Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 572 Change the map tomorrow!

Lin You thought very well.

But he ran into a problem - the horse was gone.

Lin You's team consisted of only 15 people, and the other 85 players who came in at random obviously didn't intend to spoil him.

Two tanks, two horses, and two planes were snatched away the moment the game started, and they rushed straight to the center of the map without stopping.

For things like vehicles, the key is to have a quick eye and a quick hand, and whoever grabs it will own it.

"Any tactics?" Super Tomato asked.

"Rush to point C!" Seeing that he could no longer be a cavalryman, Lin You didn't think much about it, and was about to charge with a sniper rifle.

What's the strategy for this picture? It's over.

So everyone chased the tank and rushed to the castle at point C.

Of course, it was said to be a swarm, but in fact it was just them. The other players hadn't noticed who they were, and they were still playing on their own.

For example, when the game was first released, everyone worked together to discuss tactics and cooperate with each other. As time went by, it became less and less.

Everyone has their own ideas.

And is there any relevant mechanism in the game itself to restrict how players must play? In addition, the battle rhythm changes very fast, and the battlefield situation changes rapidly. As a result, the entire battlefield is directly atomized, and players or teams make decisions according to their own judgment.

Basically, you can play how you like, and there is seldom a unified command.

Of course, having said that, even if all players are willing to cooperate, there are very few players who truly have the ability to command the battlefield.

Only marking a few points for everyone to rush together, that is not a commanding ability.

This is how it is now: the large army of players is indeed rushing to point C, but there are also players who start to take the path without even thinking about it, intending to go directly to steal the hometown on the opposite side.

Of all the players, the fastest is of course the plane.

The two attack planes each carried a teammate, roaring and flying over their heads, heading straight for the castle at Point C.

On the distant horizon, from the position of the Italian player, two planes can also be seen flying across the sky, heading straight for the castle.

The difference is that on the Italian side, there is an attack plane and a bomber.

Lin You didn't understand: Isn't your big and heavy bomber in the sky a target?

The second fastest is the cavalry.

The two players galloped on horseback at full speed, faster than tanks.

Two Sansamon tanks carrying 5 players also rumbled out of their hometown, and the infantry closely followed the tanks and charged forward.

Everyone is racing against time, hoping to grab the center of the map.

The infantry hadn't taken a few steps before the plane had already reached the sky above point C.

Then Lin You was stunned to see: four players from his side jumped out of the plane at the same time and landed on the roof of the castle.

The plane that lost its pilot crashed crookedly to the ground amidst the howling sound.

"?" Lin You was dumbfounded!

"Didn't you see the plane on the other side? Just jumped straight away?"

The subsequent development was exactly the same as what Lin You was worried about: the pilot of the attack plane on the opposite side did not jump out, but the teammate who drove the plane to shoot down from above.

Two unlucky guys died suddenly on the spot, and the remaining two ran away with their heads in their arms.

Only then did the players on the opposite side land in the air, one ran to occupy the point, and the other stayed to restrain them.

After the two players in Daxia successfully fought back, before they had time to rejoice, a shadow covered the sunlight above their heads.

Looking up, I found that the Italian player's heavy bomber just arrived at the scene, and the round shells rolled down like laying eggs.

At this time, it was too late to run away, and they only had time to leave a last word——


Lin You looked at the progress bar of point C being occupied by the enemy, and sighed speechlessly: "Our team is friendly."

Ah Yi was a little excited: "Small problem! When the plane is refreshed, I will come to justice!"

"Wait a minute, the bombers won't come after us, will they?" Super Tomato keenly thought of a question, "We don't have air defense here!"

Seeing that the bomber on the opposite side really rushed over, and while rushing over, they shamelessly kept raising their altitude to reduce the threat of machine guns, they could only disperse helplessly.

Then came another round of bombing.

Fortunately, there was a more attractive target on the ground - a tank from their camp was blown up on the spot, and five unlucky ones died instantly.

The player flying the bomber on the opposite side was still not satisfied, so he turned a corner and ran to another tank.

A group of support soldiers stopped on the spot, picked up their machine guns, and started "da da da da da—" towards the sky

After crossing this empty point D, the large army finally arrived at the entrance of the castle.

