Build Madness

Chapter 1076 - Brain-Computer Era

Ge Xiaotian gave a comprehensive explanation of the bidding.

Including project background, development environment, contracting requirements, precautions...

In general, you use the population to help me work, and I will give you certain resources and ensure your dominance over your own territory. The two parties use this as a bond of interest to develop peacefully and make great strides forward.


Not everyone is willing to believe in Tian Cheng.

Yes, it is one thing to believe and another to be willing to believe.

Even though the aerospace departments of various regions have determined that Skyrim has indeed entered the new galaxy, under the multiple influences of the social system and internal conflicts, some people would rather pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Such as Australia.

Maybe the three major North American groups have reached an agreement in some respects, and they regard it as cannon fodder to disrupt Tiancheng's development, maybe they have been affected by the mutated kangaroo, and they have already broken their cans, or maybe they are just idle and have nothing to do, and want to gain a sense of existence...

The other party questioned the new galaxy in the foolish eyes of the general manager of the third brother, and questioned that "virtual reality" was just a game, and that the Mars base, Ceres breeding, and the development of Planet 3 were all tricks to fool people.

Eloquent and sharp words.


Halfway through the speech, Tianwei security kicked him out of the venue.

"It is a pity that Australia has not been able to become our partner."

Ge Xiaotian shrugged and looked around the audience, "Considering the great unity of the mother planet, Tianji decided to send researchers of special creatures to contact the mutant kangaroos and discuss Australia's rightful place in the interstellar development. After all, such a big independent state , cannot be without representatives.”


The bosses who were already surprised by Tiancheng's expulsion of the general manager of Australia, including the chairman of their own side, were stunned when they heard these words.

But what happened next was even more shocking.

Just listen to someone Ge saying:

"Although we humans are members of the primate family, we always believe that we humans are uniquely endowed with a transcendent status and are the only 'intelligent group', so we are called 'human beings'. No matter how smart other primates are, At most, they can be regarded as "Homo sapiens" and "Humanoid", but they have not been able to treat them as human beings, that is, they are always inferior to human beings.

But now we enter the universe, whether we admit it or not, there are actually "life" smarter than us human beings everywhere.

According to the report provided by the genetic research laboratory, Kata's "wisdom level" is 5 to 17 times that of our human beings. Note that it is not IQ, but "wisdom". This includes not only intelligence, but also inspiration, comprehension ability, creativity, etc. wait. In other words, a fool among human beings may have a zero IQ, but if you comment on wisdom, maybe the fool's "wisdom" is higher than that of a high-achieving student. "

Hearing this, the chairman of KS Group suddenly raised his hand, "Old Ge, doesn't that mean that we are worse than fools?"

"Maybe." Ge Xiaotian didn't deny it.

Everyone: "..."

"Let's get down to business.

In the vast universe, there are countless crises and opportunities. As a rookie, I believe that we human beings must recognize the reality, correct our attitude, and deal with everything with humility.

Therefore, we must have the courage to accept new partners, including the alien primitive civilization on planet 3, and the rising mutant species on the parent star.

Of course, in this regard, we must treat them differently, we must pay attention to those who are friendly to us, and those who are hostile to us...

To put it cruelly, the extermination of the Nine Clans is all light, and it is necessary to cut the roots and leave no future troubles. "

Everyone is silent.

The law of the forest applies to the universe. When you meet an enemy, if you don't destroy the opponent, the opponent will eventually destroy yourself.

"So, Tianji decided to send researchers of special creatures to contact the mutant kangaroo family in Australia. As a meeting gift, we will provide some living materials and equipment to promote the development of kangaroo civilization."

Boss Ice Bear: "Ge, I think it's dangerous to do this."

The Big Three in North America, Fade is actually the master, and nodded at the same time.

Ge Xiaotian also nodded, "Yes, letting them develop will definitely endanger the status of human beings, but the fires in Australia are out of control, and we need to use their power to control them. At least the kangaroo firefighters are really good."

Everyone: "..."

"However, the biggest advantage that we humans have survived so far is the use of tools. We can completely set up a hidden mechanism in their genetic codes, just like a higher-level civilization controls Kata. If the mutant kangaroos dare to betray us and leave We will perish soon. In this way, the idea of ​​the kangaroo army can become a reality, and they will be our partners when encountering interstellar battles."

