Build Madness

Chapter 1001 Workpoint System

Ge Xiaotian founded the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce with the original intention of opposing He Shun's "Shunhe Commerce and Trade".

At that time, Tiancheng was just a small-scale developer who hadn't stepped out of Jishi City. Industrial innovation, revitalization of China's manufacturing industry, and confrontation with domestic and overseas stock markets were all unimaginable things.

However, the shackles of 'anti-monopoly' forced Tiancheng to cede many marginal businesses in the process of rapid development, so as to avoid monopolizing a certain field by itself, thus giving birth to a series of external industries.

However, Tiancheng standardizes technology and implements "Tiancheng Standards". Enterprises in these industries cannot develop without Tiancheng's technical support, material supply, management methods, operating systems, and even human resources and capital turnover.

Therefore, for their own business considerations, these enterprises joined Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce one after another, which led to Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce becoming bigger and bigger, and finally differentiated into "Small and Micro Enterprise Chamber of Commerce", "Large and Medium Enterprise Chamber of Commerce", and "International Enterprise Chamber of Commerce".

On the surface, the three major chambers of commerce do not belong to each other, do not interfere with each other, and operate independently.

But in fact……

Micro and small enterprises and self-employed individuals have limited funds and are unable to purchase production lines. They only have the ability to assemble, package and sell end products.

The semi-finished products they need rely on group production and entrust the order to the "Chamber of Large and Medium-sized Enterprises".

Only in this way can there be 'high profits'.

Such as thermos cups.

A small and micro enterprise launched a fashionable thermos cup, which is divided into glass cup, 304 food-grade stainless steel, temperature display cup lid, and ordinary paper packaging.

If you produce it yourself, you will need five red notes for a set.

And if the 'four kits' are grouped together and entrusted to four large and medium-sized enterprises for mass production, the cost of the glass is only 50 cents, the 304 food-grade stainless steel only needs one red note, the temperature display cup lid only needs two red notes, and plain paper Quality packaging costs 20 cents, and the total cost is 3.7 yuan.

Here comes the problem.

The mass production cost of large and medium-sized enterprises is so low, where does the profit come from?

Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce!

Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce has directly affiliated glass factories, smelters, plastic factories, electronics factories, and paper factories overseas. It employs cheap labor and adopts intelligent automation operations. It can provide large and medium-sized enterprises with the lowest priced raw materials on the parent planet.

Therefore, the three major chambers of commerce are actually a 'supply and demand chain'.

Tiancheng is responsible for overseas mining, the International Chamber of Commerce is responsible for rough processing, Sino-Ocean Group is responsible for transportation, large and medium-sized enterprises are responsible for semi-finished product processing, and micro and small enterprises are responsible for terminal assembly, terminal packaging and terminal sales.

It is like a dense towering tree, Tiancheng is the root, the International Chamber of Commerce is the trunk, the chamber of commerce of large and medium-sized enterprises is the branch, and the chamber of commerce of micro and small enterprises and Tiancheng online shopping system are the leaves.

If Tian Cheng is missing, everything will be ruined.

If there are no international companies, Tiancheng can support another batch.

If there are no large and medium-sized enterprises, Tiancheng's industrial chain will be able to cover the bottom line.

If micro and small enterprises are missing, Tiancheng online shopping direct sales, Tiancheng shopping mall direct sales, and various factory direct sales can fill the gap.

And if a micro and small enterprise does not have the support of Tiancheng and the other two big chambers of commerce, it is equivalent to empty terminals, no supply, no high-profit business that Lao Ge has brought from overseas, and it will become a dead leaf for zero adjustment.

Therefore, the Board of Directors took the 'Chamber of Small and Micro Enterprises' and understood how it operates, and it quickly became clear to the above.

This is not Ge Xiaotian's deliberate mischief, nor Ge Xiaotiankeng's board of directors, nor is it Ge Xiaotian threatening anyone, but to show his contribution:

'Look, I, Lao Ge, work hard every year, try my best to get high-profit orders from overseas, and lose hundreds of billions of dollars every year to support so many small and small enterprises and self-employed people. What I want is to promote economic development and let Huaxia Get stronger? '


Control the industrial system?

Tiancheng's industrial chain has already shifted overseas, and there are not many domestic production companies at all.

After all, labor in Neobras, the war-torn zone in West Asia, the Nanyang Five, and the African Union is cheaper.

What Huaxia people need to do now is to learn technology and become a technical instructor for overseas laborers, while "jointly invest" in Tiancheng's overseas industrial chain, and wait for the year-end income.

This is an industrial economy dominated by the 'chamber of commerce', completely different from the financial economy dominated by the 'stock market'.

It includes material production such as agriculture, industry, transportation, communication, commerce, services, construction, and cultural industries.

And the production of spiritual products including education, knowledge, information, art, sports, etc.

As for how strong the 'industrial economy' is...

To put it bluntly, the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce will stop supplying canned food. Next year, the people on the mother planet will only be able to eat the stock, and then there will be no more canned food to eat.

What? Someone produce?

By controlling the fruit market, transportation industry, financial market, production enterprises, and online public opinion, Tiancheng can make the manufacturers who dare to make canned food on the mother planet collectively pay for their deaths.

