Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 854: Crimson Storm! (two in one)

This night, all players in the East Eight time zone who were still playing in "Chang'an" discovered a strange phenomenon:

The sun hangs on the horizon, unwilling to sink for a long time.

The game time is still turning, and the NPC's behavior pattern has also turned to night, but the light and shadow of the entire Chang'an City are frozen at this moment when the sun is about to set.

Like being sealed in the amber of time.

"There is a bug in Yunmeng's game?" This is such a rare event that the weird keyword [Empire on which the sun never sets] caused quite a commotion in the player circle.

Even people in the company group discussed this matter, until Lin You took the time to reply, "I did it, don't worry about it."

They were relieved and continued to celebrate New Year's Eve.

Lin You just made a fuss and then disappeared again, without participating in their chat.

He has more important things to do:

After obtaining Xiaomeng's consent, he brought Zhu Cixia to the bridge of the space carrier.

On that small sofa, Xiaomeng had long since lost her drunken look, and looked at the two with burning eyes, with a proud expression on her face.

Of course, there is no need for an introduction, as everyone is already familiar with it.

Princess Zhu Cixia held Xiaomeng's hand and said, "Xiaomeng, thank you."

"You're welcome, hehe."

Xiao Meng looked at her, then at Lin You, and then opened her mouth in a tiger-wolf manner: "Master, when are you going to have a baby?"

"The baby is so cute, Little Dream takes care of the baby!"

"???" Lin You had a question mark on his face.

Is this your purpose?

Think spirit beasts are not fun enough, want to raise a baby to play with?

The little princess who had already calmed down felt embarrassed again.

Lin You wasn't polite to her, he pressed Fen's head and pushed her down on the small sofa, with both hands together, he held her little face and rubbed it.

Xiaomeng was rubbed so badly that she couldn't speak clearly, she didn't know what she was talking about, so she could only dance and dance to express her protest.

She looked at Zhu Cixia pitifully.

The little princess took a step forward and couldn't help but said, "Can I rub it?"

"?!" Xiaomeng was taken aback, no longer struggled, but curled up on her lap with her hands covering her face.

Lin You stopped teasing her, touched her little head, and sat down beside her, and the little princess sat next to her on the other side.

The three of them were leaning on the small sofa, just enough to fill them up.

Xiao Meng covered her small face with her hands, looked at Lin You and Zhu Cixia through her fingers, and carefully put down her hands after making sure that they would not "sneak attack" suddenly.

After a while, she was happy and silly again.

Lin You called out the New Year's Eve party, and the three of them crowded together and leaned on the small sofa to watch the party.

The evening party, which he felt lacking in interest before, doesn't seem so unbearable now.

The three stayed here until very late before leaving.

After all, the little princess has strict family education. If she doesn't go back at 10 o'clock, her father will be angry.

And Lin You also returned to the bedroom to prepare to rest.

While lying in bed before falling asleep, he found that the sense of alienation from the world during the day had completely disappeared, and he fell asleep happily.

Seeing that Lin You was in a better mood, Xiao Meng also became happy, lying on the quilt in the little dinosaur pajamas, and waited until Lin You fell asleep before the flicker disappeared.



Lin You was asleep, but the little princess couldn't sleep.

Not only could I not fall asleep, but I was tossing and turning on the bed, so excited!

After holding back for a long time, she still couldn't hold back her desire to share, picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Shuihua: "Shuihua Shuihua, I succeeded!"

——I must not tell my sister now, otherwise my sister has been urged to marry all night, and if she suddenly hears this news, she will definitely explode!

She can't stand her sister tormenting.

"Om—" the phone vibrated.

Splash: [What succeeded? ]

Princess: [I confessed successfully! ]

Splash: [! ! ! ! ]


The phone vibrated immediately, and Shuihua invited her for a video call.

The little princess didn't connect immediately, but pulled the corners of her mouth down first, so as not to smile so obviously, and then connected after controlling her expression.

Splash looked even more excited than the princess:

"Really? Really? How did you confess?"

Zhu Cixia said embarrassedly: "Today is New Year's Eve. I was afraid that he would be alone, so I went to play with him in the game."

