Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 506: The Izumo players are furious!

"Wait, wait, let's talk about it one by one." Lin You interrupted Xiaochun.

"Let's talk about the safety zone first. You know how complicated it is, right?"

It's not that Lin You hadn't thought about the matter of the [Safe Zone], why did he give up in the end?

Because in "Minecraft", it is difficult for you to judge this scale: what kind of security level can be regarded as a safe zone?

"Prohibit players from attacking each other?"

please! In "Minecraft", whether it is cutting people with a sword or shooting people with a crossbow, these are the least technical methods.

The trap is the essence, right?

Pitfalls, pistons, pressure plates, lava, explosives, redstones... all sorts of strange traps will be played by players sooner or later.

No need to do it yourself!

"Or, all players are invincible?"

Don't play the game content such as exploring dangerous places, difficult collections, monsters and boss battles, etc.

"Or, only players have no effect on player attacks?"

The question is back again, what about the trap?

Even if the damage to the player is prohibited through very complicated means, what about I demolish your house and rob you?

Can this work?

So, this is a very, very troublesome matter, so troublesome that in the end Lin You simply chose to give up.

Lin You just asked a few simple questions, and he stopped Xiao Chun.

Before Qin Songyun urged her to leave work last night, she and the members of the development team had been paying attention to the players in the public world, and naturally saw a lot of fighting and destruction.

They talked briefly, and they all felt that the government could take action to turn some public worlds into safe zones, and they simply voted.

Everyone basically agrees with this idea, but they have some differences on how much safe world to set.

Some people think that there should be half, and they simply divide it by odd and even numbers, odd number [safe world], and even number [free world].

Some people think it is unnecessary, most of them are [safe world], or most of them are [free world].

In the end, there are still some people who think that this choice should be handed over to the players, and let the [Public World] players vote for themselves.

Before everyone had time to discuss in depth, Xiaochun was pulled offline by Qin Songyun—she had to go offline for a walk.

Although Xiaochun's body does not continue to deteriorate for the time being, he must strictly abide by the doctor's instructions.

After going offline, Xiao Chun heard from Qin Songyun: "Battlefield" will announce its release date on Saturday.

So I didn't even think about it, and thought about the issue of the safe zone in depth.

Now that Lin You asked, she had time to think about the complexity of this matter.

"So you can discuss this issue. I have no objection in principle, as long as you can come up with a good solution." Lin You finally said.

Xiao Chun said no more, and nodded in agreement.

"As for the issue of "Battlefield"..." Lin You thought for a while, and agreed: "Well, we will only officially announce the existence of such a game at that time, and then broadcast a promotional video, but the progress of the game's development And the release time, keep silent."

"This should minimize the negative impact, right?"

Xiao Chun nodded again, this is already the best situation.

After solving this matter, the question of how to build a [safe zone] has become a top priority.

She wasn't lying before—she did feel that both casual and hardcore players had the freedom to choose how they played.

But seeing a large number of casual players retreating to their personal world, she still felt a pity from the bottom of her heart.

Like [World No. 57], players play games with friendly people, explore together, and build together, which is one of her favorite modes.

It's just a pity that there are too few such worlds.

In other worlds, although not all of them are fighting, they are also in a state of mixed peace and fighting, and there are more or less destructive behaviors.

In many worlds, out of 100,000 people, only one or two hundred people want to cause some damage, and the overall appearance is actually very peaceful.

But many players still feel nervous, worried that their achievements will be destroyed.

What Xiaochun wants to do is to make more public worlds, like [World 57], bring a sense of security to all players.

It's just that this thing is more difficult to do.


What Xiaochun didn't expect was that before the discussion between her and the staff in the group came to a conclusion, someone acted faster than them.

[Public World No. 61]

Early in the morning, Super Tomato and many team members came to the [Fengtian Temple] they built.

At this time [Fengtian Temple], the foundation, walls, beams and columns have already been completed, but the complex top of the main hall is still being built and adjusted, in order to be as similar as possible to the actual Fengtian Temple in appearance.

But now, no one is doing it.

The two hundred or so people who were able to get up temporarily built a "dragon chair" for themselves in the main hall, and raised more than two hundred arms on the more than two hundred "dragon chairs". They all expressed their approval of the resolution. .

At the same time, in the [Super Tomato Fan League] group chat, the voting results also reached an absolute advantage of 98.6%.