In the same way, toilet paper, plastic products... can all disappear.

Of course, Tiancheng is a kind enterprise and would not do such immoral things.


The board of directors already knew how Tian Cheng existed, and knew Ge Laoer's character even better.

The scruples about the two are not doubts, but worries.

Worried that Tiancheng would touch too many overseas interests, resulting in Ge Laoer being besieged, and then pulling more than forty partners to launch the "Three Wars".

This is no joke.

Look at the tanks in Taimei Rubber Plantation

As for restricting Tian Cheng, restricting Ge Lao Er...

Now the situation is very good, Huaxia's strength is booming, only a fool would do that.


Seeing that Ge Laoer took back the 'Small and Micro Enterprise Chamber of Commerce', the chairman was silent for a moment, "I heard that Tiancheng implements the 'work point system' overseas?"

"Yes boss..."

"speak nicely."

"Good boss."


"Overseas currencies are messy, not to mention the old ruble, South Vietnamese dong, and Thai Meizhu, which have been greatly depreciated. Among the more than 30 currencies in the non-regional union alone, many of them are not even worth as much as the "Tiandi Bank" currency." superior."

"Tiandi Bank?" The chairman was slightly taken aback, unable to react.

"Paper money."


"The capital turnover of Tiancheng industrial chain is very active, the exchange rate is unstable, and exchange is very troublesome. Implementing work points and then relying on Tiancheng industrial chain to promote work point consumption will be more conducive to the development of overseas industrial chains and drive the local economy."

"When I came here, I listened to the analysis of the general manager of the business. The Tiancheng work point system adopts a blockchain model, and each work point can be traced back to the source, and each work point does not need to be issued. Only valuable labor can be produced. out?"

"Well, strictly speaking, it is true. Valuable labor produces valuable goods, and work points are just a transaction certificate."

"Will there be inflation?"

"I don't know, but in the past two years since the work-point system was implemented in the overseas industrial chain, no matter how the external currency changes, the purchasing power of the local work-point has never changed. After all, you pay valuable labor, and others are also paying valuable labor. Both parties trade equally. commodity, the value remains the same.”

"Wait, what role does Tian Cheng play here? If the value remains the same, where does Tian Cheng make money from?"

"Tiancheng is the rule maker. For example, if you perform labor worth 10 yuan in the mine, you will get 10 work points after the end, and you can buy food worth 10 yuan. It seems fair, but it is also fair in fact, but you pay The labor force is worth 12 yuan, and the extra 2 yuan is Tiancheng's, isn't it? And the food worth 10 yuan is actually only worth 8 yuan, and Tiancheng can earn 2 yuan from it."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he looked at the general manager of the business, "Similarly, the general manager of business has done 10 yuan worth of labor in the food processing factory. I will give you 10 yuan. You feel very satisfied, but in fact you created 15 yuan. Although the extra 5 yuan did not appear, it belonged to Tiancheng. In addition, the mine was given to solve the local employment, and the field for growing grain was given to solve the local famine. I just paid a little upfront Investment and management operations, but the mined minerals and the extra food belong to me, have I made money again?"


The general manager followed by the chairman looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So, no matter how gorgeous the work point system is described, no matter how much the work point is worth, it is false. The purpose of promoting it is to create an illusion of 'stability' for the local area, so that the local rulers can feel at ease and willingly allocate resources. Leave it to me, this is the case for Neobras, the Nanyang Rubber Plantation, and the African Regional Union. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of high-latitude market crushing low-latitude society, and it is the search of top capitalists... Well, we Talk about something else."


Seeing someone who has always called himself an entrepreneur unconsciously described himself as a capitalist, the chairman and general manager almost laughed.

The chairman picked up his teacup and covered it up: "So, if you want to protect the rights and interests of migrant workers, you can't use your 'work point system'?"


Ge Xiaotian was stunned, "You mean, let each construction site use the 'work point system'?"

"Yes, the development is too fast, and construction is everywhere. Tiancheng's standard can only guarantee the quality of the project, but the problem of migrant workers' wages is still serious. If you set up a wage server, use a work point system, and then enter the wages of each construction site, implement advance payment , Year-end settlement system, how much salary Party A and Party B owes in the future, the official can quickly deal with it.”

"You really keep up with the times."

Ge Xiaotian smiled and shook his head, "There are so many construction sites in our family. Large construction sites have the funds to equip 'work point collectors'. Small construction sites...don't worry about these things. Small construction sites, especially the contracting teams spontaneously organized by towns and villages. Have so much spare money to equip 'work points collector'?

Even if the board of directors pays and popularizes it for free, how much manpower and material resources do you need for supervision? What's more, in the past, migrant workers paid cash and rarely paid taxes. Everyone knows this, but it is not made public. Now that they are equipped with "work point collectors", will they be taxed or exempted in the future? If the tax is exempted, will someone cheat and use the status of a migrant worker to avoid tax? If the tax is paid, the salary will not rise but will fall, which will have a bad impact. "

"Before we came, we discussed these issues together. We think it is more reliable to entrust this difficult task to Comrade Ge Xiaotian."


Well, you describe the project as a 'task', can I not take it?

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