Build Madness

Chapter 1068 Assault Landing Ship

When Starfleet rushed to planet No. 3, Tianyu made a big report on it:

"This galaxy does not belong to any observed celestial body, and its existing form, compared to us, is like 'black under the lamp'..."

"This galaxy has four major planets, each planet has 2 to 3 satellites, and the microwave radiation is one third of the solar system..."

"Planet No. 4 in this galaxy is about 13 astronomical units away from the star. Based on our current knowledge, it does not have the basis for the existence of life at all. However, planet No. 3, which is about 11 astronomical units away from the star, and 1.5 and 3.6 astronomical units away from the star, respectively. Planets 1 and 2 of the unit have formed a carbon-based living organism breeding environment with strange phenomena beyond our understanding, and the Star Fleet is advancing to planet 3, please continue to pay attention to the follow-up reports..."

"The emergence of new galaxies brought the mother star into the era of great interstellar voyages, and due to the impact of interstellar expeditions, the price of precious metals around the world has dropped sharply. Countries have adopted market regulation measures, but the effect is not great..."

"Tiancheng International Holdings signed a lunar base transfer agreement with Huaxia's board of directors, and opened an acquisition negotiation meeting for the Mars interstellar port and the asteroid belt interstellar port..."

"According to the National Conference, in the next three to five years, the board of directors will rely on the resources of the National Chamber of Commerce to build interstellar transportation lines and passenger lines..."

"Tianle Tourism announced that it will invest 1.2 trillion red notes and entrust Tiancheng Construction Company to build tourism projects such as 'Moon Paradise' and 'Mars Adventure Island'..."

"Tiancheng Real Estate Development Group announced that it will spend 15 trillion red notes to build the 'Ceres Ecological Park'. This is Tiancheng's another major investment in Ceres after the 'H fusion artificial small sun project'..."

"It is understood that the current temperature on Ceres is stable between 85°C and minus 75°C. Compared with a year ago, it has been greatly improved, and the plastic greenhouse base, ground source heat pump system, and resort on Ceres have been fully completed, and it may not be possible. After too long, we will be able to take the 'Huaxia Interstellar Bus' to travel between our home planet and Ceres..."

"Today, Tiancheng International Holdings and Tiancheng Far East Mining Group are planning to develop a Mercury iron ore mining plan. The mother star is expected to welcome 20 trillion tons of iron ore resources within ten years, but whether the disappearance of Mercury will affect the operation of the mother star is still unclear. In discussion..."

"Today, Tiancheng announced the establishment of the Second Space Department, which aims to study the rationality of the existence of the moon... The moon is a satellite, and the parent star cannot capture such a huge satellite. Therefore, it is still a mystery that the moon revolves around the parent star. Maybe it won't be long. In the future, we will get the answer from the research of Tiancheng Second Aerospace Department..."

"Today, Tiancheng International Holdings and the Nanyang Five signed an agreement to undertake the construction of the Nanyang Space Port. The Nanyang Space Port is the second interstellar port on the home planet after the Tiancheng Space Center in the west. It is mainly responsible for receiving interstellar resources... In the future, the West Asia Space Port, The Emirates Spaceport, the Nordic Spaceport, the Ice Bear Spaceport, and the South African Spaceport will land one by one..."

"The interstellar era is coming, let us see what Europe and the United States are doing..."

"A week ago, Omar took office as North American director, but was sued by Pupu..."

"Five days ago, Texas declared independence and supported the former governor Xiaobu..."

"Three days ago, Montenegro signed a ceasefire agreement with Greece to divide up the chicken..."

"Two days ago, England suffered the largest Viking raid and lost control of the southern part of the island..."

"Yesterday, Fade took the lead in holding the European Union meeting to discuss the introduction of Tiancheng's relevant bills, but Tiancheng's big boss is traveling by car and cannot be contacted for the time being..."

"Today, Tiancheng and North America signed an agreement on the transfer of Alaska mine resources..."


The news all over the sky continues to wash away people's three views.

Some people suspect that this is all fake news.

Some people suspected that Ge Heizi was bragging again.

Some people also suspect that this is the news from the virtual reality game.

And the forum.

Countless interstellar expedition videos, moving pictures, and high-definition wallpapers cover every post like snowflakes.

Ignoring all kinds of uncivilized interjections for the time being...

A famous director: "When we were still worrying about the special effects of sci-fi movies, Tiancheng has already destroyed our imagination with actual products!"

An economist: "Undoubtedly, the interstellar era is about to bring about a qualitative change in the social form, and the qualitative change in the social form will trigger an 'industrial revolution' that we cannot understand. , enough to make all of us beneficiaries! Of course, except for those outside the Tiancheng industry chain."

