Build Madness

Chapter 1066 Gather

In the world, there are too many things that people don't understand the principles, but can be skillfully applied.

For example, steel, everyone knows how to smelt, but why smelting can produce finished products is still a mystery. In other words, the vast majority of materials science has no principle, only experience in use.

For example, the most common vortex tubes, also called cooling guns and cold air guns, are widely used in cooling systems of industrial equipment. The price is only a few dozen yuan, but there is no accepted explanation for such a simple small tube.

For example, general anesthesia in medicine, do you think this thing is very scientific? In fact, no one has been able to understand its principle, including the sequelae, and some scientists even suspect that the anesthesia is ineffective, but the user forgets the pain afterwards... Isn't it scary?

For example, the industrial catalysts used in large quantities by Tiansu Natural Rubber are easy to use and the quality of the finished products is good. In fact, no one knows why the catalysts can exert their own effects.

Another example is a photon, when it is not observed, it is in state A, when it is observed, it is in state B, no matter which method you use to observe it secretly, it will find it.

Moreover, after separating the two entangled photons, observing one, the other will also feel being observed, thus changing the state at the same time, this is the 'wave-particle duality', which has no scientific explanation.

And the separation of one, under the premise of no transmission process and no transmission channel, the two can still realize the real-time change of shape across the distance, which is called the "photon theory", which still has no explanation.

But human beings use these two incomprehensible products to create 'quantum communication' and 'photon communication'...

Therefore, people do not understand the above things, but can use them skillfully, collectively referred to as 'xx phenomenon', or 'xx reaction'.

Such as quenching reaction, chemical reaction, physical phenomenon...

So, although Daoyi's "jumping disk plan" has a principle and a scientific basis, why can he return to the original point after jumping out of the solar system... Except for describing it as a rotating gossip disk, the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space can't explain it clearly .

In the solar system, after calculating the time and jumping out from different regions, why they can finally merge together, except for the principle of the Bagua disk, the Department of Aeronautics and Space can also not explain clearly.

In the end, it can only be described by 'interstellar coordinates'.

(The inner circle is A, which turns slowly, the outer circle is B, which turns slightly faster, and the outer circle is C, which turns faster.

Jump from the A-1 point of the inner ring A to the B-1 point of the outer ring B. Because the outer ring B rotates faster, the B-1 point surpasses the A-1 point.

After the calculation is completed, A-2 in the inner circle A jumps, and A-1 in the outer circle B happens to pass by, so A-2 and A-1 converge.

If there is no convergence, A-1 jumps to the outer circle C with a faster speed, catches up with A-2 in the outer circle B, and then jumps to merge. If it is relatively far from the sun, it jumps to the inner circle A with the slowest speed. Calculate the time again, wait for A-2 to pass by, and you can also jump and merge.

It looks a bit complicated, but it's just an application of relative speed)

And the interstellar coordinates of the solar system are set near Europa.

After the jumping disc project started, all the arks on the parent star and the moon base carried nearly ten million two legs and one energy body delivery device, left the earth-moon orbit, and took the lead in 'jumping the disc'.

The Tiancheng Aerospace Department, which is in the second planetary belt, counted the time and jumped in 3 hours.

The Ark Super Fleet set off from the earth and the moon, without any creatures to follow, all rely on remote control. If they encounter danger or lose contact, Tiancheng Aerospace Department will stop the "jumping disk" plan.

If everything is normal, the Tiancheng Aerospace Department will meet with it, and lead Tiancheng No. 1 to No. 20 Arks, as well as an energy body delivery device, to the imagined 'Orion'-Proxima Centauri, which is about 1 light-year away from the solar system, to create an interstellar base .

If you want to return in the future, you can use the set "interstellar coordinates" to jump to the vicinity of the interstellar platform built by the Ministry of Aeronautics and Space.

Perhaps the system personnel have a far more sense of crisis than the "lord". They have prepared for the interstellar voyage from the beginning, and have accumulated almost "infinite main resources". It is not a problem to open up an out-of-system base.

It's just that the Tiancheng family has a big business. If there is no star fleet, the H fusion technology is enough to support the use for thousands of years, but now, one jump is the annual power consumption of the parent star...

The advanced energy technology of the first-level civilization in the universe - the stellar energy collection device, is the primary task of Daoyi and the others other than collecting 'special resources' this time.


October 11th.

TC brain computer series shipped.

Since the public beta of the game has not yet started, and the internal beta has also announced the end, consumers who pre-ordered TC brains have gone to the forum to find "veteran players" to learn from.

