Build Madness

Chapter 157 Am I going to die?

When the fourth uncle's house was completed, Tiancheng was just starting out, and he promised his fourth aunt to help Brother Lei prepare a wedding car, but what Ge Xiaotian wanted was to borrow a few cars from Da Liu Zhuang.

Now that my own auto trade city is on fire, I definitely can't make things up.

Make a call and ask the purchasing department.

The ten S600s arrived at different times. Three were purchased from Huaxia Auto Trade, two were transferred from other places, and the remaining five were ordered by Huaxia Machinery Import and Export Corporation.

The procedures for the first two are simple, and they will arrive at the store tomorrow.

The latter is in the seaport, the procedures are cumbersome, and it will take ten days.

In addition, Hongtu Auto Trade has a stock car, which is now transferred to Tianheng Auto Trade as a show car.

In other words, Brother Lei gets married the day after tomorrow and can prepare six S600s.


In the countryside, one Hutou Ben can take over the place, let alone six.

Go back to Brother Lei.


"Xiaotian, this... the scene is too big. I'm just a barbecue seller. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to open so many branches. Now my brother-in-law and brother-in-law are all working with me, and the two sides know each other well. , It would be pretty good to find a few Sixiang cars, but I'm afraid I won't have the blessing of six about you change six vans for me?"

Ge Xiaotian couldn't help laughing, "What's wrong with the barbecue? Xiaoqingshan, Daliuzhuang, Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, East, West, North and South Passes, Auto Trade City, Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, Canal Ancient Town, and Sports Center will continue to be done in the future. The big boss of this branch is worth millions, what are you afraid of?!"


Brother Lei is very different from Da Mao.

Although Da Mao is honest, he has an aggressive spirit in his bones. He dared to drive alone to deliver goods when he was a teenager. What happened to him?

It was also because of this that he pulled Da Mao into Tiancheng to be responsible for the most important purchases.

And Brother Lei... has a dull personality, is timid and shy, and is always indecisive in doing things.

Walking on the street, let alone a woman asking for directions, even if you meet a strange man, this guy will stutter.

If he hadn't prepared a set of Bajie's props and costumes to cover his face and body... I guess he wouldn't be able to do a barbecue.

Such a character may be related to the family.

Before the fourth uncle contracted the cotton field, his income depended entirely on farming. Others went out to earn a lot of money, but he stayed at home. The fourth aunt was definitely not happy. The two of them beat each other every day. It's strange to be lively.

(Of course, it also depends on the person. Someone with a smashed buttock is still alive and kicking.)

As a young boy, Ge Xiaotian naturally didn't want Brother Lei to grow cotton at home with his fourth uncle.

With such a fast development, Tiancheng can start a business in any industry.

As a man, things change when you get married.

It's an opportunity!

"Six tiger-headed cars, that's it! In addition, the wedding banquet will be held in the Tiancheng Canteen, and the master of ceremonies will be handed over to Gao Song and the others!"


"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to drive the car over tomorrow afternoon!"


Leaving the headquarters, it was dark outside.

Some time ago, the village was busy solving the power problem.

The Power Supply Bureau will set up a double-circuit power supply system for Xiaoqingshan and build a substation outside the development zone.

The workload is quite large, and we need to wait until the next year.

At present, the old line is sufficient to support the power consumption of the construction site, and the UFO gym has just started construction, so there is no rush.

However, I heard that this circuit was erected from Yun County, and I don't know how the township talked about it. Is it because there are mines there?

After shaking the small four-wheel parked in place, Ge Xiaotian wobbled back to the company's premises.

Passing by the stables, he glanced at Ah Huang who was soundly asleep.

No change in body shape.

The other bad horses, except for a little fatter, were no different from before.

Strange, what is the use of this thing? !

Could it be...

Ge Xiaotian tried to drive Xiaosilun in.


"Agricultural machinery... Analyzing..."

"Yellow River diesel engine, lack of technology, analysis failed."

"The crank, the analysis is successful, it can be manufactured through the blacksmith shop."

"The triangular belt... The analysis failed. Please build a college to study chemical technology."

"Baking paint... parsing failed."

"Wheel... the analysis is successful!"

