Build Madness

Chapter 204 The Adventures of Old Hong

After exiting the chat room, Dean Qian laughed and stood up, "Brother Ge, thank you very much!"

Ge Xiaotian shook hands with him dumbfounded, the name changed so quickly!

However, he understood what the other party was expressing.

No one can guarantee what the future will be like for Dongshan Academy of Arts to settle in Jinxiuchuan University Town. Even if Tiancheng offers countless favorable conditions, those are only supporting facilities. For the school, the most important thing is the faculty, the level of the school, and the enrollment plan.

Now it has annexed an ordinary undergraduate college without signing a settlement agreement, and its strength has skyrocketed, and there is a comparable technical college waiting behind it...

I'm afraid that the leaders of the School of Art will wake up laughing from their dreams tonight.

The leader of Dongshan University is playing this trick wonderfully!

If word gets out...

The School of Civil Engineering settled in Jinxiuchuan and obtained the qualification for pilot undergraduate programs.

Dongshan Academy of Arts settled in Jinxiuchuan and annexed Quyi Academy.

What would other colleges think?

That meaning is simply a blatant expression: No matter what you think of Tian Cheng, I, Lao Yu, the leader of Dongshan University is here, whoever comes will benefit!

Have courage!

Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a soul-stirring feeling.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a text message: Leader, Happy Chinese New Year! My mother fried some food at home, croquettes, fried coupler boxes, fried crispy meat, fried small yellow flowers... I asked the driver who purchased the steel to deliver them to you.

Without waiting for a reply from the other side, he immediately called his mother: "Mom, fried some Chinese New Year food, I want to give it away!"

Then he informed Da Mao: "Tomorrow, I will go to the Jifu compound and send some things."

After finishing the work, Dean Qian seemed to understand something, and the smile on his face became more cordial, "Brother..."

"Dean, you should call me Xiao Ge, or Xiao Tian!"

"Haha, I feel that we hit each other very well. Academics don't know borders, and friends don't know ages..."

Ge Xiaotian has black lines all over his head, why are you so much better than Lao Hu (Professor Hu of the Design Institute)...


"Don't call me old Qian! Brother Qian!"


Ge Xiaotian was silent for a moment, and asked a joke that was widely circulated on the Internet, "Qian... Brother! Why are the tuition fees of our art colleges generally so high? It is almost twice that of other colleges?"

"This..." Dean Qian rubbed his bearded chin, "It's a bit complicated."

"Is it like what is said on the Internet that the reason for the high fees is to prevent children from poor families from going astray? Because it is too difficult to find a job after graduation, and it is easy to starve to death on the street without a family?"

"It's a bunch of nonsense!" Dean Qian stared wide-eyed, and he didn't even call him brother, "Xiaoge, you can't listen to nonsense on the Internet, it involves the reputation of the institution! As for the high fees..."

Dean Qian tapped his fingers and slid across the recording studio, sound effects team, editing room, special effects team, etc. next to him, "How much will Tianyu rent us?"

"I rarely participate in the management and operation of the branch."

"One hundred thousand a day! If you put it outside, the price of renting a recording studio is more than that. If you charge according to the track, the price will be even more expensive. Although we have professional tutors as sound engineers, the price can be lowered, but people may not agree. Substitution."

"In addition, regardless of photos or videos, post-production equipment is very expensive, and software, materials, audio, etc. need to be purchased, depreciated, worn out, and there are many students in colleges..."

"Students in arts and sciences can write articles or calculate formulas by buying a notebook and a pen, but art students want to hone their professional knowledge, so they can't do it without spending money!"

"As for the employment issue..." Dean Qian laughed, "At Tianyu, the salaries of photographers, videographers, editors, and sound engineers should be higher than those of the management, right?"

"Sorry, we don't!"


Ge Xiaotian was telling the truth.

He also thought that there were these people in the acquired entertainment company and crew.