"Then you confessed your love?" Shui Hua was super excited, "It's a good job to take advantage of it!"

"What's taking advantage of the void... No way!"

Shuihua didn't answer at all, but said more excitedly: "Then you are the boss of Yunmeng? "From Intern to Mrs. President", wow! This is also great!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhu Cixia to refute, he said excitedly again: "When you go to work after the holiday, you must let Yunmeng develop casual games! I want to play casual games! Can't wait!"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Hearing that Shuihua's words were getting more and more outrageous, the little princess kept yelling to stop, "I can't control Yunmeng, I think interns are very good, and I don't want to change positions."

"That's okay, it's not a matter of minutes if you blow the pillow more!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'm going to be angry!"

"Hahaha." Shui Hua laughed heartily, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

"Congratulations!" Shuihua finally stopped joking and said seriously, "I'm really happy for you."

Shuihua is really worried about her good sister, because she is too smart and excellent. In many cases, it is difficult for such a person to find a good match.

Before Lin You appeared, Shui Hua didn't even think that anyone was worthy of her.

But if it is Lin You, then Shuihua really has no objections, all that is left is blessings, and sincerely hope that they can go to the end smoothly.

"Shuihua, thank you." The little princess said moved.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the call and falling asleep.


Early the next morning, Lin You got up and received a good morning message from the little princess.

He hurriedly got up after replying a text message.

Neither of them had time to chat, because they both had important things to do on the first day of the new year

As a princess, Zhu Cixia couldn't avoid such an important festival as the New Year.

Lin You, on the other hand, had to rush to the company early. After all, it was a serious and solemn interview facing the world, so he had to make preparations early to avoid mistakes.

Yue Pengju, who refused to take the holiday, sent him to the company.

Lin You pulled Xiao Meng to unlock the door for him, and strolled into the company.

Although Yunmeng's office space has been expanded many times, even the office building with the most employees is no longer the earliest one.

But Lin You has always liked the environment here, so the core of the company has never been moved, and his office has always been here.

For the interview, Qiao Nanyu also specially asked someone to re-do the hygiene.

When Lin You walked into the office, the windows were still bright and clean, just like when he left on vacation.

Half an hour later, the staff of Daxia TV Station also came to the scene and began busy preparing for the live broadcast.

After a full hour, everything was ready, and everyone began to wait patiently for the news to start.

Lin You didn't read the script either, but watched TV with Xiaomeng.

——In order to avoid business trips, the live broadcast session is actually very short. The main thing is that the host will broadcast in the director's room, and then the director will play some films that [Focus on the head ring] will be popularized across the country. He doesn't need to make too much preparation.


After waiting for a minute and a second, 8 o'clock arrived, and the annual [New Year Special Program] officially started.

Compared with the New Year's Eve party, this program has no less influence.

But its influence is not because of the number of celebrities who appeared on the stage, nor how interesting the content of the program is, but because this program will announce the development plan of Daxia for the next whole year.

First, Zhu Cixia's family came on stage to send New Year blessings to audiences across the country.

Then, the leading figures from various departments of the central government took turns to come on stage, and in plain and easy-to-understand vernacular, they summarized the work overview of the whole year last year and the development goals and plans for the next year. If there are important policy changes, they will also be briefly explained in this session.

This process is very long, but the attention is also surprisingly high, and practitioners from all walks of life will attach great importance to it.

That's why Lin You lacked interest and yawned as he watched.

After this link is over, it will be the display of the important development achievements of Daxia in the past year.

The content of [Focus on the Headband] is placed in this link, and it is placed first in the opening, giving enough attention.

Of course, the [Headband of Concentration] is also worthy of this attention!


"In the past year, Daxia has made major breakthroughs in basic equipment in the fields of scientific research and education."

"The [Focus Headband] developed by Lin You, a famous young scientist in my country, creator of virtual reality technology, founder of Yunmeng Games, and founder of Journey Prosthetics, has covered more than 90% of scientific research sites in Daxia and more than 70% of primary schools."

"The capacity ramp-up of related equipment has been completed. In the next year, we will strive to cover all scientific research sites, all teaching sites, and some social sites."

