Build Madness

Chapter 1075 Who is the contracting party?

Tiancheng Propaganda Department held a press conference, which was just a warm-up.

I hope to tell the outside world through the news media that the reason why Tiancheng can't produce so many TC brain-computer devices is mainly... overseas countries don't cooperate!

It has nothing to do with our boss.

Don't you see that Huaxia has already fully popularized it, and there is no need to increase production capacity, and it will be able to complete virtual reality for all next month.

This is the superior social system, in stark contrast to capitalism.

Our board of directors subsidizes the masses at a loss, while you overseas talk about it in order to ensure your own dominance...

Of course, overseas journalists dare not report the 'deep meaning' revealed by the press conference.

The flames of war abroad are chaotic enough.

Add fuel to the fire, and I guess I will finish the game.

After the press conference.

The news media entered the venue in an orderly manner according to the instructions of the staff.

Tiancheng expressed its importance to this 'tender meeting' and specifically asked the sponsor, namely Guyue Hotel in Shiyan, to renovate the banquet hall overnight and install holographic projection equipment to transform the venue into an 'interstellar mode'.

What is Interstellar Mode?

Definitely sci-fi.

The entrance is turned into a cabin door, and the interior is turned into a space battleship cab, and the surrounding windows display space scenes through AR technology.

Being in it is like sailing fast in the universe...

11 am.

Directors from various regions entered the venue one after another.

Then the reporters found out...

I don't know whether it was intentional by the organizer or the carelessness of the sponsor, and they arranged the three North American directors together.

Needless to say, Xiao Bu once served in the North American Air Force.

Omar needs no introduction. He is young and vigorous, tall and strong, and he is also Brother Hei. Although he looks thin and weak, he is actually very powerful.

Pope felt a little uncomfortable.

Although he attended the North American Military Academy and was awarded the title of Master Athlete, he has been in the mall for so long, and in terms of personal force, he is far inferior to the former two.

Now sandwiched between the two, I am afraid that the other party will punch each other.

Such a scene made the boss of Ice Bear, who asked to sit behind the three of them, smile meaningfully.

Coupled with the stepped layout, it is like a big boss looking down on three scumbags...

And after the three of them fought secretly, they found the face of the person behind them...

No, on the left is the lunatic who is the Admiral of the Montenegro Odyssey, on the right is Chairman Ira who belongs to the completely hostile camp, on the front left is the leader of the dragons in West Asia, and on the back right is Harden...

What about our own people?

All of them were isolated by the partners of the Tiancheng Department at the outermost edge of the venue.

Pupu rubbed his face, and secretly sent a message to the 'cousin' who had nothing to do with him: "Ge, you can't do this."

It's a pity that the other party has already come to the stage and has no time to check the smart card.

"Good morning, distinguished guests, and welcome to the Tianji Bidding Conference."

Ge Xiaotian sat in the captain's seat of the 'wheelhouse', facing the stepped venue, and introduced the content of the bidding:

"In the past two days, we have learned about the current situation of the mother star, including the many problems that humans have encountered and will face when they step out of the solar system."

"All in all, if we human beings want to gain a firm foothold in the universe, we cannot do without multiplying, increasing production, and fighting everywhere!"

"Prosperity is nothing more than population growth. This is necessary and the most critical. Just like the extinct Kata civilization, with a population of ten trillion, what is this concept? And the higher civilization that enslaved Kata, according to Kata According to the records of the survivors of the tower, it is trillions!"

"Actually, it's right to think about it. If there is no population, how can you control so many planets?"

"Increasing production is to make rational use of the resources under our control, so that all walks of life can sustain healthy and rapid development. Among them, science and technology are the foundation of our human existence. Therefore, in the future, we must not only Increase scientific research funding and create more scientific systems that did not exist before. After all, there are many assumptions in the solar system scientific system that really do not apply to new galaxies because the element cycle is different."

"As for fighting around, we will discuss this aspect after the meeting."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he turned on the holographic projection.

"Today's bidding involves a lot of content. Based on the principles of openness, fairness and justice, partners in Tiancheng's industrial chain, as well as companies that have joined Tiancheng International Chamber of Commerce, enjoy the privilege of preferential bidding."

Overseas countries: "..."

They all enjoy special privileges, how can they be called fair and just?

"Ahem...let's start with the moon industry."

Ge Xiaotian didn't blush, couldn't breathe, and changed the subject, "In the past two years, many regions have introduced aerospace industry and space transportation from Tiancheng, including lunar bases."

"Although the facilities are a bit old and the maintenance price is relatively high, I want to say that you are worth it!"

"At least, the aerospace industry based on Tiancheng's scientific system is suitable for the current large-scale interstellar development environment."

"That is to say, the non-Tiancheng aerospace industry cannot connect with the sky. If they want to enter the interstellar, they must either rely on themselves, or knock it down, import it from Tiancheng and rebuild."

