Build Madness

Chapter 117 Qi Feifei's Life Experience (4/5, please subscribe)

Chapter 117 Qi Feifei's life experience (45, please subscribe)

Fourth uncle's house.

The decoration is not bad, there are all wallpapers and ceilings, which is considered a luxury level in the countryside.

However, it was given by the fourth uncle's cousin, Ge Shunfeng, in order to let Ge Xiaotian see his strength.


His decoration company was acquired by Tiancheng last week.

And the second uncle, Ge Shunfeng, is now the manager of Tianzhu's branch.

The company name is a bit weird, it definitely wasn't obtained by Ge Xiaotian!

Everyone didn't enter the house, they chatted in the yard.

The fourth uncle lit a cigarette, "Three years ago, in the summer, I heard the dog barking, so I climbed up to the roof and looked around like today.

It was too dark, and I didn't see many people. The other party should be talking with their throats down. We don't understand stocks, bonds, etc., and then there were screams. Finally, the person who was beaten seemed to be recruited. At that time, I was scared, so I ran back to sleep quickly..."

Li Suo carefully recorded, "Can you tell who it is?"

The fourth uncle shook his head, "The voice is a bit awkward, it's hard to judge!"


"It seems to be Ge Zizi who fell into the river and drowned three years ago!"

"Huh?" Li Suo was a little surprised, "How likely is it to be sure?"

"Half-and-a-half!" Fourth Uncle sighed, "There is also Old Ghost Ge who slept under the shade of a big truck in the summer three years ago and was run over to death by a car!"

Li Suo shook his hand, and the tip of the pen broke immediately, and said seriously: "You must know, this is an investigation!"

"Old Li, you don't know who I am, Ge Laosi!" Fourth Uncle was also very serious, "I didn't think about it at first, but now that this case is involved, I'm panicked!"

Li Suo nodded.

The fourth child grows cotton in the village. If he didn't have a good reputation, the cotton in the field would have been stolen long ago.

He is a real person who understands the truth!

This kind of people enjoys eating very well in the countryside, and they can say a few fair words about everything, which is very convincing.

In the old dialect, it is: great knowledge!

(It could also be 'Great Wisdom'!)

Writing and drawing, Li Suo raised his head.

The fourth uncle thought about it carefully, and he didn't notice that the smoke had burned to his fingertips, so he quickly threw it away: "By the way, Xiaotian, you should know that in the summer three years ago, Dahan seemed to be frightened for a while, and it was before you stabbed Ge Dalong. In a few days, I guess he should know something!"

Ge Xiaotian scratched his head, "I'm too busy, I keep forgetting things, I can't remember clearly!"

The old village head got up and went out for a walk. After a while, he led Dahan back.

Dahan is really not stupid, how should I put it, it may be that some nerves were burned out due to the fever.

At least he won't hit people, lose his temper or scare people for no reason.

"Second brother!"

"Well, sit!" Ge Xiaotian let out the saddle under his buttocks, stretched out his fingers and counted, one, two, three, "Dahan, let me ask you, do you remember this summer?"

"Hey, remember, at that time, you lost the pee pee!"

"???" Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, "No, did you see anything this summer? The kind that scared you!"

"Ah?" Dahan stood up abruptly, "Kill... well, I can't say, I can't say!!!"

"Say!" Ge Xiaotian patted his shoulder.

Dahan curled his lips, feeling aggrieved: "Someone killed someone!"


"Ge Dalong!!!"

A group of people looked at each other, Ge Xiaotian touched the file bag, just happened to have a piece of Shaqima in it, "Come on, Dahan, don't be afraid, talk to the second brother!"

"Yeah!" Dahan finished his meal in two or three bites, and said hesitantly, "I'll tell you, you can't shoot me!"

"No!" Li Suo rubbed his head, "Look, uncle is in the institute, so I won't arrest you!"

