Build Madness

Chapter 1000 New Year's First Order

Liu Hui and Qiye spent two years searching for a trough of gold ingots left by their ancestors. During this period, they exhausted all means, and even borrowed metal detectors from the engineering military department where the eldest son worked to scan the entire Xiaoqingshan.

It's a pity that Jin Yuanbao has already been used by Dahan and Ah Huang to buy beef for fattening, and the two big brothers finally got nothing and had no choice but to give up.

Just as the two were lamenting that their fortunes were cut off, it happened that the youngest came back and brought news about the "Han King's Tomb". Together, the three of them headed to Beihe immediately, planning to dig out this tomb that had been made public to the outside world, but the main tomb had not yet been found. son.

The three of them prepared various props, dug a hole and went deep into it, and found...

The ancient mechanism hidden inside can hardly be described as exquisite, but... what the hell is this?

Separation of yin and yang, reversal of five stars, separation of gossip...

Is this traditional tomb robbery knowledge?

Not playing cards according to the routine, causing the three of them to kill seven in and seven out in the dark tomb like Super Mario.

Fortunately, Master Qi was very knowledgeable, and had chatted with Daoyi and others about the Taoism system of the Tiancheng system. Based on his impressions, he explored the mechanism in the tomb, and quickly understood the principles contained in it, which saved the three of them from losing limbs and arms.

But I thought I could pass the customs smoothly, but in the end I was trapped in an iron cage.

In desperation, the three discovered that people were feeding food into the ancient tomb from the outside every day...

Faced with this situation, Qi Ye once suspected that his grandson, whose real name was his name, was playing a joke.

After all, except for that guy, no one in this world can do such a wicked thing, and no one has the strength and financial resources to do such a wicked thing.

But as time went by, Qi Ye denied that it was his grandson who did it.

Let me ask, whose grandson would dare to trap his own grandfather in a dark ancient tomb for more than two years?


In another time and space, Ge Xiaotian was curious about the ancient tomb in the novel.

When you come to this time and space, there is a plug-in by your side, so it is natural to arrange for super-capable Tianwei and monks to investigate those mysterious and mysterious places.

Of course, tomb robbery is against the law and cannot be done privately. It must obtain official approval in order to conduct a comprehensive 'exploration' of unexcavated ancient buildings in various parts of China.

Therefore, Tiancheng signed a funding agreement with the archaeological team that excavated the 'Jiuli Historic Site' in Daqingshan, and arranged for a large number of experienced personnel to join it...

After three years of development, the team has become a major archaeological institution in China, responsible for comprehensive 'exploration' of ancient buildings at home and abroad.

Unfortunately, from the beginning to the end, the archaeological team failed to discover any supernatural events, such as rice dumplings, ghosts hitting the wall, nothing at all.

After the excavation, in order to protect these monuments, or in other words, preserve the characteristics of the monuments, the archaeological team decided to "restore" and "strengthen" the "explored" monuments, and punish the tomb robbers.

In another time and space, inverted fights, tomb robbers, and gold diggers not only exist in film and television novels, but also in reality, and the same is true in this time and space.

In recent years, archaeological teams have arrested thousands of rampant tomb robbers and trapped hundreds of experienced tomb robbers.

Boss Ge is very busy, busy making money, busy benefiting the mother planet.

And whoever the archaeological team trapped and caught, they would definitely not be idle looking for trouble, and reported them one by one.


Liu Hui, Qiye, and the youngest were trapped in the 'Tomb of the King of Han' for nearly two years.


Ge Xiaotian learned all this through the smart glasses on his face, and calmly raised the wine glass that the waiter helped to fill, "Second Master, Seventh Master, and Yao Ye, don't worry, you three, dare to tease my grandpa like this, my old Ge Never let them go!"

"I bother!"

Qi Ye has already confirmed that the grandson in front of him did a good job.

After all, apart from Tian Cheng, no one has the strength and financial resources to facilitate this, including the official.

Moreover, Tiancheng Taoism is the world's Taoism, and Tiancheng Buddhism has also become the world's authentic!

