Build Madness

Chapter 154 Take down the ancient town, and the remote control system of the Mechanical Department

It was noon and the fog dissipated.

The five barges lowered their sails and, driven by the tugboats, lined up in a long line and began to return.

Sitting on the deck, Ge Xiaotian was filled with emotion.

Scenic spots alone are not enough for tourism.

Content, culture, creativity, experience, and word of mouth are all indispensable.

Therefore, invest!

With the help of the shipping system and Tianle Tourism Branch, Canal Ancient Town can save at least 70% to 80% of the cost, and even the advertisements are ignored.

However, not everyone has foresight, and not all village chiefs have the ability to say what they say.

The laborers returning home from Canal Ancient Town didn't want to mess around, and the old village chief who was persuaded by him also lost his mind.

Maybe they have no confidence in tourism at all, or maybe they are tired of this decaying village. After a morning of discussion, the villagers finally decided to scrap everything and start again!

Regarding this, Ge Xiaotian didn't have any special thoughts, and immediately said...

What to dismantle, I buy!

The culture of the canal is profound, but the route from Jishi to Xiaoqingshan is extremely desolate, and you have to do everything yourself.

Now that I have the opportunity to get a real historical witness, I naturally can't miss it.

According to the normal house demolition compensation standard, each household can get at most 60,000 to 70,000 yuan.

Considering the issue of resettlement, Tiancheng will take a piece of land near the ancient town, and replace it with a commercial house according to the ratio of the area of ​​the old house to one and the area of ​​the yard to one to one.

As for households without owners, they belong to the collective assets of the village, and they can be shared among the villagers evenly.

All in all, each household can get about 150 square meters of small high-rise buildings.

All the best!

You know, next to it is Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, which is more than 1,500 square meters!

Even if it is far away, a house is worth 150,000 to 160,000 yuan, who would not? !

However, this is an oral agreement between the two parties, and the result depends on the city, after all, the developer has no right to expropriate the land.

Logically speaking, the ancient town belongs to tourism, and there is no need to demolish it. The house site remains unchanged and can be rented!

But although the name of the village is there, it actually disappeared...

This is a bit complicated.

Ge Xiaotian is more inclined to "demolition and relocation settlement process" to build a new canal village, which can be done in one step and save trouble in the future.

"Boss, it's fixed!"

In the distance, Teddy clapped his hands and mounted his new mount.

The 28-bar electric donkey is equipped with fenders again, and there are four more skateboards made of airbags on the two wheels.

Look at the layout...

Kind of like a jet ski!

No wonder this guy wants to show off, amphibious!

"Try?" Ge Xiaotian glanced at the surface of the river, it was already noon, and the ice had already melted.

Without further ado, Teddy turned on the small motor, pressed the clutch with his left hand, shifted the gear with his right hand, released the handbrake, released the clutch...

(Original moto operation.)


The electric donkey roared and rushed out of the splint, and the moment it landed on the water, the airbag buffer splashed a large amount of water, and the two wheels continued to rotate, raising a long water dragon behind the buttocks...

Teddy turned left and right, having a great time playing. In just a moment, his whole body was soaked, and he yelled for the sailors to pull him onto the deck.

"Yes!" Ge Xiaotian looked at Lao Hong.

"This thing only relies on momentum to glide for a certain distance, relying on the two wheels as the propulsion device... The speed is too slow, and it needs to be modified."

"Get a metal skateboard, or a wooden skateboard, and you can use it as a snowmobile in a few days when it snows!"

"Yes, I've made them all, and they're stored at the Xiaoqingshan company's resident. Some time ago, I asked Daxiang and the others to help collect a lot of discarded electric donkeys and motorcycles. After dismantling them, fifty or sixty of them can be assembled."

Ge Xiaotian nodded.

Although it is said that everything should be focused, the Machinery Department can consider the operation of the branch, which shows that the vision is no longer limited to construction machinery.

It is very important to draw inferences from one instance. If you study other things, you may get a lot of inspiration.

As for the glider studied before...

"Old Hong, don't fly the plane anymore, that thing is too dangerous!"

"Well, it won't open!" Lao Hong nodded seriously.

Ge Xiaotian immediately felt relieved, probably the old men circled around the sky a few times yesterday and were frightened.

"However, boss, I heard that we are making money again?"


"Sold three auto trade cities? At the end of the year, Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County will withdraw more than 100 million yuan? The 300 million yuan loan has also arrived?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little suspicious, "What's wrong?"

"Can you allocate 20 million to the Mechanical Department?"

"Why? There seems to be no shortage of buses on the three bus lines, and every five minutes is just right!"

"No, I'm going to ask the old leader to help contact a group of researchers to see if they can improve the remote control system of some machines!"

"A batch?!"

"Yeah, I heard from the old leader of the Agricultural Machinery Station that his daughter's Xiangjiang University of Science and Technology has a cooperation with California. They say they want to study drones, but they don't have enough funds. Why don't we recruit people and set up a mechanical research laboratory! "

"Wait! What are we doing with drones? Do you still want tank trucks to fly?"

"Definitely not!" Lao Hong smiled innocently, "We are researching remote control systems for various types of construction machinery! For example, the flying saucer gymnasium embedded in the mountain, and so many chiseling, drilling, cutting operations and operating machinery located on the vertical mountain. How dangerous are the personnel? If we have a remote control system, it will not only reduce the danger, but also make the construction work easier and more enjoyable.”

"Also, our old machinery, except for tower cranes, can't be equipped with air conditioners. It doesn't matter if the operator wears more clothes in winter, but in summer, even a small fan may not be able to withstand the high temperature! Why don't you study remote control System, dismantled and reassembled, can also increase the mechanical value!"

Ge Xiaotian frowned, indeed.

Sweeping all the abandoned machinery in Daliuzhuang, one after another obtained 30 to 40 million construction machinery, a huge number of hundreds of units, which is not a small amount.

Some time ago, 20 million new machines were purchased. These old comrades who have been replaced, Daxiang and the others are building bungalows in the countryside, and they don’t need so much heavy equipment.

90% new, recycling into the system is too wasteful.

The technology is backward and it is difficult to sell.

Remote control system...

Going into the mountains, going into the water, demolishing buildings, encountering emergencies...


"Thank you boss!" Lao Hong smiled happily, "The drone can be used!"


Ge Xiaotian was still thinking about the special situation he would encounter in the future, and for a while he couldn't hear the muttering of the Chief Manager of the Machinery Department.

"It's nothing, it's just that the unmanned machine can do it!"

"Well! Come on!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't think too much about it.

Anyway, after a while, the situation of the funds being in place is far more than what Lao Hong imagined.

Tiancheng's 300 million mortgage loan, Xingyuewan AB two districts' 130 million final payment, and Auto Trade City's 23 million prepayment. In addition, of the one billion yuan invested in the sports center project, one-third of the initial payment will also arrive in the account!

It is definitely enough to take this money and go out to scare the big factories!

Light a cigarette comfortably and look at both sides of the canal.

During this period of time, the team that dragged the town center to build the docks had almost completed the docking points.

And the crude stone carvings made when the river was excavated have been placed on both sides of the river after being processed overnight by the transferred mason.

There are trackers, fishermen, lotus pickers, ancient water control celebrities, patriotic slogans, animals, flowers and plants...

Originally, he planned to pull a cable and install lanterns on these stone carvings, but there are too many people stealing cables these years, let's talk about it in two years.

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