Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 302 Mech monster, a man's romance!

So, what is Lin You doing now?

He was in the air defense laboratory downstairs sending out the news.

There was still hot discussion on the Internet about his sudden end and speaking for the princess, so he decided to respond.

Anyway, equipment testing is done by a professional person, and what he should talk about has already been finished upstairs.

Now I just watch it on the sidelines boredly, feeling idle is also idle, why not play with the netizens.

"Why, men can't be mother fans? You are sexist!

Also, I examine myself three times a day and ask myself: Have you finished your homework? Is the job done? Is the singleness problem solved? "

As soon as this post was posted, no matter whether netizens believed the previous sentence or not, they were provoked by the latter sentence, and they all followed up with the comments:

"Is Night City ready? Is the mirage finished? Is the mobile app done?"

"Aren't you also a single dog? How can you have the right to mock us?"

"I haven't finished writing, I haven't finished, I haven't solved it, so I won't play the game anymore. Goodbye Yunmeng!"

"Then let's stop here! It would be too impolite to play any more, but I still want to thank you."


"Yeah." Lin You nodded, "The topic has been successfully changed, and the players are still as simple and cute as ever!"

"But screw it?"

The innocent and cute players reminded Lin You.

He looked at a group of people not far away who were still testing the equipment, and really thought about upgrading the equipment.

After all, the game warehouse is about to be built, and the company has already replaced the Mirage 2.0 wireless version, but the market is still the earliest generation of wired version.

I always feel that his speed is much faster than the market.

——In terms of time, the first generation has only been on the market for 3 months.

Others are worried that the latest generation of equipment will not be produced, but he is worried that the new equipment will be produced too quickly...

If he is a pure capitalist, he should keep selling the first generation until it can't be sold, and eat all the profits that can be eaten.

Afterwards, I put on an attitude of developing a new technology after untold hardships, launched the second generation, and cut another round of leeks.

But Lin You is not that kind of person. He takes off so fast that when he succeeds, the process of alienating into a capital animal has not yet begun.

Now he doesn't look like a successful capitalist at all, but more like an ordinary person.

Possesses the seven emotions and six desires of ordinary people, the simple values ​​of good and evil, the lazy bones that always want to touch fish, and the narrow-mindedness that must be rewarded.

But the difference is: he has a huge influence of tens of millions of fans, and a terrifying net worth of hundreds of billions that can be mobilized at any time.

This means that in his early twenties, in another way, he reached the realm of "doing what you want without transgressing the rules" that ordinary people ideally can only achieve at the age of seventy, as Confucius said.

Although what the sage Confucius described was that a person’s realm is in place, Lin You has no realm cultivation, it’s purely because of money and status.

——As long as he is responsible for "doing what he wants", others will help him to make his behavior "not breaking the rules"...

But all roads lead to Rome, anyway, the result is the same.

This is the case at this time, he follows his own heart, and does not want to be classified into the "capitalists who cut players' leeks" camp-even though this is only his own division.

"Although I accidentally became the richest man in Daxia, the division of classes should not only be based on savings, but also on ideological awareness!"

"Ideological awareness must be high, otherwise sooner or later you will be hung up on the street lamp."

Therefore, Lin You, who has a high level of "ideological awareness", decided to launch new equipment ahead of schedule.

In this way, the price of old equipment can be confidently reduced!

The experience of careful planning in his previous life made him very clear: Every reduction of 500 yuan in the consumption of such large electronic products will have an extremely obvious promotional effect and activate a large group of potential buyers.

As for Lin You's plan, the price will be directly reduced by 1000 yuan!

One-tenth of the price reduction, doesn't this stimulate a wave of consumption?

Repeat again: sales are not the most important, the number of players is the most important!

If one-tenth of the price reduction can bring in one-tenth of the new players, it will be a huge profit for Lin You!

With a certain mind, he immediately began to think about when and how to launch the 2.0 wireless version.

The wireless version at this time only has one more wireless function than the first generation, so Lin You plans to keep the original price without any increase.

In the interval of three months, Moore's Law has no time to take effect, and the upstream chips, memory, storage, batteries and other components have not yet reached the time to upgrade.

But then again, when they upgrade, Mirage can also upgrade to version 3.0 as a matter of course...

Looking at it this way, even if there is no technological innovation in the future, this money can be earned for a lifetime...

As for the emergence of more powerful technologies in the future to replace virtual reality technology?

I'm sorry, Lin You must have lived enough at that time, so what's the matter with you?


