Build Madness

Chapter 1037: The Brain-Computer Era (Part 2)

Tiancheng's VR technology, after two years of development, is now supported by technologies such as wide-area goggles, AR field of view enhancement, and optical smart focusing, and its field of view is almost as wide as that of the naked eye.

As for the image quality, with the help of optical simulation, Shenlong algorithm, system optimization, etc., no matter the color saturation or the roundness of the image, all have reached the level of "both true and false".

Plus various 1:1 simulated cockpits, gossip-type VR omnidirectional treadmills, somatosensory remote control handles, etc., the interactive methods are almost played out...

It can be said that VR technology is difficult to make a breakthrough.

All that remains is to reduce equipment costs, increase the number of users, and allow more people to afford VR helmets and VR wheelchairs with motion sensations.

It is precisely because of this that many overseas technology companies and institutions have given up research on VR technology.

Because this field has been monopolized by Tiancheng, commercialization must involve Tiancheng's standards.

If you do not adopt the Tiancheng standard, your equipment will not be able to surpass the effects presented by the Tiancheng equipment at all, and there will be no VR resources available.

If you adopt the Tiancheng standard, you will have to pay a large amount of patent fees and resource rental fees.

As for not giving money, playing pirated versions...

First of all, he had to resist Tiancheng's huge legal team, and secondly, he had to resist the joint arrest of the three major security groups of the mother planet, and then he had to face the pressure from the joint meeting of the mother planet.

As a result, VR equipment is expensive overseas and the profits are extremely high. Countless overseas companies are scrambling to snatch VR agency rights, hoping to get a share of it.


Laboratory of Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Ge Xiaotian held a fully enclosed helmet with a built-in metal probe, disinfection system, and electrode device in his hand, with an extremely complicated expression.

To be honest, he never cheats people when it comes to business.

Just like the Ark boat ticket, customers spent huge sums of money to buy it, but also followed Tiancheng to make a lot of money in other industries.

It's like selling tradable shares of NT real estate, and the technology alliance took over, but the other party was not locked in from the beginning to the end.

What? SG shares?

That was done by Lao Wang, and has nothing to do with Lao Ge.

But now...

Daoyi once said that before he was promoted to the second-level cosmic civilization, it was impossible to obtain the "virtual helmet" in science fiction.

Therefore, Tianyu has made every effort to build VR infrastructure.

For example, build a play track with a length of hundreds of kilometers in Daqingshan.

For example, thousands of kilometers of sightseeing tracks will be laid along the new canal.

For example, the VR+AR two-way delivery equipment that spends a lot of money to develop.

For example, the VR starry sky playground that will be built in outer space in the second half of the year.

However, there is a dictatorship in the technology industry. Obviously, Dao Yi, who specializes in the field of science and technology and has no knowledge of biochemistry, made a mistake.

After experiencing 'brain imaging', Ge Xiaotian found that the closed helmet in his hand was almost the same as the 'virtual helmet' described in science fiction.

In other words, VR technology can realize "real vision", but it only needs physical operation to complete complex interactions.

Now with neuron connection technology, action operations are replaced by mind control (Yuri-mind control), and image display is replaced by 'brain imaging'.

Then put the existing VR resources in the 'brain imaging' server and cloud storage server to create an 'immersive' effect.

And this 'environment' is a small scene independent from the world in VR.

Perhaps soon, the world in VR will become Mother Planet's first 'virtual reality' game.

But here comes the problem.

With the popularization of brain-computer and brain imaging, new changes are coming in the field of entertainment. People are all entering games to experience more sci-fi and exciting roller coasters, big pendulums, and pirate ships. Who will spend a lot of money to buy tickets to experience VR roller coasters, VR big pendulums, and VR pirate ships? Who would risk their lives to experience the real roller coaster, real big pendulum, real pirate ship?

What should I do with the equipment that I have invested so much that I haven't recovered even one-tenth of the cost?

The Daqingshan track can be kept, the new canal track can be kept, and the starry sky playground can continue to be prepared. After all, these represent the image of Tiancheng.

However, the amusement parks planned to be built in various Tiancheng Plazas years ago, including Tianyu Interactive, which has become popular all over the world in recent years, must be packaged and sold.


I want to smash my hands!

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help lighting a cigarette, picked up the communicator to look through the contacts, and suddenly felt moved, he denied contacting overseas technology companies and institutions, but found their supervisors.

"Crooked, chief of Wajima, haha, long time no see, online game meeting? What? Too busy? Well, let's not gossip, I'm a little tight recently, and I'm going to produce something good, what? Do you want Tianyu Interactive? Gossip-type omnidirectional treadmill, VR ball fighting machine, VR sightseeing machine, including technical patents... Want? Then arrange it quickly."

