Build Madness

Chapter 203 Anxious Art Academy

Dean Qian only made two calls.

Moreover, during the Spring Festival holiday, the two school leaders are in their hometowns in other places, visiting relatives and friends, and it is difficult to come here.

Such an important matter cannot be decided by just one or two people, so the two parties made an appointment to discuss it after school starts.

The new campus was not well planned, and Ge Xiaotian was not in a hurry, so he left the agreement, and Shi Shi ran away amidst the murderous suona sound.

With so many favorable conditions listed, Dongshan Art Institute will definitely move in.

Consumption items seem to be able to make money, but contracting canteens and supermarkets is not as simple as imagined.

In the past, these projects required relationships to obtain, but in recent years, news of dead rats, food poisoning, hepatitis B infection, etc. have emerged one after another. Many formal colleges and universities have begun to cooperate with large catering companies for their own reputation.

Dean Qian must have eaten Tianwei Food and Beverages, and if the consumption items were handed over to Tian Cheng, the school would lose a burden.

Supermarkets, dormitories, free admission, various activities beneficial to the school...

Does Dongshan Academy of Art have any reason for rejection?

Certainly not!

In fact, it is not difficult to introduce colleges and universities into Jinxiuchuan University City, but the difficulty is to introduce civil engineering colleges.

Because at that time, there were too many problems that Tiancheng, the school, and even the local government could not solve.

But when the leaders of Dongshan University decided to intervene and set up a special team for special affairs, things became easier.

Tian Cheng was in charge of throwing out the olive branch, listing the conditions enough to impress the school, such as school relocation, enrollment, ownership, administrative level, etc., all went to the special team.

Therefore, there is a special team here to pull the big banner. As long as Tiancheng sends out an invitation letter similar to "investment invitation", there will definitely be an endless stream of schools that want to expand their scale.

But considering future development, he had to choose carefully, looking for a school that was beneficial to Tiancheng.

Needless to say, the School of Civil Engineering will be able to recruit future graduates.

In addition to music, art, and dance, the School of Art also includes photography, vision, advertising, graphic, film and television director, film and television production, product design, animation painting, etc.

Almost every major and branch office needs it!

The last college he considered was light industry, recruiting machinery manufacturing and automation, electrical engineering and automation, electronic information engineering, bioengineering and technology, robotics engineering and so on.

Back to the dormitory, thinking wildly.

Ge Xiaotian didn't take off his clothes, he lay on the rocking chair and covered himself with a quilt and squinted for a while.

Woke up again, washed my face and went to the tavern for breakfast.

The company was on holiday, the employees went home, and there were very few tourists in the scenic area, so the Tiancheng Canteen was temporarily closed, and the work was handed over to taverns and food stalls.

"What to eat?"

There are not so many bad things, the old man Ren Zhongqiang is getting stronger and stronger, seeing him coming, he immediately decides to cook a delicious meal himself, called morning tea!

"Chee cheong fun, steamed shrimp dumplings, and salty porridge."

Ge Xiaotian is not used to drinking morning tea, he feels that if he doesn't eat something salty in the morning, he will feel weak.

Either nibble on some pickle sticks, or have some crispy cucumbers marinated in pepper, or add more salt to your soy milk…

Good morning, listeners and friends. Xiangxian Broadcasting wishes everyone a better harvest in the new day. Please let us enjoy the unknown song sung by Ge Xiaotian, the boss of Tiancheng. Secretly recorded at the company annual meeting! '

Familiar and unfamiliar voices came from the radio.

It seems to be the unrestrained female reporter who was the commentator in the first football match in Sancha Township.

When did you tune in to the radio station?

Ge Xiaotian ate the steamed dumplings, and gave a thumbs up to Mr. Ren. The latter showed a kind smile, untied his apron, picked up a thermos bottle to make a pot of tea, and sat beside him.

The passionate guitar sounded, and the heroic singing resounded through the tavern.

Except for the first song Cheers, which is used for drinking, most of the others are inspirational songs, which are simple, clear and powerful.