While the host was reading the script, the director had already started switching screens——

The head rings are passed through the automatic production equipment like flowing water, packed, transported, and sent to all parts of the country.

Scientific researchers wear headbands to concentrate on scientific research, while elementary school students wear headbands to class and read...


When the audience saw the news, their eyes widened in shock!

If it's just the [Headband of Concentration], they won't be too shocked. After all, it's no secret that the coverage of the [Headband of Concentration] has been getting bigger and bigger in the past six months.

Everyone was well aware of the effect of this thing, and there was a frenzy of acquisitions for a while.

Everyone wants to get this thing early.

——Of course, more parents want to buy them for their children.

But it is a pity that although the output of [Focusing on the Headband] is astonishing, and the absolute number is huge, each one is closely watched, and there is no channel for it to flow out.

All equipment is strictly limited in scope of use, and will be automatically locked once you leave.

Not only is it locked, but it will also automatically send out a signal to report your location. The police who get the signal will come to the door immediately, and they will be severely and severely punished!

To put it seriously, this is a "heavy weapon of the country", from production to installation to use, every step is under the strictest control!

No matter how powerful scalpers and thieves are, they can't get a usable [Focusing Headband].

Under such a situation, the wave of acquisitions soon faded away. Everyone had to be patient and looked forward to the early release of the controls on this thing.

But everyone didn't expect: In just half a year, more than 90% of scientific research institutions and more than 70% of primary schools have all popularized it!

This speed far exceeded everyone's expectations.

This year, it is even more important to achieve full link coverage of primary schools, middle schools, universities, and research institutes!

what does that mean?

Daxia's education and scientific research will embark on a fast track, and it is likely that in the next two to three years, it will usher in a leapfrog development visible to the naked eye!

And in this era, a technological leap can almost be equated with a productivity leap!

The leap in productivity will undoubtedly bring huge economic advantages.

This is so fast that people are caught off guard!

In particular, many sociologists are even more shocked——

They haven't finished researching how the rapid development of the virtual world will affect society, and now suddenly there is another huge variable.

They had to start thinking: on the one hand, the rapid development of the virtual world, on the other hand, the explosion of technology and productivity in the real world. If these two things happen at the same time, what kind of impact will it have on society?

Just thinking about it makes their scalps tingle, and they feel that the speed of research and analysis cannot keep up with the explosive speed of technology!

What's even more uncomfortable is: [Focus Headband]'s effect of improving concentration has little effect on the acceleration of sociology research, and they can't get much help from it.

Ordinary netizens are not so entangled.

——When you can’t figure it out, just shout awesome!


"Next, let's hand over the camera to the reporters on the scene for a live interview with the inventor of the [Focus Headband]."

At the end of the broadcast, the screen switched to Yunmeng's empty office, and the reporter on the scene took the conversation skillfully:

"Hello, audience friends, today we came to the headquarters of Yunmeng and interviewed the famous young scientist: Lin You."

"Hello, Lin You, let's say hello to the audience friends."

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin You, I wish you all a happy new year." Lin You pretended to put down the pen and ruler in his hand, and said to the camera.

"As we all know, you seem to like to fight alone in scientific research, but you can often create miracles alone. I heard that the birth of [Focus Headband] is also the same, is it true?"

"Yes." Lin You nodded.

"So, do you have any stories you want to share with everyone about the development process of [Focus Headband]?"

"Of course." Lin You nodded again, and then picked up the hand-painted [Focusing Headband] blueprint on the table that was one meter wide and one meter five long.

——Of course, cat ears, bat ears, and magic spells... These various shapes and appearance drawings only involve a little bit of technical content.

Still wrong.

This is a little joke that Lin You made on purpose.

The director had repeatedly confirmed that this blueprint would not involve technical secrets before he dared to let the photographer shoot it.

But now something went wrong.

However, the problem was not with this blueprint, but with the larger and more eye-catching blueprint that appeared below after this blueprint was picked up by Lin You——

It was a design drawing of a giant red mech with three mechanical arms!

In the upper left corner of the drawing, there are four large characters in cold red lacquer, marking the name of this mecha——

[Red Storm]!

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