Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 558 Demonstration!

The little wish who posted the post didn't react immediately, and replied: "?"

But half an hour later, a strange player suddenly appeared in his small base, dropped a large amount of TNT explosives, blew up the entire base, and then sped out.

This is the first time Little Wish has seen the special weather in [World No. 22]—[Bomb Rain].

It was also the first time he personally felt the terrible malice of [World 22].

Little Wish returned to her post, and finally replied: "Sorry, it seems that I am really not suitable for this world."

Then directly delete the post and completely block [World No. 22].

He never wanted to go back.

But even though the post was deleted, it caused quite a stir among the players.

Although Xiaoxiu was miserable, many players were aroused by his deeds and rebelled. They insisted on trying to build a base in [World 22].

Some of the natives of [World 22] popped up to popularize the special ecology of this server, especially repeatedly reiterating——[Don’t reveal the coordinates! 】

Some began to think: "Should I give some help to newcomers? Otherwise, what if the server 'dead' after a long time?"

Others are posting @little wish, saying that they are willing to provide supplies and protection to help him rebuild the base.

——Although this protection is limited, because in [World 22], no one dares to guarantee absolute safety.

But unfortunately, the little wish never bubbled up again.

This incident made the "Minecraft" section surpass the popularity of the "Battlefield" section in one fell swoop, becoming the most popular section in the entire forum.

However, in the afternoon, the popularity of the "Battlefield" sector once again overtook.

The key to overtaking is also because of a post.

In the beginning, a player posted a complaint - [Your death is beyond your imagination! ]

In the post, he expressed his heartfelt emotion: "From yesterday to now, I don't know how many times I have died, and many times I don't know how I died at all!"

In this post, many players also expressed the same feeling——

"Without [combat induction], many times I don't know where the bullet came from, and I die inexplicably."

"Three ultimate questions: Who am I? Where am I? How did I die?"

"It's outrageous, last night, I was run over by a tank 6 times! You heard me right, it was him, mother, 6 times! I was run over by a tank in the face!!"


Further down, many people began to complain about their strange ways of dying.

Shang Er was inspired by this post, and opened another post, the name is——

[10,000 Ways to Die in the Battlefield—the most outrageous way to die will be selected with prizes! ]

——That's right, the leader of the League of Assassins players and the moderator of the "League of Assassins" section of the Vortex Forum, betrayed the revolution and fled to the "Battlefield" section.

This post has become the hottest post in a very short period of time.

Many players only realized that there are so many ways to die in this game after seeing this post——

"Suddenly a San Salmon rushed out of the smoke bomb, and I just watched the tank run over me!"

"I was playing sniper on the top floor. I had a good time. Suddenly, a plane swooped down. As a result, the dog couldn't shoot, so he chopped off my head with his fucking wing!"

"I was purely unlucky. I was blown away by a shell and survived, but I failed to land smoothly. The residual blood hit a tree, and I was killed head-on. It was the first time I knew that there was a "Battlefield". Collision damage."

"The flamethrower accidentally ignited the ammunition magazine, and the ammunition exploded... that thing actually exploded!"

"I was running fine when suddenly a pack of dynamite fell from the sky and exploded over my head."

"You were bombed, how about a normal death? Can you believe I was killed by a plane on flat ground!"

"It's even worse for me. I was pierced by a cavalryman with a spear, and two people were strangled on a spear! I just watched my corpse kiss the next victim..."


Other "conventional" ways of death, such as "being attacked and cut the throat", "being stabbed to death by a needle", "burning to death by a flamethrower", "hacked to death with a saber", and "strapped by an anti-aircraft gun", get The number of likes is simply not enough to squeeze into the front row.

It's just that so far, this post is still at the level of a regular "hot post", far from surpassing [World Tragedy on the 22nd].

What really pushed the popularity of this post to the top in one fell swoop was a special reply.

