Build Madness

Chapter 1002 Boss Ge's New Job

The work point system envisioned by the chairman is fundamentally different from Tiancheng's overseas work point system. To put it bluntly, the latter is a tool for capitalists to make money, while it is a service brain that protects the rights and interests of migrant workers.

It is very simple to realize, cut the assessment, statistics, summary and other functions from the overseas work point system, combined with the necessary "eight staff" certificates for domestic construction practitioners, and use the server to make "migrant workers" a real profession, and the framework of the domestic work point system was born. up.

But 'migrant workers' come from peasant households, and there are 600 million peasant households in China. Even if the number of 'migrant workers' cannot be counted, with such a huge base, this profession will become the largest labor group in China, and related matters will rise to' People's livelihood' level.

Tiancheng is just a private enterprise, the chairman entrusts the task to Tiancheng, but Tiancheng cannot intervene in the affairs of the board of directors...

Ge Xiaotian thought about it again and again, thinking of an important organization that is not very eye-catching, but is led by the board of directors and the National People's Congress.


"Boss, what do you think if the 'domestic work point system' is handed over to the labor union for supervision?"


The chairman was slightly taken aback, and looked at the general managers.

The latter whispered, and one of them nodded and said: "The trade union is responsible for organizing and educating employees to exercise their democratic rights in accordance with the law, play a master role, safeguard the overall interests of the Chinese people, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and mobilize and organize employees to complete production tasks and work tasks. , organize employees to participate in the democratic management and democratic supervision of enterprises, and improve the ideological and political quality and cultural and technical quality of employees. If the work point system is handed over to them, this is indeed a good suggestion.”

"Then it's settled." The chairman gave a final word.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, "Boss, I have something important to do."

"you say."

"Last year we passed the 'infrastructure period' smoothly, realizing industrial innovation, technological innovation, financial (commercial association) innovation, sports innovation, education innovation, transportation innovation, river innovation, communication innovation, aerospace innovation, agricultural innovation...all of these comprehensive Together, it is bound to lead to this year's development speed far exceeding previous years.

Just like Tiancheng employees who made a lot of money overseas return to China to stimulate consumption, promote production capacity, increase the overall income level of the service industry and manufacturing industry, and then drive the national income.

The masses have become richer. They had nothing before, but now they can buy everything. The concept of consumption will inevitably change. Online shopping, travel, food and drink... Huge demands have doubled the pressure on the 'supply chain'.

In my opinion, it is imperative to integrate Tiancheng's three major chambers of commerce and establish a complete 'industrial economy'. "

"What are you going to do?"

The chairman understood the reason why Ge Xiaotian put forward this suggestion, he was just worried that the board of directors thought Tiancheng was monopolizing the industry.

In fact, in the eyes of the outside world, this is indeed a monopoly.

However, Tiancheng is the 'leader' appointed by the board of directors. Without the 'leader', the whole body will be turned into sand, years of hard work will be ruined in an instant, and no company can replace Tiancheng, so this cannot be called monopoly.

It can only be said that Tiancheng is a 'champion' enterprise.

"I plan to reorganize the three major chambers of commerce into independent departments and hand them over to the board of directors for management. Don't worry, you won't charge a penny and transfer them for free."

"You can pull it down, how can the board of directors have so much spare money to help you support employees."

After the chairman finished speaking, he gestured 'withdraw' to the general managers, and got up and left without waiting for someone to respond.


Ge Xiaotian sat in his original position, looked around the empty conference room, and lit a cigarette with a frowning expression, "These days are getting more and more difficult."


Three days later, the Spring Festival, which was different from previous years but more lively, finally came to an end amidst sighs and reluctance.

That night.

Domestic office workers rest early to prepare for the new year and new journey.

And countless domestic enterprises are buying fireworks and firecrackers frantically, preparing for a special 'good start'.

Ge Xiaotian, on the other hand, got into the AR two-way delivery cabin and started his new job...

across the ocean.

In a square on the east side of Manhattan, the number of flags has been reduced to 170, fluttering quietly in the breeze.

Strictly following the regulations of the Mother Planet United Conference, the tourists who came to buy tickets were shocked to find that a not-so-large welcome ceremony was going on in front of the majestic Mother Planet United Conference headquarters building.

There are the Secretary-General, Deputy Secretary-General, Assistant Secretary-General, Security Council Chief, and many special envoys...

In the middle of the crowd was an oriental man in a suit.

The man is about twenty years old, with a capable figure and a dignified appearance. The strange thing is that he walks like a robot...

Some tourists who pay attention to the current affairs of their home planet, observed this person's appearance, and suddenly widened their eyes: "Mr. Ge?"

Tourists who once participated in the welcome ceremony in France and saw the "rubber man" even exclaimed.

And the reporter who knew that Ge Xiaotian had been admitted to the joint meeting of the mother planet and then was continuously promoted internally, was the first to spread the news to the outside world.

'Ge Er Er came to work at the mother star joint meeting! '

You must know that long ago, many regions, including North America, clearly opposed Ge Laoer's entry into the mother star joint conference.

Now this fight card to go to work...

I'm afraid things are going to blow up!


During the Chinese New Year, North America is also very lively.

Xiaobu resigned, and the general manager election was passively opened. According to the tradition of previous years, candidates should give speeches to canvass votes, and then conduct the first round of competition.

But this year is a little bit special.

Whether it is the big dark horse who came out halfway, or the major shareholder of Disney who suddenly joined the battle, or the chairman of North American Fisheries, the chairman of North American Tourism Hotel who announced his participation in the election, or even the stock king of Butterfly Club, Soros, the mother of the global financial investment industry, etc. Horton, the chairman of Huo Dun Security, one of the three major security groups in the star, is the leader of the consortium!

Not some governor, etc., the manager of a certain area!

This leads many North Americans to think that…

'Do you have money to spare? '

In particular, the leader of the consortium has unimaginable campaign funds, and can use various channels to promote without a bottom line.

For example, the chairman of North American Fisheries, with 30 web posts every day, I want to lower the price of seafood so that people across the country can afford canned fish, and I want to expand the scope of farming and provide more jobs...

For example, the stock king, Laoba, not only posts on the web, but also plays on the Panda Forum. Everyone trades stocks with me, and everyone is guaranteed to be able to post. It is said that his support rate overseas is higher than that received in North America.

For example, Huo Dun, chairman of Huo Dun Security Group, even stated that as long as I am elected, I will guarantee to build a large free apartment in every city, and everyone can live in it...

In this way, the consequence is that non-consortium candidates, such as the governor, deputy general manager, etc., will be eliminated in the first round.

In other words, it's a rich man's game.

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