However, when it was brought back for reorganization, it was discovered that in addition to the crew, individual editors and screenwriters, seven or eight companies could not even gather half of the post-production team.

It's not the leather bag company, but they hand over the post-production to other companies.

After all, no one is rich enough to buy tens of millions of equipment first, and then make a movie with an investment of hundreds of thousands and tens of millions...

Dean Qian was speechless.

Tens of millions of equipment are left here. If the radio station didn't invite them over, it would probably be...

What a waste!

Look at the six computers at the door of the editing room, which are dedicated computers for digital non-linear editing with large-capacity memory.

A top graphics card with 3dfx installed.

One installed NVIDIA's latest graphics card, which is also the industry's first 32-bi graphics card, RIVA TNT2 Uitra!

An Athion (Athlon) processor that seems to be customized from AMD is equipped with a flash memory that he has never heard of, and ATI's latest Rage 128GL graphics chip is installed...

An MGA with Matrox installed.

A Permedia with 3DLabs installed!

The last one has two processors installed, but neither can be turned on!

Facing Dean Qian's eyes as if looking at a prodigal son, Ge Xiaotian spread his hands.

He doesn't want this either!


In the next year, Tiancheng will upgrade its architectural qualifications, and the design and research institute will be officially listed.

Expand the establishment, expand the scale, and expand the number of professional computers.

What professional graphics card to use for graphics will be a good choice in the future, such as Nvidia's Quadro P6000 or AMD's Radeon Pro SSG.

But in this era, AMD has not yet acquired ATI, it is only a processor.

As for Nvidia, the current Quadro series is very good for PS, but for CAD, manufacturing design, and video simulation, it is estimated that it will have to wait.

And the graphics card market is full of hegemony. Some are dying, but their products are still solid, and some are just born, and their performance is not bad.

However, no matter what, last year's Card King, the Nvidia GeForce 256 that changed history, only had 32M video memory.

Very limited.

Therefore, he considered the concept of graphics card crossfire.

Find a manufacturer to help develop dozens, or even hundreds of systems that display cores working together, dedicated to drawing.

So the question is, who to turn to?

Let's compare and compare first, and when I have money, I will buy it back!


Ambition could not bear the busy life, six computers were left in the editing room for half a month, he never thought of it!

Now, Ge Xiaotian finally remembered.

He took out his mobile phone and called Lao Hong.

At the time of comparison, he remembered another time and space, either this year or next year, when Ge Wangwang went to the construction site to borrow money, he told him a sentence: the magic card in my mind, the xxx series launched by 3dfx, will die In the stomach.

Ge Xiaotian: Why?

Ge Wangwang: 3dfx was acquired by Nvidia for 100 million yuan, and the company was dissolved. My God, a company with a market value of tens of billions of dollars lost the lawsuit...

Ge Xiaotian couldn't remember the rest.

Men love to play games, and he is no exception, but he is not Ge Wangwang. He majored in civil engineering, not computers. He only knows the names of certain graphics card companies, memory companies, and system companies, but he does not know their history.


Lao Hong spent 20 million to set up researchers for the study of remote control systems. Some of them are in Xiangjiang University of Science and Technology, some are in American universities, and some are in Silicon Valley. At that time, he asked him to help. How many people happened to be there? The designers who know 3dfx seem to have had business dealings with their headquarters before.

Ge Xiaotian didn't think about the acquisition at all, after all, Tiancheng still owes a loan of 300 million dollars, how could there be 100 million dollars.

Moreover, the graphics card is a graphics card, without a compatible CPU, interface, system, plug-in, and software, it is useless to design it.

Even if there is a golden finger, the foreign technology blockade against China is still tight. If you want to develop the "I am ashamed of the enemy, I will take off his clothes" that you want to play, you need to wait for Tiancheng to have tens of billions or hundreds of billions of funds to come up with your own. computer.

His idea at the time was to ask researchers to help recruit a few designers.

What are you doing?

Of course it is to study the "graphics crossfire" system!

