Build Madness

Chapter 112 The stadium blueprint is completed

Ge Xiaotian had already made plans for the entertainment company.

What the early film and television works are not about the plot, nor about the stars, but about the scene!

At the beginning of the game, the troops are arranged first, what kind of overwhelming siege equipment, the surging tide of the enemy and us...

Then the rain of arrows was like a tide, the stones were thrown like meteors, the wind roared, horses hissed and people roared...

Immediately afterwards, the two sides charge forward, destroying the dead and smashing the dead, like a broken bamboo...

The long-range and close-range switches back and forth, accompanied by exciting drums, and a shocking episode...

It makes people feel excited when they see it, and they can't help jumping out a few words in their hearts, "Damn it, fuck it, it's so good, then it's a success!"

As for the subject matter, it's the same as before, just like the short film just now.

The plot doesn't matter, but it must be simple and clear, even if you are uneducated, you can understand it.

There are also episodes at the beginning and end of the credits, so you must buy it, and it doesn't cost much.

This kind of work can make a steady profit without losing money, and it can be traded with a guaranteed capital.

Wait for Takamatsu and the others to accumulate enough experience before turning to comedy or youth drama.

Ge Xiaotian thought so, and said so.

A few young men were stunned by the nonsense, and quickly took out their small notebooks to write it down.

Lighting up a cigarette, he said, "Xiao Song, actually these are only suitable for filming. If they were changed to series, the audience would get bored after watching too much!"

"Understood the boss, we have to do it differently!"

"Hey! Yes!" Ge Xiaotian stretched out his thumb, "Savvy!"

"Start from the plains first, then blast the mountains, and then launch warships..."

"That's right, we can make a series, for example, the Siege of the Plains is one, and the Battle of the Great River is one..." Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "It's best to use a certain ancient dynasty as the background, such as the Great Qin, the Great Sui, under the background of internal and external troubles. It can also make great achievements, and after death, it can give people a kind of tragic and proud complex emotion!"

"This is called a contradiction, I seem to understand!"

"Then take a good shot. Maybe we can take a picture of the Great Wall in the future. All the personnel from our construction company will be pulled out. Tens of thousands of people will put on coarse linen clothes and build in the most primitive way. Add Meng Jiangnv, tsk tsk, that scene ...It will definitely be popular, and it will make a lot of money!"

Encouraged by Gao Song and others, they clenched their fists and shouted in unison: "Good boss!"

After drawing the pancakes for the employees, Ge Xiaotian got up and patted his buttocks, his legs were numb.

The intention of organizing so many branches was not for fun.

One is to fill the commercial street in the development zone.

It is very difficult to attract investment in blank areas. If you set up a few storefronts first, just like drainage, it will be easy to start.

The second is to reinforce construction companies.

The fast-selling industry has flexible capital turnover, and all of them prepare a reserve fund, saving the construction company from encountering a good land and worrying about it without money.

At present, most companies have begun to make profits.

Like Tianwei Security, there are as many as 50 employees working outside.

Like Tianwei Catering, the profit of the tavern and Tiancheng Canteen was as high as 800,000 in November.

Like Tianli Labor School, all system personnel are here.

But Tianyu can't do it.

It is the most expensive and the least certain.

Previously, it cost more than two million yuan to purchase shooting equipment, but after Xiaoqingshan made additional investment, it spent more than five million yuan on special effects, editing, art, etc., personnel and equipment.

And this is just the beginning...

Like track cars, shooting cars, one-off props...

Ge Xiaotian was so distressed that he didn't want to play anymore.

However, if you spend 20 million yuan on an entertainment company, the profit in the later period may really exceed that of a construction company.

This is no joke.

Moreover, he can also train a few girls to be seductive...


At noon, Da Liu brought the shipyard procedures.

After a busy day, the dock was finally ready to operate in the evening.

Arrange ten strong men to build two fishing boats, one arrow boat, and one warship.

Look at the time it takes, one day for fishing boats, three days for arrow boats, five days for warships...


During the waiting period, Ge Xiaotian ran around to make proper arrangements for the new round of development of Xiaoqingshan Development Zone.


On December 15th, Professor Hu from the Design Department called.

The design of the stadium is ready!

Come over in a hurry.

A large group of people almost got panda eyes.

Professor Hu looked tired and his voice was hoarse:

"Oh my god, the Inversion Bowl Sports Center is too difficult. Tiancheng's construction technology may be able to meet the requirements, but the structural design cannot be done at our current level. I even discussed it with a few old friends, unless BIM is perfected. function, coupled with the assistance of a supercomputer, there is only a slight possibility! Moreover, there is no suitable steel on the market at present..."

Ge Xiaotian was a little embarrassed, not to mention the supercomputer, the system couldn't solve it, "Professor Hu, I'm sorry to cause you trouble!"

"No, this design also brought me some inspiration, including the folding stand made by my former student!" Speaking of this, Professor Hu was a little excited, "Look!"

Ge Xiaotian spread out the sketch.

The appearance is no longer in the style of a flying saucer, but a lotus flower!

"We made two plans!"

Professor Hu flipped through the sketches, "The first one is the safest lotus gymnasium. The appearance can be changed. The auditorium and the stadium are all traditional designs!"

"The second type adds a folding lift, and the front row of spectators remains unchanged. After the game starts, the back row of spectators seats is pushed upwards by 45 degrees through the hydraulic transmission system, reducing the distance from the football field, and the lotus petals outside will also bloom. , become a brand new safe channel, in case of any problem, the audience on the top floor can just run down from the petals..."

"The first design will definitely pass the review, and the second design also has an 80% possibility. However, the first design can only accommodate 25,000 fixed seats, while the second design will add temporary seats after lifting and lowering. Seats can reach 60,000 people!"

Ge Xiaotian checked carefully and scanned the sketch into the system.

The overall design is fine.

Materials are reduced by 21% compared with ordinary gymnasiums. After all, except for the ground floor, all are steel structures.

"That's it!"

Professor Hu heaved a sigh of relief, the project is natural after all, and he can't make the decision: "Xiaotian, this is what I plan to do. First establish an architectural design and research institute, and then use..."

Ge Xiaotian smiled slightly. That's what he originally planned. The design and research institute is famous, which is beneficial to the School of Civil Engineering and Engineering and Tiancheng, "No problem! But, Professor Hu, I think applying flying saucers to the basketball court..."

Before he finished speaking, he ran away.

Professor Hu stared blankly.

The students behind were also stunned.

"So this is the design concept of the basketball hall?!"

"Holy shit, isn't this boss too stupid?!"

Professor Hu shook his head and smiled wryly, "Who told us not to think about it, but... make another basketball hall design!"

"Teacher, I want to sleep!"


After running out of the design department, he ran into Master Hong from his maintenance department.

The old man was very excited, "Boss, the bus has passed the approval and can be mass-produced by a factory!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian stopped in his tracks, "Didn't I ask you to buy finished products?"

"It's too expensive to buy finished products!" Master Hong unfolded a picture, "How about this one?!"

"I'll go, you can install the tractor's head on the bus and pass the approval?!"

"Hey, are you underestimating us? This transmission system is three or four times better than the public buses currently on the market!"

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