If the singing is too euphemistic, the employees will not understand. The singing was too gentle, and the scene was noisy, so I probably couldn't hear it clearly.

Swallowing the food in two or three bites, Ge Xiaotian flicked his fingers, appreciating quietly while beating the beat.

I never thought I could sing so well!


The phone rang.

An unknown number!


"Mr. Ge, I'm Lao Qian, we met in the morning!"

"Oh? Dean Qian, hello!" Ge Xiaotian was a little confused, so he just made an appointment to meet and talk in detail. Could it be that the other party is going to change his mind?

"Mr. Ge, our school wants to learn about the specifics of moving into Jinxiuchuan University City as soon as possible. Do you have time?"

"Yes! Are you still at the Tianyu Film and Television Center? Shall I go?"

"Good Mr. Ge!"

In such a hurry?

Ge Xiaotian put down his phone, feeling that things were a little weird.

Immediately dialed the phone number of Professor Hu of the School of Civil Engineering and asked him to help inquire.


During the Spring Festival holiday, old professors from various colleges and universities gather together to play cards, chess, and drink tea.

So, I heard about it while chatting!

The School of Civil Engineering keeps pace with the times, and with the help of the network platform, solicits the building appearance, name and function of the new campus, attracting countless senior high school students who are at home on vacation.

Although candidates may not necessarily apply for the exam, with the help of this turmoil and the new campus to be built, they will be able to obtain the qualification to expand enrollment next year.

Then the School of Civil Engineering made another move and flew directly to the capital. After returning, they actually obtained the qualification of 'pilot undergraduate'.

Pilot undergraduate ah!

Since Huaxia decided to set up this category in 1998, it is the first one in Dongshan!

You know, self-study is easy to get into a junior college or a bachelor’s degree, and the score is low, but it is difficult to graduate after being admitted.

Self-study undergraduates must take at least 24 subjects, all of which are based on China's unified test questions.

One-third of the pilot undergraduates can arrange school exams, the passing rate depends on the school, and the remaining two-thirds will be subject to the Huaxia Unified Examination. The odds are higher and you can experience full-time university life.

This is undoubtedly a fatal attraction for candidates who are unwilling to review after failing the exam and want to go to university.

The School of Civil Engineering can get this qualification, not only relying on its own strength, it is very likely that the special team or the big leader helped to apply!

All the colleges and universities were moved, especially Dongshan Academy of Art.

In recent years, more and more UEC students have gradually poured into art examinations in order to get into a good university. Due to the advantages of cultural courses, many professional art candidates have been squeezed out. It is acceptable to fail once. I have seen four or five times of it?

The most important thing is that a vocational school that had rented a factory area as a campus in such a down-to-earth place became directly affiliated to the province overnight.

The leaders of the School of Art couldn't help but ask the leaders of the School of Civil Engineering and Engineering to find out what they said, and immediately made a decision to join Tiancheng, no, to join Jinxiuchuan University City.


Hearing about the changes in the School of Civil Engineering, Ge Xiaotian clicked his tongue.

A great leader is a great leader;

Universities are also graded.

For example, 985 and 211 just appeared, one batch and two batches. In addition, they are divided into Huaxia Directly, Provincial and Ministry Directly, Provincial Directly, Local, Ordinary, Private, Adult, etc., including professional level and administrative level.

a little complicated.

However, the local civil engineering college has become directly under the provincial government, and Professor Hu and the others will also upgrade their own level if they think about it.

If you work hard to improve the quality of teaching and put the word "key point" on it, it is estimated that 985 and 211 are not dreams...

Well, there is a long way to go, come on.

Find Dean Qian.

"Mr. Ge, our school leader didn't answer the phone when he went out for morning exercises in the morning. He just dialed back. Hearing about Jinxiuchuan University City, he wanted to confirm the settlement!"

"How do we talk about this?" Ge Xiaotian was very entangled, he didn't want to go to Jifu again after the Chinese New Year.

"On the phone?"

"Then how can you tell?"

Ge Xiaotian pondered for a while, took out his mobile phone and called the 'Millennium Bug' team.

