Build a game empire from scratch

Chapter 855 You said you didn't study mechs? !

Lin You picked up the blueprint of the focus headband, and the cameraman definitely wanted to take a shot.

The relative position of Lin You and the camera made it inevitable that the drawing below was also taken while shooting this blueprint.

When that blueprint appeared on the monitor screen, the interview scene seemed to be quiet for a moment.

At that moment, countless thoughts seemed to flash through the director's mind, and he even vaguely saw the picture of himself stepping on the sewing machine in the detention center.

——When discussing the location of the interview, the director proposed to conduct the interview in Lin You's laboratory for the effect of the program.

This proposal was mercilessly rejected by Lu Wei on the spot.

It was nothing at all, but after the meeting, he was successively interviewed by Lin You's security team, the Military Industry Research Institute represented by He Peng, and the Daxia National Security Department, asking him how he came up with this idea.

"Do you want to enter Lin You's laboratory by yourself?"

"Has anyone else suggested you do this?"

"Recall carefully, is it possible that you were inadvertently induced by someone to come up with this idea?"


During these three rounds of conversations, he also learned one thing: Anyone who enters Lin You's laboratory, even if Lin You invites him, will have to sign a non-disclosure agreement afterwards.

No matter what you see inside, even if it is a half-drunk Coke, you are not allowed to talk to anyone outside.

After the [Focusing Headband] was born, Lin You's laboratory and residence were all implemented with the strictest confidentiality measures.

After all... No one knows what exaggerated things he will suddenly pull out when he is happy one day.

For the director, although these three waves of people are still polite, but after this last round, if he doesn't realize Lin You's "dangerousness", then he has spent so many years on the TV station in vain!

What made him even more nervous was that Lin You seemed to have just realized what was under the blueprint. He blinked, stretched out his left hand unnaturally, and folded the blueprint.

Then, as if nothing happened, continue to answer the host's question:

"In the process of focusing on the research and development of the headband, the most troublesome question for me is similar to the original prototype of the mirage, that is-what shape should it be made?"

"Cute cat ears? Pointy bat ears? Or the classic Monkey King curse shape? This made me very hesitant..."

Lin You began to tell jokes in a serious manner.

But when the on-site staff saw the unnatural expressions of the director, cameraman and host, they all realized that there should be something wrong.

But what went wrong?

They don't understand and can't ask.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became a little delicate.

"...So I simply made the prototype into the simplest circle. Because I couldn't find anything to put it in, I wanted to put it in a shoe box and let people take it away, but I got a hard look at it haha."

Lin You didn't care about the delicate atmosphere of the scene at all, and finished the joke calmly.

The excellent professionalism of the host allowed her to take up the topic smoothly, and continued the interview with a smile.

After chatting about light topics for a while, the live broadcast came to an end.

The whole process did not touch on any serious topics.

Lin You was neither asked to talk about the original intention of developing the [Focusing Headband], nor was he asked to look forward to the possible impact of this invention.

Because this matter has too much influence and far-reaching influence, any slightly in-depth topic may be misinterpreted and even attract criticism.

Officials hope to extract Lin You from these extensive discussions and debates as much as possible, so that he can only enjoy the glory of being an inventor, and avoid possible negative voices as much as possible.

This is all for his protection, after all he is too young, and...

He doesn't have a good temper either.

It's better not to irritate him as much as possible.

Otherwise, if he is in a hurry, he will directly go to the "box weapon" and "open the box" with a large range of indiscriminate netizens, and the scene may get out of hand.

——No one doubts whether Lin You can do this. His technical power at the dominant level on the Internet has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

So soon, many sociologists will take the initiative to stand up, analyze from different angles the aspects from which [Focusing Headband] will affect society, and put forward their own plans and suggestions.

In these speeches, some relatively radical proposals will be intentionally thrown out, actively arousing extensive discussions in the society, and diverting the public's attention from [Focusing Headband] from Lin You.

In this way, even if there is any bad influence in the future, netizens can still find out who has proposed this idea, and they will not stare at Lin You, the creator of the technology, and scold them.

However, the person who arranged this matter would never have thought that before their plan was implemented, Lin You would complete a big job first, and instantly divert the attention of a large number of netizens.

Everyone will still stare at him intently, but the topic of discussion is no longer the focus ring, but——




As soon as the live broadcast ended, before Lin You had time to see the reactions of the netizens, the director rushed up impatiently, wanting to ask about the blueprint.

But He Peng got stuck and called Lin You.

Seeing Lin You pick up the phone, the director who had already run to Lin You immediately slammed on the brakes, turned 180 degrees on the spot, and walked away from Lin You quickly.

——He didn't want to hear the content of Lin You's phone calls with others!

On the phone, He Peng asked Lin You impatiently: "Tell me honestly, are you researching mechs in private?"

"Is that drawing real?"

He Peng felt his brain explode.

He had asked Lin You twice before if he was researching mechs. Lin You denied both, and he believed it.

But after such a long time, why did he suddenly come up with such a blueprint?

He asked someone to zoom in on the screenshot and read it carefully. Although what appeared in the live broadcast seemed to be just a concept drawing of the shape, only the shoulders, waist, and thighs, and the design drawing was drawn additionally, but the design drawing part, it seems too much. It looks real!

Various mechanical structures, material identification, part dimensions, mathematical formulas...

He Peng himself felt that if he followed suit, he would definitely be able to produce it!

As a result, before the live broadcast was over, He Peng urgently contacted the TV station to order this part of the program to be sliced ​​and not to be released for the time being—according to the past rules, every section of the special program will be released immediately after the end of the slice, which is convenient for further development. spread.

This shows He Peng's nervousness.

Lin You could understand He Peng's collapse, so he didn't tease him anymore, and simply gave the answer clearly: "Fake, I just want to do a game promotion."



He Peng was still a little uncertain, and confirmed again carefully: "I mean...that blueprint is really a game promotional picture, and the design parameters in it are all fake, right?"

"Eh..." Lin You hesitated for a moment.

"What?" He Peng's heart, which was about to settle down just now, immediately raised again.

"Those design parameters are not fake."

"It's not fake??" He Peng was shocked.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Lin You quickly comforted, "Those things are actually not very advanced. You can move your arms and legs when you make them. You can find a few master students majoring in mechanical engineering for these things, and then go to the factory to find a few. Master, you can do it after thinking about it."

"You make a game, why do you have to make it so real..." He Peng couldn't help complaining.

"Because it's not just a game, I plan to create one in reality."

"You want to make it??!" He Peng's heart was beating wildly again, he felt that Lin You was about to have a heart attack before the phone call ended!

"Yeah, I've made all the arrangements, and the factory will start working as soon as the new year begins."

Building a large mecha around it is also one of Lin You's planned publicity plans.

But in He Peng's ears, it was a bit too much——

"You still said you didn't study mechs??!"

He Peng yelled this sentence almost word for word.

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