Build Madness

Chapter 147 Opening of Auto Trade City, next

Chambers of commerce can be formed in many ways.

For example, the purpose of a chamber of commerce formed by bosses in the same industry is to strengthen the connection between enterprises, to coordinate goods, establish relationships, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members.

For example, a chamber of commerce formed by several acquaintances intends to help each other, give advice, and form a strategic partner.

For example, a business alliance formed in a certain region is used to resist the impact of foreign markets.

There are many benefits to joining a chamber of commerce.

Resource sharing, channel sharing, information sharing, joint expansion of contacts, support from all parties when one person is in trouble.

No matter from which aspect, it is better than a company going it alone.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to a game guild.

However, regional chambers of commerce involving more than a dozen industries must have various conditions and standards if they want to join.

Such as enterprise size, income status, honor and reputation, etc., must be thoroughly investigated, and even recommended by a strong enterprise is required!

After all, cooperation is a win-win situation, and no one wants to bring a tow bottle...

Tiancheng and the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce had a festival, and the price of materials in the Jishi market had not dropped, so it was logically impossible to join the other party's chamber of commerce.

Now receiving the invitation to join the club, coupled with the attitude of the other party, Ge Xiaotian instantly thought of a possibility.

Come to demonstrate!

The price of materials in the entire city, including the surrounding area, has all risen. If you don't join the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce and purchase materials at member prices, is there any other option?

It's true that other companies don't have it, but Tiancheng does!

Ge Xiaotian responded casually:


"For Boss Ge, it's not a condition!" He Shun adjusted his sitting posture and said seriously, "A membership fee of 100,000 yuan per year!"

"What about the benefits?"

"As long as you join the Shunhe Chamber of Commerce, everyone can help you expand the business of all branches, such as machinery procurement, building materials, supermarket purchases, advertising, film and television theaters...all at the lowest price in the market!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up his teacup and took a sip, "How low is the market price?"

"Look where!"


"One or two percent lower than the market price!"

"The current market price, or the previous market price?"

"It must be now!"

"Calculating carefully, the current market price of 10% off is much higher than the previous market price!"

"The price keeps changing according to the market demand. After all, no one can afford it. A 10% discount is already the lowest in the market!" He Shun smiled for the first time.

"That's true, there is no choice!" Ge Xiaotian put down his teacup and stood up: "It's easy to go, I won't give it away!"

"Huh?" He Shun was stunned.


Passing by the other party's small group, Ge Xiaotian adjusted his suit jacket and smiled:

"Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, welcome to join! As long as you pay a membership fee of 1 million, you can become a lifelong member! From then on, Tiancheng will tailor-made development strategies and future plans for your company for free, and will carry out all-round cooperation with Tiancheng's branches. Let your business improve to a higher level every day! The Chamber of Commerce is here waiting for you in the wind and rain!"

Everyone in Hall 6: "..."

Does Tian Cheng have no circle?


Counting from exhibition hall 1 to exhibition hall 5, this is Tiancheng's circle!

If you want to integrate into a Chamber of Commerce, pull out Liu, Lao Qin, and Teddy from Hall 5, talk to the people in Hall 1, and submit materials to get a stamp. It's that simple!

Machinery includes Daliu machinery and Linyang tractors.

The materials are our own. After the 300 million loan is credited, we will drive ten S600s that are about to arrive and go out for a while. The Nanwa logistics base in Sancha Township will usher in a new round of expansion.

Supermarket purchases: vegetables, fruits, rice, oil, salt, pots and pans, which one does not come from the countryside? With the area covered by the watch-like plan and Tiancheng's reputation, there is absolutely no need to worry about local supply, while for out-of-town goods, just arrange someone to talk.

Advertisement: I am afraid that the relationship between Shunhe Trading and the radio station is not as good as Tiancheng!

Film and television theater line: Tiancheng is engaged in development, and each community has a movie theater, even if you don't buy movies, it's okay to play your own movies, right? Even if movie tickets are free, the money earned from selling drinks and popcorn can make up for the electricity bill...

At that time, there will be a Tianska statuette, or the Gejiacun International Film Festival...

If it's really bad and no one will watch it, it's a big deal to rent a few TV dramas cheaply from the radio station and play them in rotation, such as the Four Great Classics, Ji Gong, Tom and Jerry... and some Tiancheng promotional videos can be inserted in the middle.

Count carefully, I never thought I would be so powerful!

Ge Xiaotian walked away from the No. 6 exhibition hall, leaving everyone with confused eyes.

The guests in Hall 7 are a bit special.

Reporters from radio stations, newspapers, weekly magazines, and the auto industry...

After chatting with each other, as soon as they walked out of the exhibition hall, Gao Song ran over with his notebook in his arms, and military music was still playing from the small speakers.

"Boss, pass it on!"


Ge Xiaotian looked at the screen whose resolution was not very clear.

There are undulating mountains in the distance, and the outline of an ancient city can be vaguely seen.

It is Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone!

