Build Madness

Chapter 148 The proprietress? !

Not long after, Qi Feifei finished her speech amid warm applause.

Then leaders at all levels, important guests, and representatives of manufacturers took turns on the stage.

I don't know if it's the smell of rice wafting from the cafeteria, or I'm really hungry, except for a few words of encouragement from the young leader, the rest are very brief.

Ge Xiaotian checked the time, it was half past eleven!

This is not allowed!

The opening ceremony is for familiarity. Since today is Saturday and there is nothing to do in the afternoon, it is better to procrastinate and delay the dinner. We will start the meeting at two or three o'clock, then we will chat and chat until five or six o'clock in the afternoon, and we will finish the dinner.

It's a pity that there are too many people, so I can't study other projects at night...

"Xiaohao, come on!"


After a busy night last night, Brother Hao and Da Mao lay shoulder to shoulder and took a nap. Hearing Boss Ge's order, he was a little dazed for a while.

"Go up and give a speech, just say a few words! Da Mao, you are next!"

"Eh?!" The latter was also a little confused.

"Lao Sun, Lao Hong, Lao Zhu, Qiye, Gao Song... you guys are ready too!"

Ge Xiaotian calculated carefully, the branch plus the five brothers in red, orange, yellow, green and blue from the personnel department, and the four younger brothers in the watch plan, Brother Hao...

It can be delayed until almost twelve o'clock.

The speech can't be cumbersome, just show your face, let the leaders know what you do, and you can handle things more smoothly in the future.

What? Can't remember?

How is it possible, Tiancheng is thriving day by day, with achievements everywhere!

Originally, Ge Xiaotian planned to go to the battle in person and chat a few chicken soup, but today is Qi Feifei's home game, so he can't steal the girl's limelight.

As for what to do next.


Starting from the exhibition hall, after-sales center, maintenance center, staff dormitory, entertainment and fitness center, power supply station, hot water room, green belt...

If there is nothing, just walk around the restaurant a few more times, the time will pass!


Qi Feifei glared at someone full of resentment, dressed in professional attire in winter, and led a mighty team to start the 'parade'.

Surrounded by reporters and cameras, the guests had to try their best to smile and cheer up to deal with it.

And, in order to show importance, I occasionally ask about car parameters, building functions, after-sales links...

Different positions require different questions.

Employee income, medical insurance, education level, corporate culture...

blah blah blah...

As a result, the salesmen also practiced their courage.

At half past three, it's finally open!

Leaving aside the gnawed soy elbow, Ge Xiaotian wiped his mouth and walked out of the back kitchen of the cafeteria to welcome the hungry guests.

Sit down in turn.

"serving wine"

What to eat, drink first!

During the dinner.

Let's talk about the establishment of the Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce, and bring Da Liu, Lao Qin, and Teddy over to show their faces.

Then call two neighbors, Shu Dahong and Lin Yang, to finalize the agreement with the leaders on the Canal Suburban Vehicle Management Office.

Afterwards, we talked about the Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone, looking forward to the future and the goals for next year.

Immediately afterwards, the sports center project, when will the foundation stone be laid, start construction, schedule planning...

Then, the expansion project of Xingyue Bay Economic Belt.

Such as canal tributary villa area, sightseeing spots, stops...

Such as bus system operation, subsidies, ticket standards...

For example, the above-ground commercial street was put into use years ago, and the underground pedestrian street and underground parking lot that have been reserved for a long time, how to connect with Xingyue Bay in Jishi City.

Another example, the Canal Suburb Management Committee...

Before I knew it, it was getting dark.

prepare for dinner!


One of them asked for a bowl of noodles, and they all ran away with Qin Hei Ya's small gift...

Talking too much, the leaders have to go back to the meeting...


The publicity for the opening of Auto Trade City had already started a few days ago.

Radio advertisements, discount leaflets, float tours, sweepstakes...

Therefore, after the ceremony ended, the exhibition hall was even busier than before. Almost every building was crowded with customers who came to consult, or... peers!

Among the crowd, a man saw more than a dozen old acquaintances walking into the exhibition hall, and waved hello:

"Old Kong, you are here too!"

"Yeah, just hearing about Daotu, I feel that Tianheng is not ordinary. When I came to see it, I realized that it is so extraordinary. One-stop service will be difficult in the future!"

"What is difficult to do, buy a showroom and go back, and after-sales will solve everything, we can also do one-stop!"

"Oh, why can't you understand!" Lao Kong shook his head and sighed.

"Where can't you understand?"

"There are more than a dozen exhibition halls, plus the nearby Hongtu Automobile Trade Center and Linyang Tractor Sales Center, from low-end to high-end, from civilian to agricultural use, such a large area, connected to the sports center, Xingyue Bay under construction, covering an area Thousands of acres, like a small town! A few customers came, ate, drank, and bought the car after some fun. You have a showroom and no one goes there! Even if there is a breakdown, the after-sales service is still theirs. What money do you make?"

"No worry, no worry!" The man smiled and shook the coloring page in his hand, and turned sideways to give way to a dozen colleagues behind him, "We are going to do it together! The same dozen exhibition halls, even with the Tianheng after-sales system, are no bigger than here Small! Besides, the urban area is developing to the east, and the suburbs of the canal are in the west. The scope of business does not conflict at all. Even if there is competition, after working for so many years, we went to grab the car market in Confucian Mansion and Yancheng in the east. Tianheng can make money with us much?!"

The dozen or so people who followed Lao Kong looked at each other, "Okay, it seems that you have already planned in the Eastern District!"