"The experience copy has zero benefits, but the experience copy is like a CG animation. It belongs to the expansion pack. If you don't participate, you will lose. In addition, the experience copy has nothing to do with the current world progress. It just lets you understand the strength of the enemy."

"Internal beta boss, talk about the start of the game, first reward 100 centimeters."

"At the beginning of the game, you must first learn the operation of construction machinery. However, in reality, players who have a Tiancheng standard driver's license can upload the serial number of the certificate and choose to be exempted from the exam. Other players need 3 to 5 hours of practice. After passing, it is natural to dig mine."

"What about after mining?"

"Complete the achievement of 'interstellar absenteeism' to be considered a real player. In addition to mining for three hours a day, the rest is to use the mining income to buy nutrient solution, brain and kidney tonic solution, etc., and then go to the fighting center to train physical fitness, Improve your fighting skills."

"And then?"

"When you reach the first level, it is equivalent to getting started with the game. You can form a team or play alone. Go to the 'Gate of Time and Space' located in the suburbs of various cities, kill all kinds of mutant creatures, hone your will, and cultivate your fighting awareness."

"that's it?"

"if not?"


"Don't look boring. When you get used to this kind of gameplay, you will be addicted to the pleasure of becoming stronger. Oh, yes, there are rings in the city, and players can reproduce the real 'K.O Martial Arts Hegemony'."

"Internal beta boss, when will the trial copy open?"

"Randomly, we have been in closed beta for more than two months, and only opened it last time. It can be said that it can be met but not sought. Cherish it."

"Then this interstellar expedition, isn't it a big scene?"

"Aliens are terrifying, just like the alien army left behind by Mars, which almost wiped us out. I suspect that this interstellar expedition is actually just to let us appreciate the majestic worldview of virtual reality."

"Damn it, watch the news!"


"Picture above!"

"Fuck, where are there so many space battleships?"

on screen.

Fifteen behemoths rose from the western desert.

All fusiform, all black, all terrifying.

There are five smaller ones, about 3,500 meters long by visual inspection, which resemble the second-generation arks that Tian Cheng once needed to be transported to outer space to complete assembly, and did not have the ability to fly away from the parent star alone.

I just don't know why I can break free from the gravitational pull of the parent star and achieve a floating state.

The remaining ten ships are 10,000 meters long, covering the sky and the sun. The upper part is dish-shaped, and the lower part is shaped like a large band-aid, just like a super-large early warning aircraft. There are many strange horn-shaped devices at the bottom. (Gravity field inverter device, also known as anti-gravity engine)

Fifteen space battleships hovered at high altitude for a short time, and flew to the poles respectively at a speed surpassing that of rockets.

"I feel a little strange, such a big man, not to mention the roar of the engine, flying at this supersonic speed, will definitely produce a sonic boom, why is there no sound?" A netizen from the west expressed his inner doubts on the forum.

"Vacuum can isolate sound transmission. If the speed of one's own body reaches a certain level, like producing a vacuum roasted chicken, the air around the body is dried up by using the speed to form a 'vacuum film', so there will be no sonic boom during the flight. Of course , this kind of technology is very difficult to realize, but Tian Cheng has already applied it in the bat-like aircraft."

"how do you know?"

"It's written in the third grade textbook."


God damn it, the third grade in elementary school, maybe it's not the third grade in university, right?

"What is Tian Cheng going to do?"

"Ghost knows..."

"Could it be possible to go on an expedition to North America?"

"A bit like……"


Not only netizens feel a bit alike, but even North America feels alike.

After all, those who owe money to Ge Laoer must either work honestly to pay off their debts, or dig into mines to pay off their debts honestly.

Although North America doesn't owe Tiancheng five trillion yuan worth of gold, but in this world, big fists are the last word. If people say they owe it, do you dare to say they don't owe it?

At least, WASPs never denied the idea of ​​taking money from the beginning to the end.

It's just too much to take out at all.


In the curved display screen of the highest meeting, the satellite was urgently launched by the joint laboratory of the University, and in the picture transmitted:

Dozens of large black holes suddenly appeared on the Antarctic continent...

Affected by the advancement of science and technology, the satellite cameras used now are much clearer than those of previous years.

WASPs, instantly saw 'ants coming out of the nest'.

Numerous heavy two legs, like jets of thick ink, spewed out from the hole and flew towards the ark hovering high in the sky.

And in the North Pole.

I don't know when, huge icebergs turned into engineering islands, with countless heavy two legs lined up horizontally and vertically.

The ark flies, the bees fly...

