Build Madness

Chapter 202 Auditory Hallucinations and Business

The annual meeting of the enterprise ended with cheers that broke through the sky.

Ge Xiaotian led a thousand 'non-chiefs' who didn't win the grand prize into Tiancheng Canteen.

look around.

Decorated with lanterns and festoons, paper-cut Spring Festival couplets, the overall atmosphere is very good.

The good wine and food have been prepared, and everyone is seated.

Only Brother Hao and Daxiang were not drawn in the management of the company, so there were only three people in the 'leadership seat' in the middle.

Ge Xiaotian waved his hand, and attracted Li Ge, a driver who looked like a four-faced driver, he grabbed two excavator masters who looked familiar, looked around, and called Shuai Bo and his Fa Xiaohuzi over.

Gathered eight people, other employees are still looking for companions.

People are like this, no matter where they are, even in the same company, there will be various circles.

Department circles, branch circles, hometown circles...

If you can’t find it, let’s chat casually:

"Hey, you didn't get it either?"

"Yeah, the hands are too dark!"

"Oh, I didn't get it either!"

"Then sit down!"

Well, there are also African chieftain circles.

Ge Xiaotian looked to the left, "Shuaibo, I heard you want to be a singer?"

"Yes, boss, I feel like I can!"

"Actually, my dream is also to be a singer!"

Brother Hao, who was helping to pour the wine on the right, shook his hand and immediately spilled a large amount.

Don't you want to be a cook?

"I'm sorry boss, it's cold, it's freezing!"

"Tonight you go to burn the boiler, it's warm there!"

Ge Xiaotian picked up the guitar that Daxiang handed over with a blank expression, tuned it, and turned on the microphone on the stand.

After chatting for a few words, all the employees were already seated.

"Brothers and sisters, being together is fate. Don't worry about the lottery. By this time next year, I believe everyone will have a house and a car!"

"And today, let's eat well, drink well, and play well!"

"First of all, I will start by singing a song to add to the fun. I hope everyone will like it."

Ge Xiaotian played the guitar lightly, raised his eyebrows at Shuai Bo.

In the 1980s and 1990s, many young people yearned for literature and art.

Especially in college.

At that time, Ge Xiaotian could be said to have worked hard.

Every morning at four or five o'clock, the first time the dormitory building opened, he would run down to the girls' dormitory for a while.

Jiumei, Outside the Window, Tracker's Love, Electric Guitar, Waist Drum and Suona, are very popular among girls, and they cheer like waves every time.

Encouraged, Ge Xiaotian (dong) rain (duo) without (xi) resistance (cang) persisted for more than half a year, until the principal came forward, praised his profound singing skills affectionately, and helped arrange a music room. room, and found a tall and strong music teacher to be a tutor, and this matter was just given up.

After a period of professional practice, Ge Xiaotian finally understood the truth that "not all songs can be sung". style of.

Ge Xiaotian belongs to the last one.

There are plenty of good songs in the future, pick and choose, and sing seven or eight inspirational, vigorous, and majestic century-old classics one after another.

Shuai Bo next to him was stunned.

The staff at the scene were drunk.

The reporters who stretched their necks outside the window and held up their cameras were even more overjoyed.

After singing the eighth song, Brother Hao took over the guitar and started his performance.

Ge Xiaotian sipped tea to moisten his throat, "My dream is to be a singer!"

Shuai Bo nodded heavily, "Boss, I believe it!"

"I remember my music tutor once said that playing music at the age of sixteen or seventeen is called playing! Twenty-four or five years old is called making money, but at twenty-seven or eight, you still have nothing to do, and you still have to rely on your family to support you, so you have to think carefully about whether you are suitable for this career." One party, maybe it’s time to consider the issue of income, and think about the way out in the future!”

"I'm twenty-seven!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't answer, and continued on his own: "At that time, I had no money. Really, I was hired by my family to be the butcher's son-in-law. You should have heard of it!"

"Hmm! The proprietress is pretty!"

"Ugh... At that time, I didn't expect her to be so beautiful, I thought she was a big fat man! So I went to the brick factory overnight, moved bricks, made money, contracted construction sites, pulled teams, bought machinery, established companies..., and waited for me to have Tiancheng. , worth hundreds of millions, looking back at the dreams I once had, it seems that I can easily achieve them."

Ge Xiaotian pointed to the reporter outside, "Song, I can sing! Fame, there will be one soon! Stage? Pleasure? When UFO Stadium and Lotus Stadium are completed, I can hold as many concerts as I want!"

So what is the point of me being a singer?

I was also confused!

But when I distributed the generous wages to the workers who faced the loess and their backs to the sky, and faced their sincere smiles, I understood that the dream is changed with the identity!

My current dream is to let more people live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about food and drink!

Moreover, I also understand a truth, in fact, there is a shortcut to dreams!

If you insist on your dream, but feel that the current road is not going to work, it is better to use your good side to make money first. Just like me, I am good at construction sites, so I will earn hundreds of millions first, and then complete my seemingly meaningless old life. Dream, repair the regret in your heart! "

"Boss, I also understand!" Shuai Bo took a sip of wine, "Tomorrow I will move bricks! Make money! Be a qualified construction worker, study hard, take the self-examination organized by the company, become a construction engineer, and wait until you have enough capital, go sing again!"