I remember that some time ago, Xiao Huang set up a corporate chat room for training, and it might be useful.


There is no group yet.

UC is not, and BBS and public chat rooms are not safe.

Not long.

Seven art academy leaders, five special team members, plus Ge Xiaotian, a total of thirteen people entered the chat room one after another.

Ge Xiaotian first repeated the generous treatment that Tiancheng could give, then pasted and copied it and sent it to the school.

As for the others, the School of Civil Engineering will make the template, and they will negotiate with the members of the special group separately, and just follow the process.

After finishing what he was supposed to do, Ge Xiaotian was idle and bored, and dragged the mouse to look through the background of the chat room.

Suddenly, he saw a very magical name!

'Older than'!

The chat room needs to register a user name, and then enter according to the password set by the Y2K team.

He discussed the specific content with Professor Qian in reality, and entered relatively late, and did not see the prompt of 'Old Yu' entering the chat room at all.

'Old Yu' didn't speak during the communication between the two parties, so he didn't pay attention to each other.


Old Yu who, as the name suggests.

That's right, the leader of Dongshan University will write that I am the leader of Dongshan University when he registers his username? !

It seems that the special team is really good at grasping with one hand!

It's not easy, I have to get up early in the morning to turn on the computer.

The negotiation between the school and the special team went smoothly, and it took half an hour to finalize all the details before signing the settlement agreement in reality.


Just when everyone thought the matter was confirmed, Ge Xiaotian received five applications to join the chat room!

The beginning of the three Dongshan crafts, the suffixes are their respective identities.

The two Dongshan operas begin with the same suffix with their respective identities.

What the hell?

Ge Xiaotian asked the Y2K team from the background.

The aftermath of the recent Internet war between Huaxia and Laomei has not dissipated. The team members dare not slack off in the slightest, and have been on the alert to prevent hackers from intruding.

"Boss, it's the IP of Jifu. According to the school and enterprise directory, the identity is true, and the background has not been attacked, so it should be fine!"

After getting a definite reply, Ge Xiaotian approved the other party's application.

Dongshan Institute of Technology, some majors conflict with the Art Institute, but she prefers collections, crafts and other aspects.

Such as weaving, embroidery, weaving, ceramics...

Needless to say, the Academy of Chinese Opera contains music with all national characteristics.

The moment the two joined the chat room, several school representatives from the Academy of Art immediately started fighting among themselves.

It turned out that the two professors from the School of Art, respectively serving as vice-principals at the School of Technology and the School of Chinese Opera, couldn't help but leak the news to both parties.

Good guy, the two colleges later saw that their second-in-command was scolded, so they directly helped out.

It's not about swearing, but various runs through typing.

There should be some grievances among the three families, and the relationship seems to be complicated, Ge Xiaotian looked very tangled.

It's like, my cousin hit my cousin, my brother-in-law passed by, I couldn't help but join the battle group, who to help?

"Are you done talking?" Old Yu suddenly spoke.

"This is our leader!" Ge Xiaotian didn't dare to type in the chat room, and told Professor Qian directly in reality.

The latter quickly called.

The School of Art suddenly died down.

But there was no tip-off from the second head, and the two colleges later didn’t know about it. Seeing that the art college confessed, they were even more proud, and the ironic jokes came one after another...

Then, considering that they were all old friends, Lao Qian contacted the two 'internal traitors' again.

The chat room was finally quiet.

Old Yu: "Let's do this. The School of Chinese Opera has regressed a lot in recent years. Why not merge it into the School of Art and become a Department of Chinese Opera, and move to Jinxiuchuan University City together. I will apply to my superiors later! The Institute of Technology has been doing well in recent years. , look at this year's results, if it is not good, it will be merged into the School of Art and become the Department of Crafts!"

Old Yu quit the chat room.

Academy of Chinese Opera: "???"

Looking at the prompt in the background, Ge Xiaotian almost burst out laughing.

In a matter of minutes, an ordinary undergraduate college is gone!

Worthy of being a great leader!

"Well, you guys talk, I will withdraw first!"

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