On the wide concrete road, hundreds of children wearing red and white and brand new band uniforms, playing trumpets and drums, playing pianos and rubbing, walked slowly in an untidy line under the leadership of the little commander.

Although there are only two scores, each of them held their heads high, their faces were flushed, and they played extremely seriously!

Uh... the fat guy in the middle who is as tall as a big snare drum doesn't seem to be awake!

And as the camera panned, outside the military band, Principal Wei of Sancha Township Hope Primary School and a dozen teachers ran back and forth.

Li Suo, who hadn't seen each other all this time, was leading his officers to help maintain order.

"Boss, the school has a rule that military bands cannot accept commercial performances, but in order to thank you for your donation, today we will form a joint military band from ten schools to perform in the countryside, which is also equivalent to congratulating the opening of the Auto Trade City."

"Don't delay class!" Ge Xiaotian looked amused, and couldn't help but play the short video again.

"Today is off on Saturday, and it's not just this place!" Gao Song opened the second video.

The same performance picture, but without the green hills and the ancient city.

After careful identification, it seems to be a town on the west side of Zhanglou Township, which I have never been to.

Then the third video, the fourth video...

There are almost fifty schools.

Shangwu's 20 million yuan has now been spent in half.

It's a bit slow due to building to a clockwork schedule.

But each school is not just as simple as building it, including purchasing stationery, teaching aids, school uniforms, dictionaries, abacus... and fifty sets of military band instruments and military performance costumes.

"By the way, who informed this? Make such a mobilization!"

"The opening of the Auto Trade City was broadcast on the city's radio news a few days ago, and it focused on the Sports Center, Xiaoqingshan Development Zone, and Tiancheng Construction Company. Afterwards, the school leaders called Tianyu Film and Television one by one. Recording, it is said that the students have been studying for a month, and they can almost play one or two pieces, anyway, it is just a small video, and it is enough to last for more than 20 seconds!"

"Hehe, I'm determined!" Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone, ready to thank the school officials, but found that he didn't even remember the phone number of Principal Wei of Hope Primary School.

"Who is recording video over there?"

Gao Song looked at the time, "A few of them didn't have mobile phones, but it started at seven o'clock in the morning, and it's almost over now. Besides, there's no school today, so it's hard to get someone to answer the landline!"

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone regretfully, and watched the short video again.

Not long after, Da Mao called and said that the ceremony was about to start.


On the square outside Hall 1.

There are huge crowds of people, including guests attending the ceremony, residents of the ancient canal town, construction workers from neighbors on both sides, and passing vehicles and pedestrians.

"Respected leaders and guests..."

"Tianheng Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. took advantage of the wind from all directions, and it was grandly opened on January 7, the millennium, in response to the expectations of all people..."

To be honest, Qi Feifei was quite courageous.

Putting on professional attire, neat and tidy, the attitude of going all out completely disappeared, and instead made people feel more dignified and generous, revealing a confident and decent temperament everywhere.

In the speech above, Ge Xiaotian was not idle, looking carefully at the arrangements after the ceremony.

The reason why so many people came today is not just to congratulate.

In order to take care of business, most people placed car orders one after another.

Five Passats from Daliu Machinery Factory.

Datai undertook the construction of two S320s and three Lexus 400s.

The city purchased an A6 and three Santanas.

Lao Qin brought a white horse, and it is said that the money was borrowed from Qian Dabao. Unexpectedly, they became acquainted as soon as they met.

Lin Yang ordered ten Changhe vans. From now on, he will only do tractors, and will no longer be in the auto trade.

Xiang County...

Yun County...

Office clients...

Store customers...

The sales on the first day of opening directly exceeded the announced investment amount, as high as 47 million!

Including the ten S600s purchased by Tiancheng before, 16 million, rounded up to 100 million!

The leaders laughed, and Ge Xiaotian also laughed.

Although Auto Trade City didn't make any money this time, this number is capital!

Now that everyone has consumed, we must have something good for lunch.

The restaurant behind was temporarily taken over by the food stall today, and a few chefs were invited from Guyue.

What Buddha Tiaoqiang, Overlord Turtle Chicken, Dongpi Knuckle, Twist Kidney, Stir-Fried River Shrimp with Leeks...all of them are hard dishes!

"A total of sixteen dishes, plus Shiquan Dabu soup, all right!"

Ge Xiaotian swiped his pen to sign, and just as the executive chef was about to leave, he said again: "Brother, with an annual salary of 50,000, how about coming to my place?"

"Get it!"

"Come on! By the way, do you have any friends you know?"

"How many are there, please contact me later?"

"Okay, as long as the level is high, the money will definitely be given!"

The executive chef is traveling from the south, and it is said that he has been busy researching the dishes. When he arrived in Xiaoqingshan, he suddenly found that the dishes in the food stalls and taverns were quite strange... Then he stayed and watched and studied, while helping to make hot pot.

Now that the hot pot restaurant is on fire, they are going to leave, so Ge ​​Xiaotian naturally wants to keep them.

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