Build Madness

Chapter 160 Level 3 Town Center


In the two-meter-deep pothole, the electric portable lamp was thrown and flickered.

The surroundings were blood-red, and several terrifying monsters glared angrily, staring at the uninvited guest.

This is nothing!

In the middle of the monster, a black bull's head was floating in the air swinging from side to side.

Such a weird scene made Ge Xiaotian's scalp tingle.

However, such a fall will completely dispel the discomfort that just happened.

Believe in science!

Trembling, he took out the lighter and lit it.

Fortunately, it did not die!

Lie down on the ground, pat the lantern, and shine it again.


There is no scariest, only scarier!

What kind of bull's head is this? It's clearly a human head with bull's horns on it!

Its two horns are ferocious, and its face is majestic and fierce. Under the background of red, it is comparable to the demon god in the fantasy blockbuster!


However, Ge Xiaotian also breathed a sigh of relief.

The human head is not floating in the air, it is just a broken sculpture, and its neck is only supported by half-finger-thick ceramics, which is now crumbling.

"Second brother, are you alright?" Dahan shouted anxiously from above his head, as if he wanted to jump off.

"Don't move! You wait for Li Long, Li Hu and the others up there!"


Ge Xiaotian got up, his hands were sticky.

Gently rubbing, the red silt is very different from the unique red soil in the mountains, it is more viscous and more delicate.

Take a closer look at the statue of the Demon God.

The material is completely different from the ceramic torso, and there is a faint smell of copper rust.

look around.

The pothole is about a dozen square meters, and there are many broken and incomplete ceramics scattered on the ground. The walls on both sides of the cave have collapsed seriously, and many places are uneven. There may be other single rooms or passages!

This should not be a shrine, but an ancient tomb, or a ruin!

After all, in the wilderness, who would enshrine the long horn on the head...


Ge Xiaotian suddenly thought of someone!

Emperor Yan!

That Chinese patriarch also seems to have double horns on his head!

Emperor Yan Temple? !


The four monsters are a bit evil!

Moreover, who would make such a different kind of sculpture for Emperor Yan? !

Strange, is it an evil temple in the mountains? !

slip away!

Although we don't believe in God, we must maintain a sense of awe, otherwise how would we cross? !


"Second brother?"

"Pull me up!"


back to the ground.

Ge Xiaotian opened the system map.

Starting from Xiaoqingshan, it is about five or six miles around the UFO Stadium.

Walk five miles along the col, and then walk for more than half an hour, climb up to the high ground...about seventeen or eight miles.

It is currently located at the west foot of Daqing Mountain, and twenty miles to the west is Yanggu.

The hometown of the cake seller in the development zone.

Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, his heart skipped a beat.

Maybe I got it wrong!

It wasn't Emperor Yan, nor the Temple of the Evil God, but him!

That god-man who rides a rolling to fight!

He also has two horns on top of his head!

I remember there was news in another time and space that his head tomb was found in Yanggu!

Of course, this sculpture is definitely not the head, it is estimated that it was a "monument" built for it by Li Min later.

Wiping off the blood-red dirt on his hands, Ge Xiaotian looked around with a battery-powered portable lamp.

The high ground is very open, similar to gentle hills.

There are no landslides on the mountains on both sides, but there are many traces of rainy season erosion on the ground.

It seems that the bottom was originally a pothole, not buried, but washed away by the accumulation of time!

"Boss?" Li Hu and Li Long hurried over.

"Go, go back!"


Go back to the station and turn on the computer.

Ge Xiaotian temporarily forgot about the troubles of the countdown, and is ready to check it out

In the millennium, the web wasn't quite so robust yet.

But some news about the neighborhood can still be found.

For example, Taishi site of Dawenkou culture, Jingyanggang site of Longshan culture, Luzhong mountain area of ​​Dongyi culture...

rummage carefully...

Stoneware, pottery, cow totem...

Chi You Tomb!

found it!


Not in Yanggu in the west, but in Nanwang Town, Wencheng in the east!

It existed in the Qing Dynasty!

Ge Xiaotian rubbed his forehead.

According to news from another time and space, Yanggu will dig out another one in all likelihood in the future!

What did Dahan find this?

Forget it, don’t think about it, so what if you figure it out?

Looking at the countdown, there were exactly twelve hours left.


He wasn't sure if he would die or not.

All the preparations were carried out quietly, and the "mourning" didn't explain what happened. The news of the province was released. How embarrassing is it that he didn't die?

