Build Madness

Chapter 158

Xiaoqingshan Development Zone.

Yu Yao looked around curiously.

She is still relatively unfamiliar with her grandma's house in Sancha Township.

When I was young, my parents were busy with work, so they put her here during the summer vacation.

On the first day, I was chased by dogs in the morning, chased by geese at noon, went out to play in the afternoon, and was urged by my cousin to poke a hornet's nest with a bamboo pole...that was miserable, ouch!

Seeing that there were more and more wasps, I didn't know what to think at the time. I had an idea and jumped into the ditch like Tom... When I climbed up, I saw that my legs were covered with horse skin (leeches)!

After a day of tossing, I slept soundly at night.


When I woke up the next morning, I was not only bitten by a dozen pimples by fleas, but also a little mouse was lying on the bed and looking at me...

Weeping and running out of the house, just stepped over the threshold...


A gecko fell overhead...

The most important thing is that, wiping her tears and squatting in the latrine, a toad suddenly jumped out of the grass, making her feet slip in fright... and she sat in it!

Since then, she never dared to live in her grandma's house.

This is also the reason why I took my cousin to the Internet cafe last night.

Unfortunately, my cousin was frightened by Ge Xiaotian, so he ran home and played mahjong all night...

Thinking of this, Yu Yao curled her lips in disdain.

Cousin is a coward!

Ask him to help investigate Ge Xiaotian, and it seems that a person named Lan (one of the red, orange, yellow, green and blue) has noticed.

Crying and calling my dad, saying that I have to go to other places to go to school, and I am determined not to stay in Sancha Township...

You said that you have been out of high school for two years, what are you going to study? It would be nice to go to the construction site with Ge Xiaotian to move bricks, start from scratch, and you will be a rich man in the future, and you can also help me write novels...

Alas, my brain is not flexible!

Yu Yao shook her head and sighed, and walked through the antique market with her father.

There are all kinds of goods on both sides, such as handmade wood carving, bamboo weaving embroidery, batik paper umbrella, paper-cut calligraphy and painting, clay sculpture clothing, folk toys, food and drink, and roasted goods...

There are also martial arts performances, traditional operas, wooden chariots, windmills, smelting blacksmiths...

It looks like a prosperous ancient military town!

No, there are still cities and cottages!

Suddenly, Yu Yao's eyes lit up.

"Wow, dad, Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhu, let's go and have a look! Huh? Strange, why are they acting in a play? Isn't it about a sketch? I want the captain not to shoot!"

"Don't worry, turn around first!"

The middle-aged man smiled and looked around curiously.

In order to get to know Tian Cheng deeply, he squeezed his work schedule and set aside three days to take the test.

Depart from Jifu at 4:00 in the morning, arrive in Jishi at 7:00 am, finish the meeting at 9:00 am, and rush to the Auto Trade City at 10:00 am.

The current largest car sales center in Dongshan is indeed extraordinary.

In addition to the functions of 4S, it can even be sold as a template!

What a wonder!

What made him even more concerned was that an auto trade city could turn into a communication center where merchants gather!

From ten o'clock to eleven o'clock, in just one hour, he witnessed the successful conclusion of more than 20 transactions!

The transaction method is very strange.

If you want to purchase a certain product, you don’t need to find a manufacturer, just submit the list to the customer service of the chamber of commerce, and you will soon get the lowest quotation in the market, and the transaction is concluded, and you don’t need to go out to find the logistics, leave the address, and the chamber of commerce will be responsible for inspection and freight forwarding!

And if you want to sell a certain product, you don’t need to find a seller, the operation is similar to purchasing...

(Rely on the market function of the system. Ge Xiaotian used it to check the quotations of materials in Xiangxian County before. The customer service staff are all peasant women with business skills. When they get the order list, they can fill it out directly by referring to the system. Of course, it is necessary to use a computer for display.)

Tiancheng Chamber of Commerce!

The middle-aged man thought to himself.

It's a pity that I can't afford a one million membership fee and can't enter the chat group, otherwise I have to study and study what kind of business model this is.

Afterwards, he went to Canal Ancient Town to learn about demolition compensation, observed the overall planning of Xingyue Bay, and transferred the unapproved hub plan from Xiang County...

When he came to Xiaoqingshan by boat, after being surprised, he looked forward to meeting Ge Baiyi more and more.

Well, Ge Baiyi!

The slogan shouted at the New Year's Eve party is louder than the name Ge Xiaotian!

The secretary at the side carefully wrote down everything he saw and heard, as if he had thought of something: "Leader, if Liang County returns to Jiji, the Water Margin will be authorized to Tiancheng, relying on this river channel leading to the East Lake, and building a tourist area around green hills, big and small, the broad prospects are unimaginable!"

"Yes, it's a pity that Taishi doesn't want to let go! East Lake is the intersection of the east line and the middle line of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. I originally intended to allocate it to Jishi to facilitate subsequent management, but Jishi couldn't get it..."

The secretary smiled slightly, "I can't look far enough, Tiancheng's rise is so fast, as long as Ge Baiyi issues a military order, in two or three years, the Shuihu tourist area will be built, and there are many mountains on the east side of Yancheng, and it will be assigned to Thailand at will. The two cities are definitely not at a loss!"

"You can only gain if you give up?" The middle-aged man shook his head, "You are too one-sided. The sports center is enough for Tiancheng to digest for several years. How can there be funds to build Daqingshan again? A loan of 300 million yuan is not so easy to earn ! Moreover, Jishi City is developing eastward, and it has been planned for so many years, it is difficult to adjust and change!"

