Build Madness

Chapter 153 Ancient Town Giant Sail

Canal Ancient Town is located on the north side of the Sports Center.

In detail, there is some history.

It is rumored that in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, in order to re-dred the Dongshan River section that had been silted up at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, hundreds of thousands of households were relocated to this line for Jiayong (a type of corvee).

Later, some people abandoned farming to do business, or became trackers, porters, etc. along with the water transport, and gradually formed a brand-new commercial wharf in the canal basin, and thus got the name of Canal Town.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, all kinds of wars followed one after another, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom even interrupted the water transportation. Just as the Yellow River diverted, the Dongshan Canal was once again silted up. In addition, the steamship shipping and the Tianjin-Puzhou Railway were opened to traffic.

A hundred years have passed, coming and going, and dragging children and daughters. Even after the founding of Huaxia, the canal has resumed its role, but there are no docks and locks here, let alone industries that can rely on the canal to develop.

The slate roads that have existed for many years have been polished and polished, and the old tile-roofed houses have become dilapidated. Occasionally, traces of bullet holes and fragments can be seen on them, and a few intertwined and abrupt centuries-old The old pagoda trees also testify to the decline and history here.

On January 8th, there are only 27 days left until the Spring Festival.

Migrant workers have returned one after another, injecting a little vitality into the deserted ancient canal town.

Coincidentally, today is the big episode!

The dense fog gradually cleared away, and there were only a few people.

Suddenly, on the canal hundreds of meters away, there were bursts of melodious horns.

Looking around, in the haze, a long dragon composed of huge sails slowly approached the shore.

The people who went to the market were all stunned.

A cowardly idler suddenly remembered the shootout by the river a few days ago, it was really dead!

Subconsciously shuddered, "It's haunted, the ancestors came to pick up people early in the morning!"


The old village head who ran out of the yard slapped him on the head with his hands, and then kicked him again: "Get out, don't howl!"

(It is said to be a town, but it was reduced to a village after it was destroyed, and the name is retained.)

"Village chief, what is that?" The vendors were a little at a loss, it was too intrusive!

Thick fog, huge sails, ancient ships, horns...

This scene, no matter how you look at it, is so evil!

"Tiancheng's fleet!"

The old village chief signed the agreement a few days ago.

Tiancheng will build a new wharf on the east side of the town (where Shang Liu and Qi Chu were arrested), which will be used as loading and unloading points for building materials for more than a dozen surrounding projects.

When all the projects are completed, the wharf will be preserved and transformed into a tourist attraction.

For this reason, the old village chief couldn't ask for more.

Anyway, it was a piece of wasteland, and someone died some time ago, so he immediately rented it to Tian Cheng for free.

Moreover, he had always wanted to express his gratitude to Tiancheng's big boss, but when he ran to Crescent Square, he saw such a magnificent building... The changes were too great, he couldn't accept it, and felt a little apprehensive, so the matter was left alone.

But today the fleet docked for the first time, so he had to go and have a look.


Teddy came very quickly.

Like the wind!

Riding a 28-bar bicycle, wearing a green dress from the 1960s and 1970s, and carrying a small schoolbag of a good model, he rushed directly into the No. 1 exhibition hall and almost hit the S600 exhibition car.

Meeting everyone's eyes, this guy was a little shocked.

"Damn, I met a ghost!"

Ge Xiaotian was chatting with a client who was engaged in oil, seeing his muddy appearance, he almost burst out laughing, where did this joke come from?

"What's wrong?"

"Damn it, I've just met a ghost!" Teddy picked up his teacup and drank it down, "Let Master Hong and the others help me transform an electric donkey from a 28-bar bicycle. I thought it was interesting to run over the temporary transport road, but after passing through Xiaohu Town, I always felt like someone was patting me on the shoulder!"

"Huh? How fast are you riding?" Ge Xiaotian asked with a forced smile.

"It should be about the same speed as a car at thirty or forty. I felt someone patting me on the shoulder. I looked back. The fog was so thick that there was no one in sight. I couldn't help speeding up!" Teddy seemed to think of something and was a little frightened, " I never thought that that thing stopped patting my shoulder and started patting my back!"

"Then what?"

"After passing Zhanglou Township and approaching Xiangxian County, that thing's shooting became more urgent. The faster I rode, the more powerful it was. Even now, I still feel the coldness on my back!"

"Ha ha……"

Everyone in the hall laughed.

"What are you laughing at, I'm not lying!" Seeing that no one believed it, Teddy was a little anxious.

Ge Xiaotian pointed to the electric donkey transformed from a 28-bar bicycle, "Why haven't you thought about it, it's not you that the ghost is chasing after?"

"Huh?" Teddy was a little confused.

"You idiot, the fender of the rear wheel is gone, and the mud is all over your back, what the hell, haha..." Ge Xiaotian couldn't bear it anymore.

Teddy's eyes widened sharply, and he looked at eMule in disbelief.

Isn't that right, the top of the rear wheel is empty!

It's foggy and the ground is wet, so what if you don't throw mud!


Ge Xiaotian looked at the time, the fleet was almost here, he patted his shoulder, "You dog, you remind me of a celebrity!"

"Who?" Teddy blushed.

"Mona Lisa's sister!"


Brother Hao will not return to Sancha Township for the time being.

Da Mao needs to find a place to store materials, and will not go back for the time being.

Therefore, Ge Xiaotian took Teddy to the ancient town of Canal.

It was dark the last time I came here, and I returned to Auto Trade City after dealing with the warship fine, and didn't enter the town.

It happened to be a big market today, so I walked back and forth, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​developing a community here.

Being ancient and dilapidated does not mean that there is no development.

It’s a good place to repair and renovate old houses, make some ancient movies, or do sketching at the Academy of Fine Arts!

Some things, no matter how powerful the system is, can't do it, such as the ancient stone road that has been forcibly worn out, and the old locust tree covered with red silk and yellow satin!

Ghost movies should be fun too!

Thinking of ghosts, Ge Xiaotian looked at Teddy who had recovered and was looking around at the stall.

I didn't notice it before, why do I suddenly feel that this product is comparable to Ah Huang? !

"Let's go, go to the pier!"

"Brother, this town looks broken, but it feels quite interesting!"

"Come over and have a look after you've been busy for a while!"

Ge Xiaotian looked at the time again, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, headed to East Lake against the wind, and then turned to Xiaoqingshan with the wind, it took three hours anyway, just had lunch!

Come to the pier.

Old Hong was chatting with an old man in faded clothes.

"Here, that's my big boss!"

"Mr. Ge?"

"you are?"

"I am the village head here. I wanted to express my thanks to you a few days ago, but unfortunately I never had the chance..."

"You are welcome, please rest assured about the wharf. Tiancheng will leave some sightseeing spots for the ancient canal town. Please communicate more with Sancha Township about what the village needs to do in the future, such as the history of the ancient town, anecdotes, Handicrafts, special snacks, etc., the more the better, and free up a few yards for homestays, we want the kind of yards with a sense of history!"

"No, Mr. Ge, you won't help us build the community anymore?" The old village chief was a little flustered.

"After building the new village, I'm afraid everyone will still go out to work. Apart from the house change, what else? We have to consider development!"

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