was a bit inconceivable.

Without wasting any more time, Lin You simply replied, "Do you think this will work?"

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the stone pagoda seemed to have suffered some terrible attack. It was completely shattered from the inside to the outside in an instant, collapsed backwards, and shattered into stones all over the ground.

The girls were taken aback at first, but soon discovered that the stones on the floor were all small cubes, which seemed to be the size of a palm.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, they came to a little understanding: "Building blocks?"

"Yes!" Lin You nodded, and waved his hand again. Countless small cubes on the ground flew up by themselves, and quickly assembled. From the base to the top of the tower, it took only seven or eight seconds. The exact same stone pagoda appeared in place.


Can't say exactly the same.

The "accuracy" of this stone tower is significantly lower than the original stone tower.

Although it looks similar at first glance, you can find it when you get close: it is very "rough".

The appearance is not smooth at all, and the facets are also composed of the edges of small squares. Although they are regular, they are obviously not beautiful.

"That's okay??" Everyone felt that it was outrageous rather than that the answer was answered.

Of course, they had to admit that with this method, it really looked decent, and it was much simpler. It didn't require much professional skills to build this stone tower.

——Not just stone pagodas, if this method is used, there should not be too many buildings that can be erected!

It is even an exaggeration to say that any building can be erected!

Xiao Chun was the quickest to accept this setting, and asked, "Is this the core gameplay of the new game?"

"Yes." Lin You nodded, but immediately shook his head again, "It's one of the core gameplay."

Building blocks is of course the core gameplay of "Minecraft", and it is also an important support for its vigorous and enduring vitality.

In contrast, other survival gameplay, adventure gameplay, parkour gameplay, farming gameplay, battle royale gameplay, etc., although there is no shortage of loyal players in each of them, to some extent, they can all be said to be "building blocks". "A branch extending from the thickest trunk.

However, there is nothing to say here.

If it's just a virtual reality re-enactment of the 3D game on the PC, in Lin You's opinion, it's still not interesting.

After all, the core gameplay of "Minecraft" can be fully satisfied on the computer, why bother to go to the virtual reality version?

Even the virtual reality version can be more intuitive and immersive, and many peripheral gameplays can get a huge improvement in experience.

But the most core way of building blocks may even be more tiring and inconvenient...

Therefore, more core gameplay must be added!

And [battle] and [exploration] are ready-made fun.

It's just that in the original "Minecraft", this part is indeed a bit weak.

So in the virtual reality version, Lin You has made up his mind: combat and exploration must be strengthened!

When thinking about how to strengthen it, Lin You immediately thought of two other games:

One is the 2D version of the game that has been nicknamed "My World" since its birth.

The other, which is even more outrageous, is a "simple" pixel game that allows players to smell the aroma of the graphics card with just a staff.

Lin You's original idea was to extract the most interesting exploration and combat of these three games, and then throw a [Fusion]!


But within two minutes, he denied this idea himself.

The reason is simple: "Minecraft" is the core of the new game after all, and it must be aimed at all age groups, and it can even be used as a puzzle game for children to develop their intelligence.

But no matter the gram monsters in "Terraria" that make people lose san after seeing it, or the evil underground creatures that make people's scalp tingle in "The Witch", they are not suitable for being reproduced in virtual reality.

This kind of ghost thing is presented in a pixel style, and players can still accept it.

But using real senses to put yourself in the face of this terrifying monster, I am afraid it will scare people crazy!

At that time, let alone the grades of all ages, don't even think about the adult restricted grades, I don't know if they can hold it!

I'm afraid I have to come up with a new classification of [Psychopathy Restricted].

Lin You didn't really want to take revenge on the society...

So in the end, we can only make major changes to the environment, monsters, and bosses on the basis of keeping the core gameplay unchanged as much as possible.

This would be a lot of work.

It might even be forced to make multiple overhauls during production.

But Lin You thought it was worth a try, the worst was the worst, so he gave up these ideas and went back to pure "Minecraft"!

It's not that they can't afford the loss.

With Lin You's current wealth, he can do whatever he wants!

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