Build Madness

Chapter 205 Can't afford the company and poach people

Carrying an old eagle on his shoulders, I remember seeing it in a certain movie, it should be a captain of the navy.

The badge is probably not a medal.

Meritorious deeds are of great significance to soldiers, and it is not easy to give them away. It may be a commemorative self-made badge.

It's so weird!

Ge Xiaotian was very envious of Lao Hong's miraculous experience.

Wait until you come back and find a main line to string together, and it will be a Hollywood blockbuster!


Must shoot!

It also let the group of people who worship foreign countries in China see how chaotic foreign countries are.


One box of noodles, seven boxes of Franklin, it must not be that simple behind this matter.

Black list, organization, navy, transaction...

It is not suitable to shoot a movie in China, so it is better to go to the local area.

It seems that we have to keep an eye on the news recently!

If you go to the other side of North America to shoot, even if you are not in Silicon Valley, maybe people will come to you.

Ge Xiaotian took a deep breath, turned on the computer that had just been shut down, created a document, and quickly wrote down the matter. Thinking of the graphics card, he asked:

"Old Hong, I want to ask you something!"

"What's the matter boss?"

"The 3dfx company that asked you to help consult a month ago, how is it now?"

"I don't know much about this, let's find a researcher to tell you!"

In just a moment, a series of fluent and authentic English was transmitted from the mobile phone loudspeaker to the ears.

Ge Xiaotian was slightly taken aback.


I can't even understand English!

How can it be?

In another time and space, we are also people who have passed CET-6!

But now, he really can't understand, and he can't speak!

It's not the kind of complete ignorance, but...

Can understand individual words, like I love you, English, hero, Super Man, but can't form sentences!

Ge Xiaotian was stunned.

What the hell happened?

Didn't absorb the memory of the previous life, could it be that part of it was lost?

Patting his forehead, the system page suddenly popped up.


Ge Xiaotian's eyes were fixed on the icon of 'Hammer and Anvil' in the center.

set up? !

Change Simplified Chinese to English?

"Godfather? Are you still listening?"


It worked!

I learned... sixteen languages ​​in an instant? !

But what the hell is the godfather? !

"Hello, welcome to join Tiancheng!"

"Yes Godfather, I am honored to join Hong! Jack is also very happy to serve you!"

what red? !

Ge Xiaotian has a feeling that the donkey's head is wrong with the ponytail. Could it be that the brains of scientific researchers are jumping so frequently?

Sometimes Taoist monks can't understand what they say, it has nothing to do with the language, it's a state.

"How is 3dfx company recently?"

"Since the acquisition of STB the year before last, becoming a graphics card manufacturer, and pushing partners to competitors, the business situation has been very bad. Their executive director Greg just resigned last month. The latest Voodoo4 is simply a pity for the loyal users of 3dfx, and Voodoo5 …Faced with such an unfavorable situation, they still want to buy other companies with 180 million US dollars to win Microsoft’s XBOX chip order. , and Microsoft!"

"From your point of view, it seems that you are very familiar with them?"

"Yes, to study the remote control system, we need a large number of high-end graphics cards that can support 3D images. We have cooperated with 3dfx in many aspects, but since they announced that their chips do not support the soft graphics API, Direct3D, we have signed a supply and demand contract with Nvidia. ..."

Ge Xiaotian was confused when he heard it, "So, 3dfx is almost finished?"

"Yes, Godfather!"

"Can you estimate how much money is needed to buy it?"

"According to the current market value, it should not be less than 500 million US dollars!"

Fifty-eight, four billion red notes!

Ge Xiaotian frowned, and searched for 3dfx's acquisition of other companies from the web.

If a super enterprise wants to close down in the short term, it must either bear high debts or acquire a large company with negative equity.

As the overlord of graphics chips in the 1990s, 3dfx must have been making profits. Even if it failed, it would not be a problem to earn tens of millions of dollars.

But in another time and space, Ge Wangwang told him that Nvidia only spent 100 million US dollars!

There must be a lot of inside information that he, an outsider, doesn't know.

It's a pity that the current Internet is not omnipotent, and there is no news of 3dfx's acquisition of other companies at all.

