Build Madness

Chapter 1067 Operation 'Bounce'

Although not all players like interstellar copies.

But the individual mechas that appeared in the interstellar dungeon deeply attracted every player, including the girls.

It has to be said that the charm of a large machine is far beyond that of a small mechanical exoskeleton.

As the parent star, it is also the only bipedal mecha that has achieved mass production, commercialization, and armament - Tiancheng's "two-legged series" is also the object that mecha lovers have sought after in recent years.

Since the development of Tiancheng's "two-legged series", the light-duty two-legged series has gradually evolved into an "intelligent man-machine", while the heavy-duty two-legged series has evolved into an individual vehicle.

Among them, the new generation of heavy-duty individual vehicles is about 5 meters high and weighs 1.5 tons. The overall shape is similar to the previous generations, but the cockpit is no longer installed inside, but a TC brain-computer port is installed to replace the rubber Human or mechanical carrier, greatly reducing the internal space and saving production costs.

In this way, the player can complete the real-time driving of the real heavy two legs by entering the virtual heavy two legs in the game.

For the time being, it can be regarded as an advancement in neuron connection technology.

In addition, the new-generation heavy-duty two-legged fire control system no longer uses 'firearms', but uses laser pulses, particle pulses, electromagnetic pulses, etc., and multiple types of energy weapons.

Mainly outer space or other planets, there are too many uncertainties, such as high radiation, high gravity, no oxygen...

In this environment, firearms will not only be greatly reduced, but may also explode.

Also, firearms require ammunition resupply, while energy weapons, powered by electricity, require little logistics.

Therefore, the new generation of heavy-duty two-legged, uniformly replaced with the "gravitational field inverter device", except for the "jumping plate" needs to use Tiancheng Ark, in space, or on the surface of a planet with a gravity below 10 times, it only needs a small amount of energy to operate , much lower than the H fusion propulsion unit.

Of course, the H fusion device is still the main source of electricity.

As for the oversized armor.

It is just a 'mobile H-fusion power station' and does not have combat capability.

In other words, mechs do not yet have the potential to become combat units.

In this public test, Tiancheng Interstellar Service Company released 10 million new-generation heavy-duty two-legged vehicles, 500,000 individual mechanical vehicles for maintenance, and 2 million construction machinery.

Construction machinery is responsible for building interstellar fortresses, opening up one's own base, and exploring the geographical environment of the planet where it is located.

After the virtual reality game registration opened, the Daoyi Fleet located near Jupiter's orbit took the lead in starting to 'jump'...

According to the 'interstellar coordinates' platform left at the origin, the 'jumping disk' is no different from normal navigation through monitoring the feedback screen.

And the whole process is like knocking open the lid of the laundry bucket, jumping out of the washing machine.

That is to break away from the gravitational force of the solar system, break through the barrier of the solar wind, and make itself fit the operation of the Milky Way.


China time, 9 am on October 16th.

The Daoyi Fleet, which disappeared for almost an hour, initiated a communication request to the Western Space Center.

Ge Xiaotian was in the new canal, arrived at the command room with AR projection, and pressed the receive button with the help of brain-computer instructions.

"Boss, everything is normal."

"Continue to explore."


Photon communication supports collapsed galaxy communication, which is still zero delay.

This is not signal transmission, but 'wave-particle duality' and 'photon entanglement' that scientists do not understand.

The fact that Dao Yi's fleet successfully completed the jump doesn't mean it's safe, at least they don't know anything about the space they're in.


The screen in the command hall of the Western Space Center began to jump the relevant data of the 'unknown galaxy'.

"We are about 11 astronomical units away from the new star (11 distances from the parent star to the sun)..."

"Using the distance as a reference, the microwave radiation of this galaxy is one third of the solar system..."

"The star is one-half the size of the sun..."

"There are four major planets in the galaxy, and each planet has 2 to 3 satellites..."

"After triple verification, the galaxy cannot match any celestial objects that have been observed by the parent star..."

"Based on the solar system's carbon-based biological survival standards, this galaxy does not have signs of life..."

"Refer to the habitable zone of the solar system, there are no stars in the habitable zone of this galaxy..."

"Deduce in the way of galaxy operation, lock on the No. 3 planet closest to our fleet..."

"Planet 3 has two satellites that are similar to the parent star..."

"Through scanning, the two satellites have no atmosphere and signs of life, and no traces of activity have been found..."

"Evolution and analysis of planet No. 3..."

"The satellite is shrouded in charged high-energy subatomic particles, and the surface layer has foggy gas condensation, which is suspected to be the ionosphere..."

