Build Madness

Chapter 111 The Shooting Range of Mysterious Second Brother

Ge Xiaotian was also in a happy mood after seeing off the happy leaders.

This is the way of business, customer satisfaction is the real satisfaction!

Go into the tavern.

The mysterious second brother swaggered behind Han Yangzao's back, talking about something with Master Qi.

"Second Master, if you hang around a few more times, everyone in my development zone will be scared away!"

"Yo? Your kid is back!" Qi Ye greeted.

The mysterious second brother pursed his lips and smiled, took out a document from his satchel, "Look what this is!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian picked it up curiously, "Damn it!"

"Haha!" Qi Ye laughed heartily, "Today is your treat!"

"Small idea!" Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "Is it regular?"

The mysterious second brother pouted, "What's wrong? Look down on the second master?!"

"How can it be!"

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his hands, and finally understood why Qiye specially reminded the mysterious second brother's two sons back then!

A few days ago, these two old guys borrowed the shooting range to play, so they asked them to help them apply for a public place safety inspection certificate.

did not expect……

Even the commercial shooting license is back!

The mysterious second brother shook his head, very proud, "Fortunately, it is the second half of the year, the first half of the year may not be approved yet! However, the shooting range needs my management!"

"Sure, I don't have any documents!" Ge Xiaotian didn't care, "Second Master, why didn't you have a chug?"

"Jiu Jiu Jiu, do you think this thing is just for fun?" The mysterious second brother rolled his eyes, "There are rules for everything, you must abide by them! And, move the shooting range to the east, preferably indoors , The archery range is completely separate from the shooting range! In addition, additional security personnel and professional coaches will be required!"


Changing the venue is nothing more than adding two steel structure buildings, and at worst, enclosing a city wall outside!

The professional coach asked Xiao Huang to send out the recruitment information first.

Ge Xiaotian sat down and poured wine for the three of them, "Stop talking about polite words, just do it!"

"Hey, don't do it yet!" Qi Ye suddenly stopped him.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you remember the football game?"

"Eh? I must remember!"

"Should I pay back what I owe?"

"what's that?!"

"700,000 gold!" Master Qi pretended to be angry.


When casting the Sancha cup, I asked Da Mao to borrow it, but it seems that I really forgot!

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, now he is also single, "Whether you want money, you can choose whatever else you want!"

"Hey, you've grown up!" Qi Ye lit a cigarette, "Tell me what you have!"

"Xingyuewan, Xiangxian County, how about giving you the whole antique shop? The kind that's big like a thief!"

"Hey, so you're paying attention!"


"Is one store not enough?"

"Jishi Xingyue Bay will also give you one!"

"How can I care about it!"

"I'll assign you a salesperson. As a big boss, you don't even need to visit the store, just wait to collect the money!"


Qi Ye took a deep puff of cigarette, "Why do I always feel that you kid has bad intentions? Are you after my little things?"

"How is it possible!" Ge Xiaotian vetoed righteously.

"However, including Xiaoqingshan's store, it's not enough for 700,000 yuan!"

"I'll give you two houses in Xingyue Bay, Xiang County, one hundred and twenty square meters!"

"No! The small villa has just been built at home, and I live comfortably with your Seventh Grandma!"

"A white horse? Go to Da Liu Zhuang to show off?"

"No! I'm already old, maybe someday I'll drive that thing, and I won't be able to see your Seventh Grandma after a nap!"


Ge Xiaotian frowned in thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Come to be my vice president?"

"Hey, do you remember that, kid?"

"Come or not? The annual salary is 200,000!"

"Less, don't go!"

"How much are you worth?"

"Five hundred thousand!"

"Okay, from now on you will be the vice president of Tiancheng!" Ge Xiaotian thought about it, "It's not right, you dig that thing, you know how to do construction?"

"Why should I go to a construction company?"