"Yeah!" Dahan sat upright, like a primary school student listening to a lecture, "It was very late that day, I went to the river to catch some loach, and I wanted Brother Da Mao to roast it for me. On the way back, I saw When Ge Dalong and the others carried a person and ran out quietly, like a thief, I grabbed two bundles of straw and put it on my head, pretending to be a ghost to scare them..."

"Then what?"

"And then they ran back to the village!"

"And then? How do you know you killed someone?"

Dahan rolled his eyes, "The person who was carried bled so much, he must have died! I was afraid of scaring the children in the village, so I drove them away with straw. When I got home, I watched the news, and some of them said it was a crime of covering up." , I was afraid of being shot, so I didn't dare to speak out..."

Ge Xiaotian looked at Li Suo, "This..."

"It's okay, Dahan is mentally abnormal! Besides, he doesn't know the truth!" Li Suo re-wrote: "Dahan, do you remember anyone?"

"Remember, Ge Dalong, Ge Laogui, Ge Laizi, Ge Xiaoshu!"

"Ge Xiaoshu seems to be sleeping on the roof three years ago, sleepwalking and fell to his death!" The fourth uncle shuddered, "Why are you so dead?!"

"No, there is one more alive! Ge Dalong!" Li Suo put away the records, "I need to talk to Qi Feifei! If the deceased is his father, then the case will be settled!"

"You mean, Qi Feifei's father may be very rich?!" Ge Xiaotian was thoughtful.

"We can't talk about being rich. The old village head also said before that her father came to take refuge, and he may have other things on him. Everyone likes to brag at the gambling table. It is estimated that Ge Dalong and the others listened to it unintentionally, and then plotted to kill her." According to fate, Ge Dalong ate alone, tried every means to kill his accomplices, and then went to Xiangjiang..."

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a moment, "Li Suo, let me ask about this?"


"Don't worry, I'll help you find out what you need to ask!"

"Oh!" Li Suo nodded with a smile that was not a smile, "Girls, you are timid, and it's not good to know about it! But, I think you are very concerned. My eldest niece, can you... huh?"

"Hey, where are you thinking? She is my employee!"

"All right!"

"I'll call Xiao Huang and ask him to send Qi Feifei over. Tell me what questions you want to ask, and I'll sum up my ideas!"


at dusk.

Tiancheng is stationed.

After cleaning up the office, a few cabinets were added at the back, and Li Suo sat behind with the officers.

Ge Xiaotian was sitting at the desk.

Qi Feifei didn't know what happened yet, so she was a little mischievous, "What's the matter? Call me back at this point, do you want to warm your bed?"

Ge Xiaotian has black lines all over his head, Li Suo is Li Xiuxiu's uncle, "Don't talk nonsense, let me tell you something!"

"What?" Qi Feifei took off her heavy coat and sat across from the desk.

"I have news about your father!"

"Ah?" Qi Feifei's eyes widened, and she said in a trembling voice, "Really?"

"Well, I'll pick you up in two days and go back to your hometown!"

"No, he's not my father, my father has long since died!" Qi Feifei stood up and looked around suspiciously, "Ge Xiaotian, you have to help me, I can't leave, he's just a jerk!"

"Huh?" Ge Xiaotian pressed his shoulder, "Tell me about it?"

"In fact, he is my uncle. My parents left early and lived at my grandma's house since I was a child. My uncle was an only child. He bought a job and went to Xiangjiang. After my grandparents passed away, he was going to take me there...but when Xiangjiang returned, It seems that there is no way to go there immediately, and then he lost a lot of money playing cards, was chased by creditors, and then ran here..."

Ge Xiaotian was also aware of the following things, her uncle was impatient and sold her, "Is your uncle rich?"

Qi Feifei recalled for a moment, "He was speculating in stocks, and he bought some bonds. In the few days before his disappearance, he was very excited. One night, he drank too much. He said that he was soaring, he raised the pole, and he flipped a few times without any manipulation. A thousand times..."

Ge Xiaotian doesn't understand the stock market, but these few words prove that...

Ge Dalong may be very rich now!

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