In this way, what other manufacturers are you looking for?

witty? !

The phone connects.

"Old Hong, where are you? I didn't see you at the company's annual meeting!"

"Boss, I'm coming to San Jose! Wow, beaches, beautiful women, sailing boats!"


You bad old man!

Ge Xiaotian immediately thought of his 20 million.

Open the system map, drag back and forth, and find...

Ten of my own spearmen went to the back of the earth!

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"What do you say?"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. Seeing that our company is going to be on vacation, I talked to the old leader and asked him to help with the visa application. I bought another 20 air tickets and brought the researchers recruited by our company together. When I came to Laomei, I inspected the technology companies that cooperated with Xiangjiang University. Their financial situation was not very good, and they lost more than 5 million yuan! Paying five million to buy a basement with only a dozen computers, which is not even comparable to our showroom in an auto trade city, and paying so much tax, fooling fools? How could I be willing? Just bring all their research The personnel and the exchanged two and a half million dollars ran away!"

"And then? How did you go to San Jose?"

"Hey, the beauty is in chaos!" Lao Hong's voice was full of fear, "We left Silicon Valley and found a small hotel outside. People are inevitably a little nervous in a foreign country. I go to the bathroom, oh, a small hotel There is no toilet in the room, it is a public toilet! I have to bring 2.5 million dollars and ten Tianwei to go to the public toilet! I never thought that when I walked into the lobby, I would meet six or seven strong black men! They were very friendly at first , seems to be giving me a present, a very delicate suitcase!"

"We don't know each other well, how can we pick it up? I was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so I walked with the money box and shook my head."

"However, they took out another suitcase from nowhere and insisted on stuffing it into my arms, and then snatched our money box..."

Ge Xiaotian frowned and thought, how come Lao Hong and the others are so familiar with this scene? !

Old Hong was still talking: "Ten Tianwei are around, how can our hard-earned money be robbed? Huh, huh, 10 chopsticks flew out, and the strong black man just took out his gun and all lay down."

"And then? Did you call the police?"

"We fought a lot when we were young. What's the point of this shit? It's better to have less than one more thing in foreign countries. I thought, since people give us boxes, we can't do without them, right, boss? You did the same thing when you arrested Shangwu. Said so!"

"???" Can it be the same? !

"I asked Tianwei to pick up two suitcases and pick up the firearms by the way. However, another group of strong black men came up to them. What the hell, they even gave me suitcases!"

"???" Did you come across some kind of deal? !

"We all have three suitcases, how can we ask for it! The researchers are sleeping, and Tianwei and I can't speak English, so we continue to shake our heads, thinking that we should stop going to the toilet, and go back to sleep quickly! But, what did they say?" They didn’t let them go, they pointed at the three suitcases in our hands, we didn’t know what we were talking about, and some people pulled out their guns…”

"Then what?"

"Everyone has stated that they are going to grab it, so they must act first!"

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, he was sure that Lao Hong had met some kind of deal, "Don't tell me, how many more suitcases do you have in your hand?"

"No, just one!" Old Hong seemed to be lighting a cigarette, "Boss, I bought you a box of Cuban cigars!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just get the hell out of here!" Ge Xiaotian didn't care about respecting the old man anymore, this old guy did this when he went abroad for the first time, so don't be sentenced to not come back for hundreds of years.

"No, boss, it will be more exciting later!"


"There were so many strong black men lying there, I was scared, so I took Tianwei and more than 20 researchers to the airport overnight, preparing to return home. However, the airport on their side is on a certain island, and they need to take a boat. How can there be a boat in the middle of the night? We found a shelter at the port, and I was curious about what was in the box, so I opened it and took a look. Boss, guess what’s in it?"


"Two boxes of Franklin, a total of ten million dollars! The other box is full of noodles!"

"Hiss..." Although Ge Xiaotian had already guessed something, but with a suitcase in his face, I'm afraid this matter...