"No!" Ge Xiaotian was slightly stunned, "Don't you think you are suitable to be an actor?"

"Huh? What are you acting for?"

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Make money! After the leather factory closed down, I owed a lot of debts. How can hungry people be picky eaters? As long as it is legal, I will do what I want to make money! Directing this movie costs 100 yuan a day, and there may be bonuses when it is released. Why didn't you shoot?"

Ge Xiaotian suddenly didn't know what to say.

The trajectory of life is mysterious and mysterious. So you don't want to be an actor now.

So here comes the problem.

Am I taking you to engage in engineering? Or let you make a movie?

By the way, Director Guan ran away, I'm afraid his movie won't be made.

In the future, no matter what people say, they will be very famous.

This "Get in the car, let's go" is probably a classic that I have never seen.

Counting on Takamatsu and the others, I am afraid they will be made into bad movies.

"Oh, let's do it!" Ge Xiaotian patted Shuaibo on the back, "See you tomorrow at the UFO gym!"


The lively dinner lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening.

The end of the field also means a formal holiday.

Those who are close to home took the bus back overnight.

For those who are far away from home, the company provides tickets, and I will take the Dajin Cup to the train station tomorrow morning.

Ge Xiaotian drank a little too much, and it was too late, so he lived in the company's residence.

Three o'clock in the morning.

In a deep sleep, he suddenly woke up from a dream.

Ge Xiaotian was a little suspicious that all he drank recently was fake wine!

After drinking with Ge Wangwang, I woke up with dry mouth and splitting headache.

The meal last night weighed less than a catty, and she became dizzy, tinnitus, and auditory hallucinations!


It's an auditory hallucination!


Very euphemistic, very desolate, in the middle of the night, it makes people's scalp numb and panicked.

However, listening to it, the song became exciting again, with the urge to kick the table.


It seems to be the background music of the Water Margin, and it is a bit like a general order, or an adaptation of a flower...

Ge Xiaotian felt that it might not be an auditory hallucination.

Throw the wine-smelling suit into the duckling washing machine, look through the cabinets, change into a leather jacket and jeans, and walk out of the dormitory.

As soon as Taoist monk went to study ultra-light metal plates, Li Long and Li Hu became personal bodyguards again.

Li Long is on duty tonight.

"Aaron, did you hear anything?"

"Someone is playing the suona, no, it's a group of people!"

"It's evil, I haven't heard that there are black and white things in the village!" Ge Xiaotian walked around holding the thermos cup, smoking and drinking, and lit a cigarette, "It's hazy, can you hear where it's coming from?"

"It seems to be Tianyu's side!"


Tianyu has equipment, but no technicians. Could it be someone from the acquired entertainment company?

so hardworking?

"Go, go and have a look!"


Tianyu Film and Television Center is a third-level university that has removed system functions.

The civil structure is three storeys high and covers an area of ​​about 800 square meters.

All kinds of equipment inside are available from shooting to post-production, and more than 30 million have been spent successively.

Tian Cheng didn't make much money, most of it was raised from the branch.

For example, Tianle Tourism paid 5 million yuan, Tianwei Catering paid 3 million yuan, Tianbao Antiques paid 2 million yuan, and Tianheng Auto Trade paid 6 million yuan...

This is the advantage of a comprehensive enterprise, which does not occupy the capital chain of the main company.

When Tianyu officially develops, it can also feed back those branches that have helped him.

Come to the film and television center.

The curtains were closed tightly, no light could be seen.

As one of the chief managers of Tianwei, Li Long has the keys of all departments, even if the front door is locked, he can open it directly.

The hall was dark, but the distant studios were brightly lit.

At this moment, I finally heard the symphony of suona, pipa, erhu, bells and drums.

Ge Xiaotian remembered a sentence.

The thousand-year-old pipa and the ten thousand-year zither play an erhu for a lifetime, and the sound of the suona ends the whole play.

"Which department?! Hurry up and go back to record, we have to turn over at dawn!"

Standing in a daze, a trembling old man came out of the bathroom, saw the two of them, and immediately scolded them.

Ge Xiaotian blinked and signaled Li Long to go to other places first, while he stepped forward, "Mr., I'm so busy that I'm dizzy. There are so many rooms, I can't find my department."

The old man frowned, "Which academy are you from?"

Ge Xiaotian was a little astonished. He thought he was an employee of the acquired entertainment company, but now he doesn't look like it. Could it be Dongshan Radio Station? Immediately made up and said: "I am a fresh graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts!"

"Oh? Academy of Fine Arts? Academy of Art?! People with old money, go to the third room on the left, the art room! Hurry up, Tianyu was on holiday yesterday, and I don't know if it can continue to be rented after dawn, so finish the work at hand as soon as possible! "


Ge Xiaotian trotted to the art room.

More than a dozen men and women are guarding two or three computers, busily crackling.

There are also some people sitting in front of the drawing board and scribbling.

very busy!