So, 10 minutes later, another familiar announcement appeared in front of all players——

"The Super Tomato Fans League officially announces:

"My World" [Public World No. 61] is a peaceful area, against all acts of malicious destruction, and calls on all players in this world to exercise restraint, play rationally, and create a pure land for peace-loving players.

It is also strongly recommended that players and groups who conduct PVP activities in [Public World No. 61] transfer the activity world and go to other public worlds for PVP activities.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

If you really don't want to leave and don't want to stop, then we will have to express our sincere apologies to you in advance for our rude behavior.

As a general rule, players and collectives who intend to join the alliance or reach a cooperation with the alliance to jointly maintain the [No. 61 Public World] game environment, please consult.

I wish all players a happy game! "

The wording of this announcement is much gentler and more polite than that of the [Vortex Forum Players League].

Although in terms of core meaning, the two announcements are almost exactly the same: "From now on, I will cover this world, no fighting is allowed, or I will kill you."

Originally, Super Tomato felt embarrassed about posting the announcement, and handed it over to the group management. As a result, the announcement that the management planned to post almost scared him to death——

"The Super Tomato Fans League officially announces:

From now on, [Public World No. 61] will be transformed into a peaceful world!

If you are not convinced, you will die!

My Super Tomato said it! "

Super Tomato put this person under management on the spot, it was too scary!

Black powder you!

In the end, he did it himself, changed the announcement of the [Vortex Forum Players League], and released it.

The "Minecraft" development team, which was under discussion, immediately noticed the announcement, and then vaguely realized something.

The same goes for the players.

After all, this is already the second "League of Assassins" players to emerge.

With the first and second, will the third, fourth... be far behind?

The answer is: not far!

Only five minutes later, the third announcement appeared——

[Great Alliance of Yunmeng Game Platform Discussion Group]——declare [No. 17 Public World] as a peaceful area, and all acts of destruction are prohibited!

During the period of "League of Assassins", the player interaction on the Yunmeng game platform still existed in the form of "evaluation area" and "discussion group", and now it has actually become a forum.

Players looked at this announcement excitedly, while eagerly looking forward to the next one.

Without keeping them waiting, the fourth announcement appeared soon——

[League of Assassins Consonance Super Talking Players Major League] - Declare [No. 33 Public World] as a peaceful area.

Then came the fifth, sixth, seventh...

Groups of 2,000 or 3,000 people who were already half-dead were activated one after another. The former "League of Assassins" player legions transformed one after another this morning and turned into "Minecraft" peacekeeping troops, stationed in one public world after another.

Even the major league groups of e-sports clubs joined in this grand announcement.

Of course, the identity of the e-sports club is rather subtle. The announcements they issued should be more rigorous and polite, and they didn't say any harsh words to the players who made trouble.

Instead, it uses a lot of words such as "suggestion", "hope", "appeal", and "earnestly look forward to".

The only regret for the players is: the [Red Army], which was once very popular, because its organizational form comes from the spontaneous actions of the majority of players. They are distributed in all the group chats, but they do not have a large group of their own. Couldn't show up at this time.

These announcements one after another caused a huge sensation not only in the player circle, but also on the entire Internet.

In the absence of official participation in the organization, it was entirely up to the players to act spontaneously. Such a large-scale and organized action shocked countless netizens and industry insiders.

But this is not over yet, soon, an overseas announcement appeared, which completely pushed this craze to an unprecedented height——

[Notice to all "Minecraft" Baekje player book]

This announcement, called an announcement, is actually more like a proposal. It first appeared on the Baekje board of Lingxi, and was proposed by a major Baekje anchor.

And as soon as it was put forward, it produced strong repercussions and gained the attention and support of a large number of Baekje players.

When this announcement successfully went out of the circle and was noticed by the players of Daxia, it had just been released in less than 20 minutes.

The content of the announcement is also very simple——

"[World No. 6 is ours now!]"

"I call on all "Minecraft" Baekje players to go to [No. 6 Public World], take this world, and build a large number of buildings and creations with Baekje characteristics."

"Let [World No. 6] become the base camp of our Baekje players!"

As soon as this announcement came out, the Great Xia players immediately felt quite upset.

But before the Daxia players had time to take action, the Izumo players exploded in anger!

Immediately, a large number of Izumo players ran to Baekje's announcement and left messages in Chinese characters that both parties could understand——

"Fuck your mother! When is it your turn?!"

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