Build Madness

Chapter 999 Good Mountain, Good Water, Good Place

North America has been going downhill in recent years.

And this 'slope' is not only steep, but also very slippery, so slippery that even the brakes don't work.

Just like the Science and Technology Alliance, the graphene storm three years ago led to its slump in the field of new materials. It was subsequently hit by the dimensionality reduction of Longtian Technology's SG products, and lost the Asia-Pacific market, non-regional market, West Asia market, and Nordic market one after another. With the outbreak of war in South America, the control of the market began to decrease rapidly.

Products cannot be sold, the speed of capital turnover is slowing down, the stock market has continuously triggered the suspension mechanism, billions of market value have evaporated one after another, new product research cannot continue, countless technology industries, even financial industries related to technology, have been delisted and bankrupt...

Including the world-famous 3Dfx, ATI, Broadcom Technology, WorldCom (WorldCom), Enron Investment...

To make matters worse, the agricultural trade war broke out, the car dealers fought, and the gold futures were manipulated...

This led to the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the bankruptcy of Washington Washington Bank, the acquisition of General Motors by Holden GM of Canada, the bankruptcy of CIT Group, the top ten credit companies of the parent star, the bankruptcy of Pacific Gas and Electricity, the bankruptcy of MF Global, the bankruptcy of Chrysler, and the bankruptcy of General Crops. Bankruptcy, mass insolvency of farmers...

Logically speaking, if they are treated like this by others, there should be a war to recover the situation.

And the war did break out, but it happened in West Asia.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were trapped in various highlands, causing direct or indirect losses in North America, which cannot be counted numerically.


The oil stock market was stolen (Jiu did it, Tian Cheng didn't participate), North America had no choice but to launch the Iraq war again.

Immediately afterwards, the gold futures were robbed, and the Iraq War was defeated...

A war broke out in South America, and a large number of refugees rushed to the south of North America, almost leading the war to the mainland...

It's Little Bud who has both talent and talents, and can be called an excellent manager. Facing such a situation, he is at a loss what to do.

In order not to become the Nth chief executive who was assassinated during his tenure, or the Nth chief executive who met a quack doctor and was put to death, Xiao Bu immediately decided to resign.

In this way, Xiaobu also became the second North American director to resign during his tenure.

A new round of selection will start after New Year's Day.

There are countless candidates.

At the same time, the "Huo Dun Security Withdrawal from the Joint Defense Agreement of the Three Major Security Groups" signed by Xiao Bu officially expired.

Because it is a real estate developer, it adopts the property system of Huo Dun Security Group and is also one of the shareholders of Huo Dun Security Group.

Most importantly, the bodyguards are all Huo Dun personnel.

But this does not mean that it is beneficial to Tiancheng International Holdings.

After all, the main reason for Xiao Bu's resignation was that Tian Cheng was too strong!

Of course, no matter who takes the position of North America manager, they will inevitably be hostile to Tian Cheng.


For Tian Cheng, it was the best choice.

One is that he was on the same boat as the Huo Dun Group, and he even bought the 'Ark Ticket'.

Second, he is a real estate developer, and the NT construction company is an old employee of Tiancheng.

The third is that he is the cousin of Dubai Monkey Sailei, and Dubai Monkey Sailei has already recognized Ge Xiaotian as his uncle...

Fourth, Horton became the second largest benefactor.


Ge Xiaotian left the big round table of the New Year's Eve dinner, went to a place where there were few people, carefully read the information, and looked at Dao Shishi, "'The Great Wall of North America' must use our flawless concrete."

"Boss, so you support it?"

"That's a matter of North America. What does it have to do with whether I support it or not?"

"I understand."

Dao eleven nodded, "Don't worry, you will definitely buy our flawless concrete, including steel bars and hollow bricks. However, the factories in the sub-region are far away from North America. If we want to provide building materials, we must build factories in South America. Going to North America, passing through Honduras and other regions, there is the 'worst five-person group on the parent planet', and the local board of directors are all involved in fan transactions."

"Huo Dun has returned to the joint defense agreement of the three major security groups. It's good to hand over the business to Horton. It just so happens that he is also a shareholder of Huo Dun. If he hands over the North American business to his own company, won't his own pocket be bloated?"

"good idea!"

Dao Shishi wrote down the main points and took out a document again...

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, "It's Chinese New Year, let me take a break."

"Boss, let's celebrate the New Year, overseas is not the New Year."


"The third thing is that the Sange Ocean tsunami hit the Southeast Asian countries. Regions that have not yet cooperated with us have received support from North America and Europe, disrupting our plan to absorb Indonesia, Singapore, etc., and join Tiancheng's industrial chain."

"Don't worry, wait until the construction of the southern waters is completed before absorbing them. Besides, pirates in the South China Sea are rampant. They even dare to rob the fleet of Zheng He's voyage to the West, not to mention North American freighters..."

"I understand."