When we got here, because of the narrow corridor and the scattered crowd, the formation had to become dense again.

It turned out to be bad luck again: just as the people in front rushed out of the corridor, a horse suddenly sprang out, and the cavalryman was carrying a saber, one by one, one by one like cutting vegetables... It seemed that he was about to leave the old castle. The inside of the gate has been cut to the outside.

Thanks to Lin You's accurate marksmanship and quick reaction, he shot to the head with one shot and killed the cavalry who was caught in the crowd and couldn't move.

The large army continued to charge forward, but this time Lin You had already reached the front.

The moment he rushed into the castle, he suddenly had an ominous premonition, and subconsciously looked up at the second floor of the castle.

Then I saw two M1917 heavy machine guns with a full ammunition capacity of 250 rounds.

And the gun was aimed at him!

In the next moment, Lin You deeply realized what a hail of bullets is!

The two Italian players pulled the trigger to the end in one breath, and then they did not let go, and started shooting indiscriminately at the Daxia players who rushed in.

The rain of bullets was like the scythe of death, cutting across the unsheltered courtyard and harvesting everyone's lives.

There was a roar of cursing.

Fortunately, at this time, the nearest point D has been taken down. After the 10-second resurrection cooling time expired, Lin You immediately redeployed at point D.

Just the moment he landed, he caught a ray of light in his peripheral vision, and just turned his head to look for that ray, but he felt a heavy blow to his head, his neck tilted, and he died suddenly on the spot.

At the moment of death, Lin You also saw the person who killed him, and at the same time understood what was going on with that light——

A sniper was lying on the roof of the castle, and the light was the reflection of the sniper scope when he aimed.

'Damn. ’ Lin You cursed inwardly.

After waiting 10 seconds, he redeployed again at point D.

After learning the lesson, Lin You immediately started sprinting at the moment of his resurrection, and adopted a high-end S-shaped position, trying to avoid the sniper attack.



Lin You's head exploded again, and he collapsed suddenly.

The cause of death—a sniper who had switched places on the roof?

"It's not over!!" Lin You was furious, feeling that if he continued playing, his scalp would itch.

But he was not reconciled and insisted on redeploying at point D.

There is good news this time: there are six more players who are resurrected here at the same time, almost in no particular order.

Everyone obviously knew the danger, and they dispersed at the same time as they were resurrected.

Lin You secretly rejoiced: So many people are covering me, with a one-seventh chance, I can't be unlucky, right?

Nothing more than three!

But as soon as this secret joy arose, he felt that his head was hit hard again, and he fell down straight at random, with his face in close contact with the ground.

Just when he was about to get angry, Xia Yi quickly pricked his thigh with a needle, bringing him back to life.

——Xia Yi was subconsciously aiming at her buttocks, but she suddenly realized something was wrong just before she plunged in, and pulled down a little dangerously, and finally landed on Lin You's thigh.



Just as Lin You was about to say thank you, another bullet hit his head with great precision.

Less than 3 seconds after sitting up from the ground, he died suddenly again.

After his consciousness ascended to heaven this time, Lin You didn't study where to resurrect again, but stared at the scout [orz] who killed him 4 times in 1 minute, and his mentality exploded:

Within one minute, 5 sudden deaths in a row!

Seven people resurrected together! Just stare at me and kill?

Are you sick?

How much hatred? !

At this moment, Lin You really wanted to rush up and give him some color!

But it's really hard to get revenge——

The winning streak team on the opposite side is really strong enough! It is worthy of being able to pull Italian players abruptly, skip T3 and T2 theaters, and directly line up in the team of Daxia.

Point C has been taken by them. Although the battle has not stopped for a moment, the key commanding heights such as the city wall and roof are completely controlled by the opponent.

Now Lin You and the others are already under suppression.

Seeing the opposite fighter jet also fly over, he began to concentrate on protecting the top of his head, and then wanted to take down point C, the difficulty increased sharply!

After watching the situation on the battlefield, Lin You said viciously in the live broadcast room:

"There is a problem with this map! I will ask them to change it tomorrow!"

Calvin is a bit powerful, the second update will be later...

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