"Although I don't understand, in China, let alone a pack, even a small group will be shot. Thinking of Shang Wu and the others, I hurried to the port. The noodles are all in packs, so I just pack them in one pack. spilled into the sea. However, just spilled a packet..."

"What's the matter?"

"When I came next door, there was a cruise ship. It turned on its searchlights and shot around. When it caught me, it blew its whistle. I thought it was the police. I was so scared that I almost peed, and quickly threw the box into the sea."

"Then what?"

"The other party didn't know what happened, but they also dropped a box from the cruise ship..."


Lao Hong sighed a little, "The box is floating in the sea, no one is sure of the direction, and the little north wind is whizzing. Before I run away, the suitcases thrown out and other people's suitcases all come back to me!"

"Why don't you just come back and make a movie, it's called Meijiu!"

"It's not embarrassing, this is life! The searchlight on the other side saw this scene, yelled, and quickly rushed down a dozen black strong men, black clothes and black pants, with various tattoos. Good man! I quickly picked up the box and ran..."

"What the hell are you..."

"That's how the other side shoots. It's like Chinese New Year! However, although our Tianwei's chopsticks can't fly that far, we still have guns!"

Ge Xiaotian didn't know what to say anymore.

"We just ran and fought back. In the middle of the night, we couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south. We ran... We went back to the place where the boxes were dropped!"


"The cruise ship has already docked, and there are only two people on board. After the two chopsticks are dealt with, we will run into the captain's room. Tianwei and the researchers will not drive, but what am I, old Hong, doing?!"


"We ran away in the boat!" Lao Hong took a puff of his cigarette, and the sound seemed to be a cigar!

This old thing!

"And then? To San Jose?"

"No! Although we know how to sail, the old beautiful things are flashy, and I can't understand the various instruments, and I can't tell the direction even if the lights are blind. We drove and came to an island!"


"The island has a port, and there are people in the port, who even waved to us... It was very lively and enthusiastic, and my heart trembled because of the enthusiasm!"


"A group of black people carrying AKs!"

"With the previous group?"

"I don't know, the other party has fired their guns. I'm afraid. It just so happened that there were several tubes on the boat, so Tianwei fired two shots!"

"???" It's over, this old thing should not go back to China.

"Boom...we've landed on the island! Actually, there's nothing good on the island, only three suitcases and two large oil drums!"

"Old Hong, have you ever played a game?"


"Eat chicken!"

"What kind of chicken are you eating! I really miss the spicy fried chicken at our food stall, hey, I'm homesick, it's so messy outside!"

"And you went to San Jose?"

"No, we packed eight boxes and two large oil drums, saw the strong black man who was injured by two shells wailing there, thought about throwing them to the nearest hospital, and saved them from dying. Think, just after leaving the harbor, I encountered a warship!"


"I was terrified at the time! I frantically hid the boxes, but the cruise ship is not very big, like two houses, where can I hide it? I'm done thinking!"

"Then what?"

"The old American soldiers are really strong! Three white men boarded the cruise ship and pointed guns at us to understand the situation. Tianwei and I can't speak English, so we asked the scientific researchers to help explain."


"The scientific research personnel took out their respective documents, pointed at the wounded lying on the ground and chattered for a long time, and then...the white soldier actually gave me a thumbs up, saying something like 'dark meat' and 'uncle slow', this foreigner , They scolded me! If there were no warships nearby, I would have asked Tianwei to bring them some chopsticks!"

"What the hell!" Ge Xiaotian was completely speechless, "What did the researchers say?"

"I found out afterward that the researchers said they were kidnapped by a strong black man, and Tianwei and I rescued them. The wounded on the ground and a suitcase that happened to be exposed were the evidence... A group of soldiers are not police officers, and they don't seem to care about it , but it’s a credit to meet us. After finding out our identities, we happily took the black wounded and a suitcase with noodles and left. When we left, a senior official with an old eagle on his shoulder gave me a badge. ..."

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