Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 573 Come on, I'll steal a house first!

"He's in a hurry! He's in a hurry!"

"Hahaha, do you know what your teammates are thinking?"

"I know, I know—[you're good food!] Hahaha."

"The [orz] on the opposite side is finished, I'm afraid he will be banned after this fight!"

"The title is worth it, this is [God Slayer]! Although there may be a lot of people who want to kill God today... Hahaha!"


In Lin You's live broadcast room, the audience almost died of laughter.

Especially a large number of players from Russia and Germany ran over to watch the live broadcast in disappointment because they failed to snipe Lin You.

Originally, he wanted to complain, but now that he saw Lin You's death so tragically, he gloated and joined the ridicule queue.

The popularity of the live broadcast room is getting higher and higher.

But Lin You was not happy about it at all.

What disturbed him even more was that in the team channel where they were supposed to call each other for support and report the battle situation during the fierce battle, two people chatted——

"By the way, why did you name yourself Liu Donggua?" Yelang curiously asked the housekeeper who "changed from male to female".

"I think the plump winter melon is very cute." Liu Donggua replied unhurriedly.

"Then why do you keep pretending to be a man?" Yelang was puzzled.

"Because I like your women's clothing! To be honest, your men's clothing looks so ordinary to me..."

"Ah?" Yelang opened his mouth wide in surprise, and said in a speechless voice, "I'm so sorry for asking you to be my room manager when I can't see women's clothing."

"It's okay, it's okay." Liu Donggua looked at it openly, "If you like someone, you have to accept her imperfection! I like the way you look in women's clothing, so of course I have to accept your state in men's clothing."

Yelang felt that there was something wrong with this statement, and there was something wrong with the logic.

But in the environment of constant explosions and hail of bullets, for a while, he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

And Liu Donggua went a step further and said: "Of course, it would be even better if you are willing to wear women's clothes! Seriously, if you can spend half of your time wearing women's clothes, then it's not impossible to be your boyfriend, I mean girlfriend! "


Question marks not only appeared on Yelang's forehead, but also on the foreheads of everyone in the team channel.

It even appeared on the foreheads of tens of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Can you...don't chat in the team channel?" Lin You interrupted the two of them speechlessly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Liu Donggua apologized again and again, "Did you bother the conductor?"

"No." Lin You immediately denied, "It has nothing to do with the conductor, I just don't want to eat dog food."

"Especially with such a strange taste of dog food, I feel a little indigestion."

Lin You's precise complaints immediately caused the audience who swiped the question mark in the live broadcast room to swip [dyspepsia] instead.

There was also laughter in the team channel.

Yelang was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say.

Liu Donggua, who looks like a soft girl, has a very cheerful personality. He laughed happily when he heard this.

Only Super Tomato was very helpless: "Can you be serious, my friends! If this goes on like this, we will be crushed! Look at how many people are in the live broadcast room, this is a shame to the whole world!"

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on everyone's faces immediately froze.

Super Tomato habitually analyzed: "Now our biggest problem is: the enemy is condescending, they hit us, and we basically can't dodge. When we hit them, they can dodge by taking a step back, which makes it difficult to rush through the ground. "

"In the sky, the opponent has terrain suppression, and can control the anti-aircraft guns near point C, and the aircraft dogfight can't beat it."

"Even if you want to steal something, you won't be able to get through with a gun on the high place..."

"It's too difficult! The winning team on the opposite side cooperated so well."

And they didn't cooperate at all...

Super Tomato analyzed it for a long time, and the more it analyzed, the more difficult it became.

At this time, Ah Yi suddenly interrupted: "So, it's time to use [Plan B]!"

"Plan B? What Plan B?" Lin You was taken aback.

"Have you ever heard of a style of play that falls from the sky with one move?" A Yi's tone was full of determination.

It happened that the plane was refreshed, so he decisively grabbed the vehicle, drove the heavy bomber, climbed all the way to the highest position possible, and then rushed towards the castle.

Lin You didn't understand what it meant at first.

It wasn't until A Yi reached the sky above the castle with great difficulty, and then began to dive down at an almost 90-degree angle, throwing bombs and players down while diving, that he understood what A Yi meant.

——Aeroplanes in the virtual world are much more flexible. As long as you are not afraid of death, you can use them as disposable bombs.

However, a small plane will not explode when it hits the ground, so it is not easy to kill the player.

