Build Madness

Chapter 161 After the countdown ends...

twenty minutes!

The effort for a few cigarettes is not too long.

Looking at the time, it was about 11:42 to zero.

Should be related to when the town center was first built.

Back then, I looked at my watch for the first time. At 11:30, my mother went home to cook, and Comrade Ge Feng went to take a bath in the river. He used corn stalks to build the town center...


Some things won't bother you if you don't think about them.

Temporarily suspending the research on the third-level town center, Ge Xiaotian sighed and prepared to visit the UFO Sports Center.

This is what he can't let go of the most.

The Lotus Gymnasium has not yet been constructed, and Professor Hu from the Design Institute will follow up, and the drawings can be reapplied.

But the foundation of the UFO Gymnasium has been laid, and all the building materials are in place. If they give up... For Tian Cheng, the loss in financial and material resources will be too great!

Moreover, the sports center project itself loses money, there is no system to help...

It's not enough to put Tiancheng in!

Get out of the company premises.

Looking at the increasingly bustling development zone, the green wheat fields, the newly built villages, the curling smoke...

"Our hometown, on the field of hope..."


The phone rang suddenly.

It's Brother Hao!


"Boss, I earned it!"


"Xingyue Bay, Jishi City, isn't it pre-sale today? District E, District F, all residential houses and shops have been sold out in one morning!"


As expected, as early as New Year's Day, the advertisement of "the lonely old lady goes to buy vegetables by boat" has spread throughout Jishi City. Now the bus system and route system are gradually improving, and Tiancheng's promises are fulfilled one by one. Although there is no house , but the supporting facilities are there, plus the sports center, the popular auto trade city... If you don't buy it, you will lose money!

"The contract payment is 130 million, and the advance payment is 50 million, offsetting the construction payment, and the remaining 80 million is all earned!" Brother Hao was very excited.


"I'm rushing to work during this period. The house will be handed over in District A and District B of Xingyue Bay in Xiangxian County in three days, and the final payment of 76 million will almost be recovered! By the middle of next month, the house will be handed over in District C, which is another 40 million!" (The commercial buildings in District D are all leased)


"Boss, why are you unhappy?"

It's almost gone, so I'm happy: "You're busy!"

Putting down his phone, Ge Xiaotian thought for a while. He seemed to have underestimated the pre-sale of Xingyue Bay in Jishi City. It seems that the inheritance left to Comrade Ge Feng is more than 200 million yuan.

Beep beep!

The phone rang again.

Qi Feifei's!

"The one whose surname is Ge!"


"made money!"


"Three auto trade cities, thirteen exhibition halls, they plan to take back the shares. They received a total of 56 million funds. After excluding infrastructure costs, property costs, after-sales systems, promotional advertisements, etc., the profit is 43 million!"


It is also expected. One showroom costs 500,000 yuan and costs 100,000 yuan. The profit is so high. If it is not for the after-sales system, advertising costs, logistics and freight, etc., it is estimated that it can earn more.

"I just won a contract, Beer City Auto Trade, to build the largest car sales center in Jiaodong Peninsula in Jiaozhou Bay!"


It’s not a big deal, the construction speed of the Auto Trade City is accelerating. According to the regulations of the Chamber of Commerce, all the big bosses use the channels of Tianheng Auto Trade City to place orders. Um, Dongshan Daily, Huaxia Minbao, various local and city news... plus the rise of the automobile industry, and the bosses of various automobile manufacturers are also taking advantage of this shareholder wind, shouting slogans about how many vehicles will be produced each year... feel the driving force of the Auto Trade City. The impact of this coming, not to mention the industry, outsiders are a little restless.

"Are you happy?"

Looking at the ten-minute countdown left, Ge Xiaotian lit a cigarette, "It's okay, you're busy!"

"Wait!" Qi Feifei paused, "Why do you sound listless?"


"Say! Why did you go last night?"


"With whom?!"

Just as Ge Xiaotian was about to answer, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared beside him.

Female knight!

"Brother Tian~~ Would you like to chat with me for a while?"

Yu Yao stalked her father and begged for two whole days before finally staying at her grandma's house in Sancha Township.


Only by having a deeper understanding of the protagonist can we write the most authentic novels, no, stories!

