Build Madness

Chapter 139 Everything is a coincidence

Qi Chu was obviously intimidated, including Shang Liu!

Their faces were pale, their lips were trembling, and their foreheads were sweating in the cold winter!

Comparing with me?


Do you understand the fire reinforcement?

Lao Tzu's main battleship is on the shore!

Ge Xiaotian stretched his body on the chair, lighted a cigarette comfortably,

Secretly mobilized the strong men on the battleship to reload the giant catapult.

It is said that the power of this rolling stone is really not to be underestimated...

Thinking in my heart, out of the corner of my eye, I aimed at the hole blasted by the rolling stone, and I was shocked...

The splashing sparks ignited the weeds and illuminated the chassis of the carriage.

Beside the hole, groups of white powder drifted away with the wind, and a few parts of firearms could be vaguely seen.

It seems to be...face, there are seven consecutive shots? !

Shang Liu followed his brother's old path? !

By the way, bring Qi Chu along? !

"Don't move!" Li Suo and others reacted extremely quickly. They all took out their guns, and another person called a mobile phone for help.


As I said before, life does have many coincidences and accidents.

Qi Chu robbed and killed Qi Feifei's uncle, fled to Xiangjiang, used all means to obtain his current identity, and engaged in ocean business.

I thought that I would never have any intersection with Sancha Township again in this life.

Three months ago, a big boss named Shang Wu from South Vietnam came to his door and commissioned a large amount of money to deliver a batch of goods to polar bears.

It's a very simple thing, many colleagues are doing it, and Qi Chu understands it very well!

The big boss is nothing more than wanting to exchange goods for weapons.

Therefore, set a good route and easily reach the polar bear Far East destination.

However, after waiting for a month, no one picked up the goods.

After many twists and turns, I finally got in touch with Nanyue, but the other party said that the company had collapsed, and everyone would split it up, and forget about the money!

Who really wants to meet!

If you transport this thing, if something goes wrong, you can throw it into the sea, but if you sell this thing, you can finally wash your identity, and it will be completely over!

Therefore, Qi Chu entangled with Nanyue repeatedly, and finally got the name and address of a new person in charge.

Boss Shangwu's younger brother, Shangliu!

Dongshanxiang County!

very familiar!

Knowing that 'she' wants to stab someone!

After a month of preparation, the goods were finally delivered to Xiang County in the form of a 'dining car'.

What confused Qi Chu was that Shang Liu was squatting!

What makes 'her' even more uncomfortable is that the hired killer drank half a bottle of DDVP's enemy, not only alive, but even better!

Resisting the urge to kill him again, Qi Chu pretended to be a Xiangjiang investment group, and while sightseeing, he waited for Shang Liu to come out.

Another month passed, and the two parties officially met.

The negotiation went smoothly, Shang Liu had the secret funds left by Shang Wu, and several loyal men who escorted the goods, decided to make a comeback.

Then the unloading place was set on the side of the canal.

last night.

Qi Chu disguised the dining car and transported it to the field.

Wandering around, I accidentally discovered that there is a woman in the nearby Auto Trade City who looks very familiar!

Qi Feifei!

This made him think of Ge Lao Er instantly, and hated him, and he was going to leave anyway, so why not take this opportunity to be him!

Find Shang Liu, ask him to help tie up the 'cousin' as a bait to attract the surname Ge, and then shoot and kill the pair of dogs...

Shang Liu: What? Ge Xiaotian?

Qi Chu: Yes, you know him?

Shang Liu: Too familiar, he is the one who killed my brother!

Qi Chu: Fuck him!

The two hit it off immediately, and they planned to act!

However, as soon as Qi Feifei was tied up, Li Suo brought someone here.

Fortunately, the preparations are complete, the dining car is rolled out, a dinner party is held, and a group of people are hired to join in the fun.

But for some unknown reason, the people in the camp did not leave!

When the surname Ge arrived and saw the two bodyguards, with a guilty conscience, Shang Liu came up with another plan and asked Qi Chu to arrange a fight. No matter who died, he could attract Li Suo's attention, and then quietly transferred the 'dining car'.

I never thought that the surname Ge actually came with a "meteorite falling from the sky"!

The dining car was broken, and everything in the mezzanine was exposed...