Dao Shishi touched the heavy document bag, seeing that the boss was showing impatience, he simply stopped reporting the things that this guy had accumulated lazily.

After all, the boss is a positive person, and it is the job of the subordinates to make dirty tricks and make troubles.

Ge Xiaotian watched Dao Shiyi leave, feeling that this old Taoist is getting better and better.

Returning to the big round table of the New Year's Eve dinner with a satisfied look, a group of people have already reached the second cup.

On the surrounding screens, skits satirizing certain phenomena are being staged.

what phenomenon?

Tianyu is not a monopoly enterprise, but a leader in the entertainment field.

Without the constraints of Tianyu, the giant, the Internet has developed rapidly in recent years, giving birth to a series of entertainment companies.

These companies learn from the Tianyu model and know how to attract attention and manipulate traffic...


On non-Tianyu boards, it is often featured on the top of 'what girl and what kind of quilt', 'what old man and what strong sword', 'what young woman and what hunger and thirst', 'what kind of medicine and what special effect'...

Most of them are non-existent ID editors, accompanied by edited videos and pictures, and then inexplicably made it to the hot list, and then inexplicably got more than 10 million hits, and then, inexplicably deleted the next day.

Especially in the discussion section, there will be topics that intensify conflicts, such as "Newlyweds, the first New Year's Eve at my in-law's house, ten days before the due date, my husband asked me to help my mother-in-law and aunts cook, I feel a little wronged, it's me Hypocritical? '

During the Chinese New Year period, everyone is quite free, so when they open the hotspots at random, and see this question, they are likely to form such an awareness: ah, it turns out that there is such a wonderful family, it is too much, it is too irritating!

As for the truth of the matter, everyone will not pay attention to it, and as long as the operator deliberately does it, everyone may encounter similar "family problems" every day, which will make their thinking more and more narrow...

It's like divorce is being discussed around, a harmonious family has daily quarrels over trivial matters, nothing happened before, and the quarrels passed away, but affected by the miscellaneous entertainment news, maybe they left.

In the end, a harmonious family was torn apart, the parents of both sides were frowning, and the children became single parents...

This is the result of the conscious operation of the entertainment operation team. No one dares to be 100% sure that it is a story, but the operation team must consciously push it to the hot list to get traffic clicks, so as to complete their overtime KPI.

As a time traveler, Ge Xiaotian naturally understands that this is the "public knowledge" subtly changing people's cognition, and even the "Five Eyes Alliance" is using "ideas" to tarnish the good social atmosphere, so that people who are exposed to similar information for the first time begin to go to extremes ...

If Tianyu launches a network cleanup operation and has the core control of the Shenlong system, it will definitely turn everything around and make Huaxia Internet a holy place for popular science.

But Tianyu can't monopolize it, and Tiancheng can't expose the core control of the Shenlong system, otherwise Tianyu will be sanctioned by the superiors, and Tiancheng will also have a scandal similar to the 'system back door'.

Generally speaking, the overseas groups that have been confronting their own intelligence department have become more and more intelligent, and have begun to "return their own methods to others".

After all, what Tian Cheng is best at is 'subtle influence'.

Of course, Tian Cheng didn't do nothing, just like the Spring Festival Gala program, which directly exposed this kind of phenomenon and strengthened people's awareness.

Then increase the erosion of overseas culture and make overseas culture worse...

"The development is too fast, and many people and things are becoming more and more incomprehensible and incomprehensible."

The old village head finished his second cup and sighed, "I'm old."

"Haha, don't worry about it so much."

Ge Xiaotian helped to fill up the wine, "At least, our Huaxia has been moving forward."

During the chat, the skit ended and the cross talk began.

In the early hours of the morning, the whole village carried non-polluting and safe fireworks and began to celebrate the arrival of the new year...


the next day.

After Ge Xiaotian paid New Year's greetings with the village elders, he took a rest in the morning and came to Daqingshan after lunch.

Another year has passed, and many new projects have been added here again.

The most eye-catching thing is the 'roller coaster'.

The project started construction in 2001 and officially ended this year.

During the period, a trial operation was carried out, that is, the "roller coaster" was opened, but then it was dismantled, and AR and VR technologies were added, and two-seater or four-seater small "bean carts", "batmobiles" and "shuttle boats" were used.

The track goes around Daqing Mountain once, with ups and downs and twists and turns, with a total length of 135km.

Some road sections use carbon steel tracks, some road sections use magnetic levitation technology, and some road sections use anti-gravity devices...

Tickets are charged according to the road section, with an average of 20 red notes per person per kilometer, including insurance.

After the tourists choose the vehicle, fasten the seat belt, press the start button, the countdown ends, and the vehicle starts to accelerate...

The initial point is not in the ancient city of Qingshan, but the Square of the God of War.

In the acceleration stage, people can travel across time and space and slowly experience the five thousand years of AR scene dramas in China, or choose to block and enjoy the surrounding scenery.

At the end of the half circle, I just walked out of the ancient city of Qingshan, came to the UFO gymnasium, and then appreciated the future technology.

