Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 559 Don't chill the hearts of the fighters of democracy!

Daniel stopped looking around and continued to follow the large army.

Concerns about the composition of the marchers can only stay in my heart.

After all, in the original plan, the number of players who would participate in the parade was only about 1,200, but now there were at least 6,000 people flocking outside the parliament building, waving flags and signs and shouting.

The proportion of players is only 20%, and the remaining 80% are people who suddenly joined for no reason.

No chance of rejection at all.

This also made this demonstration the largest protest in London this year.

Crowd gatherings of this scale, and unreported gatherings, are obviously going to cause problems.

Even if the participants had no intention of causing sabotage, but simply wanted to make a sound, they completely blocked the road outside the parliament building, and the traffic was directly paralyzed.

The London police were long overdue.

But they're also pretty tough--

If there are acts of violence and sabotage at the scene, it is nothing to say. Use force directly, arrest a group, drive out a group, and dismiss the rest directly.

The problem is that these guys are very disciplined.

Everyone stood outside shouting slogans, expressing dissatisfaction, and demanding that the government "stop violating civil liberties."

You go over and ask them to lean on both sides of the road, don't occupy the road and block the traffic, and they will get out of the way without saying a word.

This is very troublesome, there is no reason to arrest people!

In the end, the police could only maintain order while looking for the organizers of the protest, trying to reason.

——Otherwise, they would disperse the crowd for no reason, not to mention how to disperse more than 6,000 people. If it is not handled properly, it will be the London police who will be protested tomorrow.

Can't you take the blame for others?

So no, no, let's be more gentle and discuss it with everyone.

After a lot of hard work, the road finally basically gave way.

The price was that the lawn outside the Parliament building was crowded with crowds, and there were also dense crowds of protesters on both sides of the Thames.

More people are still gathering from the outside. The most famous sightseeing route in London is completely crowded with protesters.

The London police have been battered from the beginning, and now they are lying flat-because they couldn't find the organizer of the event.

Most of the protesters were unwilling to talk to them. Finally, a few people were willing to answer questions. After some inquiries, they discovered that this protest was not organized by a few people, but by a post on the Internet. , Hundreds of thousands of people leave messages, communicate, and make appointments in the posts.

One of them enthusiastically took out his mobile phone and showed the post to Mr. Police.

The policemen were lost in thought when they saw the post "Regional Members Call on Citizens to Revolt against the Government"...


The protests were in full swing, but hours passed without anyone from the government showing up.

This made Daniel and the protesting crowd around him very angry!

But after such a long time, they inevitably feel tired and hungry.

Daniel is very worried. If the protests do not make any progress, then there are only two development routes left--increasing dissatisfaction among the crowd, developing into more intense protests, and even violent conflicts.

Or everyone is discouraged and goes back to their respective homes, waiting for the government to make a statement tomorrow to see if the protest has achieved any results.

But at this moment, by coincidence and coincidence, a long line of food trucks slowly drove into the protest site and began to sell steaming meals.

Various street vendors also gathered quickly as if they had received a signal.

Waffles, tacos, kebabs, paella, bratwurst, Cornish pasties and, of course, the timeless fish and chips, all showed up at the protest.

Then there are mobile coffee carts, street haircuts, old book stalls, small commodities, street performances... All kinds of strange vendors all began to gather here.

The atmosphere at the scene inevitably became strange: from protests and accusations filled with righteous indignation, it quickly changed to a party.

Daniel watched all this happen in dumbfounded, completely unable to figure out why this happened.

Until the Creative Code game company officially debuted.

They didn't come to protest the government's regulations. On the contrary, they came to "pacify" the protesting players' emotions-for this reason, they "temporarily" set up a [virtual world experience area], which can serve 300 people at the same time, and the scene is free Experience a virtual world.

Although they said it was "temporary", but they were able to get all the preparations done within 10 minutes of arriving at the scene and quickly provide services to the crowd, obviously they came prepared.

——The preparations cannot be started until after the parade starts, but must have been completed yesterday, otherwise it will be too late.

Daniel held the flag in his hand, and watched the young people who "like to parade" put down the signs in their hands, and ran excitedly to the virtual world experience area just set up by CC Game Company to join in the fun.

