Build Madness

Chapter 1038 Vocational Examination Press Conference

July is full of endless topics.

Great development of the southern waters;

The industry in the west has risen in an all-round way;

The "Tenth Five-Year" plan was overfulfilled;

Beidi villages and towns get rid of poverty and become rich;

Northland's GDP exceeds the sum of the European Union;

Acceptance of the second largest artificial canal on the mother planet;

China Express successfully transformed;

The annual launch volume of Huaxia Aerospace exceeded 100 times;

Huaxia Beidou Star Chain is officially commercialized;

Tiancheng Ark No. 1 arrives at Ceres...

Among them, the most hotly discussed one is the 'vocational examination'.

Last year, the number of applicants for the first vocational college entrance examination was less than 200,000.

This year, affected by factors such as blue-collar treatment, industrial changes, technological changes, and employment prospects, the number of applicants has skyrocketed to five million, accounting for two-thirds of the total number of candidates for the college entrance examination.

Moreover, this does not include Tiancheng secondary school exempt students, correspondence students of Tiancheng evening school, Tiancheng online school, and Tiancheng summer camp.

The Quanmin Daily commented on this phenomenon at length, praising it: ‘This is a change in the form of education, and it is also a symbol of increased productivity. '

Then pointed out the problem: "Although Western Vocational College is known as the real 'university city' of the parent star, which is enough to accommodate millions of students, it is mainly used for 'directed cultivation' and cannot be provided for enterprises outside the Tiancheng industry chain' High-quality occupations'. '

The comment sparked a lot of voices.

Dongshan National Representatives, Nanhe National Representatives, Beihe National Representatives... Many entrepreneurs and many people jointly requested the establishment of vocational education institutions.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the Ministry of Education announced in advance the long-planned educational reform.

In response to the changes of the times, according to the instructions of the board of directors, the Ministry of Education decided to open the first batch of vocational university qualifications and corresponding professional school-running standards, as follows:

Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine established Huaxia Medical Vocational University, which is located in Zaoshi City. The majors include traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, bone science, acupuncture, health preservation, and rehabilitation... It takes three years to study, and you can get a Tiancheng medical standard certificate after graduation. Physician A smart card (04 version). Candidates for the 2004 session can log on to the website of the Medical Vocational College and register with the college entrance examination results.

Huaxia University of Science and Technology, established Huaxia Vocational University of Science and Technology, located in Jiangcheng, majors include photonics, particle science, multi-dimensional materials science... It belongs to the "early admission batch".

Dongshan University of Architecture and Architecture established Huaxia Vocational University of Architectural Engineering. The school is located in the second district of Jinxiuchuan. The majors include architectural engineering technology, architectural design, urban planning, and GIS system... It belongs to the "advance admission batch".

Dongshan University of Light Industry established Huaxia Vocational University of Light Industry. The school is located in Jinxiuchuan District 2. The majors include...belonging to the 'advance admission batch', the first batch of non-undergraduates, the second batch of undergraduates, etc.

Heilong Bingcheng University of Technology, established Huaxia Engineering Vocational University... It belongs to the 'advance admission batch'.

Nandu University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the formation of Huaxia Aviation Vocational University... belongs to the "early admission batch".

Northwestern Polytechnical University, the establishment of Huaxia Aerospace Vocational University... belongs to the "admission batch in advance".

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, established Huaxia Aerospace Engineering Vocational University... It belongs to the 'advance admission batch'.

The first batch of vocational universities totals 45, covering 45 fields and 215 new majors, and is expected to enroll 850,000 fresh graduates.

Note 1: The second batch of vocational colleges and the second round of vocational examinations will be announced and conducted in mid-July.

Remark 2: The third batch of vocational colleges and the third round of vocational examinations will be announced and conducted in early August.

Remark 3: Existing college students can log in to Huaxia Vocational University to register for the second or third round of vocational examinations. After passing the grades, they can go through the formalities of transferring schools with their transcripts and enter the first year of vocational colleges.

Remark 4: Vocational colleges are under construction. Fresh graduates can take the transportation of Tiancheng Department for free to the western desert with the admission notice, and participate in the three-month national quasi-professional military training in 2004. Overdue qualifications for vocational college students will be cancelled.

Such news caused a sensation across the country.

However, just like what Ge Xiaotian once discussed with the chairman, "one generation eliminates one generation".

"Vocational colleges" can eliminate almost 99% of higher vocational colleges and 95% of ordinary colleges and universities, and even cause a large number of fresh college graduates to "return to the furnace", otherwise they will not find jobs.

After all, after several technical iterations, what I learned four years ago and what I learn now are completely "two things".

Understanding this, many beneficiaries of colleges and universities, or groups worried about losing their jobs, have come forward to criticize the "Vocational University", and even use the "Technical Secondary School Program" that was bankrupt and now changed to "Secondary Vocational College" as a metaphor.

Unfortunately, the great wheel of the times is irresistible.

Amidst the mixed public opinion, on July 5th, Tiancheng International Holdings, the largest developer and largest comprehensive enterprise of Mother Planet, held a press conference.