No one wants to be gone like this.

However, he also had a vague guess.

System Upgrade!

Calculate the time, tomorrow, January 17th and October 17th, it will be exactly three months!

Isn't it written in many novels, three months for beginners!

Once the time limit expires, all permissions will be released.


hold on!

Get things ready first!

How to say that sentence, the greater the disappointment, the greater the hope, give yourself a surprise!

Well, get a good night's sleep first!


January 17th.

There are only 19 days left until the Spring Festival.

Migrant workers in Gejia Village have returned home one after another.


I can't find my house!


The house, yard, main road, and trails are all new!

Even for drainage, the old village head re-planned.

Plus greening, heating pipes, tourism bulletin boards, commune bulletin boards, various civilized slogans...

Ge Xiaotian dared to bet that his father, brother and sister couldn't touch the door of his house!

It's a pity that Sanni will take the college entrance examination next year, prepare to go to cram school during the winter vacation, and come back in the 28th year.

Ge Wangwang, I haven't contacted you yet!

Comrade Ge Feng has not yet determined the time of his return.

In the village, I chatted with my uncles and brothers who had returned home until ten o'clock, and there were still two hours left in the countdown.

Ge Xiaotian walked slowly towards Fengshui treasure land.

on the way.

Looking at the green wheat seedlings, I am both looking forward to and apprehensive about what is about to happen...

Wheat seedlings?


Ge Xiaotian was taken aback for a moment, and Sa Yazi ran to the station.

He even forgot a very important thing!


Farmland in the Empire!

The most basic and most buggy unit in the game!

This thing has been built before, but it is only produced once a week, ignoring the environment, who dares to play?

His sideline business is not selling grain, and the troubles caused by selling grain these days are definitely greater than selling houses.

Therefore, the first-class farmland was demolished on the spot.

And now, the countdown!

Is it the consequence of incomplete construction?

Close the gate of the garrison and summon the farmers who stayed behind.

Just find an open space and drag out the system unit.

Not by mu, but by 10*10.

In just a moment, the first-class farmland was built.

Consume 50 wood, upgrade!

"Ding, all the buildings have reached the second level, and the third-level town center will be unlocked."


Ge Xiaotian cursed secretly, and went straight to the wooden row cart that was dragged back after the construction of the pier.


Upgrade conditions: None!

Conscience system!


Level 3 town center: There are two secondary town centers, which can be used to create sub-bases, and the level cannot exceed the main base.


Within a radius of ten miles, the efficiency of all units increases by 20%. (secondary function)

Within a range of ten miles, the physical strength of all units increases by 20%. (Third level function)

Within a range of ten miles, the attack of all units increases by 20% (research is required, research cost: 200 rare metals = 100W red notes)

Within a range of ten miles,... Accuracy increases by 20%. (Need to research... 200 rare metals...)

Defense increased by 20%. (requires research...)

Unlock unit:

City walls and city gate towers: additional fortifications such as urns, moats, and suspension bridges.

Stables: horse farm, animal pen, ornamental garden.

Arsenal: equipment factory, production workshop, research institute.

Bazaar: Commerce, Mapping, Trading Center.

Barracks: champion swordsmen, top infantry, elite archers, top cavalry archers, heavy knights...

University: You can study physics, chemistry, literature, philosophy, mechanism art...

Monastery: You can summon Taoist priests and monks.

Castle: Appearance can be adjusted by drawing...



Bad horse (rare metal 1) 5,000 yuan

Good horse (rare metal 10) 50,000 yuan

BMW (Rare Metal 100)

Bloodline Warhorse (1000 copies)


Ge Xiaotian casually opened the other one.

Armory - Research Institute:

It is also possible to disassemble and reinstall existing machinery to crack the manufacturing technology contained in the machinery. Each cracking consumes a thousand copies of rare metals. After possessing this technology, only the corresponding materials are needed for production.

Arsenal - production workshop:

Heavy battering ram...

Heavy Ballista...

Siege Catapult... (Moveable Catapult)

Artillery... (requires university-chemical technology support)


The technology tree can be replenished through books, or rare metals can be consumed for research.

Studying in a university can increase the speed of knowledge absorption.


Taoist: It can increase the research speed of university science and technology-physics, chemistry, martial arts.

Monks: Can increase university science and technology - literature, philosophy... research speed, martial arts.


Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, what about the promised treatment? What about transformation? !


Countdown: 22:25!

Why are you still here? !

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