A military observer: "The interstellar expedition means that mankind is about to encounter the first collision with an alien civilization. If there is a battle, it is different from the way of warfare on the surface. It is destined to be recorded in history. I wish the expedition fleet a complete victory!"

An overseas public knowledge: "Too many scientists have warned human beings not to try to contact any extraterrestrial civilizations, otherwise it will bring catastrophe to the home planet, and Tian Cheng will definitely become a sinner!"

An interstellar enthusiast: "According to rigorous estimates, for this interstellar expedition, Tiancheng sent a total of 20 arks, equipped with 500,000 aerospace-type heavy-duty bipedal mechas, and equipped with an interstellar main ship sequence, two hundred The logistical supply ship...the army of tens of millions is better than me, how strong it is!" Attached attached.

A researcher of Tiancheng Laboratory: "Mr. Zhang Daoyi, the commander-in-chief of the great expeditionary fleet, said before leaving the home planet: 'Until the ecology of the new galaxy is ascertained, everything in the expeditionary fleet will be prohibited from returning to the earth-moon orbit'. This is the way , can effectively prevent new galaxy viruses, bacteria, cosmic dust, etc., from affecting all human beings."

An expeditionary fleet member: "Expeditionary Fleet Scientific Research Report 1: The color composition of the new galaxy is not the three colors (red, green, blue) that humans are familiar with. In other words, the reason why the plants on the mother star are green is not because the chloroplasts cause the vegetation to absorb blue light. Red light reflects green light, forming 'green leaves', but humans chose green, so the vegetation looks green. So, according to the evolution results, if there is vegetation on star 3, it is very likely to be black..."

A member of an expeditionary fleet: "Expeditionary Fleet Scientific Research Report 2: Star 3 is about 11 astronomical units away from the star of the new galaxy, which is equivalent to 11 times the distance between the parent star and the sun, and the star of the new galaxy was initially determined to be born 200 million years ago. Compared with the sun, it is like an infant. According to the scientific system of the parent star, planet No. 3 is obviously not in the habitable zone, but its ionosphere is like a convex lens, which gathers the light intensity not weaker than that of the parent star. This is a kind of A brand new planetary ecology..."

A member of an expeditionary fleet: "Scientific report 3 of the expeditionary fleet, there are at least 175 chemical elements that are different from the solar system in the new galaxy, and during the continuous observation in the past week, 25 physical phenomena that do not exist in the solar system have appeared in this galaxy.

The evolution of the server can prove the existence of "cultivation civilization". Of course, it does not mean cultivating immortality, comprehension, or magic, but a unique civilization that belongs to the galaxy born with the power of thought or star energy as the basic cultivation element.

Perhaps in the course of future expeditions, we will encounter alien life riding a strange bird to fight, or meet alien life flying out of the planet alone to fight against us in space...

It can only be said that in the future, everything is possible! "

A member of an expedition fleet: "...Research Report 4, we analyzed the ionosphere of No. 3 star and found that this is not an ordinary ionosphere, but a 'defense shield' full of strange energy. The war is not far away from us!"


"I suspect that I have traveled to the future!"

"Why do you wake up and open your eyes to see Interstellar?"

"Didn't know in my lifetime to be able to see the formation of the 'Galactic Federation'."

"My lord, I've had a bowel movement!"

"Slip away, dig mines, make money, and support a family!"

"Slip away, mine, exercise, become stronger!"

"Slip away, mining, mining, mining..."

"Good news, good news, the second batch of virtual reality game equipment will be on the shelves in December, and can be pre-ordered and shipped in order..."


New galaxy, star 3.

Under the action of the Milky Way's gravitational slingshot, the speed of the expedition fleet in the new galaxy reached an unprecedented 650km/s.

If it is not considered that the hull material cannot withstand the strong 'galactic wind' (similar to solar wind), the speed will continue to increase.

And after three hours of voyage, the expeditionary army like "locusts" arrived at the low-earth orbit of No. 3 star, and took back the detection spacecraft that was released in advance and arrived here first.

However, neither the Tiancheng Ark, nor the heavy two-legged, nor the command ship has the ability to land on planets.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian gritted his teeth, recovered the rare metals that North America left in Alaska, and had no time to transport them away, and then authorized Daoyi to exchange for an assault landing ship from the system through the shipborne town center.

Its overall shape is like a football, with thin skin and big stuffing, mainly composed of transport cabins, with a maximum load of 20,000 heavy-duty two-legged...

Its own weapons are very common, but they can be replaced with natural energy weapons.

Three hours later, the players rotated to the third batch. Starfleet commanded the aircraft ship, dropped sea light detection equipment on star 3, and arranged for the assault landing ship.