Omar: "Mr. Ge, according to your public information, Kata used the neutron star explosion to destroy higher-level civilizations. It shows that it is not as safe for high-level civilizations to control low-level civilizations as imagined."

"Yes, there are lessons learned from the past. I believe that Tiancheng Laboratory will do a good job. Moreover, we are not enslaving kangaroos, but treating them as partners. If possible, we will provide millions of virtual helmets to the kangaroos. Adapt them to interstellar logistics."

Omar: "I can't convince you, I can only hope that they will not rebel in the future."

"Please rest assured, if there is such a day, Tian Cheng will definitely become a sinner and will not be tolerated by the world."

Ge Xiaotian said solemnly.

The reason why he is so confident is that the kangaroo mutated and was affected by the stables.

To put it bluntly, they are like war horses produced by the system, only Ge Shizhan...

If the mutated kangaroo rebelled, it means that the system personnel also rebelled. Is this still a joke?

Since you choose to believe in Daoyi and the others, then you should know how to use them well and make great strides forward, even if it gets messed up, it doesn't matter.


The expulsion of the general manager of Australia is just to bring up the topic of 'absorbing mutated creatures'.

When everyone agrees with this suggestion, it also means that the future representative of Australia will be replaced by a mutant kangaroo.


But that's the way the world is.

At the very least, the Big Three in North America must consider the consequences of opposing this proposal, that is, to continue to confront Tian Cheng and lose the space for large interstellar development.

For the Americas, although the two sides are still in a competitive relationship, failing to keep up is an unbearable loss.

As for why Ge Xiaotian retained the North American seat.

The main reason is that if there is no competition on the home planet, people will soon be lazy, such as Ice Bear, Nanyang, and the Emirates...

It's like keeping old Shen and creating a strong opponent for Tian Cheng.

It is said to avoid monopoly, isn't it to motivate Brother Hao and others?

Replacing this concept to the home planet is tantamount to motivating Ice Bear, Nanyang and other regions, and warning them that if you don't work hard, the down-and-out America will soon replace it.

The mutated kangaroo is a spur to the countries on the home planet.

If you don't work hard, the mutated creatures will turn into serfs and sing...

The scene is full of 'human beings', so they must understand this.

Ge Xiaotian was also very satisfied with everyone's reaction, clapped his hands, and his dog came to the stage, "From now on, this Mr. Ah Huang will be the president of the Mutated Organism Joint Governance Association, responsible for handling all matters between humans and mutated creatures. "


Sister Yingla, who was drinking water, sprayed it directly.

The chairman of KS Group widened his eyes and gave a thumbs up.

'Isn't this really referring to a deer as a horse? '

The rest of the people had weird faces, their lips opened and closed, and they didn't express their opinions in a daze.

"Okay, let's move on to the next topic."

Ge Xiaotian patted Ah Huang who wanted to say hello, shut him down, and kicked him out of the rostrum secretly, "The next thing is the first project."

"We can use terms like the industrial revolution and the computer revolution to describe the current situation of the mother planet, which is the brain-computer age."

"In the brain-computer era, human beings officially bid farewell to 'behavioral activities', and use their brains to engage in various opportunities to remotely control the production model established. Therefore, Tiancheng decided to carry out a new round of infrastructure construction."

"The purpose of this plan is to ensure that remote control equipment can reach the parent star unimpeded, including every corner of the solar system."

"First, we need to understand the advantages of 'remote control'."

"Without the remote control technology of the Tiancheng system, it would be hundreds or even thousands of times more difficult for us to land on the moon."

"With remote control technology, we can not only throw equipment on the moon at a very low cost as we like, and use remote control to conduct exploration, construction, and production, but also conduct comprehensive development of oceans and deserts that we know little about. .”

"In addition, rubber man, robot, microscopic robot and other carriers with remote control technology can make us 'immersive'."

"Undoubtedly, remote control technology is a symbol of the brain-computer era. Just like in the information age, we spend huge sums of money laying intercontinental submarine cables and optical cables. In the brain-computer era, we also need to lay information exchange stations and safety supervision stations for remote control technology. , traffic command station, real and virtual port interaction station, and the most important real world support facilities, so as to ensure that after all human beings enter the virtual world, the mother star ecology is more suitable for our human survival."

"That's why I propose that each family allocate 1% to 5% of the population according to their own conditions to implement this plan."