Adding Tianwei and Ge Heizi himself, what influence this has on the Tao is beyond description.

At least, before the three of them went to the ancient tomb of the King of Han, they had been to the most chaotic areas of their mother planet, such as the non-region, Soma, and West Asia. There, as long as the name of Ge's second child is mentioned, no matter what kind of ghosts and monsters, they will all treat the three of them as honored guests.


Even if Qi Ye rolled up his sleeves, he didn't dare to hit his grandson, so he could only look at the wine glass, "Let's drink from the bowl today!"

Ge Xiaotian: "..."

"Drip, take back Erguotou from Erliang Niulan Mountain..."

"Drip, take back Erguotou from Erliang Niulan Mountain..."



The old men in Da Liu Zhuang must have drunk too much.

As for Ge Xiaotian...

The next morning, I took two boxes of five-star Moutai and went to the home of my prospective father-in-law Lao Li to fight again.

the end.

Li Xiuxiu: "Xiao Er, you are too much, look at what you have done to my dad?"

"Hey, I drank too much too..."

"Can you unmask if you drink too much?"

"Practice makes perfect."

"Don't make trouble, this is my home."

"That's more exciting..."



Big Year.

Ge Xiaotian prepared three boxes of five-star Moutai, ready to go to his grandma's house, and continue to fight hard with his two uncles, and the uncle who used to run a brick kiln...

Unexpectedly, the accompanying secretary who was resting at home called:

"Boss, the chairman is here."


The chairman is very busy.

Busy with New Year's greetings with the countries that established cooperation last year, busy with reviewing the 2004 development plan, and getting familiar with the new itinerary of visiting the European Union.

Going to Gejia Village on the third day of the Lunar New Year...

No matter how you look at it, it's not normal.

After a while.

Dao Shishi also received the message, "Boss, the chairman has arrived at Daqingshan Chiyou Airport."

"So fast?"

"Where are you going to receive?"

"Is the itinerary public?"

"There is no corresponding announcement, and there is no relevant notice."

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Daqingshan is currently in a tourist boom, and there are many people around, and the chairman's secret visit this time, probably has very important things to explain, why not...arrange it at the Tianyu International Headquarters in Daxing City."


half an hour later.

Ge Xiaotian not only met the chairman, but also the general manager of commerce, the general manager of foreign trade, the general manager in charge of industry, the general manager in charge of construction, the general manager in charge of finance...

The lineup is luxurious and unrivaled.

Due to the secret visit, there was no need for any welcoming ceremony, and everyone directly stepped into the highest-standard meeting room of Tianyu International.

The two parties were seated, and the chairman spoke first: "To be honest, where did Franklin's tens of billions worth of orders come from?"

"North America, Horton has entrusted Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (small and micro enterprises) with the North American arms demand order for 2004."

"Then let me ask you again, apart from this huge order, what is the annual profit of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (small and micro enterprises)?"

"Huh? Why do you ask this?"

"Answer me honestly!" The chairman slapped the table directly.

"Well, Tiancheng International Holdings is a national enterprise, inspirational..."

"Stop talking to me!"

"Um... Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce (small and micro enterprises) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development of China's micro and small enterprises."

"And then? How much profit do you make every year?"

"This... loses 180 billion a year, right?"

"So, you're happy to throw the agency over to the board?"

"It can't be said that I can attract business, just like Holden's order, which can completely reverse the three-year loss. I believe that if I hand this chamber of commerce to the board of directors, the board of directors will also be able to turn losses into profits."


The chairman was so angry that he had nothing to say, and took the documents from the general manager of the business, "The Chamber of Commerce still belongs to you, and the transfer procedures will be completed today."

Ge Xiaotian finally lost a big burden, how can he compromise on this, "I never give away things..."

"Five offshore oil exploration platforms in the southern waters cost 65 billion red notes!"

The chairman interrupted Ge Xiaotian and added: "As long as you take it back to the chamber of commerce and resume normal operations, the construction fee will be credited immediately."

"make a deal!"

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