Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 282 Boss Lin's Talking and Laughing Becomes a Game?

Once you have made up your mind, the rest will follow.

The core gameplay of stacking blocks, and the underlying system that supports this gameplay:

Local map random generation system under a fixed framework, key item synthesis system, monster refresh method, boss finding method and combat mechanism, day and night conversion mechanism...

Lin You took the girls from the leisure game team back to the relatively well-established ancient city area, and while strolling and admiring the surrounding scenery, he explained sentence by sentence how to do the new game.

During this process, the general framework and core gameplay of the new game, and even the gameplay that players may develop after the game is released, are all outlined in their hearts little by little.

During this process, many girls looked at Lin You again, and the admiration in their eyes was almost overflowing.

This was the first time that they experienced Lin You's amazing talent in making games at such a close distance!

——When Lin You held a meeting to formulate the development plan, he obviously made preparations in advance, and he did not directly involve every aspect of the game details like this time.

Even because Lin You didn't prepare in advance, he would dismiss the previous sentence from time to time, or revise or supplement what he said before.

This kind of "inadequate preparation" behavior, in the eyes of the girls, has also become "the boss improvises, and he can conceive an excellent or even a complete game idea by improvising."

Where have they seen such a formation?

Not to mention the young people who just graduated, even the seniors who have worked in the industry for several years, have never seen such a scene!

While chatting and laughing alone, he talked about the overall appearance of the game. What level does this have to be?

In ancient times, Cao Zijian wrote quatrains in seven steps, but now Boss Lin is talking and laughing like a game? !

It's outrageous!

But this outrageous thing happened right in front of their eyes...

If it weren't for Lin You still walking and talking in front, they really wanted to open the group chat now and discuss the question of "Is the boss a human?"

Lin You talked about the thoughts in his heart, and Xiao Chun, who had listened to the whole process, had a rough plan in his mind.

She found that this new game is not easy to develop, and there is more than one difficulty...

The first is on the art:

Stacked blocks can't look cheap, so a variety of textures are needed.

Rich synthesis formulas, as well as the "weapon" and "armor" in Lin You's language, all need to be designed separately.

Not to mention there are all kinds of monsters and bosses, as well as the special terrain and landforms where they appear.

Even due to the particularity of the development tools at hand, the particle effects during battle also require artists to participate in the design.

After all, in Lin You's narration, fighting also includes "magic"!

Then there's exploration and combat design:

Needless to say, exploration, no matter how free and open the game is advertised, the guidance of players is also essential.

It's just that sometimes the guidance will be more obvious, and sometimes it will be carried out with special terrain, rewards and other obscure sections.

If there is no guidance, the player may not know what to do.

Randomly wandering around the map twice, if you can't find the target, you will lose your desire to explore, and the follow-up content will not be able to expand, which is tantamount to doing nothing.

This is a test of production ability.

Finally, there are combat-related designs.

There is no need to mention the importance of the combat mechanism to the game.

——For many types of games, whether the combat is interesting enough is the key to the success of the game.

Although the new game already has the "stacking blocks" gameplay, in fact, only Lin You has full confidence in this gameplay, and feels that as long as it is launched, it will be king bomb.

But this is obviously influenced by previous life experience, Xiaochun and other employees don't have this confidence.

One is because I have never seen it before. Casual games on the market have always been rare types.

The second is that this gameplay just sounds, it seems that there is really nothing that can make people's eyes shine...

What flowers can be piled up by stacking blocks?

Besides, stacking blocks requires patience. The more you want to stack a larger one, the longer it will take.

But the patience of players has always been limited, what if they get tired after a while?

Therefore, compared to the "stacking blocks" gameplay that has never been seen before and is still full of uncertainties, although Lin You's "cold weapons and magic vs. fantasy monsters" sounds a bit outrageous, it is still within the experience anyway. It feels more reliable.

At least Xiaochun pays more attention to the exploration and combat than to "stacking blocks".

Lin You finally ordered: "This is a brand new attempt. Not only the creative concept, but also many production techniques need to be explored, so don't be too anxious. If you encounter problems, you can find... other groups for support, or you can find me. "

——Because of the eternal pursuit of human beings to catch fish, Lin You subconsciously moved his help-seeking position back a bit.

Xiaochun nodded, and let the team members disband for the time being. She had to think about the division of team members.

Lin You saw right away that the girls had completely obeyed his orders, and started fishing on the spot: they scattered in twos and threes, wandering around looking at ancient buildings, chatting passionately about what happened.

He smiled easily, opened the portal and planned to go back to find Xiaomeng.

It's just that his footsteps were raised, and Lin You thought of another thing. He looked up and looked around, and remembered a person he seemed to have forgotten for a long time.


Xu Chun, who was lying on the bed with his eyes absent-minded, turned over boredly.

In the previous week, he had a good time. No matter which club he went to, he was a guest of honor. The club managers and coaches went out to greet him one after another, polite and eager.

But as the game ended, that enthusiasm began to fade quickly.

Xu Chun clearly felt all this.

At first he didn't take it seriously, his original goal was to join Yunmeng, not to be the coach of any club.

But when he went to Yunmeng Studio with a full amount of "club investigation materials", Lin You happened to be away——Lin You happened to be invited by Kong Xinsheng to attend the press conference that day.

The materials carefully prepared in his hands were handed over to Qin Songyun, who will be in charge of the official competition next.

Then he discovered: After handing in the materials, it seems that there is nothing to do.

According to Lin You's previous arrangement, he was already on paid leave.

But this state of uncertain future and nothing to do made Xu Chun, who couldn't sit still, inevitably become restless.

He has already made up his mind: he will go to the company to find Lin You tomorrow, and ask him to find something for him to do!

Even as his bodyguard first!


The phone on the bedside table vibrated.

But Xu Chun didn't move.

——In these days, he has received too many harassing calls!

But the person on the other side of the phone was very patient. After the phone was automatically hung up when no one answered it, it immediately rang again relentlessly.

Xu Chun took the phone impatiently, and just about to hang up, he saw the caller on the screen:

[Lin You]

Xu Chun stood up and sat up straight on the bed.


"Are you busy?" Lin You obviously wondered why no one answered the first call.

"No!" Xu Chun retorted immediately, I'm too idle to die!

"Okay, log in to the virtual world quickly, I have a big job for you." Lin You didn't hesitate.

"Come on!" Xu Chun replied, full of anticipation.

It can be regarded as a job!

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