Lin You looked at the phone, and when he was wandering, He Peng came over.

He Peng was quite excited when he came, but after listening to Lin You's talk about the effect of this thing, he soon became less interested.

"The strength of this thing is very low, so the muscle activity of people who do not exercise for a long time will not decrease, and the improvement effect can basically be ignored."

This basically means that there is no large-scale application scenario for this thing in the military.

How can there be an army that has not exercised for a long time?

Even if you are going to be a cook, you need 8 people to cook for three to five hundred people.

The amount of exercise is not much less than training...

At this time, he leaned over and asked in a low voice with a sense of mystery: "Mr. Lin, I see that you have opened a prosthetic company and provided great help to disabled veterans who have retired from the army. People on our side, now Whoever mentions you will give you a thumbs up!"

"?" Lin You looked at him puzzled.

Can't this kind of thing be said openly? Need to be sneaky like this?

"I heard that the Veterans Service Office is studying a supporting subsidy policy, and plans to launch it simultaneously when you launch prosthetics suitable for physical disabilities."

In fact, people from relevant departments have already visited Journey Prosthetics Company, and Lin You has also received a report, and wonders why there is no follow-up.

Only now do I know that it was planned to launch simultaneously after mastering the approximate progress.

"Good thing." Lin You nodded in praise.

Seeing that He Peng was still standing here looking at him, Lin You came back belatedly: "Is there something, do you want me to help?"

He Peng nodded, and finally stopped hesitating: "Since you can develop a virtual world and a brain-controlled prosthetic limb, can the exchange of consciousness be done?"

"???" Lin You directly wrote question marks on his face this time, "What do you want to do?"

Without waiting for He Peng to explain, Lin You stated his position first: "Let me say it first, I will not participate in research that deeply involves ethical issues!"

Mainly, this topic is too serious, and it is even a little scary to think about it in depth.

"It's not involved, it's not involved! Where are you going?" He Peng quickly denied.

"It's just that we want to use the neural modem to establish a silent communication method that can communicate without words and actions, just like the legendary "telepathy". But we are completely stuck, so I want to ask you if there is any way ?”

It's not that there is no progress at all. With the help of the virtual input method, it is still possible to "type and send messages" with consciousness, but it is too inconvenient.

"This..." Lin You hesitated, whether to answer yes or no.

Actually, this is not a single problem.

Before the [Journey Project] funded special education schools for the deaf, blind and mute, when the short video was broadcast, many netizens asked: "Why not match students with language barriers?"

Of course Lin You wanted to, but with the technology in his hands, making the dumb speak is completely different from making the blind see and the deaf hear.

Moreover, this technical difficulty is actually very similar to the "silent communication method" mentioned by He Peng.

The main thing is to distinguish the neural signals of "thinking" and "speaking".

This is actually quite complicated.

Although the divisions of the brain that control the functions of "thinking" and "language" are not together at all, unfortunately, the headband collects nerve signals that escape outside the brain, and cannot accurately detect the divisions inside the brain.

The content of the instruction set obtained by Lin You has a very clear translation of "language" neural signals.

However, it is not known whether the neural signal of "thinking" has not been deciphered by research, or because of some ethical considerations, it wants to leave a privacy space for the device user's thinking, and the instruction set is not involved at all.

And looking at He Peng's wording, "telepathy", do you still want to share the things you see and think of?

Outrageous, right bro? !

With this technology, how can I play telepathy with you?

I went directly to "Pacific Rim"!

I can also change it, and stuff it with Gundam, 02, Godzilla and other fun things.

...But unfortunately, no, technically impossible.

As for why not remove the two-player setting, and let the single-player machine armor fight monsters?

Because Lin You didn't think it was burning enough!

It is absolutely possible to have a single-person machine armor to fight small monsters.

But the cooperation of two people, driving a huge mecha, and facing a huge monster with super oppressive force, this is so exciting!

This is a man's romance!

Lin You was not willing to give up. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly felt: "It seems that it is not impossible at all."

It's not the first time he doesn't stick to the original work.

If there is no memory sharing, there will be no chant, and it will not affect driving the mecha to fight monsters!

Big deal, change the plot?

"Can you?" He Peng's eyes lit up when he heard what Lin You muttered.

But Lin You immediately poured cold water: "Don't think about the full version of telepathy. The transmission of the picture is unrealistic, but the sound is promising. It's not too difficult to feel it."

"And it's hard, it takes a lot of time."

Even the castrated version of "telepathy" is by no means easy.

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