The person surnamed Ge always hung up on the phone before, probably the way of chatting was too formal.

Men, if you have money, you will become bad...

She decided to change her style and make a small sacrifice. Although it was disgusting, the effect would definitely not be bad!

"Brother Tian~~"

Ge Xiaotian shuddered, feeling... his bones were brittle!

He stared dumbfounded at the 'psychopath' in front of him.

He had already made a phone call with the leader of Jishi Mayor Baitou before, and he had already figured out the identity of the girl when he talked to the Jifu, and he also vaguely guessed the general process of the "hanging up the phone".

You, Miss Dongshan...

What about face?

What about shelves? !

"Ge's surname!" The phone exploded!

Ge Xiaotian was very calm: "You heard wrong!"

However, there was silence in the receiver, and no sound could be heard for a long time.

Look at the screen, no hang up.

listen again...

Appears to be calling a landline? !

The kind that counts, very familiar: ***678

Farm? !

"Xiuxiu, your man went whoring last night, and now there is a goblin by his side!"


Qi Feifei is doing something again!

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath and hung up decisively.

Glance at the countdown: five minutes left!

We are not afraid of the oblique shadow! (Forget it, break the can and smash it!)

"I have something to do, let's talk later!"

With a face full of indifference, he bypassed the female neuropathy, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the east foot of Xiaoqingshan.

Yu Yao blinked, but instead of catching up, she was lost in thought while looking at the distant figure.


"The cover of the book needs to be changed!"





Walking on the muddy road crushed by the last eight rounds, Ge Xiaotian silently counted down the countdown.


The system page that had not been closed suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

Are you really going to explode? !

Ge Xiaotian looked at the development zone from a distance, and said goodbye to mine...



The light dissipated, and the entire field of vision was occupied by dense numbers.

Quarterly Statistics:

Units killed: 0 (not counting animals)

Captive units: 0

Enemies captured: 0

Engagement rounds: 0

Allied farmers: 3000

Allied peasant women: 500

Allied buildings: 45

Allied Soldiers: 500

Own loss: 0

Grain: 588…466

Timber: 676…33

Stone: 972…60

The system starts lagging...

Iron Ore: 335W

Rare Metal: 2000

Territory area...

Marching route: wireless tour.

Marching distance: beyond the normal data.

Consume food...

consuming wood...


found mistake……


The player is likely to be stuck in a map...

Give a solution.


The statistics are over, the next statistics: three months later.

What the hell?

The countdown is gone, and the system page returns to normal.


In the middle of the field of vision, a long black frame unexpectedly appeared!


Inside the long black frame, there was a blinking cursor.

Please enter the activation code?

Or please enter the package serial number?


Cheats? !

Robinhood 999**99

No reaction!


No reaction!


No reaction……

"This is a bit embarrassing!"

"Give me a super car how to use English..."

'The super car has been entered into the production workshop and can be built with 0 resource consumption. '

"Chinese input?!"

Looking at the system prompt and the black long frame that disappeared instantly, Ge Xiaotian wished he could slap himself several times.

If you just shouted, give me tens of millions of tons of gold!

In the future, I will still work hard!


If you call out to control all animals on the map...

This time it's not as simple as losing a few hundred million!

Forget it, I'm lucky if I win, but my life is lost!

Anyway, the countdown is gone!

Why? etc!

It seems that there will be another statistic after three months? !

Ge Xiaotian cheered up again, turned around and returned to the station.


There is no doubt about the power of the third-tier town center.

The university researches various disciplines, improves the main technology tree, and can also enhance the knowledge of its own personnel.

The cracking function of the production workshop, using about five million red notes at a time, is completely acceptable as long as you don't mess around!

Turn around and disassemble the S600 and White Horse, and then buy a Rolls-Royce, Maserati, Ferrari, etc., and try to crack the engine.

By the way, smash it first and then tear it down, record a video, let's enjoy it too!

Stables, buy a hundred good horses, make movies, play games, open thieves trails, enough to use!

The animal enclosure is similar to a zoo, and the ornamental garden is similar to a botanical garden. Combining the two and placing them on the east side of Xiaoqingshan, the entertainment area can be enriched.

Bazaar, trading center...

The function is similar to that of the chamber of commerce, but it is larger and more comprehensive, covering an area of ​​200*200, which is almost equivalent to a flying saucer gymnasium.