It is said that Ge Laoer threatened to change the world.

It is said that the content involved is related to the future of the human race on the mother planet.

It is said that the total investment of the projects to be disclosed is as high as trillions.

And the UFO gym.

More than 7,000 reporters attended the event.

Invited to lead at least 3,000 people.

About 5,000 entrepreneurs participated.

More than half of the top 100 on the rich list.

The number of online viewers climbed into the ten digits...

Such a scene reminds people of the 'Graphene Storm' and the 'SG Product Launch' which represents a period.


Four p.m.

The square at the front gate of UFO Stadium.

The flat-shaped Wuzhou Avenue caravan, which is different from the bull head tua, immediately attracted the attention of the audience when it first appeared.

"Mr. Ge, as the founder of the 'Vocational University', how do you comment on the hot discussion of 'cancellation of the Vocational University'?"

"Are there many people who scold me?"

"Yes, Mr. Ge, the initial estimate is nearly ten million."

"Where are the people who praise me?"

"It's... more than a billion?"

"In this case, then this is not a problem."

Ge Xiaotian showed an inexplicable smile, "You know, I had a long talk with the eldest cousin of the chairman of KS Group yesterday, and I understood a truth."


"Since it's not the problem, fix the person who raised the problem."


After the questioning reporter was at a loss, he shivered suddenly and stopped talking.

A reporter next to him was a little dazed, "The eldest cousin of the chairman of KS Group? Who is he? Is he very powerful?"

"Shhh, it's the chairman of Nanbangzi, who once said in public: 'If the problem can't be solved, then solve the person who raised the problem'."


The faces of the audience were strange.

"Mr. Ge, the housing prices in Xingyue Bay in various places have remained at the same level as the monthly salary of local blue-collar workers for four consecutive years. Some people suspect that you deliberately control it. I don't know how you explain it?"

"If I don't deliberately control it, you standing here under the unprecedented huge economic growth may ask me: 'Mr. Ge, why did the house price rise so high? When will I be able to pay the down payment?'"


"Don't believe me? Look at other real estate projects, which price is not comparable to Tiancheng? But their 25% to 30% of the shared area has invisibly made the price 50% higher than that of Xingyue Bay. Do you know how to calculate it?"


"When it comes to real estate business routines, I know better than anyone else. Unfortunately, I am a national entrepreneur."

Ge Xiaotian patted the car door, the roof fell down, revealing the honors and big red flowers all over the caravan, he straightened his chest, and said loudly in Dongshan dialect: "I'm proud!"


The journalists at home and abroad who surrounded the scene all applauded fiercely. (Red envelope)

far away.

The three elders, the chairman, and the general manager who came down from the special passageway on the apron on the roof of the Holiday Inn saw the live broadcast through wide-area goggles, and they all sighed in unison.

"That's charisma."


"Pillar of talent."


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the official entrance.

All participants will receive dairy products and nutrition cream from Tianwei Catering.

after an hour.

The UFO Stadium, which can accommodate 16,000 people, is gradually full.

At the same time, the dome was closed, and the AR equipment installed last year projected four three-dimensional characters of "the future of the human race".

Ge Xiaotian stepped onto the 360-degree stage, took off his Chinese tunic suit, and showed his strong arms, "Clan members..."

Audience: "..."

Just open your mouth and blow it?

Don't even go through the process? !

Even the elders and the chairman couldn't help coughing, and reminded them through a special connection.

However, someone fell on deaf ears:

"Clan people, the moment that concerns the fate of all mankind has arrived!"

"Open your eyes and look at this parent star..."

Before the words were finished, the dome AR switched to the red Antarctic like blood, the flames of Australia like purgatory, and the Far East where the herds of beasts were rushing like tides...

Mutant tiger stripes, mutated blood algae, mutated kangaroos, mutated wolves, mutated poisonous scorpions, mutated domestic cats...

"We don't have much time left."

Ge Xiaotian's tone was heavy, and the audience was silent.

The content presented by AR is far more shocking than dictation. Even the elders and the chairman who have heard it once can subconsciously sit up at this moment.

After the ninth round of in-depth investigations by the health agency and the biochemical agency of the Mother Planet Joint Conference, the source of the mutation can almost be determined.

That's the mysterious flying object that crashed into the Great Lakes.

Although the North American statement lied before and the NA space agency never obtained the wreckage, who would believe it now?

And Ge Xiaotian...

People, when you tell a lie, you have to cover it up with another lie, and you repeat it like this.

If you don't want to be suspected, you can only continue to brag...

"According to the evolution results of Tiancheng's super server, within three to five years, the home planet will become a paradise for mutated creatures."

"You may not believe me, but by then, we will meet prehistoric monsters who are not afraid of guns, terrifying giant birds with a wingspan of 100 meters, and ferocious sea monsters surging like waves..."

"What's more, it was attacked by an alien civilization!"

The dome AR projection switched again, showing the endless ice field.

In the middle of the ice field, a huge monster that looks like a ruin is shining with bursts of pale white light.