"Crooked? Old Pi (Chairman of Faguo), it's so uninteresting. I help you improve your industrial foundation, but you avenge your favor to help North America. No wonder your European Union is so miserable. You have no idea at all! In this way, in order to repair Between you and me, Tiancheng has decided to transfer a batch of VR facilities that you have always wanted, 10% off, is that interesting? Want all? Sorry, I can only give half, come here tonight to sign the contract. "

"Crooked, old Si (German general manager), Zeiss has been revived with full blood. Congratulations. However, I feel that Zeiss's business needs to expand. Coincidentally, Tiancheng is going to transfer a batch of optical display technology. How about it? Are you interested in packing it?" ?”

"Crooked, Queen Ankang... Sorry, wrong number."


"Crooked, are you still squatting in there? Hurry up, Nan Bangzi needs to buy a batch of VR facilities to enhance the entertainment of the whole people! What? You and your brother-in-law are inside? Now who has the final say on Nan Bangzi? Brother? Okay, I have his phone number..." (Among the five major groups in Nanbangzi, Sanxing was targeted by Longtian, Hyundai was targeted by Tianheng Automobile Trade, Lotte was destroyed by small commodity dumping, LG lost the display market, and now KS Group is the only one big.)



That night.

On the morning of July 4, North American time, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Freedom Tower officially began.

In an instant, the shocking BGM sounded.

Twelve Hei brothers in white shirts, black tuxedos, black jazz hats, and black cornerstones, appeared on the stage with enchanting dance steps.

Ge Xiaotian, who was expecting something, saw this scene, and directly spit out the seafood pimple soup he just drank.

Before complaining about it, the BGM on the scene changed suddenly and replaced it with the well-known Chinese "vehicle mourning music". Then, Pu Pu embraced the wooden sign with the words "democracy, freedom, peace, equality" and other characters, accompanied by the Taoist priest and the master, Come slowly.

The surrounding crowd cheered like a tide...


Ge Xiaotian's face was strange, and then he found that there was a yellow altar in the foundation pit.

On the altar, there are golden incense burners, chicken heads, duck heads, snake heads...

Under the altar, fire paper, gold ingots, little paper figurines...

Most importantly, the star-spangled banner in front of the altar...


These stupid things.

Ge Xiaotianxia consciously opened the Panda Guardian forum, only to see that Chinese netizens were already arguing:

"Damn, the three animals are all on display, they are so professional!"

"Made, our ancestral customs have been learned by them."

"Weakly ask, are these three animals really right?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"


"No, no, the three sticks of incense are equal to the left and right, lower than the middle third. Is this really a blessing?"

"That's right, it's called 'Da naive', and overseas, it's called 'God has come'."


"But here comes the question, what does it mean to burn two paper figurines?"

"Arrange two assistants for God, are you stupid?!"

"What the hell am I..."

The overseas netizens who came over the wall are very proud.


Ge Xiaotian was silent.

After a long time, he greeted Eleven, "Repatriate all the monks who were previously rented to North American entrepreneurs. I am worried that they will be shot to death afterwards."

"Back to the boss, they have already booked a ticket for tonight."

"It's still a bit of a B number... By the way, let the global control of Montenegro Odyssey absolutely not let North America find out the truth."

"Good boss."

After Dao Shiyi finished speaking, he hesitated, "But if these things really become popular there..."

"None of my business?"



Ten o'clock at night.

Tianyu VR Technology and VR Facilities Transfer Conference was secretly opened.

The participants are all "obedient enterprises" arranged by high-level officials from overseas countries.

Such as Wajima Nintendo, Faguo Ansheng, German Zeiss...

After some haggling.

Nintendo won the VR game console at a price of 30% off.

AXA won the VR amusement equipment at a price of 40% off.

Zeiss won the VR optical lens technology and production line at a 20% discount price.

Nanbangzi KS Group did not come forward, but through the hands of the "big cousin", instructed the down-and-out Sanxing to win the VR+AR two-way projection technology.

The remaining VR products and VR technologies are also packaged by other regions of the European Union.

Logically speaking, Tiancheng VR monopolizes the world and becomes the favorite of agents, just like Canon Nikon that just entered China in another time and space, and is touted by countless users.

Not to mention discounts, overseas technology companies will accept even a 200% premium.

But what Ge Xiaotian wants is resources, not 'money'.

In this way, the other party is given the initiative to 'bargain'.

Fortunately, 'technology' products have a premium price, Tiancheng is still making a steady profit in this wave of business.

at the same time.