But heavy bombers are different. As long as the shells are not empty when they crash, a big explosion will occur.

In the past few days, players have done a lot of terrorist acts of hitting people and strongholds with large bombers.

A Yi's actions seemed to sound the horn, and the casual players also saw the opportunity and began to charge again.

Two tanks loaded with players head straight for the castle.

The support soldiers carried machine guns and tried to provide air defense protection-but they soon discovered: no need, the opposing plane was desperately attacking the vertically diving bomber.

The problem is, with the current flight angle of the bomber, even if its HP is emptied, it is destined to explode in the castle!

What's more interesting: because Ayi has been accelerating crazily, so that the shells and players thrown by him are even surpassed by him in the air!

Then there was—"Boom!"

A violent explosion occurred on the roof of the castle, and the powerful shock wave burst out with flames. There were not many unlucky people who died in the first wave - everyone was not blind, of course they saw the bombers falling from the sky.

However, there were more than a dozen unlucky people who were pushed off the roof by the shock wave and fell to their deaths.

Then came the cannonball, which was one step behind, and fired another round.

After that, the two players who opened the parachute at an ultra-low altitude - if this is in reality, if they open the parachute at this distance, they will definitely die!

But in the game world, it's just deducting one-third of the blood volume.

After the two men landed, they immediately split into two groups and began pouring firepower at the two entrances of the castle.

And Daxia's two tanks have already rushed forward!

More ferocious firepower began to pour towards the Italian players!

Behind the tank, several support soldiers had already put away their machine guns, and kept beating on the tank with a wrench "Bang Bang Bang" - this is repairing the tank while fighting...

However, the Italian elite team, because they paid too much attention to air defense, chose fighter jets as their air vehicle—specialized in air combat, but poor in suppressing the ground.

This led to a smooth charge of the tank into the courtyard, and then - war pigeons! Call the artillery!

The St. Salmon tank stopped in place, and the support soldiers knocked on the wrench desperately.

And then—the bombardment came!

The enemies who were besieging the tank, and the Italian players who rushed to the second floor and the roof again, were hit head-on again!

Dense enemies make the artillery bombing damage effect full.

The enemies in the courtyard were almost wiped out!

More players quickly poured into the courtyard.

A large number of smoke bombs were thrown, from the courtyard to the room, near the stronghold, it was full of smoke!

In such an environment with extremely limited vision and relatively cramped space, the two sides were undoubtedly drawn into close combat.

On the Daxia side, a large number of support soldiers holding magnetic landmines and medical soldiers holding medical syringes have turned on the charge mode!

Once they saw the enemy, the support soldiers rushed up holding the mines, and with a loud "boom", they both went to Huangquan together.

Then the teammate of the medical soldier went down with an injection and came back from the dead.

Seeing the enemy again, replace the medical soldier with his teammate and charge up with the grenade, and die together with the enemy.

When they are all dead, the teammates of the support soldiers step forward again, pick up the syringes of the medical soldiers to exchange configurations, and then pull the medical soldiers up.

What you are playing is sustainable development and circular self-destruction!

Now that there are so many countries in the world, which country plays the best self-explosive soldiers?

Middle Eastern players?


Middle Eastern players even consciously don't play like this in the game.

The ones who play the most smoothly are the big summer players who don't have any psychological burden and dare to play any tricks.

This two-person configuration is just the most basic operation.

More high-end three-person, even four-person teams, CD-free human bomb gameplay, often appear in various street fighting maps.

Once successful, it can often turn the tide and reverse the decline.

Of course, once it fails, it will be cheating to give away the head, and start the next game sooner...

Fortunately, luck was good this time. The Death Squad had broken into the stronghold and was fighting hand-to-hand with the Italian players, starting to compete for this key stronghold.

But Lin You was not here.

He was recognized by many players, and by brushing his face, he finally got his wish, rode a white horse, and started charging with a spear in his hand!

The intern Xiaoxia snatched the mount by herself and followed Lin You on the horse at this time.

The direction of their charge is: the enemy's hometown!

"The masters are all fighting and killing at point C. There must be rookies in my hometown, right?"

"Isn't this the head delivered to the door?"

Lin You left a message on the team channel: "Come on, hit it first, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Kavinka's life and death... There are still people in the family who are yellow codes, it's hard to deal with.

In this troubled time, everyone should take care of your body and pay attention to protection.

And the weather is cooling down, remember to add a few more clothes.

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