The video gives a note: Ceres No. 1 prehistoric reactor has been in operation for 650,000 years, the core is not damaged, and there are many strange devices that are suspected to be signal transceivers.


The audience was shocked.

Although people know that Ceres has three 'pyramids' similar to non-regional natural reactors, but to really confirm it, and then see it with your own eyes...

The three views are completely destroyed.


"Lao Ge is crazy today?"

"Don't BB, listen carefully."

"No, what is he talking about?"

"The future of the human race, didn't you look ahead?"

"I just came in."

"Watch the replay."

"Damn, why is it exactly the same as the trailer in the other world?"

"Where is the world trailer?"

"You don't know? The world's first major update, it is said that new equipment with a stronger sense of experience will be launched, and the trailer... global changes, prehistoric disasters."

"...", "You mean, you are advertising the game?"

"Have you forgotten about 'aliens' appearing in the other world before the VR glasses went on the market?"


"Tsk tsk, look at this guy, he plays seriously."

"No, look carefully, does it look like bragging?"

" really doesn't look like it, did I guess wrong?"


on the stage.

"No one can be sure about the future. What we have to do now is to develop, develop, and develop again, to sublimate the civilization of the people, to make us stronger, and then to explore this unknown universe."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he took out the brain-invigorating and nourishing liquid, "And it is the repairing potion that makes us stronger... Don't laugh, I'm serious."

Audience: "..."

"In addition to it, Tiancheng Laboratory has also developed physical enhancement drugs, nutritional supplement drugs, gene improvement drugs, and gene enhancement drugs."

"But these are not enough to deal with the dangers that may be encountered in the future."

"Therefore, Tiancheng Lab has developed the 'brain-computer' and 'brain imaging' systems."

"I believe that everyone is no stranger to the brain computer, which is an electronic device that helps the disabled restore organ functions."

"As for what 'brain imaging''s not to take a dynamic CT of the brain, but to construct a scene in the mind, which is the so-called neuron connection technology!" After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he waved to the audience.

Jincos, who had been waiting for a long time, stepped onto the stage amidst screams and took off his coat, revealing a robot-like body.

"Thank you boss for making me the first brain-computer beneficiary!"

Jinx walks around the stage and dances, does somersaults, does yoga...

The audience was stunned.

Ge Xiaotian: "This is just a way of using the brain computer. Next, please invite the pioneer in the field of electrode implantation, Nikola!"

Unlike Jinx who walked up directly, Nikola, who was in a normal body, came to the middle of the stage with a 1:1 robot made of ultra-light metal on his back.

In order to prove that he was wearing a brain computer, Nikola deliberately removed the shell of the helmet, exposing the dense electrode connection wires.

Then, under the gaze of the audience, close your eyes.

The next moment, the robot opened its electronic eyes and raised its arms, "Hi everyone, I'm Nikola."

The audience: "???"

The elders, the chairman and others already understood the technology of 'brain computer' and 'brain imaging', but they were still shocked when they saw this scene.

Ge Xiaotian: "Tiancheng never puts on a show, and never cheats. The comprehensive application of 'brain computer' and 'brain imaging' that Mr. Nicola showed to everyone is just a microcosm of this technology."

"In other words, for any new technology, the first field of application is by no means commercial, but military and industrial."

Dome AR phantom switching.

The bat-shaped drone that once required manual control is now almost flying flowers in the sky under the operation of a sky guard with his eyes closed.

The polar construction machinery that used to require a one-to-one simulated cockpit to be remotely controlled is now being operated by a strong man with his eyes closed, galloping in an extreme environment where it is difficult for humans to survive.

"In the future, it's not just that. With the support of the no-delay communication technology—photon communication, we can also remotely control the lunar base vehicles and lunar soil collection vehicles... This is the main reason why Tiancheng does not carry out manned landing on the moon."

"Because we still have a more advanced 'brain machine'!"

The voice fell.

The AR phantom turned into a huge map of China.

In the suburbs of every provincial capital, super factories have sprung up.

Next to the factory, there are several pie-shaped buildings.

Inside, countless men and women, wearing closed helmets, lay peacefully in comfortable armchairs arranged horizontally and vertically.

On the far side of the moon, a mine with an astonishing scale is in full swing.

And the center console of each mine car shows one or two helmeted men and women.

Cut back to the pie-shaped building, and a row of large characters is displayed on the top: Interstellar Mine—TC1010.

At the same time, a space shuttle left the moon, sailed for a long time, entered the atmosphere of the parent star, landed in the western desert, and unloaded boxes of packaged lunar 'souvenirs'.

Heavy-duty transport vehicles and ground-effect transport planes work together to send these things to the super factories on the periphery of each provincial capital.

next scene.

Helium triglycerides are converted into electrical energy, and the electrical energy is stored in energy blocks, which flow into the market, or are loaded into buses, transport vehicles, engineering vehicles, or trams...

No need to explain, everyone at the scene understood.

Ge Xiaotian: "This is the tomorrow we are about to face!"

"Of course, there's 'virtual reality games'!"

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