"The plan is invested by Tianji, the building materials are provided by Tiancheng, the equipment is in charge of Tiancheng Electric Industry, the management is handed over to the three major security groups of the parent planet, and the operation is owned by you and belongs to the public property of the parent planet."

"What do you guys think?"

The chairman of his own side must be the first to agree. Although Tiancheng seems to be losing money by investing in capital and goods, it means that the Tiancheng industry chain has won the entire mother star. From then on, the whole world speaks Chinese...

Countries on the mother planet can obtain the right to operate only by producing people, so naturally they won't get cheap and then act good.

Soon, the first project was established.

That is to lay out the "remote control system" in an all-round way, set up rubber man and robot management stations, and strive to realize that any player can reach the station closest to the destination in an instant through "dropping" at will within three years.

The project is named: Brain-Computer Hub.

At the same time, using the intersection of latitude and longitude as a reference, sea, land and air routes and stops for transporting materials, rubber man or robot and other carriers will be laid out in an all-round way.

And try to achieve it within ten years. Regardless of the delivery carrier or the player itself, they can take the "ground effect transport vehicle", "magnetic levitation vehicle" and "gravitational field inverter vehicle" like taking a bus, and within 10 minutes Within 30 minutes, to and from any region of the parent star; within 1 hour to 3 hours, to and from any region within the second asteroid belt of the solar system; within 5 hours to 30 hours, to and from the new galaxy.

The idea is very advanced, and the prospect is very bright.

In order to avoid differences in management caused by regional operations, the staff members arranged by each country in their respective regions must obtain the "Crew Crew Qualification Certificate" certified by Tiancheng Standard, and accept the supervision of Tianji, and belong to Tianyun Group.

What can countries gain?

Players must pay a certain fee to put themselves into the carrier, or the main body to go to various regions. Isn't the country earning it?

What can Tian Cheng gain?

More gameplay, more maps, more players, and orders from various countries to purchase rubber figures, robots and other carriers.

Where did the players get so much money?

Clean up disobedient aliens, develop planet 3, and get mission rewards.

As for the task rewards, Tiancheng used the massive resources collected by the players, and relied on the nutrient solution and gene medicine solution produced by the system factory.

In addition, in this process, countless rubber figures, robots, two legs and other carriers were produced, as well as TC series virtual devices, and then Tiancheng sold them to the countries on the home planet in exchange for 'free workers'.

Forming a cycle like this, Tiancheng will get more and more 'labor force', which will be used to move towards a bigger universe...

To put it nicely, it's called excellent corporate planning.

To put it bluntly, it is called an evil capital operation.

"Next, let's talk about the second project, which is... the planetary land general contract."

Ge Xiaotian took the lead in opening the Mars GIS system, "Although according to the agreement on the outer space of the parent star, countries cannot directly declare which planet they own, but Tiancheng is an enterprise, and if we develop it, we must have the right to handle it. Therefore, we decided to sell part of the planet's land .”

Everyone: "..."

"The transfer method is permanent, including the completed bases, laboratories, livable villas with gravitational field inverter devices, and supporting facilities, equipment, and machinery."

"The method of settlement is red notes, or 'workers for free'."

"First let's look at Mars Block E 11."

"By the way, we have coded each planet in the GIS system, and we will continue to use this code in the future, such as Mars. The beginning of TY represents the solar system, H represents Mars, E represents stable areas, and 11 represents land. The same is true for Ceres, and even for planet Nova 3."

"Then, is there anyone in need of Plot 11 in District TY-H-E? There is a fixed price, and 100,000 people will work for Tianji without compensation for ten years. There is only one chance, first come, first served."

Before the words finished, Pupu raised his hand first, "I want it!"

"Don't you understand first, what is the plot of land used for?"

"No need, as long as you grab it, I don't think it will be a loss."

"Well, congratulations, Mr. Pupu, for obtaining the Mars space port. Currently, the space port is the only landing port on Mars. It will be owned by the Pupu Group in the future. The Pupu Group can set a reasonable price for the port according to Tiancheng's standards. Note that it must be Reasonable tolls."


Except for the chairman of the board, the rest of the regional bosses were collectively dumbfounded.

Boss Ice Bear: "No, Ge, you didn't inform it of its function in advance, we must conduct an auction!"

Fade's real masters nodded, "That's right!"

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