He leaned the flag aside and pulled out his phone to check social media.

Unsurprisingly, this protest march became the first hot spot, not only making news headlines in the UK, but also causing a certain sensation throughout Europe.

In the UK, the free virtual reality experience provided by CC game company has also rapidly increased the discussion in a very short period of time, and it seems to be the next hot topic.

At this time, Daniel suddenly felt: Many things can be explained...


Before going to bed at night, Lin You was reminded by Xiaomeng that he knew about the protest march of British players.

Looking at the scene picture Xiaomeng showed him, Lin You was a little confused: "Are you sure this is a protest demonstration? It's not a large outdoor gathering somewhere?"

"No!" Xiaomeng shook her head, "This is the scene! According to Xiaomeng's reasoning, CC Game Company should have secretly intervened to mislead the protesters."

"Is this promoting virtual games? But haven't we reached a cooperation yet? Their government can't get through it."

Lin You thought for a while, and suddenly understood: "Is it because of the letter of intent for cooperation? They think that the cooperation will be reached sooner or later, and they have the priority of cooperation, so while inciting players to protest, they promote it in advance?"

"But it's too risky, right?" Lin You expressed disbelief.

"Xiaomeng doesn't know." In Lin You's field of vision, Xiaomeng was wearing a cute little dinosaur pajamas, lying on the bed and dangling her calves, "But Xiaomeng thinks that it is also good for everyone to get together to play, which is better than that in Los Angeles. Protests are much better!"

"Los Angeles?" Lin You was stunned for a moment, "There are also player protests in Los Angeles?"

"Well, there was a lot of trouble yesterday." Xiaomeng affirmed: "From the beginning, it was only a small-scale protest demonstration, and later more and more people joined in, and finally turned into a violent conflict. Not long ago, the Los Angeles police announced the details. The information said that a total of 158 people were arrested in this protest.”

"Huh? It's such a big fuss?"

"Yes!" Xiaomeng turned to lie on her back, waved her little hand, and a bigger picture was projected onto the ceiling.

The scene inside is completely different from the lively atmosphere outside the British Parliament building, with angry crowds, waving flags, smashed car windows, lit signboards, and looted shops...

The police clashed fiercely with the crowd, batons, shields, and tear gas all went into battle, and impulsive thugs were pushed to the ground one by one...

"This is... a player from Los Angeles?" Lin You couldn't accept it.

"Xiaomeng has compared the faces of these people, and there are no such people in Yunmeng's North American database!"

"Oh, that's good." Hearing Xiaomeng's explanation, Lin You let out a long sigh of relief.

He also knows that as the number of Yunmeng users increases, it is inevitable that the quality of players will vary.

But when I think of all these inexplicable people coming in, I feel a little bit uncomfortable...

"Are the 158 arrested people all people who take advantage of the fire and join in the fun?"

"No, there are 18 people inside, who organized the players to carry out this protest." Xiaomeng pulled out the photos and information of these 18 people, and compared Yunmeng's player database, "These 18 people are also very early Players who have logged into the virtual world through the network springboard."

"So only these 18 people were arrested and imprisoned for the right to play freely, right?" Lin You asked Xiaomeng for more information: "According to the information released by the Los Angeles police, they were arrested. What's the reason?"

"Without reporting, organizing demonstrations and protests without permission, causing bad influence." Xiaomeng pulled out the announcement of the Los Angeles police.

"Is that so..." Lin You pondered for a moment and had an idea.

"I remember that there is a bail system over there, right?"

Xiaomeng nodded.

"That's good, we can't let the democratization fighters fighting for the rights of the people like this chill them!" Lin You couldn't help laughing as he said, "We'll pay for it!"

"Not only the bail of these 18 players, but also all the players who are arrested and imprisoned for organizing players to protest and demonstrate in the future, we will pay all the bail!"

"I'll ask Zhong Chang and Lao Luo tomorrow if they can set up a transnational foundation or something to provide funding for such overseas 'democratic activities'."

"Let the flame of democracy and freedom burn even more vigorously!"

Speaking of this, Lin You couldn't hold back his smile any longer, and couldn't help laughing loudly: "Haha! I'm such a good person!"

The second update is still being written...

Thanks for the reward of 100 dots for Bingmo Qingshang!

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