Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 301 Can't afford to be provoked

When Lu Wei knocked on the door with He Peng and several technicians, Lin You didn't think about it.

It was only when I went to open the door that I finally decided: to send or to send.

At best, let the princess not wear it in public.

If someone really found out, he would just pretend to be stupid.

I don't know what to ask.

Don't you allow coincidences in this world?

Anyway, with his current status, he is really stubborn and unwilling to speak, and no one can force him.

After thinking clearly, Lin You finally opened the door with ease and welcomed the person in.


At the same time, the uproar on the Internet intensified.

Especially when netizens discovered that Lin You had suddenly stepped in and blacklisted the "Star News" who broke the news first.

And just like those companies that were popular because of IP acquisitions before, the reasons are also attached:

"Malicious slander, pure bullshit, bad pus (rumor evidence has been archived)"

—— Lin You instructed Xiao Meng to write this word.

When Lin You left the stage, the wind of public opinion immediately reversed.

Those who were dubious at first tended to disbelieve immediately, and those who were determined not to believe immediately gained the upper hand.

There is no way, Lin You has been on the Internet for the past three months, and that is a complete victory record!

So even though he didn't produce any direct evidence, what he said was more trustworthy than a small and medium-sized media.

The royal PR team responded quickly, skipped some routine procedures, and directly took this opportunity to issue a statement:

"In response to the information released by Star News, we hereby make the following statement:

1. Ms. An Rongyi has been a princess singing teacher since Princess Zhu Cixia was 14 years old. She has a very close personal relationship. Last night was just an ordinary meeting, and there was nothing special worth paying attention to.

2. Princess Zhu Cixia's singing lessons are only for personal hobby, and she has never had any intention of entering the entertainment industry.

3. Based on the photos, the speculation made by "Star News" has no basis, and the impact is very bad, causing serious adverse effects on the image of the princess. We will take corresponding measures to investigate her legal responsibility.

4. We hereby urge all the media and netizens who forward false information to delete relevant information and stop spreading bad influence. "

Below this statement, there is also a photo of An Rongyi and the 14-year-old little princess.

In the face of iron-like evidence, this rapid and vigorous big melon was completely extinguished shortly after it was set off.

Only "Star News" was left, which failed in its desperate attempt, and was scolded wildly by netizens.

But they don't really care too much, being scolded is also a passion!

As for the lawsuit?

It can't be closed for a few days even if you really go in.

The rest is to lose money, so lose it.

The only pity is that the time is too short.

Because of Lin You's unexpected intervention, the public opinion quickly became one-sided, creating the best opportunity for the royal family's public relations team to appear.

If Lin You hadn't intervened, the public relations team probably wouldn't have appeared so quickly, and their number of fans might have doubled or even several times.

But even so, their fans have skyrocketed from the initial 400,000 to 1.3 million!

For them, it's a huge profit!

And after these people have finished cursing and swearing, although many people will cancel and leave, many people will stay.

After all, they really got the photos of Zhu Cixia and An Rongyi!

This will not be erased.

It's just that if the news like "the princess met An Rongyi, the queen of the song" is simply released, there is really no explosive point. It is very likely that netizens will leave after a second glance, and they will not attract any fans.

That's why they chose to "take the risk" and make such a fortune.

At most, in the hearts of netizens, "Star News" will leave the impression of "strong strength but bad conduct".

But that’s okay, a bad impression is better than no impression!

As long as the netizens who are interested in Zhu Cixia and An Rongyi, many of them will stay and look forward to seeing more news.

Even many star-chasing netizens will "come here for fame", looking forward to seeing information about the stars they are chasing here.

There are also a large number of netizens who simply like to eat melons...

In short, as long as you don't care about reputation, this wave is not a loss!

Just like now, there are already many people sending private messages in the background, urging them to take photos of their favorite stars, or their favorite stars' counterparts...

Of course, there are still a lot of melon-eating netizens who sent private messages as if they were provoking things, saying: "Aren't you angry that Lin You disturbed your good affairs? Hurry up and dig out the relationship between Lin You and the princess! You are so anxious to end, There is something between the two of them!"

It's just this kind of news, the editor-in-chief of "Star News" skipped it at a glance.

What happened to the media who had opposed Lin You before?

