Build Madness

Chapter 140 Always remember that we are in construction!

Qi Feifei is a very good employee.

Once encouraged, I can work hard for ten days and half a month without rest.

Just like a car, it can run for so long with one refueling, and everyone wants to get started.

She also has a great personality.

When it's time to let go, never restrain yourself.

When it's time to be calm, it's never frivolous.

Ge Xiaotian has always admired her.

Therefore, seeing her frowning and making a decision with her small mouth poised, my heart skipped a beat.


It's because I'm afraid of getting angry.

"Well, you are busy first..." Ge Xiaotian put down the handle, ready to leave.

"Don't go, wait until I finish speaking!" Qi Feifei hurriedly stopped at the door, raised her head and raised her chin, and said very seriously: "I want to be the strongest person in China's auto industry!"

"Okay!" Ge Xiaotian applauded, "However, your main task is not to sell cars!"

"What?" Qi Feifei was stunned.

"Our building is so good, isn't it a bit of a loss to only sell cars?"

"A little indeed!"

"So, your task is to sell the showroom! In other words, sell the templates of the Auto Trade City, and promote after-sales services by the way!"

Ge Xiaotian pointed to the plan on the wall, "Why else would you be transferred from the sales office? There are more than 30 combinations in total, as long as you sell a set of Auto Trade City, you can earn six to seven million yuan!" And if you sell a set of showrooms, you can earn 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, which is much higher than selling cars!"

Qi Feifei was a little confused.

"That's why I said some time ago that management doesn't have to mingle with salespeople. What you sell is a showroom, and what they sell is a car. Two levels, two systems!"

Ge Xiaotian smiled and patted his shoulder, "We must always remember that we are in construction!"

"However, when customers see our showroom, they can also go back and build it themselves?"

"They build it by themselves and do after-sales by themselves. What's the difference between them and a car repair shop? Moreover, in terms of steel structure, our Tiancheng is already far ahead. They may not be able to build such a high-end atmosphere!"

Qi Feifei was thoughtful.

"As long as you buy our Auto Trade City template, you can build a chain after-sales service system for it!" Ge Xiaotian thought about it carefully, it seems that he really didn't tell Qi Feifei his thoughts, "Our work focuses on construction, capital After all, it is limited, even if we try our best to expand the Auto Trade City, there will be dozens of buildings a year at most, and we have to deal with various manufacturers, which is too troublesome! But if the after-sales service system is launched by selling showroom templates, even if only two buildings are built The exhibition hall can also match a set for him, think about it, how many sites can be laid in a year?!"

"Do we have so many maintenance masters?"

Ge Xiaotian laughed, "It's not something you're thinking about, just sell the showroom!"

The after-sales center does not need a few maintenance masters, but logistics and express delivery masters.

As long as the parts don't rot into slag, they can be transported to Xiaoqingshan and thrown into the blacksmith's shop to look brand new!

As for the rotten ones, you can also ask Da Liu to order them.

Simple faults will rely on maintenance masters.

As for profits...


"Using after-sales to drive car sales... plus showrooms... are intertwined, and you can make money anywhere!" Qi Feifei's eyes lit up, her face full of admiration: "I understand!"

"So, you need to learn more engineering quotation and negotiation skills! By the way, you are a university graduate, you can try to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and the company will reimburse you for all expenses!"


"Then I'm leaving!" Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, and pushed open the office door.

Qi Feifei opened her mouth, blushed slightly, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Ge Xiaotian!"


"thank you!"

"Thank you so much, come on!"


Leaving the general manager's office, Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette and breathed a sigh of relief.

He decided to stay away from Qi Feifei!

What happened before, plus what happened last night, the two of them are a bit dangerous!

I came to the purchasing department full of worries.

Qimao Company has been completely separated from Linyang Tractor Sales Center, and the S600 can be placed for order.

1.6 million for one!

Ge Xiaotian calculated the funds at hand.

The mortgage loan is 300 million, and there is 100 million that can be used. After removing the infrastructure expenses, the salary at the end of the month and the year-end bonus, there are almost 30 million left!

First come ten cars!

Afterwards, he communicated with the purchasing manager and purchased more than a dozen top luxury cars of other brands to create an atmosphere in the showroom.

After finishing all this work, he was about to leave the Auto Trade City when he saw Shu Dahong standing in front of the No. 1 exhibition hall directing the trailer.

Not long after, a white horse 740 with a red ribbon slowly drove down.

Shu Dahong is still a very good person.

At least during the period when the 'Tianheng Automobile Trade' was established, he did a lot of running around, helping to establish relationships, contacting manufacturers, mobilizing show cars, and so on.

Of course, it may also be the reason why Tiancheng owns the shares of Hongtu Automobile Trading Co., Ltd.

Ge Xiaotian stepped forward, "Brother Shu!"

"Oh? Brother Ge, long time no see. Recently, the city is full of news about you, Xiaoqingshan, and the sports center!" Shu Dahong opened a pack of cigarettes.

"The company is too busy, so I didn't come here much!" The two hugged each other and lit cigarettes, "How are you doing?"

"Oh! I can't mention it!" Shu Dahong shook his head frowningly, "Some time ago, my little girl Shu Duoduo took two million from me. We bought more than a dozen shops at a low price, and then Datai undertook the construction to evacuate, and the already low house price dropped again, almost half of it!"

"Haha! Then I want to congratulate Brother Shu!"


"Tiancheng settled in the central area!"

"Ah?" Shu Dahong was stunned, and took out his mobile phone with a happy face, "Hello? Duo Duo, is the store sold? What? It's sold? You prodigal son!"

Ge Xiaotian was immediately happy, he still wanted to be a speculator with this little guts, it would be good if he didn't lose his life!

As for who bought it, it must be Director Sun.

Taking advantage of the withdrawal of Datai Construction, first release the news that the central area is about to go bankrupt, suppress the price and get back all the shops, and then circle a wave of cheap land in the county.

The 'hub' plan involves so many projects, and there is no place that cannot afford 500 mu.

Shu Dahong hung up the phone and stomped his feet angrily, "This is an unworthy thing!"

"Hehe, let her open a mahjong parlor. She is not suitable for real estate speculation or lending money!" Ge Xiaotian still remembers how Shu Duoduo was scared away by five million yuan. None can compare.

Shu Dahong sighed again, "Brother Ge, tomorrow the Tianheng Automobile Trade Center will open, my brother's Auto Trade City will be rebuilt, and this bastard will take away another two million, and he is not loose. I planned to give you an S600, but there is nothing I can do now. You can drive this white horse first, and don't hold it back!"

"Don't, don't, don't!" At the beginning when Shu Dahong said that he would give away Cherokee and Ford Tianba, Ge Xiaotian didn't intend to accept it, and now it is even more impossible to accept it. Besides, the two are still in a cooperative relationship, "See you!"

"If you refuse, you're out of touch!" Shu Dahong was serious, without any distress, "That's it, I usually take Feifei out for a walk, and by the way, in the wild... huh?"

After finishing speaking, Shu Dahong showed a smile that any man could understand.

Ge Xiaotian's face darkened, but he also knew that the other party had good intentions. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone, "How about this, Brother Shu, I will take the car, but I will solve the problem of losing money for the house over there!"

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