"According to preliminary speculation, the diameter of planet No. 3 is 275 of the parent star..."

"The deduction is wrong. After discussion, we believe that planet No. 3 resembles Jupiter and is suspected to be gaseous, but photon scanning cannot penetrate its interior."

"Further deduction, analysis..."

"Release the probe..."

at the same time.

The expeditionary corps left the earth-moon orbit and prepared for the 'jump disk' in batches...


"Complete preliminary deduction for planet No. 3, which has an ultra-thick ionosphere, troposphere, and stratosphere..."

"Its radius should be forty-five times that of the parent star..."

"After discussion, we believe that a landing is required to find out the nature of planet 3..."

"Fleet Commander Daoichi, requesting support..."

13 o'clock.

The first batch of players who signed up for the 'Interstellar Expedition' in the virtual reality game were all in place and connected to the heavy-duty two legs with corresponding numbers.

Copy channel:




The moment the connection ended, gasping interjections filled the chat box.

Without it, the transport cabin is extremely spacious and divided into 80 floors, densely packed with heavy-duty two legs.

These devices are fixed in the cabin by the disc platform, arranged horizontally and vertically, and under the light, they shine with a sci-fi and spooky atmosphere.

"I'll be good!"

"Mom, I peed!"

"No, you must take a screenshot!"


"I rely on it!"

"This scene!"

"Just experiencing the dungeon makes me feel that buying a medical cabin is worth it!"

"When did you lose money when you bought something from Tiancheng?"

"Unfortunately, I can't log in to the forum for the time being."

"Don't worry, the experience will end in an hour, there is plenty of time to brag!"

"Is there any task reminder?"


At this moment, a mechanically synthesized sound came from all directions in the hall:

"Please note that the interstellar transition is about to begin, please check the status of your respective vehicles, the energy of your weapons..."

"Please note that the interstellar transition is about to begin, please maintain your current posture and do not leave the fixed platform..."

"Please note that there are still five minutes before the interstellar transition, please check the status of the vehicle again..."

"Countdown to interstellar transition..."

Copy channel:

"Hurry up, team up!"

"Form a fart team, it's a group!"

"Are you stupid? Look at your number, such as A-13-19-99, which means that you are the A Legion, the 13th Brigade, the 19th Squad, and the 99th Space Marine."

"There is an internal beta tester, I rely on you, hurry up and hug your thigh."

"Stop making trouble, serious, serious, this time... do you remember the last internal test experience?"


"The Hawaiian Islands are gone! At least, the residents on them were all sent back to North America."

"don't know."

"I mean, this is real Star Trek!"

"Fuck! I still don't understand..."


President Qingfeng: "You don't need to figure it out. If you treat this dungeon experience as a real interstellar battle, you won't lose money."

"I'm going, the first president is here?"

President Qingfeng: "The X Legion listened to the order, blocked chats outside the Legion, and opened the dedicated communication channel for the X Legion..."

Rebel Legion: "M Legion listens to orders, blocks..."

"Damn it, old Shen is here?"

Jagged Family: "J Legion..."

"Oh my god, all the old legendary families of Shenlong have appeared?"

"Shh, don't talk nonsense, listen to inside information, as early as during the beta test of the virtual reality game, these presidents were collectively replaced by military executives, you forgot, our military has 20,000 special training green clothes in the game .”

"Hiss... so?"

"This is a really super large-scale interstellar battle!"

"That's right, I also discovered that the A~Z Legion is just a fleet, and there are also the main attack fleet headed by the twelve zodiac signs, the heavenly gangsters, the heavenly stems and the earthly branches, the upper, lower, left, and right four-wing fleets, as well as the vanguard fleet and logistics fleet..."

"Mom, I thought it was just our ship..."

"Wrong, before I logged into the game, I read the news, Tian Cheng launched at least 20 arks."

Closed beta player: "Could it be that the real aliens are being played this time? Not North America?"

New player: "Why play in North America?"

Closed beta player: "You will understand later."

new player:"……"

"It seems that this battle will be very tragic!"

"No, I'm shaking!"

"Don't be cowardly!"

"No, I'm excited, after all, I can be resurrected after death."

"It makes sense, there is no need to compensate the mecha for experiencing the dungeon..."


"Crush the duck!"

"Kill the devil!"



Western AR Green Clothes Training Center.

command hall.

Faced with the sudden surge in morale, Wan Lao and several other elders were very baffled.

"Why did it burn?"

The green-clothed manager of the internal test: "Leader, players have always been like this, and it's a good thing."

