Build Madness

Chapter 116 Who is it? (3/5 ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Chapter 116 Who is it? (35 ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

The old village head generally does not call.

Usually, he would entrust Da Mao to tell the little things, maybe the old man felt that Tian Cheng was too busy here, and he didn't want to bother him all the time.

So, once the call comes, things are never easy.

Putting down the phone, Ge Xiaotian sweated anxiously.

Da Mao was not there, so he picked up a tank truck driver and drove a big gold cup to Sancha Township.

When we came to Gejia Village, Sishu Hutong was surrounded by many Tianwei security guards, and countless villagers and tourists gathered outside to discuss.

However, no one seems to know what happened.

The old village chief was squatting by the side of the road, smoking the old tobacco one after another, with a sad expression on his face.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Ge Xiaotian jumped out of the car and hurried up.

"You come with me!"

The old village chief frowned, knocked the cigarette pot on the soles of his shoes, and walked into the alley with his hands behind his back.

After the main road in Gejia Village is completed, the small road is currently being repaired.

Both sides are full of mounds, and the project is supervised by the old village head.

Walk into the Tianwei security blockade, bypass the fourth uncle's house, and come to the side of Qi Feifei's yard.

The courtyard wall has collapsed!

At the collapsed heel, there is a ragged skeleton!


Seeing this scene, Ge Xiaotian held his breath, a little dizzy.

No, it's fried hair!

No matter how messy the previous life was, or how awesome this life was, except for the old man in mourning, and the bones and sticks in the mass grave, he really has never seen any other corpses!

And it's still the kind where the flesh hasn't completely disappeared!

Fortunately, it is winter, so there is not much smell.

The old village head was quite calm, "Can you see who he is?"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head. In another time and space, he went to school outside junior high school. In this time and space, there have been three years of blankness in the past. It is already very good to be able to recognize the faces of relatives and neighbors. How can you tell who it is with just bones!

However, the old village chief's next words made his hair stand on end, causing goose bumps all over his body.

"Judging by his figure and attire, it should be Ge Dalong!"


"However, it was caught by the excavator. We can't move the scene casually. I told you to come back as soon as possible. I want you to pay attention and call the police? Or find a place to bury it?"

The old village chief rubbed the cigarette bag and lit the cigarette pot, "Feifei is not bad, but the body was dug out from her yard. If it is really Ge Dalong, then..."

Ge Xiaotian swallowed his saliva, thinking about it seriously.

Qi Feifei!

A college student who was lost to Ge Dalong by Daddy Gambler!

In another time and space, because Ge Dalong was sentenced to life, he had the impression of a tigress.

And in this time and space, she has a gun, although he smashed it...

In addition, Qi Feifei asked him to come over at night...

Could it be...

Not because of fear, but the fear after killing? !

However, after being together for nearly two months, the little girl's personality is similar to that of Fatty.

Strong on the outside and dry on the inside!

The strong appearance is just to not be bullied, and the weak heart will be revealed when under pressure...

Just like crying in Auto Trade City a few days ago...

Very contradictory!

However, Ge Xiaotian prefers the latter!

Qi Feifei can't do this!

Taking a deep breath, lighting a cigarette, "Grandpa, Qi Feifei's background?"

"Oh!" The old village chief collected himself.

"His father is a foreigner from the south. He must have come to our village to take refuge. There may be some enemies!"

"I owed Ge Dalong 20,000 yuan at the gambling table, and it seemed that I was beaten badly, so I lost Qi Feifei to Ge Dalong as gambling money..."

"It didn't take long, about three days or so, when Ge Dalong was stabbed by you, and the marriage that was originally planned was delayed like this. Later, Ge Dalong stayed in the hospital for a year, and he disappeared not long after he came out..."

The old village head walked up to the corpse and looked at it carefully, "If you compare the time, this corpse should be two years old, but it was buried in the ground, it was a shadow, and there was still some flesh and blood left!"

Ge Xiaotian endured the discomfort and walked forward, looked at the length of the bones, and recalled Ge Dalong's figure, it seems that it is really similar!

"Take off your clothes!"


"The two knives I stabbed him should have hit the bone, right?"

"Yes!" The old village chief's eyes lit up, and he was about to make a move when suddenly bursts of sirens came from outside the village.

"Who called the police?"

"No!" The old village head was a little surprised, "It may be a tourist from the outside!"

"It's a little troublesome!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Suo led several officers into the cordoned off area.

"what happened?!"

"Dug out a pair of bones from Feifei's house!" The old village head raised his head and thought for a while, "Xiao Li, can you take off his clothes first?!"

"Huh?" Li Suo squatted on the ground and checked carefully, without answering, took out the camera and took a few photos, "Did you find anything?"

"I suspect..." The old village chief paused, "It might be someone from the village. I want to identify the wound. After all, I have been working in the farm for a lifetime, and it is impossible to get injured. Just like a few months ago, Xiaotian and his second grandfather planed the wound." Corn stalks, you can chop off your own legs!"

"That's right!" Li Suo's serious face softened a little.

Of course he knew about this, and was later carried over by Ge Xiaotian to cheat others.

"Let me come!" Li Suo put on his white gloves and gently tore off his rotten coat.

Ge Xiaotian and the old village chief surrounded him, and the inside was even more unbearable...

Suppressing vomiting, check the hips and pelvis.

There are stab wounds!

Ge Xiaotian's back felt cold, his eyes went dark, and his mind was full of buzzing.

The old village chief noticed something strange, and stretched out his hand like a dry old tree root to grasp his wrist, "Don't worry!"


Ge Xiaotian calmed down, and You continued to check without giving up, "No! I only stabbed twice at that time, and there are... so many on this guy?!"

Li Suo, who was squatting on the ground, turned his head slightly, "Do you suspect it's Ge Dalong?!"

"Have an idea!"

"No!" Li Suo took off his gloves and lit a cigarette. "I have been investigating the disappearance of Ge Dalong for three years. It needs to be archived. The last investigation, when Xiangjiang returned, he had an entry-exit procedure! The time calculation does not match!"

Ge Xiaotian and the old village chief looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

If it wasn't for Ge Dalong, then Qi Feifei could be ruled out!

"Who could it be?" The old village chief squatted down to check again, "There are at least a dozen stab wounds on his body, vendetta?"

"According to the inference, it should be a machete and a machete on the back, and it was not committed by one person!" Li Suo entered Qi Feifei's house, and then walked out, "The murder weapon is definitely not here, but I have a guess!"


"It should be Qi Feifei's father, no, it should be the gambler!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian was startled, "Who will kill him?!"

"Qi Feifei or Ge Dalong!" Li Suo sighed, "Xiaotian, I know that Qi Feifei is an employee of Tiancheng, but she is now a suspect and must be brought back to the office!"

"This... I'll go with you!"

"No, before the identity of the corpse is confirmed, it's just an investigation!"

"Xiao Li!" At this moment, the old village head who was squatting on the ground waved, "This yard does not belong to Ge Dalong's family. I rented this yard! Is it possible that this skeleton existed before Qi Feifei moved in!"

Li Suo was slightly taken aback, "We'll make sure after visiting the villagers!"

"I remembered!"

Suddenly, there was a scream above everyone's head.

Ge Xiaotian looked up, and it turned out to be the fourth uncle wrapped in a big cotton jacket.

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