Hundreds of prompts popped up densely, exactly the same as the function of the town center.

Ge Xiaotian opened the system panel casually.

At present, the second-level buildings are complete, and all kinds of resources are on the table, but the upgrade conditions are still not found out.



Just when he was about to close the page, Ge Xiaotian suddenly saw a row of numbers in the upper right corner!


What the hell?

Never had this stuff before!

At least, not this morning!

Since he missed the rare metal upgrade prompt last time, he now has to open the system every morning and evening to take a look.

In the blink of an eye, 47 has become 46, 45...

Why is it a bit like a countdown?

Ge Xiaotian shivered violently.

In an instant, countless possibilities emerged in my mind.

According to the practice of Qidian novels, this means...

The time travel is over?

Unlimited streaming?

Am I going to another time and space to save another Comrade Ge Feng?

What a joke!

Could it be...

Spring Festival gift package?

No, there are still 27 days until the Spring Festival, what does 9d mean?

Could it be...

Dogecoin system going to explode? !

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, lit a cigarette to suppress his shock.

Why am I gone? !

Swallow your saliva and look again.

In just a short while, it has become 9d, 18:20:55

Concentrate, a prompt pops up above: Countdown!


for real? !

Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

Death is not scary!

The frightening thing is that with more than a dozen projects and seven or eight branches, if he really disappears, even if Comrade Ge Feng is at the will be difficult!


What about the strong man?

What about buildings?

Will it all disappear?

Nine days!

Walking into the office in a daze, Ge Xiaotian opened the system panel again and groped carefully. It was indeed a countdown!

"what to do?"

"Why is there such a sense of urgency that people are about to die?"

"Should I make a will?"

Tiancheng established a team of lawyers and advisors early on, responsible for drafting the contract text, negotiating the sports center and so on.

"Fortunately, the 300 million loan has not been moved, Tiancheng's current total assets..."

"Fuck, I don't even know how much money I have!"

Call Director Sun.

"Boss, there are too many branches, they are not integrated together, it's a bit complicated!"

"Then speak slowly!"

"In terms of Tiancheng's fixed assets, the resident house is 5 million yuan. Excluding depreciation, the old machinery is 27 million yuan, and the new machinery is 20 million yuan. Equipment, appliances, tools are about 20 million yuan, and there are several means of Eighty-six million."

"Intangible assets, the land use rights of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City, but we have prepared materials, including the foundation, plus the uncollected payment of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County, five patents and trademarks of the Machinery Department... a total of 130 million."

"Tianyu Film and Television's fixed assets...intangible assets..."

"Tianle Tourism fixed assets...intangible assets..."


next morning.

After hastily eating breakfast, Ge Xiaotian attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the UFO Stadium.

Handed over the hosting job to Brother Hao.

There are only five leaders from the city and the county. It is estimated that there will be a meeting on Monday today, and the other leaders will not be able to get away.

After finishing these tasks, the gymnasium is fully started.

Look at the upper right corner, the time has changed to 9d, 4:30:22

After getting ready for the funeral, Ge Xiaotian calmed down a lot.

Lie down on the hill next to the construction site until three o'clock in the afternoon, pat your butt and return to Xiaoqingshan.

"The place just now was really good!"

"What?" Li Hu, the personal bodyguard, was at a loss.

"You do not understand!"

There are quite a lot of tourists in the development zone today, and 20,000 tickets were sold in most of the day!

It is probably related to the return of laborers to their hometown. After all, the hometown has changed so much, everyone wants to see the "source"!

He even saw at the entrance of Tiancheng's residence, big bags and small bags, bamboo baskets...all eggs, almost piled up like a mountain!

"what happened?"

The security captain at the door replied: "Boss, it was sent by the villagers in the village, thanking us for building roads, schools, and houses..."

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to speak, he caught a glimpse of a familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the distance.

'Bronze mirror reflects innocence, ponytail...'

It's the heroine who wrote novels!

However, the middle-aged man with tea-brown eyes beside her...has an extraordinary aura!


Ge Xiaotian narrowed his eyes slightly.

Surrounding the two of them were several refined men with brown leather jackets on their waists!

"Li Hu, let's go and have a look!"

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