General Manager of Australia: "Mr. Ge, I think this is very inappropriate. The technology of the mother star is similar, and there is not much difference between the Tiancheng aerospace industry and the existing non-Tiancheng aerospace industries in other countries. I doubt that your move is to promote spaceports and spaceports."

"You are wrong. In fact, I plan to sell spaceships and necessities for interstellar development, such as agricultural two-legged, fishing-type mechanical arms..."

General Manager of Australia: "..."

"I hate to use the heart of a villain to save the belly of a gentleman. Is the aerospace industry of the Celestial system really no different from the existing non-Celestial aerospace industry on the parent planet? We can fly to Ceres in a short time, jump to New galaxy, can you do it?"

Ge Xiaotian raised his hand and tapped on the 'intelligent electronic whiteboard' that functions like a small blackboard, "In my conscience, the reason why I told everyone that the aerospace industry introduced from Tiancheng before is applicable to the current interstellar background is to help everyone save money. Unfortunately, Some people with dirty minds are always difficult to understand."

"I understand!" Pupu raised his hand suddenly.

During Pupu's tenure, he signed several agreements with Tiancheng.

Including border wall building material procurement, steel structure construction technology authorization, real estate development environment support, community local area network construction, Zigbee network laying...

It can be said that the Pupu Group's industrial chain in the west has been "naturalized" on a large scale, and even attaches great importance to the popularization of Chinese.

Moreover, Pupu also invested in the old spacecraft used to transport lunar soil in the early years in his private name.

Although the project failed to achieve profitability, Tiancheng entered the interstellar, and the project was transferred to the interstellar mining transportation, with a brighter future development prospect.

Therefore, Pupu knows the Tiancheng aerospace industry best.


Ge Xiaotian ignored this nervousness and continued with the first topic, "As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads, and the same is true for developing interstellar business. If you want to participate in the great development of interstellar development, you must have a space port."

"Skyrim launches three businesses here."

"One, on the basis of the original Tiancheng's aerospace industry, the cost of expanding the space port is very affordable. It only needs 100,000 people to work for Tiancheng for free for ten years."

"Second, the cost of introducing a brand-new space port is slightly higher, but it is entirely his own, and he can do whatever he wants. The introduction fee is 1 million people who will work for Tiancheng for free for ten years."

"Third, the cost of leasing Tiancheng's space port is moderate, the same as renting a house. Tiancheng will charge 20% of your total annual income, and you will help Tiancheng's 100,000 people to work for free for as long as you rent."

"It should be noted that Tiancheng does not provide virtual equipment, and is not responsible for the basic necessities of 'workers for free'. These need to be resolved by the demand side."

General Manager of Brazil: "Mr. Ge, you said before that for this bidding, Tiancheng doesn't need currency or home planet resources, but just population. Then, if we want a space port, we must take out a part of the population and equip it with virtual helmets or medical equipment. cabin, nutrition cabin, but how do we pay for the equipment?"

"It's still the population. A set of virtual helmets can be exchanged for a laborer who has worked for Tiancheng for free for a year. A set of TC medical cabins can be exchanged for a laborer who has worked for Tiancheng for a lifetime."

General Manager of Canada: "Mr. Ge, does this calculation mean that if we buy a medical cabin, we will waste a human resource quota?"

"Why do you have to buy a medical cabin? The medical cabin is to enhance your physical fitness. Through the muscle memory module, you can learn professional skills and combat skills. If you enter the virtual world purely for part-time work, a simple virtual helmet is enough, and The price of this kind of simple virtual helmet is not more than... free work for one year."

The third brother's eyes lit up, "Mr. Ge, so, no matter how many people there are, as long as they work for you for free for one year, they can all get a simple virtual helmet?"

"That's the truth, but... I used to move bricks in a brick kiln before I started a family, and I could earn 100 red notes a day, which was much higher than ordinary wage earners at that time. I thought at that time, if I hired more Salary workers help me move bricks, give them 90 red notes every day, and I draw 10 red notes. Does it mean that the more people move, the more I earn? But in fact, how can there be so many jobs in brick kilns?

The same is true for interstellar, coupled with new industries, the production capacity of virtual helmets is insufficient, in line with the concept of stability, we require... cash on delivery. That is, first help us to work for free, and the equipment will only belong to you after the expiration of the period. "

The general manager of the third brother just nodded when he heard the words.

Any gameplay, carefully considered, will have loopholes, also called BUG.

For example, first take out 5 million free workers, repay the fee within a year, and then make money in the game, and use 'work points' to help people who don't have virtual equipment to buy virtual equipment. Does this mean that there is no need for Tiancheng? Provide free workers, but also get virtual equipment?

Could it be that this is the so-called white drift?

Thinking of this, the eyes of the general manager of the third brother became brighter and brighter...