It's not hard to imagine that if these arks arrive in North America, and the millions of giant 'monsters' are released on a city-by-city basis, no one can resist them.

Raytheon's major shareholder looked complicated, "It seems that he lost his patience."

Major shareholder of United Savings of North America: "Think about it. The game is about to be tested, which proves that the social form is about to change. Countless consumers are flooding into the virtual world. If the reality is not guaranteed, everyone will worry about being killed while playing the game."

"But we can't come up with five trillion Franklin's worth of gold."

"Yes, Alaska has resources, especially gold. Anyway, we have lost control over there. Why don't we lease the resources to Tiancheng. At least Tiancheng is an enterprise, not Ice Bear."

"It is indeed a good way."


new canal.

The epic spectacle "Dayu Controlling the Water" is located in the hinterland of Daba Mountain and stretches for 30 miles.

Going north by boat, there are huge wall carvings along the way, countless sculptures are exquisite and beautiful, and with AR light effects, being in it makes people feel like returning to ancient times.

Among them, the most eye-catching Angelica 'Dinghaishenzhen' is 380 meters high, which is not only a landmark, but also an interstellar photon communication receiving tower.

And the ordinary spectacle at the end, the Yugong Yishan, is also interesting, showing the perseverance of the ancients and the drive to live a better life...

In the past few days, Ge Xiaotian didn't pay much attention to the Internet, but kept in touch with Daoyi while inspecting the New Canal Scenic Area Industrial Park.

During this period, I encountered many pleasant things, but also encountered many distressing experiences.

But this world is a better place after all.

Until Xuanxuan, the publicity department of Tiancheng International Holdings, sent a newsletter, informing North America that it was willing to take all the mines in Alaska to compensate Franklin's gold worth five trillion.

this deal...

It would definitely be a loss if it was replaced by an ice bear.

After all, the tsar sold Alaska for 1.5 million. Even if the currency depreciated, it would be a loss-making business, not to mention that the tsar did not get the money.

But change to Tiancheng...

"Let's just leave it at that."

North America has been unable to jump up.

The East is rising, jumping to a more advanced form of civilization, North America is still at 0.7, plus one's own hacking...

The gap will only increase in the future.

Ge Xiaotian thought for a moment, then asked Xuanxuan to contact the Secretary-General of the Mother Planet United Conference and send the "Interstellar Expedition Plan" to the other party.

The situation on the home planet is too complicated to be unified.

Even if some small countries declare bankruptcy, large and medium-sized regions based on race and belief will continue.

Just like the saying in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: The world will be divided for a long time, and it will be divided for a long time...

There is no need to do something futile. It is better to develop the parent star joint meeting into a solar system joint meeting, or a galaxy joint meeting. In this form in the future, we will fight against possible extra-system civilizations.

At the same time, make sure there is opposition within the Terran.

Well, if there is no objection, the consequences are dire...

Of course, the opposition is also for one's own interests, not for traitors.


October 15th.

The first batch of Limin version TC brain machines and public version TC brain machines were all sent to consumers who pre-ordered.

A total of 700 million sets, including 300 million virtual helmets, 350 million virtual helmets + experience servers, 40 million TC standard medical cabins, and 10 million TC medical cabins.

That night.

Virtual reality games open the landing space.

Players can enter in advance, experience the neuron connection technology, and through "brain imaging", appreciate the five thousand years of China, the origin of civilization restart, and precautions.

Early the next morning.

711.5 million players gathered in the virtual reality landing space.

Before the game's public beta, the solar system appeared in front of my eyes.

The star shines, the planets circulate, and then lock on to the parent star.

Countless cities bloomed with soaring light beams, and then called out the prompt: The identity verification is completed, based on the place of birth, the countdown to the game begins...

10, 9, 8...


After a flash of white light, the player opened his eyes, and was shocked to find that he was on the street of his hometown.

There were cars coming and going on both sides, but the license plates and faces all became very strange.

Even looking for his own home, it seems to have changed.

"God Ward, it's so real!"

"Don't make troubles. The experience of internal beta players has proved that if you do things, you will not only be disqualified from the game, but you will also be punished by the law."

"Forget it, I'll try again when I have time, I'll learn mining technology first..."

at this time.

"Hey, the experience copy 'Interstellar Expedition' is in hot registration. The first round of 10 million places will open in five hours and last for one hour. Driving certification, fighting certification, and shooting certification are required. The second round of 10 million places, six Turns on after an hour, lasts for one hour, requires driving certification...the third round...only driving certification is required..."

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