"Like a bunch of lunatics."


Wan Lao said: "Don't discuss other things, tell all the commanders that if there is a fight, you must use all the strength of the previous training and internal testing, and take it seriously. This is a new beginning!"

"Yes, leader!"



The interstellar expedition fleet consisting of 20 Tiancheng Arks and 500 transport ships jumped in batches.

Dao One Fleet calculates the relative movement exchange rate between the solar system and the new galaxy, and deduces the coordinates of both parties.

"Boss, the distance difference between the two sides is 170 astronomical units. Our main ship must jump up and return to the new galaxy."

"how long it takes."

"At least one day."

"Is there a backup plan?"

"Yes, let the interstellar fleet rush to the nearest planet No. 5 to explore its essence. However, the No. 5 planet is about 15 astronomical units away from the star in the new galaxy, which is exactly like Uranus in the solar system. The temperature difference is extremely large, with a maximum of 6000 degrees and a minimum of 4500 degrees. I Fang Machinery cannot withstand the environment of Planet 5."

"Then just wait."


New Canal Daba Hill.

Ge Xiaotian exited the AR projection, sat in the living room and meditated for a moment, and opened the system list.

Whether it is a heavy two-legged, Tiancheng Ark, or a transport ship, they are all produced naturally.

Facing the ultra-high temperature that is almost equal to the H-burst, the metal material of the parent star must not be able to withstand it.

But in the system list, there are first-level cosmic civilization products produced by the system.

for example:

The assault landing ship can directly force-land on the surface of any planet that this civilization can touch. It is 145 meters long and weighs 120 tons. One H fusion warhead, using gravitational field inverter technology engine, related technology unlocked, current price: 100,000 rare metals, 2,000 energy blocks.

The first-class star destroyer can destroy any planet that this civilization can touch. It is 750 meters long and weighs 30,000 tons. It has two star destroyer main guns and twenty interference star destroyer secondary guns. It needs to store energy for 10 to 30 minutes. It needs to be equipped with 10 system-level H fusion power stations, and an additional 2 million energy blocks need to be prepared. The related technology has not been unlocked. The current price is: 50 million rare metals and 60 million energy blocks.

The main ship of the empire, the main ship of a first-class cosmic civilization, is 70,000 meters long and weighs 350,000 tons. It has a planetary defense system and an energy storage defense system...Current price: 2 billion rare metals...

Dreadnought-class battlecruiser, the main combat unit of the empire...

Starfighter, the main individual combat unit of the empire...

Tier 1 Imperial Frigate...

Tier 1 Imperial Assault Ship...

The Death Star, the ultimate weapon of a first-level civilization, the killer of interstellar expeditions...

"Poverty is the original sin!"

Ge Xiaotian scrolled through the list for a long time, sighed, and closed the system page.

Gold is used to strengthen the technology tree, otherwise these super units cannot be activated, and now there is no surplus to buy the finished system.

Look at the screen presented by the virtual head-mounted display again...

Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt that compared to the finished system, he was like a gang of beggars on an expedition to the cultivation world...

the next day.


The photon communicator on Ah Huang's back rang, and Dao Yi's voice came immediately:

"Boss, we successfully completed the jump and reached the 'plane' of the Milky Way, but..."

"What's wrong?"

"Based on the disk of the local galaxy we have observed, I am afraid that the existing astronomical system of the parent star will be completely overthrown."

"Haven't there been such speculations before?"

"Guesses are guesswork... Maybe it's really like the 'civilization' game you mentioned before. This universe is divided into countless 'maps'. What we see in the map may not be real. Only by entering the target map can we dig Its essence, or rather, is it occupied by other civilizations."

"Then let us dig out one by one to understand the nature of this universe."

"Yes, boss!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't ask what he saw, which caused the always positive opponent to suddenly become very depressed.

Because I haven't even conquered the disk of the Milky Way, how can I go beyond the "disk" to consider a higher level.

It's like you want to dominate the world before you leave the village...

It doesn't matter if you take this as a goal, if you really do it right away, I'm afraid you won't even know how you died.

after an hour.

From the plane of the galaxy to the plane of the Milky Way, the Daoyi Fleet is only 0.02 astronomical units away from the expedition fleet. With the speed of our own spacecraft and the gravitational slingshot generated by the rotation of the Milky Way, it only takes one day for the two sides to approach each other.

Therefore, players who signed up to experience the dungeon but failed to participate in the battle returned again.

And in the new galaxy, the dense 'locusts' headed straight for planet No. 3...

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