Shang Liu is not a martial artist, and Qi Chu has no ability to resist.

All personnel from both sides were captured. As for the follow-up investigation, Ge Xiaotian was not able to participate.

However, after finally catching Qi Chu, no, it was Ge Dalong, I believe Li Suo will never let go.

After dealing with the trebuchet fines, they received a notice of overall rectification in Xiaoqingshan, summoned the strong men to drag the stranded warship back to the river, lowered the huge sail, and slowly returned to the East Lake under the drag of the arrow boat.

on the way.

After being stimulated all night, Ge Xiaotian lost all sleep, and told Qi Feifei what happened last night in high spirits.

The latter slept from the beginning to the end, naturally not sleepy, staring at a pair of big eyes, and was stunned for a while.

"By the way, you don't know what happened after I stabbed Ge Dalong back then?"

"I know!"

"What's there?"

"Let him lie on the hospital bed and beat him three times a day!"


No wonder when Qi Chu looked at each other, the other party's eyes wandered.

However, Ge Xiaotian was also much more relaxed after the two major concerns were settled.

Go back to Xiaoqingshan, wash your face by the small river, and walk into Gejia Village.

Dahan's grandma went to the funeral today, so she had to go to help out of reason and reason.


The next morning, January 6th.

The old artists who participated in the New Year's Eve party are ready to leave.

During this period of time, the acting skills of the actors in the ancient city have improved by leaps and bounds, and countless excellent works have been born.

And Ge Xiaotian also chatted with everyone in private.

Eleven of them were willing to stay in the Tiancheng Grand Theater, and the rest expressed their support occasionally.

Ge Xiaotian was overjoyed by the result!

Consigned many local snacks and handicrafts for the old artists, and personally sent everyone to Jishi Airport.

Perhaps, some people will never see each other again.

Ge Xiaotian looked up at the plane soaring into the sky, stood there for a long time, safe journey!

When I came back, it was already afternoon.

Pass by Auto Trade City, go in and take a turn.

After a month of overtime work day and night, it has been fully completed.

Fourteen square exhibition halls, high-end and high-end atmosphere, people can't help but think of the word "regular" at a glance!

Complete security and comprehensive greening.

Rear maintenance workshop, interior workshop, staff dormitory, activity center...everything is there.

With wide roads, the overall planning is definitely among the leading in the country.

Coincidentally, the nearby Hongtu Automobile Trade Center and Linyang Tractor Sales Center started construction at the same time, and the mechanical vehicles were temporarily stored.

Therefore, there is no shortage of show cars for brand-new Auto Traders!

After training, the recruited old employees bring new employees, five people in one exhibition hall, and they can open at any time!

General Manager's Office.

"Why don't you take a few days off!" Ge Xiaotian casually turned on the TV, connected to Xiaobawang, and plugged in the game card.

Qi Feifei was studying financial statistics with the peasant woman who changed her job, "Isn't it opening tomorrow? I'm taking a break. You will host it?"

"Who set this date? How did you choose number seven? Seven seven seven, it's like letting go!"

"You're still 88, won't you become a flat tire the day after tomorrow?"

Ge Xiaotian grinned, it seems that this girl has stepped out of the shadow of the night before yesterday, "The Auto Trade City is a big project worth more than 20 million yuan, don't mess it up for me!"

Qi Feifei seemed to think of something, and asked a little proudly: "Hey, the surname Ge, Li Xiuxiu's pigsty is only less than three million. If you give me such a big auto trade city, won't she be jealous?"

"Silly girl, who will pocket the money you earn by working so hard?"

"Eh..." Qi Feifei's face froze, and she patted the table angrily, "My mother has decided!"


Thank you for your rewards, and Miao Xiaofeng's ten thousand rewards.

For the update problem, the author hereby apologizes to everyone and promises not to supervise.

Recently, because of Ge Dalong's plot jam, this product appeared too early, and the plot of Xiangjiang should be in the middle stage. But because I got off work too late a few days ago, I picked a branch line from the outline. It was supposed to be a funny killer, but I felt too old-fashioned when I wrote it, so I gave up. I didn’t expect to write Ge Dalong, and my thoughts were completely broken. , The handling of these two chapters is very poor. I hope everyone can be patient. I will speed up the timeline and improve the rhythm in the future.

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