At this moment, the interstellar expedition legion composed of tens of millions of players, and the netizens watching the forum anchor on their home planet cheered up one after another.

Not long after, the assault landing ship entered the ionosphere...

Ten minutes later, we safely arrived at the 'Gaseous Fog Layer'...

Half an hour later, the assault landing ship sent a full picture of the surface of planet 3:

Mountains and rivers, deserts, land, oceans, black vegetation...

"It looks no different from the parent star."

Dao Yi personally contacted the big boss projected to the Western Space Center, "It's just that, after careful calculation, the final radius of Planet 3 is about thirty-seven times that of the parent star, and the density is the same as the parent star, that is to say, its mass is also the same as the parent star. Thirty-seven times that of the star. Adding the approximate rotation speed and revolution law, strictly speaking, after landing, human beings will face thirty-seven times the gravity, but it does not produce a "gravity" higher than that of the parent star, and even lower than the moon."

Ge Xiaotian understood the meaning expressed by Daoyi. The greater the mass of the planet, the greater the gravity faced by creatures. If planet No. 3 is abnormal, it means that the surface is full of 'giant creatures'. "Has the assault landing ship landed safely?"

"It will take another ten minutes. Due to the heavy humidity, the friction of the atmosphere will produce a lot of smoke. It is necessary to analyze the ecological information of the planet after landing. However, what is certain is that this planet has oxygen and carbon dioxide."

After Daoyi finished speaking, he passed on the second piece of information, "Boss, there is another new discovery about the stars in this galaxy. In space, the massive stars are enough to distort the surrounding 'space'.

For example, the sun, if the solar system is described as a sheet, then the sun is a large metal ball that falls in the soft sheet, causing a 'sag' phenomenon around itself.

It is estimated that the stars of the new galaxy were born in a neutron star explosion 200 million years ago, and their mass is 6 times that of the sun, which means that we are 11 astronomical units away from it, and we will also be in its "distorted space", But we didn't feel any spatial fluctuations.

That is to say, this galaxy, like the moon, may belong to 'man-made'. "


Ge Xiaotian was silent.

Last time Daoyi wanted to express his great discovery of new galaxies, but he declined.

Say it now...

"Old man, there are too many unreasonable things in the universe, maybe it's a coincidence, or maybe it's a physical phenomenon that we can't understand, there's no need to scare yourself."

"I understand, but it doesn't prevent me from guessing."

"Do well in front of the eyes and be fearless. Sooner or later we will gain insight into the nature of the universe."


the other side.

In order for players to get familiar with the process of landing on alien planets as soon as possible and lay a solid foundation for independent interstellar land reclamation in the future, the battle sequence in the assault landing ship includes 50 heavy-duty two-legged units controlled by monks, and 150 units controlled by player guild elites. Table heavy on two legs.

The monks are only responsible for collecting geographic information.

Players are vigilant, exploring...

At the moment when the huge assault landing ship hovered in a super valley far beyond the size of the parent star with a thick, unknown composition of smoke, two hundred heavy-duty two-legged units popped out instantly.

Scan, lock, attack...

Destroy all large and dangerous creatures that show signs of life.

This is the first requirement for interstellar development in Tiancheng's standards.

As long as you find an alien civilization, fight first!

After the fight, beat and cry the other party, and then propose a negotiation.

If you can't beat it, release the energy body, explode, and retreat.

Clean and neat, without sloppy.

Otherwise, human survival cannot be guaranteed.

Virtual world landing team channel:

"Hello, is this the home of the aliens?"

"All kinds of big things make my heart pound."

"It's a sense of oppression, just like in Tiancheng's textbooks, when you were young, you felt very tall when you faced the water tower, but when you grow up, when you face tall buildings, you don't have that feeling anymore, just be familiar with it."

"Report to the captain, the killing statistics are complete, and a total of 15 monsters with a length of about 75 meters have been killed... What is this monster with butterfly wings and a mink body called? The system didn't prompt?"

"Could it be... a butterfly?"

"Don't talk about it, each team is divided into four directions, clockwise as if searching..."

"Report, the body computer prompts that an unknown substance has been found to be corroded."

"Report, I found out too!"

"Report, the research team is evacuating!"

"To protect them, we are projections, and they are the ontology."

at the same time.

The assault landing ship transmits groups of data to the Starfleet main ship.

"The composition of the planet's atmosphere not only contains elements such as hydrogen and oxygen, but is also filled with a kind of 'black particle' that can amplify cosmic microwaves. After preliminary analysis, it is similar to 'radiation dust'... The assault landing ship listens to the order and it is ready return!"

"Report, encountered an enemy attack, it is a black alien..."

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