After Ge Xiaotian finished talking about the "price" of the "aerospace industry foundation", he switched the holographic projection to the "Earth-Moon System", "With our own space port, the next step is how to use it."

"Currently, Tiancheng Laboratory has confirmed that the moon is not suitable for human habitation. Therefore, the moon is only suitable for tourism, scientific research, and energy mining."

"With the space port, you can call on your own citizens to carry out these activities."

"Some people may say, what's the point?"

"I'm afraid you have forgotten, in fact, in your country, many top rich people have already purchased medical cabins, and even many people have obtained virtual helmets through second-hand transactions through Tiancheng online shopping."

"Although the social form has undergone major changes today, the value of labor has not disappeared. It has only been transformed into virtual mental work through actual behavior."

"Just like the story dungeon launched by 'Civilization Restart', all players who sign up to participate will get a lot of rewards, including but not limited to nutrient solution, genetic medicine solution, genetic medicine, work points, meritorious service, and the right to use biped machinery for a limited time. "

"These things can all be traded."

"I think smart people have thought about how regions and countries will continue in the interstellar era."

"That is, by providing interstellar boat tickets, interstellar services, and interstellar travel, obtain 'virtual resources' from players who already have virtual equipment, and then rely on their own weapons to undertake tasks released by Skyrim that are difficult for players to complete. tasks to obtain higher rewards.”

"This is the project that Tiancheng is about to award."

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he took a few sips from the teacup to give you time to think.

However, Huaxia and Tiancheng are partners and do not need to adopt this model.

Because as early as the internal test, each region had selected their own elite green clothes, entered the virtual reality for training, and turned into "interstellar guards".

That's right, the partners will serve as the guardians and security officers of the interstellar industry in the future, similar to the defense in real areas.

In this way, in terms of armaments in the future, Tianwei will become an 'interstellar pioneer', and Huaxia and its partners will become 'interstellar guardians'.

The two parties take cooperation as a bond to jointly enter the great development of the interstellar.

As for overseas countries...

It's just leeks.

Of course, Boss Ge is not an unscrupulous capitalist who cuts leeks. He just wants to establish a new order for human development in the early days of the interstellar era.

Otherwise, when human civilization develops to a certain level, there will be a situation similar to the current situation of the mother planet: a mess of loose sand.

This will seriously hinder Tian Cheng's progress.

After a while.

Ge Xiaotian tapped on the 'little blackboard', "Understood? Then let's talk about how to receive and complete the projects contracted by Tiancheng after everyone has the 'initial funds'."

"The projects we provided in the early stage are mainly for land reclamation."

"That is, the contractor purchases or leases the bipedal mecha, and launches a 'clearance plan' for the designated area."

"The clearing targets include but are not limited to alien shapes, vegetation, mountains and rivers, and river governance. The purpose is to make this area suitable for construction, and provide a safe construction environment for the follow-up engineering team to settle in."

"Strictly speaking, this type of project should be entrusted and can be claimed by players, but the players are too scattered and not suitable for unified management. In the future, we will discover more than just planet 3. Therefore, everyone may be responsible for a The reclamation of the entire terrestrial planet."

"As for rewards, Tianji will provide food, energy, equipment, technology, work points, red notes, etc. for everyone to choose from."

"In addition to the first contracting project, we will also provide interstellar exploration, interstellar warfare, cosmic fortress protection, etc. in the future."

"It should be noted that everyone stays on the mother star and enters the universe in the form of virtual reality. If anyone dares to violate the 'interstellar law' that will be launched by the Mother Star United Conference, he will be a traitor to human beings, and the only punishment for traitors , is to stay in virtual reality forever, working for free until the universe bursts.”

"Don't think I'm joking. As early as last year, Tiancheng Lab launched the 'Immortality Project', and this immortality means staying in the virtual world forever."

You big brothers: "..."

"Then, here comes the problem. Although physical interstellar travel is possible, everyone's body basically stays on the home planet forever. As the population grows, for example, the total population of the home star exceeds 10 billion or 100 billion. Big, food, clothing, housing and transportation are bound to become a big problem."

"what should we do?"

"Interstellar immigration? In the short term, we cannot use other planetary environments, including Ceres and Planet 3, and the cost of interstellar immigration is higher than anyone imagined."

"Then, constructing a floating city or dungeon on the parent planet becomes the only option."

"The Floating Void City, the central area of ​​Nanyu City in the southern sea area, has completed the experiment. The underground city, the underground entertainment invested by Tianyu, will be completed by the end of the year."

"If you have ideas, you can go to the corresponding area for on-the-spot inspections. As a bonus for the first cooperation, Tiancheng will give you a 20% discount in terms of construction."

You big brothers: "..."

Why do you always feel that you are playing 'no project, create a project', and forcibly fooled our original contracting party into a contractor of 'I beg you to do something'?

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