Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 507 Confused Media and Colleagues

The conflict between Izumo and Baekje has a long history.

A common sense that is easily overlooked is that the relations between the peoples of the same strategic alliance countries are not always harmonious.

Because of the close relationship, it is easier to produce dirty.

Especially for these two countries, when Great Xia was mired in war and the difficult period of national restructuring, these two countries have fought fiercely for more than ten years, and it is not an exaggeration to say that their hatred is as deep as the sea.

Later, the suzerain country stood up again, the situation required, and due to inertia, the two countries returned to the same camp to fight against foreign enemies together.

But how can hatred be so easily eliminated?

In particular, the two countries went to different battlefields, and never really fought side by side. As a result, they fought against foreign enemies together, and did not cultivate any comrade-in-arms friendship.

In the end, this hatred was brought to the peaceful age.

In particular, both sides can use the language of Xia Guo, which not only failed to promote communication and alleviate hatred, but further aggravated the conflict.

The players of Izumo and Baekje quarreled online when they had nothing to do, a small quarrel in two days, and a big quarrel in three days.

The louder the news, the louder the noise.

There is no small reason why the Izumo players reacted so strongly this time. They suffered a disastrous defeat in the crucial quarrel a while ago.

That's because Princess Yuzi of their royal family didn't know which nerve was wrong in her brain. She was looking for life and death, and she insisted on marrying the prince of Baekje Xiaxing.

In the end, she would rather give up her royal status than marry.

This made the netizens of Izumo instantly fall into an absolute disadvantage in the scolding battle, completely powerless to refute, and could only secretly hate the princess for being blind.

Many Izumo netizens "lost their fans" because of this, feeling that they were blind and completely in love with the wrong person.

By the way, the interesting thing is that Princess Zhu Cixia had a lot of Izumo fans during that time...

The princess of my own country has poor eyesight and lacks the knowledge of people, so the princess of my suzerain country likes the head office, right?

Daxia's little princess, it's impossible to marry Baekje, right?

At least judging from the information on the Internet, even if it is the CP information of the few netizen groups, the potential target is Lin You.

In their eyes at this moment, Lin You is very good!

Because he has a core advantage - he is not from Baekje.

That's OK!

But this change of heart couldn't cover up their huge defeat in the scolding battle, and they were so aggrieved to death that they couldn't get rid of their anger.

Now, Baekje's post has completely ignited the powder keg.

The Izumo players immediately divided into two groups, and one group went to the Baekje Internet, and went to the bottom of the original post to reply, and compared with the Baekje players to learn about Xia Guo's swear words reserve.

Another passer-by went online urgently to communicate who was in [World No. 6], and then crazily pulled people into it.

Fortunately, this call was just released, and [World No. 6] showed no sign of being full, so Izumo players began to pull people quickly, and they would never stop until they were full.

At the same time, players from the Kingdom of Xia are doing exactly the same thing——

Pull people, pull people, pull people crazy!

Even the non-stop fighting in [World No. 22] also ushered in a short intermission, and began to squeeze into [World No. 6].

The world that has been expanded by Lin You can't withstand this rapid influx. Even if people are pulled one by one, the public world is quickly filled.

——Last night, after the number of public world numbers exceeded 150, Lin You quietly doubled the capacity of all servers.

Otherwise, if the growth continues indefinitely, when players can choose their own numbered world, they need to turn dozens of pages in a row, which is too outrageous.

Based on 10 numbered worlds per page, 15 pages is a bit much.

Lin You is already expecting the players to join in the fun and return to the personal world to play in large numbers, so that he can merge some of the public worlds.

It is best to shrink it to less than 10 pages, so that the number does not exceed 100.

He prefers simplicity.

After the recruiting session is over, the rest is naturally—to start the war!

Player Izumo, vow to settle old and new grudges together.

The big summer players are simply unhappy with this kind of "dominant server" behavior - not based on the gameplay, but on the basis of the country, what is it if it is not a dominant server?

Thus, the war begins!


It was also at this time that the media's longer reports on "Minecraft" also began to emerge intensively.

It's just that it's not like the previous games, which are all hymns with a thousand faces. This time, there are many different voices that are rare-many media feel that this game is a bit sloppy.

Loud volume online and high-quality games have always been two different things.

With Yunmeng's influence and huge player base, as long as a new game is released, it will easily generate a huge discussion heat.

After "Minecraft" was released, it ignited the topic three times in less than 24 hours, which has fully proved this point.

But it's a pity that this popularity may be converted into sales, but it cannot be converted into word of mouth.

Pursuing media and rational players, when judging a game, focus on the game itself.

However, the popularity of topics generated by "Minecraft" is basically on the behavior of players, and the content of the game itself has very little relevance.

This kind of enthusiasm not only cannot add points to the game, but is even a deduction item.

After a night of experience, what did the media play in the game?

Dig holes, chop trees, plant fields, fight skeleton zombie crawlers, and then nothing seems to matter.

Compared with the previous games - perfect guidance, rich choices, complete task line, various game content other than the plot, a lot of interaction, collection, growth elements...