"What? Your southern district?"

"We are also forming a group, ready to go south to snatch the auto market in Zaoshi and Xushi!"

At this time, another group of men walked in, all walking like dragons and tigers, with overwhelming momentum, "Yo? The eastern district and the southern district are mixed together and there is no fight. The sun came out from the west today?"

"Yang Lin, your grandfather sold your Auto Trade City to Tiancheng, why? Come here to buy a car?"

"What kind of car to buy, it's all business opportunities!" Yang Lin spread his arms and shook, "My grandfather also owns an automobile trading company, so it doesn't matter if you have money or not!"

"Are you ready too?"

"Haha, we used to fight to death for a small car market in Jishi. From now on, I will go north and rob Taishi, Jifu, and Decheng... In the future, shall we..."

"Get rich together!" Several people put aside their previous suspicions and shook hands and hugged like old friends.

"But, isn't the money enough?" Lao Kong patted the back of his hands, "For an auto trade city, 15 million yuan after the discount is shared by more than a dozen people, and each person is nearly 1 million yuan. Even if the loan can be collected, but the follow-up development Cars, publicity, business..."

Lin Yang patted his old opponent on the shoulder, "My grandfather said, Tiancheng will set up a chamber of commerce right away! As long as you become a member, if you don't have enough money, if you don't have enough money for the building, Tiancheng can use the exhibition hall as an investment. When we have money, they will withdraw the capital and cash out! As for the opening promotion , preferential promotions, the Chamber of Commerce will help you get it for free!"


After seeing off the guests, the management of the branch also left one after another.

Da Mao, Brother Hao, and Lao Sun live in the staff dormitory of the Auto Trade City. They drank too much in the afternoon, so they all went back to rest.

Ge Xiaotian came to the general manager's office.

Opening today, Tianheng Automobile Trade has launched many promotional discounts.

In addition to the real price cuts, there are:

1. Free gift, free car insurance when buying a car, free interior decoration, free maintenance, free engine oil, free car wash card, choose three out of five.

As for navigation...

The Beidou satellite has not yet been launched, and there is no trace of the electronic map. GPS navigation is monopolized by Laomei. If you buy a set for tens of thousands of yuan, you can forget it. If you give it away... how much is the car!

2. For old-for-new trade-in, part of the car price will be deducted for the old car, but there is no free gift. As for old cars, each part has a serial number, so it's a bit troublesome to renew, let's see what the mechanical department does.

3. Buy a new car at Tianheng Auto Trade, and refuel at the designated location (a hub gas station to be built soon), run 30,000 kilometers a year, I will reward you with 1,000, run 50,000 kilometers, reward you with 2,000, and run 100,000 Kilometers... Boss, my passenger transportation company is planning to provide taxis, do you want one? give you!

The millennium road maintenance fee is not included in the fuel surtax, just run.

Changing watches to cheat?

The right to interpret the event belongs to Tianheng Auto Trade!

Based on the above, in addition to the orders placed by the guests, there are countless scattered customers.

Entering the new era, there are more and more private cars, fewer in the countryside, but more in the city.

According to relevant statistics, Huaxia produced 300,000 cars the year before last, 700,000 cars last year, and a target of 1 million next year...

As for imported vehicles, it is difficult to count because there are too many smuggled ones.

For example, Mr. Lin from the Linyang Tractor Sales Center is a clean family. His son, grandson, son-in-law, and grandson are all doing big business in Huangjiang.

But in any case, with the rapid economic development, the level of consumption has skyrocketed, and more and more people are buying cars...

Sitting on the sofa, Ge Xiaotian flipped through the report, and the sales really almost exceeded 100 million.

Buy a few Ottos and make it together!

After today, if we want to achieve such results again, we will probably have to wait for several years.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Tian Cheng pays the bill by himself...

As for profits...

Well, we are engaged in construction, and we sell cars just by the way, so what profit do we want!

"President Qi, remember to publish the happy news and release the news tomorrow morning!"

Qi Feifei rolled her eyes, "We almost crushed the car sales markets in the three surrounding cities. You have to assign me some bodyguards. I'm afraid that one day I will be beaten up by my colleagues when I go to the street!"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, put his left hand behind his back, and faced out of the window, "As long as you have a bit of brains, you won't have trouble with us, but will..."


At this time, the office door was knocked suddenly, and the voice of the sales manager of Hall 1 came in:

"Miss Boss, there are dozens of bosses out there, and they want to talk to you about cooperation!"

Ge Xiaotian turned his head in surprise, and looked at Qi Feifei, "The proprietress?!"

The latter's eyes were a little flustered, "No, no, don't listen to their nonsense!"

The two were silent for a moment.

Facing Ge Xiaotian's scrutinizing eyes, Qi Feifei gradually returned to normal from the twists and turns, with a little stubbornness, she raised her chin and replied seriously: "What, you must have heard it wrong! Last night you stayed up all night with Brother Hao, you can't tell I have auditory hallucinations, so don't stay up all night in the future!"

"Is it?"


Ge Xiaotian patted his ears, feeling extremely suspicious.

"Forget it, these dozens of bosses are estimated to be big fish from our Auto Trade City website. It doesn't matter how much you sell for cars, but for buildings, they will definitely be sold, and they will earn tens of millions!"

"Boss, you are the best!" Qi Feifei stomped on her little leather shoes and waved her fist in encouragement.

"Didn't you come here?"

"I will learn from you!"

Ge Xiaotian thought for a while, "Go, I'll take you to have a look!"

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