A player did not say his special way of death in the game, but replied——

"When I think of our fathers, and their fathers... there are really countless soldiers who died on the battlefield in a similar way, I can't help but feel... very sad."

As soon as this reply post came out, the fiery atmosphere instantly cooled down.

Everyone subconsciously began to think: Is there any truth to what you said? Is it possible that this is the case?

And the moment the thinking started, the answer immediately emerged: Of course it is possible!

Although the wars that the fathers participated in were not the wars of a hundred years ago, the wars will only become more cruel with the development of the times. The wars that the previous generation participated in will never be less cruel than those shown in the game.

And if you continue to think deeply, "the fathers of the fathers" go back all the way, and the war a hundred years ago, Daxia was not absent!

Those tragic deaths in the game may have really happened in history!

——Of course, outrageous death methods like "airplane shaving" must be ruled out.

After a moment of silence, the post became lively again, but the topic turned around, and everyone began to remember the heroes and recall the stories of martyrs in history and from the elders around them.

This directly took this originally funny post to a whole new level.


Great Xia players recalled the battle stories of heroes on the Internet, while British players started fighting in reality.

After yesterday's organization and preparation, the players' protest demonstrations finally started.

— Strictly speaking, this is illegal.

If you want to organize a protest march in the UK, you must report to the police at least six days in advance.

The organization of this parade started yesterday, and it went straight to the streets today, obviously not complying with the relevant regulations.

But the players who participated in the parade did not have any psychological burden-anyway, looking at the whole of Europe, it has never been a rare thing to carry out protests without reporting.

And the scale of this protest far exceeded expectations!

According to Yunmeng's data, in the current UK, there are only over 230,000 players who own Mirage consoles—of course, this is only a one-week increment, and the potential of the UK market is far beyond that.

These 230,000 people seem a lot, but considering that there are more than 67 million people in the UK, it is by no means a lot.

Not to mention that protests and demonstrations are offline activities and must be gathered together, and it is obviously impossible for the more than 200,000 people scattered across the country to march and protest together-players are not a group of people who particularly like to fight on the streets .

So in their preparations yesterday, it is expected that 1,200 people will gather in London to march on the streets, starting from Trafalgar Square, passing through St. James's Park, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and finally Westminster Palace - that is, the Parliament Building.

Referring to previous protests and marches, this is already a large scale, and it is impossible for the government to ignore protests of this scale.

Therefore, at 4 p.m. in Great Summer, just after 8 a.m. in London, players participating in the protest march walked out of their homes and headed to Trafalgar Square.

What they didn't expect was that when the parade started, the scale of the protest began to expand uncontrollably. In Trafalgar Square, there were less than 1,000 people. When passing through St. James' Park, the number of people It doubled directly.

By the time they reached the end of the parade—in front of the Parliament Building, the number of people had multiplied by a full five times, forming a raging wave of protest.

A player wearing a silver-white headband and waving a flag in his hand curiously asked the young man who joined in midway: "Are you also a virtual reality game player?"

"No, I'm not." The young man shook his head.

"Then are you planning to become a player in the future?"

"No." The young man shook his head again, "I don't play games much."

"Ah?" The player wearing the headband was confused: "Then why did you join the parade?"

The young man pointed to his banner, which read: [Protest against the unrestrained expansion of government power and the infringement of citizens' freedom of life and entertainment! ]

"Although I don't play games, I support you. Today they can ban you from playing games, and tomorrow they can ban others from gambling, drinking, smoking, parkour, and skateboarding..."

After looking the young man up and down, the player guessed: " you like to drink? Or, are you a skater?"

The young man shook his head again: "No, I just think you are right, and I like parades!"

"Like parades??" Hearing this unexpected answer, the player was obviously stunned.

Looking at the stunned players, the young guy pointed to the flag and asked, "Can you lend me your flag?"

The player handed the flag to the young man without saying a word, and looked around the dense crowd of protesters, feeling that everyone's face was full of excitement and excitement.

It's just that he suddenly had a suspicion about the composition of these people...

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