"Huh? It's you!"

At this time, a young man came from a distance, followed by a strong man with a strong back.

Seeing the other person's face clearly, the middle-aged man was vigilant. Unexpectedly, the real person is more handsome than the photo. He hurriedly grabbed the daughter who wanted to rush out, secretly signaled that the guards were okay, pretended not to know him, and asked puzzledly: "You are?"

"Dad, this is Ge Xiaotian! Let me go, I want to ask him a few things!"

Such a familiar voice!

It seems to be a bit similar to the female liar last night...

Could it be that the impression left in the Internet cafe was too deep?

"Meet you again, where did you write your novel?"

Yu Yao was about to answer, but was interrupted by the middle-aged man, "Xiaowei, take Xiaoyu to the ancient city!"

"Good leadership!"

When the two left, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand, but did not identify himself, "Mr. Ge, hello!"

"Hello!" Ge Xiaotian was a little disappointed.

I planned to listen from the female knight's mouth and find out the details, but I didn't expect the other party to be so vigilant.

There are so many guards with guns, either the old man of the military region, or No. 1 and No. 2 of the state capital.

Of course, people like martial arts are not excluded.

What? entrepreneur?

No matter how awesome a rich man is, he doesn't have this privilege!

Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing.

If there is no countdown, he will definitely circle around with the opponent.

It's a pity that there are still eight days left. For the sake of my family and Tiancheng, I bid you farewell!

Ge Xiaotian took out a business card, and handed it over in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, "Sir, I'm sorry, I have something to do at home, excuse me!"

"Oh? Are you married? I see a few luxury cars from Gejiacun!"


"Aren't you inviting me to sit down?"

Ge Xiaotian immediately understood that the other party came by himself, "There is a tavern next to it, where should we go to chat?"

"Let's go!" The middle-aged man was full of aura, leading a few guards one step ahead, and went straight to the building with the word 'wine' hanging high.

Staring at the distant figure, Ge Xiaotian quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Bureau Sun.

"Is someone coming from above?"


I'll be good!

No wonder……

But, no!

Millennium, Dongshan...

Certainly not him!

Is it because of the wrong time and space?



Tavern, between the word 'Yong'.

Knowing the other party's identity, Ge Xiaotian was more open.

What he is afraid of is not officials, but people like martial arts.

Pour a cup of tea for the two of them, take out the white will, put it on the table, and order one at will.

When you meet a boss, do you have to be patient?

Then let's get started!

Anyway, I still have two packs of cigarettes in my pocket. If I don’t bring them with me when I die, I will smoke them all!


The middle-aged man smiled slightly, and was the first to ask: "Mr. Ge, I see that although Tian Cheng's main business is construction, the side business seems to be developing more rapidly!"

"Following the trend, you can't put all your eggs in one basket! But, on the other hand, if you put too many eggs in the same basket, it is possible to hatch chicks and get more eggs!"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

If it's just the first two sentences, he understands!

All funds cannot be used in the construction industry, and the development of sideline businesses can be regarded as a way out.

But what does the reverse mean?

Ge Xiaotian grinned, every successful entrepreneur is almost a successful speaker!


To fool others, you can use your own experience as a case!

It doesn't matter whether what I said is true or not, anyway, I succeeded, and the audience will believe it or not.

But most will believe it!

"It means that I put all my side jobs into the construction industry, for example..." Ge Xiaotian dipped some water and drew a circle on the table, "I took such a large piece of wasteland, pay attention, it's wasteland! It's very cheap, About a thousand acres!"

"Then, build a few neighborhoods around the neighborhood, and then, around the neighborhood, rely on the entire industry in the chamber of commerce to build various supporting facilities, such as schools, shopping malls, hotels, commercial streets, and even buses, train stations... I guess you have been there Xingyue Bay in Xiang County, right?"

The middle-aged man suddenly realized, "So this is the essence of the Chamber of Commerce!"

No, this is the routine of the top developer, Ge Xiaotian nodded the table, "As long as the chamber of commerce does not disband, what Tiancheng will do in the future is to build and build! Build a community, sell it! Build a shopping mall, there is no need to rent, and people will naturally settle in after shouting at the chamber of commerce In this way, housing prices in the community will definitely increase in steps, from low-end to high-end, and gradually form a new modern metropolis!"

"There is no industry that will always be prosperous. For ten years in real estate, I will raise a side business. In the next ten years, the financial Internet will drive real estate. In the next ten years of high-tech, I will sell smart homes..." Ge Xiaotian suddenly stopped talking and started talking again. No more, just kidding, "In general, it is impossible for a century-old enterprise to focus on a single industry!"

"A century-old enterprise! Ambitious!" The middle-aged man felt a little confused about smart home, and sipped his tea to cover it up, "Have you considered Jifu?"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian refused decisively.

Eight days, what to do?

Besides, even if there is no countdown, he will not go.

An advantage of a small county is that there is less competition!

First take down the real estate markets of the three surrounding cities, wait for Tiancheng to break through one billion net worth, and then go to the old enemy from the previous life to start a fight!


The middle-aged man picked up the white general and lit one, and said leisurely: "I can help you approve a thousand acres of wasteland, it's very cheap, and it's a phased contract!"

Ge Xiaotian shook his hand, and the soot fell off.

I have found the grave, you talk to me about this? !

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