Blacklisted, splashed with paint, sued, fined, publicly apologized, even closed down...

"I can't afford to provoke you." The editor-in-chief shook his head repeatedly.

Let's contact yesterday's paparazzi and let him continue looking for An Rongyi!

They probably didn't choose that cafe for no reason. As long as they are patient, they might be able to get there.

Even follow the clues to find out where An Rongyi's home is!

Not only the netizens were gossiping about Lin You's relationship with the princess, but Zhu Cixia's sister at home was also pestering her to ask this question.

My sister has already discovered the clues, and I feel that something is wrong with my sister!

Now it can be regarded as a chance for her to grab her sister's hand and ask non-stop.

Zhu Cixia explained it many times: just a friend, working for the company, Lin You hates the media, anyway, he said everything he could think of.

But my sister just wouldn't let her go.

"If you don't confess well today, don't try to slip away, anyway, you don't have class this morning."

"Really not!" Zhu Cixia felt aggrieved, "Really not..."

Seeing her sister suddenly feel aggrieved, she froze suddenly: "Don't tell me that you are unrequited love..."

After hearing this, Princess Zhu Cixia was even more aggrieved, but she would not admit it: "No! We are just friends!"

But her reaction, in the eyes of her older sister who watched her grow up, was a solid "unrequited love".

This made my sister very speechless, you really are...

"The confession was rejected?"

"No! What are you talking about! I'm really angry if you talk nonsense again!" Zhu Cixia immediately retorted.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore." My sister comforted me, "But I have some love experience here, do you want to listen to it?"

Zhu Cixia immediately refused: "No way! How many years have you been single!"

Only fools should listen to failure experience!

The 29-year-old mother-fetal single sister was immediately irritated, and was about to rub her sister's face with her hand, but the younger sister nimbly avoided it sideways.

Before he finished dodging, Zhu Cixia immediately reached out to attack his sister's itchy flesh.

The two sisters immediately entered into an anxious physical confrontation...


With the help of intern Xiaoxia, the problem of the concert was also solved.

The last obstacle faced by the "Quick Chase" production team has also disappeared.

From the completion of the game, all that is lacking is time.

Different from the success of Fan Rui's production team, in their "next door", Xiaochun led the "Minecraft" development team, but encountered a huge problem.

This problem directly caused the game development to fall into a dilemma from the very beginning.

The problem is: conflict and imbalance.

To be more specific: the gameplay doesn't mesh well.

When the integration of the three elements of construction, exploration, and combat only stays on ideas and plans, it looks harmonious and reasonable, rich and fun.

But when they started the production, they quickly discovered that it was difficult to perfectly integrate these three gameplays.

Especially when the production concept is that all three elements become the key pillars of the game and form a stable triangle, things are even more complicated.

The most immediate problem is the player's attention problem.

They are really confident that they can design very beautiful environments and scenery, unique bosses of various styles, exciting and exciting battles, and so on.

But the problem is: the more beautiful the environment and scenery, the more elaborate design and reasonable setting are needed, and this is an essential conflict with the "randomly generated map".

And the more successful and attractive the BOSS and the battle are, the more boring the "building" will be, and the less attention will be paid to it.

Even just existence itself will steal the player's attention.

The "construction system"'s almost unlimited ability to destroy and reshape the terrain will in turn cause inestimable damage to the designed boss combat mechanism.

It is very likely that the wonderful battle link designed with a lot of effort will be directly abolished!


It seems impossible to completely balance the three and form an average, stable, and excellent triangle...

We must make trade-offs, determine the primary and secondary, and set the most critical anchor point.

Without being sure about this key theme, it's impossible to design the game's bootstrap mechanics.

Their tendencies are [exploration] and [combat].

But the boss's preference is obviously [construction].

In Yunmeng, no one can ignore Lin You's opinion, but Lin You didn't come to work today...

This kind of big problem that determines the direction of the game is not suitable for chatting in the group.

In the end, Xiaochun could only ask everyone to put this issue aside for the time being, and continue to make scattered materials as art reserves before game development.

——Arranging such work content is equivalent to saying to everyone: I have nothing to do today, let's fish first!

Wait for the boss to come to the company and ask him for instructions before deciding how to deal with this problem.

Thank you book friend tail number 21599 for the reward of 200 points!

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