Castles are meaningless.

However, you can fool foreigners when you go abroad in the future!


A little embarrassing.

Champion Swordsman: Excellent swordsmanship.

Extreme Infantry: Excellent speed.

Elite Archer: Unparalleled accuracy.

Extreme Rider: Can dash without a horse!

Heavy Cavalry: Learn about bulldozers!

What is this for?

The appearance of Yijia looks quite intimidating, everyone looks like a general, but when it comes to Li Suo, don't think about it.

However, this body type...

Swordsmen are about two meters taller than cavalry archers, infantry and archers are shorter, but heavy cavalry... can't compare to Dayao, and are about the same as Sharks.

Wocao, summon two of each unit to play basketball?

In this way...

Where will Tian Cheng push it, and which school and sports school will he have a friendly match with first?

Very doable!

Ge Xiaotian took out his mobile phone, thought for a while, and then stopped the thought.

Just upgraded, let's find out the architecture and functions first.

The rest of the monastery.

It's a bit expensive!

No matter which one is summoned, one thousand points of rare metal are required.

Converted into gold, five million buys one!

However, the two professions will...

One should be based on theory and synthesis, health preservation, medicine, formation diagrams, mechanism skills... Light body, martial arts!

The other should focus on literature and history, economics, philosophy, law... hard skills, stunts.

Sure enough, if you don't have any skills, you really can't leave home!

Taoist priests must be native.

But this monk is not limited to monks, and the monastery has nothing to do with the church.

Look at the resource list, two thousand rare metals!

After upgrading all the buildings first, Ge Xiaotian summoned a monk together.

Daoyi, tall and burly, with a broad face and beard, could not see the slightest aura of immortality.

Monk One, same as above, but without hair...a monk.

Say hello to each other, and the two line up left and right.

Ge Xiaotian always felt that this scene was a bit familiar!

"Well, masters, let's do research first!"

After speaking, he walked into the office and asked Li Hu and Li Long to carry the bookshelf into the university.


It is not like in the introduction, it directly supplements the technology tree!

"Strange!" Ge Xiaotian turned the pages of the book.

'Entering the principle of internal combustion engine...'

Turn a few more pages.

'Entry progress 0.01%'


Yesterday, Ge Xiaotian read until early in the morning, and finally fully entered the principles of internal combustion engines into the university.

Then the Taoist monk began to conduct research with the transferred mechanics and maintenance personnel!

It's a bit cumbersome.

And, which involves the conversion of internal energy and mechanical energy in the process of fuel combustion,

Calorific value and its physical meaning;

Stroke structure and working cycle of suction, compression, work and exhaust;

There are also two applications of internal energy: heating and work;

Efficiency and ways to improve the efficiency of heat engines;

The compression ratios of different internal combustion engines...

So, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry!

It exploded!

Fortunately, the textbooks of my junior high school and the textbooks of my younger sister's first and second grades were not sold, otherwise buying books would be a hassle.

early in the morning.

Ge Xiaotian had eaten the breakfast delivered by the food stall, and was still hesitating whether to get up, when Teddy, whom he hadn't seen for several days, called.

"Boss, where are you?"

"The company's resident office!"

Not long after, Teddy rumbled in a red supercar.

"How about boss?!"

Ge Xiaotian was slightly stunned, yesterday he just got a BUG-level super car, did you come to slap him in the face early in the morning?

I remember that the super car in the Empire Cheats should be a Cobra.

Although it is not a very good grade, but in this era, it is even more dazzling than Hutouben!

"Where did you get it from?" Ge Xiaotian patted the front of the car, Mitsubishi sports car, turned on the system and looked at the quotation in the market, 55W.

"I blocked Chen Feng for five or six days, and he compensated me!" Teddy was very proud, "Is he handsome?!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't answer, but walked towards the workshop.

Between opening doors, choose to build a super car.

Fortunately, system bugs do not consume time.

Finished reading.

Open the workshop door.

next moment!

A super-heavy four-wheel tractor with a height of 3.5 meters and a length of about 5 meters was displayed in front of everyone.

Huge tires are almost as tall as cars!

Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

Teddy froze.

Stepping into the gate of the residence, the people who came to attend the memorial service for someone were all stunned.

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