"I'll help you set up Tianbao Company, which is mainly engaged in antique calligraphy and painting, jewelry and jade, and is responsible for purchasing!"


This is to clean up!

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "As long as you are happy!"


Chatting with the mysterious second master and seventh master until dark.

After ordering a few side dishes from the food stall, after eating and drinking enough, Ge Xiaotian returned to Tiancheng's resident.

Build a secondary town center.

Check the system buildings one by one, it is no different from before.

After driving Ah Huang out of the stable, Ge Xiaotian lay there feeling for a long time, but nothing changed.

When I came to the dock, it was still those types of ships.

Come on, wash up and sleep!

Early the next morning.

Ge Xiaotian redesigned the Xiaoqingshan Development Zone.

West End.

That is, the thousand acres that I got for the first time, including Green Lake and Xiaoqingshan.

In the future, we will only engage in tourism, including cottages, ancient cities, battlefields, snack streets, handicrafts and so on.

East End.

Later, the one thousand mu allocated by the village was near the east foot of Xiaoqing Mountain.

In the future, it will be used for football, basketball, Cuju, bow and arrow, shooting and so on.

The middle area is where Tiancheng Company resides.

There is only one large dining hall.

After a while, a movie theater will be built, with a high-end and high-end appearance, and there will be no seats inside for the time being. If you want to watch it, move a Maza, or sit on the stairs, all free of charge.

Wait for the installation of software and hardware facilities in the later stage of operation, and start selling movie tickets.

As for whether they can think highly of it, there are quite a few villagers who have made a fortune with Tian Cheng!

After finishing these tasks, Ge Xiaotian strolled to the battlefield.

Gao Song led a dozen or so Internet-addicted teenagers to rush back and forth, and three hundred officials and bandits fought fiercely, surrounded by dense crowds of spectators, each watching with gusto.

"What did you shoot?" Ge Xiaotian walked into the venue.

"Boss! I made up a short play, let's try it out!"

"Oh?" Ge Xiaotian took the paper.

The plot is very simple, the dog army goes south, the Great Xia falls, the country boy fights bravely with a three-foot long knife, and finally becomes a general.

The purpose is very clear: Serve the country faithfully.

"Boss, it's a pity that there are no war horses, so I can't act out the ferocity of Inu Rong!" Gao Song was a little embarrassed.

"I told Da Mao, I guess I can buy it back soon!"

"thank you boss!"

"Making a movie requires not only seriousness, but also skill and creativity!" Ge Xiaotian put down the script, waved his hands, and surrounded the Internet addicted teenagers, "Have you ever heard the phrase "the plot is not enough for special effects to make up for it"?"

Gao Song shook his head blankly, then nodded, "Although I haven't heard of it, I seem to understand that if the plot is not good, can it be recovered through the later stage?"

"Almost, but do we need special effects?" Ge Xiaotian looked around, "We have a security company, a labor dispatch company, and countless village audiences. Does a magnificent ancient war movie need special effects?"

Gao Song's eyes lit up, "Boss, what do you mean?"

"Make the scene bigger, don't limit it to a small-scale fight with hundreds of people, take more long-range shots, one thousand people are too few, two thousand people are not many, tens of thousands are just right! What about sieges, battles, and tens of thousands of troops? Take the head of the enemy general, and the city is full..."


Gao Song panicked, "Boss, how much does it cost?"

"How much money do you want? It is enough to order thousands of sets of clothes from the Li Brothers Garment Factory. When you need someone, use a loudspeaker to shout. There are definitely large groups of villagers who are willing to make movies. The main reason is for fun. Curiosity Ah, I can be on TV!"

Ge Xiaotian babbled, "In the future, we will set up a film and television city sooner or later. You just declare to the outside world that this is Tianyu's free training class for extras. After you practice your acting skills, you can definitely make a lot of money by making movies!"

"Huh?" Gao Song was in disbelief. Could it be that you still wanted to collect money? !

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