Build Madness

Chapter 146 Auto Trade City Opens, Part 1

Compared with the sports center, the 30 million Auto Trade City is nothing.

But it's a business!

If the sales volume, tax amount, and GDP generated in the future are good, they will be able to surpass those of the sports center in three to two years.

Therefore, it is highly valued by the city!


How did it turn into 30 million after investing 5 million before?

Five million is the infrastructure cost, and it is declared that it must be paid according to the market price.

For example, the cost of fourteen exhibition halls is 1.4 million, and the quotation is 7 million.

2 million for road construction, 8 million for quotation,

Landscaping, properties, buildings of all kinds...all of them.

Let alone 30 million, 50 million is possible.

This is the biggest advantage of doing infrastructure construction. Do it casually, take a loan, no matter how much it is, it is definitely higher than the cost...


Today is a good day.

The wind is sunny and the sky is cloudless.

Da Mao drove off the national highway, and from a distance, he saw colorful flags all over the place, as well as countless banners carried into the sky by hot air balloons.

"Xiaoqingshan Tourist Development Zone wishes Tianheng Auto Trade a grand opening..."

"Sancha Township wishes..."

"Tianyu Film and Television wishes..."

“Tianwei dining...”

"Qin Hei Ya..."

"Lin Yang tractor..."

"Tiancheng Architecture..."

"Tianbao antique..."

"Tianwei security..."

"Constructed by Datai..."

"Datai Road Bridge..."

"Food stalls..."

"Da Liu New Village..."

"Da Liu Machinery Factory..."


Hulala, dozens of them.

The grand scene is far from being comparable to any branch of Tiancheng, even in the history of Jishi, it is worthy of being the first!

Because, the old men of the mechanical department actually drove the glider to hover in the sky, scattering dazzling gold stars and ribbons.

Ge Xiaotian's face turned green with fright.

So much so that when he got out of the car, Qi Feifei thought he was motion sick.

"Are you OK?"

"Find a way to get them down!"

"It's okay, I've applied, I can only wander around, I can't fly far!"

Ge Xiaotian raised his head and took a closer look. The flight trajectory was fairly stable. He should have practiced. "How long have you been flying?"

"Two or three minutes, when the ceremony starts, they will fall into the parking lot at the back."

"Okay! Are the leaders here?"

"It's almost there. Those who came here are quite early. They are resting in Exhibition Hall 1."

"What about the branch management?"

"They're all here too, some of the people rushed over by boat last night!"

"Go, go and have a look!"

After Ge Xiaotian finished speaking, he saw Gao Song and others running over carrying the camera.


"How was the recording?"

"Perfect!" Gao Song signaled the assistant to open the notebook, "Boss, the second, third, and fourth parts of Xiaoqingshan's promotional film have all been edited. You can copy it over and have a look this afternoon. If you can't, call me again!"

"Okay, I will throw it to Xiaohao later, and let him take it back for me!"

As Ge Xiaotian said, he led Brother Hao, Da Mao, and Director Sun into the No. 1 exhibition hall.

A dozen or so familiar faces were all there, saying hello and exchanging pleasantries one by one.

Qi Feifei walked over, "The county leaders are in exhibition hall 2, the township ones are in exhibition hall 3, and the guests are in exhibition halls 5 and 6..."

"Go prepare your speech, I won't go up to speak later!"

"Ah?" Qi Feifei panicked, "You are the boss!"

"Qimaocheng, you are the general manager!"

They are all acquaintances, it's time for the people below to stand up and make their debut. Unfortunately, Tian Cheng, as the main company, and Brother Hao, the general manager of sales, also have not experienced such a scene.

However, Jishi Xingyue Bay pre-sale, you can consider giving him a chance.

Thinking about it, Ge Xiaotian left the blushing Qi Feifei, and led three heavyweight thugs into the No. 2 exhibition hall.

It's still a familiar face.

After Bureau Sun was transferred, Director Shang was reluctant to come, but the GDP of Sancha Township almost exploded, so the replacement was still selected from there. He was a leader of the forestry station, and he used to be classmates with Li Suo and Ge Feng.

Immediately after Hall 3.

As the level decreases, there will be less politeness among each other, and more of the flavor between many old friends.

Horse leaders, township leaders, business directors...

"Xiaotian, go get busy, let's talk about it later!" Leader Ma patted his shoulder, "Pay attention to your body, the circles under your eyes are dark!"

"Haha..." Ge Xiaotian left behind a few packs of good cigarettes, waved to everyone, and went straight to the No. 5 exhibition hall.

Before entering the door, he saw Lao Qin trying push-ups with the mysterious second brother.

Don't look at Lao Qin who is young and strong, no matter his speed or posture, he is completely inferior to the latter!

"False!" Ge Xiaotian curled his lips in disdain, and greeted Liu and the others.

"How is it possible! It's just that I have been busy with business recently and haven't exercised much!" Lao Qin wiped his sweat panting, "How is your busy life?"

"Just came here!" Ge Xiaotian opened the paper and threw it to the mysterious second brother Liu Hui, "Second Master, there was an old man from the resettlement office who came here a while ago, do you know him?"

"I don't know!" Liu Hui wiped off his sweat, "What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

"No, it was said that a group of veterans would be resettled. I wanted to ask for more, so I only gave fifty of them!"

"Hey, you can't accept so many people without the approval from above!"

"How to say?"

"It is estimated that the provincial government nodded, you have a lot of opportunities!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his head, "I'm also confused!"

"Don't worry, this is a good thing!" Liu Hui thought for a while, "I'll ask you later, but those two guys probably don't know too well!"

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the veterans arrive at their posts!"

Ge Xiaotian lit cigarettes for Third Master, Seventh Master, and Liu Master one by one, and patted Qian Dabao's butt, "How much money? Give me some!"

"It's still the same old saying, I will give you all the loans you help me get back without interest!"


Hall 6 is full of business partners.

For example, the lonely Teddy, and a few men with strange faces.

"Brother, I'll go to hall 5!"

Ge Xiaotian smirked, half-truthfully threatening and said: "Take it easy, they are a group of old foxes, much stronger than your two grandpas, if you are not careful, the Luqiao Company may disappear!"


"Just kidding, let's go!"

Patting him on the shoulder, Ge Xiaotian chatted with several customers in Electronic City and Home Appliance City, and then looked at the strange men gathered together.

There are old and strong.

"Boss Ge, hello!"

One of the square-faced men with thick eyebrows and big eyes did not introduce himself, but took out a business card and handed it over.

Shunhe Trading, He Shun!

Good name!

However, based on the attitude of the other party, the comer is not good!

Ge Xiaotian put away his business card and didn't bother to take out his own, "So it's Boss He, it's hard work coming from afar!"

"Boss Ge, after the ceremony, can we find a place to chat?"

"What's the matter, let's talk directly!" Ge Xiaotian looked at the time. It was ten o'clock, and it was still early before eleven o'clock. Go get busy, "Right here!"

He Shun was not polite either, he took out the soft Huaxia and ordered a stick, "I wonder if Boss Ge knows anything about the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce?"

"I have heard about it, it is said that it involves all walks of life, big and small, and its strength is extraordinary!"

"Then, is Boss Ge willing to join?"


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