But the above is just normal mode.

If you buy the "combat mode" with 50 red notes per person per kilometer, tourists can choose "bean carts" in styles such as tanks, fighter planes, and flying saucers.

After the start, as you move forward, various enemies will appear around you, and tourists need to operate weapons to fight back.

The vehicle interiors of tourists will also be adjusted according to the scene. For example, inside the real tank, if you want to attack, you must find a partner to cooperate.

For example, the inside of a real fighter plane, the inside of a real space battleship...

This project alone makes Daqingshan a super amusement park.

What's more, Daqingshan is known as the center of ancient culture, and there are even larger ancient buildings in the interior and surrounding counties.

“Good mountain, good water, good place!”

After experiencing all the new projects, Ge Xiaotian came to Chiyou Square, faced Chiyou and Xingtian who were staring at each other, and sighed.

Who would have thought that the green water and green mountains that were almost destroyed in the hands of the chemical plant are now being transformed into this appearance by themselves.

Including him, never thought about it.

"Boss, let's go to the surrounding ancient cities? The Han Dynasty palace in Wenxian County is very nice."

"not going."

Ge Xiaotian rejected Dao Shiyi's suggestion and came to the ancient city of Qingshan.

After the third expansion, this ancient city was officially finalized, and in the future it would only limit traffic and not expand.

Because... there is no land.

It starts from Qingshan Community (including Xingejia Village) in the east, borders Xiaoqingshan in the north, borders on the former site of Gejia Village in the south, and reaches the plastic greenhouse planting area in the west.

After many times of transformation, there are countless industries inside, covering almost everything that an ancient city has.

Therefore, tourists can live in it, eat in it, play in it, and experience ancient life in a way that is isolated from modern life.

Ge Xiaotian changed into an ancient costume, rode an inexplicably excited war horse, pretended to be an ancient knight, and came to the old tavern.

Look at the food stall next to it, which has changed its name to 'Yueyang Restaurant'.

Say hello to the waiter standing at the door shouting, and walk into the first floor of the tavern.

The inside was full of diners, but Mr. Ren Zhongqiang was nowhere to be seen.

Find the shopkeeper, "Where is the old man?"

"Back to the boss, the second master, the seventh master, and the youngest are back, and they are right next to Yueyang Restaurant... um, it's the food stall."

"Good guy, these old guys have been away for so many years, and they are finally willing to go home."

Ge Xiaotian once arranged for Tianwei and the intelligence department to search for Liu Hui and others, but even though his own intelligence system was all-pervasive, he couldn't find them.

Some time ago, he even suspected that these old guys were gone.

Hearing what the shopkeeper said, Ge Xiaotian and Dao Shishi came to Yueyang Restaurant.

After inquiring about it, I came to the private room near the window on the second floor.

Pushing open the door, there was a circle of old men sitting inside.

Big Liu, Liu Hui, Third Master, Seventh Master, Youngest, Old Master Ren...

"Huh? You're so well-informed, kid? Did you know we're back so soon?"

"God away mysteriously for more than three years, are you still willing to come back?"

Ge Xiaotian cheerfully found a seat to sit down, only to find that Qi Ye had a bandage on his left arm, and Second Ye Liu Hui had crutches beside him.

"How did this happen?"

"It's hard to say..."

The youngest sighed, and unbuttoned his chest, which was covered with bandages.

Ge Xiaotian was stunned, "Should you not go to the battlefield?"


Qi Ye shook his head, and took out a palm-sized copper plate from his arms, "Look at it."

Ge Xiaotian picked it up curiously, and observed it carefully.

I found the texture on it very familiar.

Before he could open his mouth, Dao Shishi said, "Isn't this the ancient treasure built by Seng Er and the others?"

A group of old men don't know why.

"That's right. As early as 2001, when the Qiye Antique Shop opened, Tiancheng established a 'Taobao Team' to collect, copy, and even prevent antiquities. In 2002, the Siberian Taobao team, in order to strengthen their business, , made a batch of 'treasures', and then arranged for Tianwei to be placed in undiscovered cemeteries at home and abroad..."


Liu Hui, Qiye, and the youngest were struck by lightning, and the youngest said in a trembling voice, "What do you mean, you have cleared up all the ancient tombs from all over the world?"

"How is it possible, how could Tian Cheng do such a wicked thing." Ge Xiaotian immediately denied it.

"What the hell, I'll believe it if it's someone else, but you kid... damn it!"

Qi Ye slapped his thigh, rolled up his sleeves and prepared to make a move, "No wonder our three brothers have been trapped in the ancient tomb for more than two years, and people feed them every day. We didn't starve our three brothers to death inside, so it turns out that the outside is all your people ! No, I suspect that those traps that are messy and do not follow the routine at all are also made by your people after digging out the ancient tomb!"

"Impossible, I arranged for the intelligence department to search you three hard for more than two years, how could it be possible to trap you three below?!"

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