Moreover, seeing the trend of 3dfx's shares, he suddenly lost interest.

it feels like...

It's hard to describe.

In short, the other party's stock is definitely manipulated by the behind-the-scenes. Perhaps, some shareholders have already begun to withdraw their capital.

Five hundred million dollars?

I am afraid that what is bought back is only some intellectual property rights or patented technology.

For Tian Cheng, in Huaxia where the army of copycats and the army of hackers are rampant, these two things are almost useless.

What do we need?

Advanced R\u0026D technology!

As long as new products are released one generation after another, even if they are cracked or faked, they can still make money.

Since the company can't win, then poach people!

"Jack, let Lao Hong answer the phone!"


"When are you coming back?"

"When will we start working next year?"

"It takes ten days and half a month for the snow to melt. After the Lantern Festival, it will be the seventeenth day of the lunar calendar!"

"Then I will go back on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar!"

"Aren't you going back to your hometown for the New Year?"

"I'm a widowed old man. It's not interesting to stay at home alone. How nice it is here, with beaches, beauties, sailing boats, red wine, bodyguards..."


God damn bodyguards, those are the security personnel I sent to your mechanical department!

Ge Xiaotian was a little speechless for this bad old man who could change the car seat into a ponytail, transform a motorcycle into a glider, and transform a bicycle into a water donkey.


He suddenly thought of Jack, that is, the godfather that the researcher mentioned just now, Hong!

"Old Hong, what did you tell them?"

"Huh? Didn't say anything!" Lao Hong babbled, "With that badge, the North American Navy just checked it once and didn't care about us anymore, and we just drove the cruise ship to San Jose, eating, drinking, and having fun. By the way, tell the researchers, work hard, our boss is very powerful!"


Can it be great!

Shootouts, face-to-face, money, and a beach vacation when you're done...

This process!

That group of researchers, no, that group of nerds may not regard you as the black boss, right?

No wonder you call me Godfather!


Could it be? !


That group of people, wouldn't they regard Lao Hong's Hong as the Hong of a certain organization?

Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt a little pain.

No matter what, I love it!

"Well, keep an eye on the 3dfx company. The personnel inside can dig as much as they can. It's better to introduce a few new technologies about chips, integration, motherboards, etc., and let the researchers help you choose. Our 20 million red notes can be exchanged. The two and a half million dollars should be enough!"

"No, boss, what should we do with the thirty million dollars we picked up?"

"That's yours!"

"What? Boss, don't! I, Old Hong, understand some things, so please don't do this. The thirty million dollars belong to our company, not to me!"

"What you pick up is yours!"

"Then I lost it?"

"Throw it away!"


Ge Xiaotian ignored the old guy and hung up the phone directly.

Old Hong is definitely not willing to lose it. With his weird brain circuit, maybe he will open an account abroad and marry a beautiful female college student when he returns home.

at this time.

The TV in the hall of the film and television center began to broadcast the noon news.

Before I knew it, it was noon.

‘Good afternoon, audience friends, today is January 26, Wednesday. '

'international News……'

'...Following the mass shooting in Silicon Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, northern California, in the early morning of the 24th, American police have been involved in the investigation. The fourth force intervened and robbed 30 million US dollars and goods of the same value. None of the three parties responded to the specific goods.

'...The owner of a small hotel controlled by the police said that the fourth party force is composed of a group of Asian men who can kung fu and some American residents. Although the other party did not show their identity certificates, they mentioned "Hong" many times Character……'

'Yesterday, Colonel Tulus of the American Navy declared in a press conference that regarding shooting cases, the Navy will further strengthen coastline inspections and severely crack down on transnational smuggling and illegal transportation. The gang and the tripartite forces killed 14 armed traffickers in total, and seized white noodles worth a total of five million US dollars, as well as several guns and heavy weapons...'

‘Today, Colonel Tulus once again declared in a press conference that… more than 20 militants were killed and white noodles worth 10 million dollars were seized…’

? ? ?

Looking at the last two pieces of news, Ge Xiaotian was a little confused.

this colonel? !

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