Tiancheng's sudden castration of Tianyu's business caused speculations from other people.

Some suspect that Tianyu has made too many public service advertisements and movies that have sold well or not, resulting in insufficient income. In addition, it has not made progress in the game field in the past few years, which made Boss Ge very angry and disbanded Tianyu in a rage.

Some suspected that Tianyu was in arrears with Tiancheng's headquarters project funds, angering the big boss, causing You Minxing to sell his most profitable project to make up for Tiancheng's headquarters losses. After all, Tiancheng is engaged in construction, and Gao Song helped Tiancheng purchase projects worth 5 billion The mechanics are no secret either.

There are also doubts that Tianyu has made a breakthrough in a certain field and is planning to launch a new business, but after several times of existing technology on the parent star, no matter how many netizens try to think about it, they can't find any black technology that Tianyu can produce. This guess is the worst. recognized by the outside world.

As for overseas technology companies and institutions purchasing VR technology...

VR is mature, with a mature production line, a mature market, mature resources, and mature upstream and downstream industries. Buying it means earning money.

Even if Sky Entertainment launches a new project, which will cause a devastating blow to the VR industry, it is absolutely impossible for Sky Entertainment to seize the VR market in an instant.

As long as overseas technology companies make profits in the next six months, they can make back their capital, and the rest will be earned.

Therefore, the overseas technology companies that signed the contract inspected 'Tianyu Interactive' overnight, rented electrical engineers on the spot, and dismantled the complicated VR equipment...


The next day, Qingshan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the capital arranged for a brand-new vertical lift fighter to deliver a box of documents.

It has to be said that under the influence of Tian Cheng, the board of directors also learned to 'show off'.

In other words, this is a symbol of strength.

The new type of fighter fully adopts the remote control system, has a speed of Mach 3.5, and a cruising radius of 1500km. It can carry two 'seed eggs', or an unpublished 'super energy egg' (the burst energy refers to the eastern sea area). Known as 'J-03', it belongs to the fifth-generation supersonic unmanned fighter aircraft.

Its debut naturally attracted the attention of countless people.

Especially next to it is the UFO Stadium, where thousands of overseas athletes live.

Moreover, there are countless overseas journalists attending Tiancheng's press conference today...

Ge Xiaotian didn't pay attention to the outside world.

After all, this year is 'Daqing'. By October 1st, Huaxia has a lot of good things to show, such as 'Aerospace Battleship', 'Magnetic Energy Tank', 'Light Prism Cruiser', 'Super Power Armor'...

What needs to be done now is, after An De Guang Mansion has tens of thousands of rooms, the underprivileged people in the world will be happy!

The documents sent by the capital are the land contract and standard agreements related to 'brain-computer', 'brain imaging' and 'photonic communication'.

The land is nothing more than the site selection of super factories, most of which are located in the suburbs of the provincial capital. This is to further promote "urban and rural development" and take care of low-income urbanites and idle labor in towns and villages.

In addition, it includes ten 'interstellar mines', each with 200,000 cabins. As for the function...moon digging.

Ge Xiaotian flipped through a few important documents, and left the rest to Dao Shiyi for disposal.

Maybe the boss behind Chen Donghai is really scared, or maybe some elders have come forward. This technological change is much faster than Dongshan's industrial reform and medical reform.

Of course, there is also an indispensable big red flower, and more than a dozen honorary certificates and awards.

Ge Xiaotian put on a big red flower, filled the desk with honors, then took out two small red flags, put them in a straight line and took a selfie, uploaded to the forum, "The great chairman arranged a super fighter, and sent a good news to Comrade Ge Xiaotian who worked hard!"

Netizens have long been used to it.

"The people of Beihe sent applause!"

"The people in Nanhe sent applause!"

"The masses in the Northeast send applause!"

"The masses in the west send applause!"



"Magic City..."


"By the way, I forgot one important thing. The interstellar mine will officially open in three months. Is there any friend who is willing to sign up in advance? Quarterly contract, work eight hours a day, three shifts, one day off a week, and absenteeism is strictly prohibited , You need to have a Tiancheng Bronze-level construction machinery driving certificate, or a Tiancheng Bronze-level electrical engineer certificate. When the contract expires, you can get a basic salary of 6,000 red notes and a bonus ranging from 2,000 to 4,000. Boss Ge personally recruits and pays the salary and bonus .”

A netizen: "Really?"

"Whoever believes in me will make a fortune!"

Famous film critic Old Z: "I will believe you one last time."

A certain netizen: "Huh? Old Z? Long time no see. Where have you been?"

"Nordic travel, just escaped from the Vikings."


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