The content of this game seems to be too little!

Almost like a crude half-finished product.

The title of the report is no longer so polite——

[It's hard to understand, this is probably the least Yunmeng-made game among Yunmeng games. ]

[Whether Lin You really participated in the design of the game should be questioned. ]

[Innovation? Indeed. excellent? It is difficult for us to admit it against our will. ]

[Players deserve better games! ]


Not only the media don't understand, but game practitioners don't understand either, they can only guess based on past experience——

"Could it be that this game is a virtual building block specially made by Lin You for children?"

"If you look at it this way, then I am willing to admit: this is a very good building block."

"But it's easy to get bored with building blocks, right? This childish way of playing may be just right for children, but how many days can older players play?"

"Leave after earning a lot of money? This doesn't seem like Lin You's style..."


Not only them, but even Yunmeng Game's "hardcore fan" - "Game Base" has changed from the normal, and it is no longer full of praise.

"Game Base" has always had certain preferential treatment on Yunmeng's side.

Since Lin You chose "Game Base" earlier as the media for the internal test experience of "Journeyman", the operation team will often take care of "Game Base", media test quotas and event interview invitations for subsequent game internal testing and external interviews , will basically be given to them.

"Game Base" has never hesitated to praise Yunmeng.

Every previous game of Yunmeng is indispensable for the long review and fanciful praise of "Game Base".

They are not bragging without thinking, but they always brag with reason and evidence.

Coupled with Yunmeng's channel, "Game Base" can often get some behind-the-scenes news and interesting stories from the development team, and players are also happy to read their evaluations.

Has previously produced such as:

"League of Assassins丨Who said that a girlfriend cheating, killing her father, and a goddess committing suicide can't be fun? ! "

"Paradise丨Although I step on, kick, and push people, I am not a human being, but I know I am a good baby! "

"Quick Chase丨Milkshake: One for two hundred, my dog ​​has no regrets in life"

...and so on.

But even such a close partner, in the "Minecraft" report, had some hesitation. Instead of directly posting a long review like in the past, he hesitated to post a short review——

""Minecraft" is undoubtedly innovative, ingenious and unprecedented, but with the same innovative gameplay, it has not been as amazing as "Journeyman" when it was born.

At first glance, the game world may look a little crude, but that is actually just an illusion: using blocks of the same size to pile up blocks will inevitably produce this simple and rough illusion.

But in fact, each block has been carefully designed, not only has the appearance skin corresponding to different environments, but also has a special adaptive algorithm, allowing the block to automatically fine-tune the appearance to meet the overall architectural needs.

It needs to be emphasized that although this technology looks inconspicuous, its gold content is actually exaggerated, and there is no doubt that it requires a lot of hard work.

Behind the slightly crude initial impression of "My World", in fact, every detail has been carefully polished. From the external performance to the internal technology, they are all of extremely high value. Not to deal with players.

One thing I have to admit is: from the current point of view, the game's superb art skills and technical level have not changed the monotony of the gameplay, and the content that players can play seems to be too stereotyped.

Of course, out of trust in Lin You, we guess that there is another possibility——

The gameplay and playable content of the game are far more than those currently shown. In fact, the game has more places worth digging, waiting for players to explore. "

From the perspective of players, the focus of this evaluation is: "Game Base" barely holds the bottom line of neutrality.

Compared with other game media, this comment still seems to be somewhat biased towards Yunmeng, but at most it is somewhat "excused" and "justified", and it is meant to help Yunmeng explain.

Tell the players that Yunmeng is "actually very attentive" and "didn't perfuse you", but also admits that the gameplay is really monotonous.

In the end, out of the desire to protect Yunmeng, he didn't want to say "games are just boring" for sure, but didn't say it dead, and threw out a guess as the end.

While giving the players hope, it also expresses their trust in Yunmeng and Lin You.

In this way of writing, players will not have a negative impression of the game after reading this article, and minimize the negative impact on game sales.

This whole report is really well-intentioned.

But this kind of behavior will inevitably be targeted by the players - the players are not too much, they just posted "dog licking" in the comment area, which made the editor-in-chief of "Game Base" flushed and almost broke the defense .

[RANK-popular game rating list], the current rating of "Minecraft" is——

[7 points]

This still has the bonus of Yunmeng's name. If Yunmeng's previous reputation and image were not there, the real score would probably drop by another 0.5 points.

The hundreds of thousands of players who participated in the scoring for the first time played the game for a few hours, but most of them didn't quite understand what the game was about.

Players who are really addicted to the game feel that they have just touched the edge of the core gameplay of the game. Not only do they feel the fun, but even more and more fun, and the more they play, the more interesting they become.

It's just that they still need more time to explore before they can give a complete evaluation, so they are not in a hurry to give their own ratings.

However, those media and self-media who were blocked by Lin You did not have that kind of patience.

They waited for Yunmeng to reveal his flaws, but they had waited for too long!

Now, they finally had an opportunity to spray at Yunmeng confidently!

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