Ge Xiaotian moved behind a certain young man, who was actually dealing with the 'Fengxue Mountain Temple'!

Lin Chong, the leopard head, carrying a seven-foot flower gun on his shoulders, wearing a bamboo hat and hanging a veteran's flagon, stepped on the snow that buried his ankles, and left the blazing grassland that reflected half of the sky...

The picture gradually blurred, and a small poem emerged:

The sky is full of wind and snow, endless sadness, a pot of dirty wine, extremely melancholy.

Justice is dead, ask heaven, where is the way?

End credits:

Outlaws of the Marsh: Lin Chong (scene drama version) - produced by Tianyu.

Xiaoqingshan Tourism Development Zone is specially sponsored by Tianle Tourism.

Director: None.

Planning: None.

Props design: Tianyu Film and Television, Hope Primary School in Sancha Township, and Lee Brothers Garment Factory.

Camera: Dongshan Radio Station, Xiangxian Radio Station, Yunxian Radio Station...

Artist: All the teachers and students of the Art Department of Dongshan Academy of Arts.

Soundtrack: All teachers and students of Dongshan Music Association and Music Department of Dongshan Art College.

Editing: Dongshan Art College, Dongshan Normal University...

Lyricist: Dongshan Cultural Palace, Writers Association.

Opening song: To be determined.

Interlude: "Major Song Lin Chong's Night Rush" "Excerpt from General Order - Transposition"


Producer: Dongshan Education Bureau...

Ge Xiaotian was really surprised.

This group of people can't make the scene drama into a movie, right?

Also, so many departments?

Are you free? !

Um, not right!

From a businessman's point of view, if this film becomes popular, not only Xiaoqingshan will be promoted, but the radio station will make money, the school will be famous, and the Music Association and Writers Association will also benefit.

"Who are you?"

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked in from the door, seemed to know him, and asked tentatively, "Mr. Ge?"

Ge Xiaotian came back to his senses, thinking of the old man he met when he entered the door, the other person seemed to say "Old Qian", "Hello, are you Dean Qian?"

The principal can't shout randomly, but the dean is a respectful name, which can represent many capable and prestigious people.

It doesn't matter if you call it wrong, as long as the last name is correct.

"Yes!" The man surnamed Qian obviously didn't expect Ge Xiaotian to know him, and greeted him warmly: "Mr. Ge, please sit down!"

"Thank you, I wonder if this is your side?"

"Reediting the characters of the Water Margin. Alas, Tianyu is on holiday, but it's hard for us!" The man surnamed Qian asked for two cups of hot water, "Originally planned to work in two shifts, finish it within a week, and release the first ten episodes first. Never thought about it, it's approaching." During the Chinese New Year, students from Jiayuan asked for leave one after another to go home. Forty or fifty of them left. There was not enough manpower, so they had to be seconded from Dongshan Normal University. It will continue until the twenty-seventh of the new year, but Tianyu's film and television center will be used tomorrow, right?"

Ge Xiaotian was even more puzzled, "Dean Qian, it's just a few scenes, there's no need to be so laborious, right?"

"To take over these jobs, it is right for the students to practice their skills. When they graduate in July, it will be easier to find a job if they have a good work. Moreover, they cooperate with the radio station. Now that they are familiar with each other, they may be able to directly enter in the future."


One step first, every step first.

Ge Xiaotian stopped thinking about it, but changed his voice, "Dean Qian, may I ask, does your school have any plans to build a new school?"

"There is such a plan, but it is still under discussion."

"I have a university town plan here, and now two colleges are willing to move there, you can study it!" Ge Xiaotian called the resident Li Hu and asked him to send the document package.


"That's right, a vocational college, a civil engineering college! I believe you should have heard about Tian Cheng's acquisition of 6,000 mu of land in Jifu, right?!"

"Have heard!"

The name of Jinxiuchuan was chosen by the big leaders later, and the specific plan of the university town was determined when he went to the Civil Engineering College. Therefore, outsiders knew that Tiancheng had won 6,000 mu of land, and knew that he was going to build a university town, but they didn't know How to do it.

"We plan to rely on the Jinxiuchuan Reservoir to build a 'new city' with a school-enterprise joint nature. We have already received the support of the leaders of Dongshan University, and we have special issues..."

"In addition, if the Academy of Art settles in, we can open excellent sketching sites to your school for free, such as Canal Ancient Town, Qingshan Ancient City, East Lake Sluice..."

"In the future, there will be an animal and plant park with the theme of 'Ten Miles of Peach Blossom', and the East Lake Film and Television City, which has a sense of war art and is about to start construction!"

"Also, the UFO Stadium and the Lotus Stadium are all operated by Tiancheng. We can hold some good voice, good song and other selection contests with our sole proprietorship, which will help improve the status of our Art Academy in society..."

"After the university town is completed, the operation will be natural. I think there should be many poor families who come to us to study art. We can provide college students with subsidized projects..."

"Mr. Ge!" Dean Qian stretched out his left hand to stop Ge Xiaotian, and took out his mobile phone with his right hand, "Wait, I'll call the principal!"

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